So Kind - Tumblr Posts
The Year of Magical Thinking, Ch. 3
Summary: Francis Sinclair believed Arthur Morgan had not finished living. In a second chance at life, Arthur discovers what it means to love himself.
At the edge of a precipice and nowhere to run, Arthur concedes defeat. In an extraordinary turn of events, he is sent through the ether to another time where his path crosses with a group not too unlike his own family. After discovering the fate of those he loved before, he races to find a way back. But what if he realizes that there is something worth staying for in this new world? Can two people separated by nearly a hundred and twenty years of living find their happily ever after?
AO3 Link (edit: link fixed)
Author’s Note: So sorry for saying that I would post yesterday when I did not. We had some terrible weather ‘round here, and it took me forever to get home last night. Long chapter is long, though. I know y'all are probably like “where is your OFC”? Well, she’ll be introduced in the next chapter, I promise. I should have it posted in a couple of days. Shoutout to TheTiniestTortoise ( @shallow-gravy ) who has valiantly offered to beta this story (this chapter was not). Fair warning: I’m seriously going to take you up on this, so be prepared lmao. In the meantime, y'all need to go read “Blackbird’s Song”. It’s a fantastic ArthurxOC take on the RDR2 plot, seriously drop everything and read it! Also, I created a “We Heart It” collection thing where I pin images that inspire me while writing. Just a warning, though: It might spoil some elements of the story. If you don’t want any idea of where I’m taking the plot, do not click here.
Thank you to @tiesthatbind1899 (author of Memories of the West - another must read), for the idea. You’re awesome.
Almost forgot, in this story, Blackwater is Dallas. I read in the wiki that Blackwater was likely modeled after early 20th century Dallas, so I’m running with it. Plus, it’s where I live, and even though most authors can’t agree on whether you should “write what you know”, this is fanfiction, so hell yes I will write what I know…at least in the first few chapters lol. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter, and as always, constructive criticism welcomed and appreciated!
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Hello! I firmly believe that The Memories of The West is the best RDR2 fic I have come across since I first played this game. I love how you wrote Arthur and Constance, and I’m blown away by the way that you captured the audience. I hope you’re doing well, I know it’s been a while. But I just had to let you know how amazing it was to be able to read your work.
Hiiiii! I have no idea how long this message has been here (I assume a while because I have not been on Tumblr in a minute), but thank you so much 😭❤️ You have no idea just how much that means to me! Comments like this just make my day! I’m so very pleased that you enjoyed it, and that you like how Arthur and Connie are written! 🥰 I’m just flailing rn! Thank you so much for the well wishes, and I hope you are doing well, also!!!!
I’m actually in the process of reworking motw, just cleaning up a few things, adding a few things, etc. Then I plan to rewrite the last two chapters entirely and finish out the fic. I know it’s been so long since I updated, and I apologize for that!!!! I ran out of writing steam, at the time, but I’m dedicated to finishing it out and writing more rdr stuff. This game just won’t let me go 😂
Again — thank you for taking the time to read the fic AND to leave such a kind and thoughtful message. It really means the world 💕
Simon was just miserable and he knew it, walking down the street with his mouth clasped in a bitter line, ready to advance at any minor inconvenience and that's when he bumps into you— your coffee spilling over his coat, books scattered across the pavement, his heart hooked for a moment.
“ I..” you shaked your head profusely, “ am so sorry, sir.”
Instantly you pulled out your handkerchief, dabbing at his shoulder, eyes crinkling at him because he's just gobsmacked, not uttering a single word, just gawking back like a dead bird.
His eyes softened as he stared you up and down, then he bent down to gather all your books, blinking at your sight, taking in your softness and flowery scent.
“ Are you okay sir ? ” you asked him, taking the books while you were still unsure about the stain on his coat.
“ I am sorry.” He cleared his throat, “ Should ave seen you coming.”
“ I..can I buy you coffee miss ? ” He asked, it was a beaming sight to see a man big as him so flustered, you smiled, looking at his stained coat, “ Sure, ofcourse.”
You would either buy him a new one or wash this one.
It was only a matter of time for miss became missus, but Simon was never miserable again, never with you.
