Ava's Mailbox - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

can you make my tumblr as cute as yours?? thanks xo

sksksk thank you !!! it's a cute lil theme i found , you should be able to find the credit floating around somewhere ???? xx

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5 years ago

Your blog, headers, EVERYTHING are so pretty 🥰 and your writing!!

ahhHHhhh i'm gonna cry this is so nice omg !!!! also i think this is my first ask ....... whoever this is thank you so so much i cherish you with my whole heart♡♡♡♡♡♡xxxx

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5 years ago

HI OK so i’ve been meaning to send in this ask but ur header is so beautiful and i love ur theme so much!’ i hope we can be friends 🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖

++ and i love ur theme so much!’ i hope we can be friends 🥺🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖

bsjdbsn hi hello thank you omg !!!! ur page is so so cute too !!! i just changed my header like a day ago lol , what do you think ?xx && yes , for sure , i would love that~♡

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5 years ago

im in love with your writing :((((

thank u sweet anon im in love with u )))):

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5 years ago

Hey I loved your jungkook millshakes fic, but just so you know, noona isnt a gender neutral honorific...

oh my goodness anon i totally missed that , thank you so much for telling me !<3

just changed it♡ && thank you for reading !! xx

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5 years ago

I just found you but you seem so sweet and your layout is super cute!! Do you take requests?

ah thank you so much lovely , ur too kind !!!!xxx && i do , sweet anon , request to your hearts content ♡♡

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5 years ago

Hello there! Just wanted to drop by and say how much I enjoyed ‘insomnia’🥰 And whilst I’m here, your aesthetic is adorable! Hope you’re having a lovely day x

hi sweetest ! thank you so so much i'm glad you liked it !! ♡♡xx

&& wow thank you !!! hope this week is a great week for you !! (: x

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5 years ago

December already?! Hi! How are you doing? I hope the weather is alright where you are 'cause it's very rainy where I am. Would you rather it be a cold and snowy Christmas or a bright and sunny Christmas? - Your Secret Santa, Twinkle

hi twinkle anon !!! happy holidays ! hope you're well ! it's averaging around three degrees celsius here , so it's pretty grim && frosty but no snow yet ! winter ( && christmas ) is my favourite time of the year , so i'm really hoping for a nice white snowy december !! we did have a bit of sun today but it's just tooooooo cold. stay warm lovely~~ ♡♡x

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5 years ago

Hello again! Hope this message finds you well! My question for you is *drum roll* are you good at wrapping presents? - Your Secret Santa, Twinkle

hi sweet !!! i’m a meSs when it comes to wrapping presents , tbh. even when it’s something regular shaped like a box, i just can’t get the hang of the foldy bits on the end && making them look neat && pretty hahah. stay healthy twinkle anon !!xx

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5 years ago

Hello! It's your Secret Santa here! Today, I'd like to know if you've ever gotten stuck somewhere during a snowstorm? -Twinkle

hiya !! hope you’re well && cosy , twinkle anon !<3

not really , but i have a story that’s kind of close ! so , i usually play in my church’s band on sundays. i went to practice the day before , but overnight it had snowed heaploads && i really wanted to go ! my friend from the band offered to walk us there but i was stoopid && said no ahaha ..... so i got my dad to drive me. he made it up the main road until he realised he couldn’t turn off onto the side road , so with much difficulty we had to make a u-turn back home

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5 years ago

fanfic end of the year asks

since it’s december, i thought i’d make a little end of the year ask meme for fanfic writers and readers! reblog and ask away

favorite fic you wrote this year

least favorite fic you wrote this year

favorite line/scene you wrote this year

total number of words you wrote this year

most popular fic this year

least popular fic this year

longest completed fic you wrote this year

shortest completed fic you wrote this year

longest wip of the year

shortest wip of the year

fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year

favorite character to write about this year

favorite writing song/artist/album of this year

a fic you didn’t expect to write

something you learned this year

fic(s) you completed this year

fics you’ll continue next year

current number of wips

any new fics to start next year

number of comments you haven’t read

most memorable comment/review

events you participated in this year

fics you wanted to write but didn’t

favorite fic you read this year

a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read

number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year

favorite fanfic author of the year

longest fic you read this year

shortest fic you read this year

favorite fandom to read fic from this year

*feel free to specify fandoms or a fic depending on the question.