Your blog, headers, EVERYTHING are so pretty 🥰 and your writing!!
ahhHHhhh i'm gonna cry this is so nice omg !!!! also i think this is my first ask ....... whoever this is thank you so so much i cherish you with my whole heart♡♡♡♡♡♡xxxx
Hello??? 💖 Just popping in to say I AM AWESTRUCK BY YOUR WRITING??? You are so talented I think my heart grew three sizes, your prose is BEAUTIFUL, I AM IN LOVE!!! I'M GONNA NEED TO LIE DOWN 😭😭😭 SHAKESPEARE COULD NEVER, goodbyyyeeee 😭😭😭
omggg HI ANGEL
this is so nice, thank u sm!! i can literally say the same thing about your writing. i enjoyed reading your fic sm. ITS U WHOS TALENTED!!! <3
thank u so much for ur kind message kisses MWAH
Yo!, I just wanted to say I love your art style and your aesthetic, it pops out a lot outta most things I’ve seen so far, also thanks for liking my artwork, I’m still gettin used to digital cause I’m new but I sorta wanna draw better, have a good evening, day or night!

I wish your digital art journey the best of luck and believe in you! You have a good day/evening/night as well!
AGAIN TY ALL! Also hope I did this multi reply right as social media be confusin lololol
Here. Have kudos on that fanfic you wrote in your head while you were in the shower and never typed it out. When I recover from the brilliance of it, I’ll come back to leave a review.

I am so incredibly flattered! One of the baristas at a local coffee shop and I have become friends recently. He's pretty shy and quiet so I reached out to him. Well, it turns out he's an artist and he makes amazing artwork! Well, I told him I write poetry so we share our passions with each other.
I was talking to him last night and I sent him two poems that are like a set, one is from my perspective and the other from my boyfriend's, and he said it inspired him to make an artwork based on it. Then he said he'd give it to me once it was done!
I have never been so flattered. No one has ever taken my poetry like that! They always say, "wow, I totally understand what you're going through." Which isn't a bad thing, that's actually exactly what I want. I want my poems to help people understand they aren't alone. But to take it and be so inspired, enough to make an artwork? I almost cried.
Oh my gosh, you angel!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much for these encouraging comments! It means so much! I really tried to do JK justice. I just can’t imagine him being any different than this. He’s a freaking sweetie pie, but also the sexiest man alive. And I looovvvveeeee a good enigma. Lol. Thank you, love!

➸ Rated All
➸ Summary: After the oddest blind date scenario you could have possibly imagined, you find yourself at the hockey game with the ticket your fake blind date gave you. As the game progresses, you learn a little bit more about THE Jeon Jungkook.
This is part 2 of Fake Blind Date, which you can read here: Fake Blind Date If you haven’t already, I suggest reading that first.
➸ Word count: 3K
➸ Pairing: Hockey Player!JK x reader
➸ Genre: Fluff
➸ Warnings: Sweaty JJK.
AN: I was so overwhelmed by the positive feedback from FBD and it really encouraged me to put this together. I really want to see where this goes, because I think it is a fun concept. My husband is a former hockey player, so he helped me with some of the scenarios for this (he’s the one who said “that dude is way too little to be a hockey player”, but I did my research and there are active players in hockey right now that are exactly JKs size, so I told my husband to shove it). Please enjoy sweaty smiley JK!
Jungkook hadn’t been expecting to find you when he had been called to meet his agent at the Le Chez Restaurant for a PR follow up and discussion of endorsement deals. He had come straight from a Press Conference in his best suit: black, of course (was there another color?) So he had been appropriately dressed for such a restaurant, even though it wasn’t really his scene. He was more the Dive Bar, Draft on Tap, Sit at the Bar kind of guy, but his Agent liked the finer things, so he hadn’t batted an eye when he suggested it for the meeting.
What had surprised him when he came in with a gust of wind at his back was you sitting all alone, sipping a glass of water with both hands wrapped around it, with tears in your eyes. You were hard to miss when he entered as you were straight ahead of the door, almost as though you had planned it that way, and you were incredibly pretty, besides. Jungkook wasn’t much of a womanizer, like many of his teammates. He tended to be a bit quieter, and was more the long term dating type of guy. A romantic - his mom always said. So when he immediately connected eyes with you and felt an electric current go through his whole body at the shy smile you sent his way, he was hooked before he even processed the thought.
Keep reading
😆 I’m glad you liked it! Our not-so-teenage hearts can grin together 😘

➸ Rated All
➸ Summary: After the oddest blind date scenario you could have possibly imagined, you find yourself at the hockey game with the ticket your fake blind date gave you. As the game progresses, you learn a little bit more about THE Jeon Jungkook.
This is part 2 of Fake Blind Date, which you can read here: Fake Blind Date If you haven’t already, I suggest reading that first.
➸ Word count: 3K
➸ Pairing: Hockey Player!JK x reader
➸ Genre: Fluff
➸ Warnings: Sweaty JJK.
AN: I was so overwhelmed by the positive feedback from FBD and it really encouraged me to put this together. I really want to see where this goes, because I think it is a fun concept. My husband is a former hockey player, so he helped me with some of the scenarios for this (he’s the one who said “that dude is way too little to be a hockey player”, but I did my research and there are active players in hockey right now that are exactly JKs size, so I told my husband to shove it). Please enjoy sweaty smiley JK!
Jungkook hadn't been expecting to find you when he had been called to meet his agent at the Le Chez Restaurant for a PR follow up and discussion of endorsement deals. He had come straight from a Press Conference in his best suit: black, of course (was there another color?) So he had been appropriately dressed for such a restaurant, even though it wasn't really his scene. He was more the Dive Bar, Draft on Tap, Sit at the Bar kind of guy, but his Agent liked the finer things, so he hadn't batted an eye when he suggested it for the meeting.
What had surprised him when he came in with a gust of wind at his back was you sitting all alone, sipping a glass of water with both hands wrapped around it, with tears in your eyes. You were hard to miss when he entered as you were straight ahead of the door, almost as though you had planned it that way, and you were incredibly pretty, besides. Jungkook wasn't much of a womanizer, like many of his teammates. He tended to be a bit quieter, and was more the long term dating type of guy. A romantic - his mom always said. So when he immediately connected eyes with you and felt an electric current go through his whole body at the shy smile you sent his way, he was hooked before he even processed the thought.
He would have just asked you for your number when he approached your table, but he was so curious to know why you looked about ready to cry that he never even got the words out of his mouth before he realized that you had been expecting someone and had mistakenly assumed he was it. He was used to people recognizing him, so he never even thought it possible that you would mistake him for someone else. By the time he realized the mistake, he was so deep into enjoying your time that he hadn't even noticed his agent entering the restaurant, let alone thought to correct you of your misconception of his identity.
When your date arrived and interrupted the conversation, he actually felt regretful and, regardless of how long his agent would have waited, he would have kept the ruse going for hours if he could, just to keep talking to you. Giving you the ticket to the game was a reflex. Ever since his career as a professional Hockey Player started, he'd gotten used to people asking for tickets to games, so he always kept spares on him. He liked having an audience, being a natural performer, and it was exciting knowing that the people watching were there just for him.
He wasn't sure if you would actually show or not. He hadn't had time to explain, and couldn't be sure if you would be annoyed or intrigued by him, but he hoped for the latter. It had made it incredibly difficult to listen to his agent for the rest of his meeting when you were looking adorable during your date, as you constantly flung your beautiful hair back over your shoulder.
So when game day arrived, he was a bit anxious, and asked one of the members of staff to keep an eye out on seat K15 in section 200 and to let him know if someone took the seat.
He was adjusting his laces and was just about to get up to grab his stick when the staff member came back to let him know that you, in fact, had arrived. He was beyond overjoyed and a bundle of energy, not only because of the game, but because of the excitement of seeing you again and getting to see your face when you realized who he was.
And he hadn't been disappointed.
You were currently looking his way with a confused, flushed look on your face. Even from this distance, you could tell he knew you were surprised and he seemed to be enjoying it as he skated backward with a dazzling look on his face. Cheeky.
It had certainly come as a surprise that your gorgeous Fake Date Man had turned out to be a professional Hockey Player. And not just any hockey player, but the ace of the team. You knew nothing about THE Jeon Jungkook when you walked in tonight, but by the end of the game, the other patrons around you made sure you knew him by the end. Number 1 All Around Draft Pick, Leading Scorer in the League for 3 years running, and the most assists AND points this season on the team. He was a Legend in the making, the guy two seats down from you told you. He had endless nicknames too. They called him Golden Boy, because he was apparently good at everything. Not only was he the primary center, but he could sub in any position, even goalie. They called him Lightning on the Ice, because he was so fast and so strong, he could be down the ice and scoring before you could blink. He was tiny by comparison to most other Hockey Players, but he used it to his advantage.
And in the course of the game, you definitely got an eye full.
You couldn’t help it. Even his sweat was hot. And every time he made an incredible play or scored, he’d have this gorgeous baby boy smile on his face that had your heart stuttering. It didn’t help that the Jumbotron would splash his face on the screen as often as they could and so you got an eye full of his sparkly eyes and pearly white bunny teeth every few plays throughout the entire game. By the end, he wasn’t the only one sweating.