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5 years ago

ava baby, it has already been new years for you, but so what? happy new years and may your 2020 grant you lots of good fortune and good karma because you deserve it. i enjoy talking to you, and i love you !! xoxo !!!

happy new year , my love !! all the best for 2020 , you deserve the world && so much more <3 love you poppyy~~ xx

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5 years ago

4, 9, 15 !!

4. total number of words you wrote this year ?

roughly counting , i think about 24k ! that’s after a quick comb through of all my wips && published drabbles ....... really puts into perspective how many drafts i have hdckjskssxk

9. longest wip of the year ?

probably my kimline fic ! it's currently at 4.5k but im aiming for around 9k-ish. it’s not really that long but tbh i think that's pretty long for a drabble writer. i hope to publish it v soon !! x

15. something you learnt this year

stop trying to take up so much work !! i currently have just over 20 wips ; i think i'd have a lot more published by now if i stopped spreading myself too thin && writing so many different things

thank u for the ask , sweet !!<3 here’s the original list x

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5 years ago

9, 10 and 1 from your fanfic asks x

1. favourite fic you wrote this year

hnnnngnng ...... if wips count , i have a great big multi-chapter deadly sins au ( a.k.a ot7 x reader !!!!! hell yes !!!!) where i really get to play with the plotline. it’s been a lot of fun writing it && messing with the story , but it’s faaaar from finished

10. shortest wip of the year

my shortest wip is the second ever bts fic i wrote which was namjoon x reader at 700 words. reading through it , i’m unsure if it’s done && lacking or unfinished && forgotten , it’s hard to tell

i already answered 9 in a previous ask (: thank you for your ask , anon !!<33 here’s the original list of asks x

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5 years ago

Hello! Sorry to disturb you but I just read your Insomnia drabble and it was amazing. Everything was just so amazing, I could actually imagine Namjoon being excited. At some point I had to stop reading because all the pureness was just so much. Anyways just wanted to tell you that I loved it❤. Sorry to bother you!

hi !! no worries , it is no disturbance at all !! i’m glad you feel comfortable to send in asks bc as a writer it’s so motivating to receive — so thanks for letting me know you loved it !! makes me all warm && fuzzy , so thank you so much not only for reading but also for this ask !! it’s really not a bother ; quite the opposite !!

&& aha , namjoon’s cute , no ? all the love , sweetheart !! <3 xx

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5 years ago

the read more on your tag game post doesn’t work, sadly :( !!!! (also this is @bananaseok!! i moved blogs recently so i’m glad i caught ur tag!!)

++WAIT maybe i am a fool??? maybe the read more function works on desktop but not mobile ashdjdkjd pls ignore my first ask????

)))): you are right but i have no idea how to fix it ???? ive gone onto desktop to change it but it literally says the post can only be accessed on the app ( like i actually cannot edit it at all ) , but when i open it in the app there's no keep reading button ????

rip mobile users im so sorry for my long ass tag post ): thank u for telling me though love i really appreciate it !!! ♡♡xx

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5 years ago

Excuse me while binge through your amazing works 👀👀

i cannot believe i never saw this omg , but thank u so much for reading !!!! i'm so glad you enjoy my writing ; honestly this warms my heart , ty for spending some time on my blog~~ ♡♡xx

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5 years ago

it does that to me all the time on mobile

does it :/// it’s annoying bc idk if i’m supposed to press follow or if that doesn’t even do anything bc i actually am following them ?? strange to refollow blogs i talk to occasionally 😔

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5 years ago

Hi love, I’m chickadee, your Secret Bunny! May I call you ava? I saw that we are both Aquarius (and disaster bisexuals), so hopefully if I’m a bit chaotic you understand. What’s your favorite song so far off of mots: 7?

hiya sweet !! you may call me anything you like <3 ah we have a bit in common !! && don’t worry we admire the chaos <333

i think my favourite is ugh! bc i am literally rapline’s baby but i really like louder than bombs && ego !! what’s yours , anon ??xx

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4 years ago

♡ send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ♡

i love you i love you i love you ♡♡♡

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