But it had you feeling pretty inadequate - you weren’t going to lie. You hadn’t been on the dating scene much and you were never a knock out, just a regular girl, you thought. So why was this famous, super sexy, super hot PROFESSIONAL AND RICH HOCKEY PLAYER giving you the time of day?
No idea.
But you didn’t have much time to wonder, because by the end of the game (Jungkook’s team won 3 to nil), you found yourself being approached by a member of staff.
“Ma’am?” Said the older man, holding a clipboard with a headset on, chewing gum with the whole force of his jaw.
You pointed to yourself when you realized he was talking to you.
“Yes, you,” he said, waving you toward him. “Follow me.”
You grabbed your things and said bye to the other fans you had made friends with during the game, and started to follow the man with the clipboard. He proceeded you into the tunnel and out into the main hall surrounding the rink. He walked pretty fast and the crowd was already starting to build from all the fans preparing to leave, so it wasn’t really possible to start a conversation, but you really wanted to know where he was taking you.
“Um, sir?” You practically yelled as you sprinted to keep up with him as he weaved through the crowd. “Where are we going?”
“The Press Lounge,” he said simply. “I don’t care what Jeon says, I’m not taking you to the Locker Room. That would start a media frenzy. Amazingly enough, the Press Lounge is the least suspicious place right after a game.”
“I’m sorry what?” you said as you struggled to keep up. You must have heard wrong. “Why am I going anywhere?”
He was nearly to a side door labeled “staff”, when he turned around to look at you confused and a bit incredulous, which had you faltering.
“I mean, it was nice of… Mr. Jeon to give me a ticket to watch the game, but I mean…I…”
What did you mean? You had no idea how to finish your sentence. You didn’t expect anything else from him? This hadn’t been your idea? Somehow in front of this older man smacking his gum and looking lazily over his shoulder, you wanted to to be clear that you weren’t some kind of groupie or something. You didn’t even know who he was when you first met him, for goodness sake!
Luckily, you were saved from having to finish your sentence, as clipboard guy got bored and turned back around to swing open the door to a kind of “backstage” area. It was so quiet you could hear the hinges of the door creak as you entered and he was walking so fast you barely had time to register the offices and filming equipment behind many of the glass windowed doors lining the hallway. At the end, clipboard guy stopped at a glass enclosed room with a TV and couch and waved you toward it, making the implication clear.
You entered and sat down. The TV was playing highlights from the game, taunting you with Jungkook’s handsome face once again. But otherwise the room was quiet and the hallway was deserted. You checked your watch and played a mobile game for a while as you waited, but eventually the TV switched to an interview with some of the players and while it didn’t originally hold your interest, the sound of a familiar voice had your head whipping up in a flash.
There he was, still in most of his gear from the game, sat behind 5 microphones with a press screen behind him in powder blue. His hair was drenched in sweat and he kept running his hand through his hair to keep it out of his face. His TATTOOED hand. You don’t remember that detail from the other night…Good God. And he was smiling like a little boy, while looking like anything but. He was going to kill you; you were sure of it.
“Jeon, today’s goal marks your 10th this season, more than any other player in the league. How do you keep up the same kind of intensity game in and game out?” The interviewer off screen asked.
“It’s all a team effort. We practice hard, we play hard, and we just keep the intensity going. Anything is possible when you’ve got the kind of team work we’ve got.”
“But Debow said himself, you are a future Hall of Famer, what does that mean to you?”
“I’m just here to play Hockey, man,” Jungkook said with a side smile and a giggle that had the Press Room laughing and you practically panting. “Listen, I take this very seriously, and I want to win every game, but I’m like that because I know I’ve got people relying on me, just like I’m relying on them. We’re a team and we can’t win games without us all out there, so my focus is to stay healthy and in shape so I can do my part.”
The chorus of shouts from the Press rang out as you saw a sea of hands in the air in front of Jungkook. He called on one to the right and you caught the profile of a middle aged man as he held up a pen-waving hand.
“You guys are already being touted as the League favorites to win the Stanley Cup this year. What do you think your chances are of winning the coveted award after being denied in playoffs last season?”
“We’ve got some tough games ahead of us in the next few weeks. Phillie will be a tough one next week on the road, and Montreal will definitely give us a run for our money, but we will do like we always do: limit distractions and keep our noses to the ice. Stanley Cup is the goal, and we will do everything we can to get there this year.”
By the time the interview was over, your cheeks were practically sore from smiling so much. If anything, you were even more intrigued by this humble king. Could he be any more perfect? God. His sweat probably even smells like candy. Rude.
It was with that thought that you suddenly heard a door open in the distance, and you barely had time to prepare before you saw the silhouette of a man further down the hall and before you knew it Jeon Jungkook was facing you from further down the hall as you stood from the couch and began playing with your hair to give yourself something to do. His eyes were glued to you and his smile was infectious as he made his way toward the glass enclosed room you were in all alone. By the time he was at the door swinging it open with more force than necessary, you were practically shaking and your face was probably a tomato. It was a miracle you could even make eye contact, especially as his confident stare was doing things to you.
“Uh, hi,” he said and laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair in what was clearly a nervous tick. “So, uh…surprise…?” he said almost in a question as he scratched the back of his head.
He was still in his jersey and pads, but he had swapped his skates for slides, and it should have been silly looking, but you were practically drooling instead. He really had you at a disadvantage.
“It certainly was a surprise!” You responded, probably louder than necessary, but your voice felt unused at this point.
You coughed to clear away the jitters, and he smiled at your flustered reaction.
“I wanted to get the chance to apologize for the other night.”
“I’m not used to people not knowing who I am.”
His hand was back in his hair and the nervous look was back on his face as he rushed to clarify, “I only mean that…I hadn’t meant to trick you or anything. I wasn’t trying to lie to you.”
You nodded your head and tucked your hair behind your ear in your own nervous tick. He clearly had more to say as his hand was extended out toward you in a gesture of appeasement and he had a desperate look in his eyes. You waited patiently for him to continue, looking up at him through your lashes in shyness.
“I honestly just wanted to talk to you. You stole my attention from the second I walked into that restaurant, and I didn’t even care if I looked like an idiot, I just had to talk to you.”
Your face was heating up at his confession and he was taking steps toward you as he seemed to read your willingness to listen.
“And then you seemed to know me, so I just followed along. It took me a while to figure it all out, but then I was just really enjoying your company and didn’t want to leave. Did you feel it too?”
Being asked the question came as a surprise to you and you gulped as you responded with a nod. He let out a relieved sigh in response.
“Thank God it wasn’t just me!”
He took another step toward you and the air in the space seemed to get heavier as you could almost feel the heat from his body at the new proximity. You tilted your head back to be able to look him in the eye. His big doe eyes were just as beautiful as they’d been in that restaurant. His dark hair was messy and wet. There was a trail of sweat down the side of his face. None of it mattered, nor did your reservations and feelings of inadequacy. Despite everything, or maybe because of everything, you wanted nothing more than to kiss him at that exact moment.
“We’ve got an away game coming up in a few days, and then I’ll be pretty busy coming up with playoffs on the horizon, but I mean…What do you think?” He asked, drawing your attention away from his lips and your desperate yearnings. “Will you give me a second chance to prove myself? I’d really like to take you on an actual date, if you’d let me.”
You felt your heartbeat speed up. The excitement of the possibilities take a full hold on you before you even try to answer. Here was an oxymoron of a man. Cute, yet unbelievably sexy. He could convince you of anything with his big doe eyes, but his body was sinful. You couldn’t deny the magnetism you felt the first time you met him and it wasn’t any less now. He was confident and strong and seemed very aware of his own importance as one of the best Hockey Players in the sport. Why else would he have invited you to the game, except to show off a bit? And yet he talked in interviews like he wasn’t full of his own importance, and he seemed shy and unsure when talking to you, and you were very aware of your own nobody status, especially when faced with THE Jeon Jungkook. He was kind in the restaurant, being patient with responses you gave, listened attentively, and asked questions - like he really cared! But he wasn’t lacking in his own observations and shared just as much. He was a perfect blend of good qualities. And while you knew that the ugly qualities would show themselves eventually. I mean, no one is without fault, even this seemingly perfect paragon. But you found yourself more interested to discover them, than you were afraid of them.
You smiled sweetly, which caused him to smile in hope. He almost seemed breathless. You giggled at his seeming eagerness.
“What did you have in mind?”
OMG THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!! 💖💖💖😭 THIS MEANS A LOT BRUH AAAA!!! Ya totally just made my whole day, nahhh, my whole week!!💖💖

More Dracula arttttrt!!!
BTS Speaks On Their New Version Of "Make It Right" Featuring Lauv - iHeartRadio
YOUR ART, IT'S PERFECT...............
OH GOODNESS, THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭💞❤ this is such a lovely and kind message, I appreciate you so so much! 🥺🥰