Avengers Chatroom - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

BLUSH - Part 1

Bucky Barnes x Reader ( x Uncle Tony Stark) This is a series !! Part 2 will follow shortly :) Feedback appreciated !

Y/N Stark, was Tony Stark’s niece. Her parents’ sudden death had led to Tony taking her under his wing, and looking after her ever since.

Y/N grew up to be as brilliant as her uncle, exceling in academics, and getting into research after college.

Tony visited Y/N every week, and took her out to dinner. He never broke this tradition, and that particular day, he was waiting for her in at the restaurant where she had promised to meet him.

About fifteen minutes late, Tony saw her rushing into the restaurant, looking almost too shabby for his liking. She sat opposite to him breathlessly.

“Im so sorry, Tony !” She said, gulping down some water. “Got caught up with work”

Tony nodded, still having a look of disapproval on his face.

“What ?” Y/N asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Look at yourself, Y/N ! You are a Stark ! You cant run around looking so shabby !” Tony said, shaking his head.

“I came straight from the lab, Tony” Y/N said with a smile. “Besides, you know how much I hate dressing up”

“Ok, dont then. But still you need to look presentable” Tony argued. “ What are they making you do there ?”

Y/N shrugged.

“I havent slept in days. Working on this -”

She was cut off by Tony, who gave a bright smile.

“Well, Im here with a solution to that” He said.

“What solution ?” Y/N asked.

The solution landed her at the Avengers tower, working for Dr. Bruce Banner. It was something huge for her to work with him, and Tony was glad to have her close to him.

The rest of the Avengers were excited to meet another Stark, and not to mention a girl.

Natasha and Wanda helped Y/N settle in, whereas the men were always there to help.

* * *

“Its so UNFAIR that he gave her a room right in front of his” Sam complained, making Bucky smirk. They were on their early morning workout with Steve.

Tony had given her the right opposite Bucky’s, because that room happened to be bigger than any of the other spare ones.

“Sorry dude, I had no part in it” Bucky said, shrugging.

“Lets better keep it that way” Sam said, dropping to the floor if the gym, panting.

“Lets not try anything funny with her guys. Tony wont take it lightly” Stevd said, making his way out of the gym, followed by the other two.

* * *

Y/N woke up to hearing voices outside her room. She looked at her alarm clock, and saw that it was only 6am.

Grumbling to herself, she dragged herself out of her bed. She opened her door, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

“Guys ! Keep it down !” She said, yawning. “Tryin’ to sleep here”

Bucky, Steve and Sam turned around to look at Y/N, who leaned against the door, and gave them a sleepy look.

“Can you guys talk somewhere else please?” She said, almost in a whine.

Bucky couldnt help but smile. She looked so beautiful and delicate in her pyjamas and messy hair. It was as if something clicked. He felt some strange new energy sparking up inside him.

And he also noticed his friends who were ogling at her, just like him.

“Hey, come on, lets go” He said, grabbing Steve and Sam by their arms and pulling them towards the elevator.

He turned around to catch one last glance of her.

“Thanks, Bucky ” She mumbled, before closing the door, and returning to sleep.

* * *

By 8:00am, Y/N was in the kitchen, looking for breakfast. Steve, Bucky and Sam looked up from their food as she came in.

“Good morning, Y/N !” Sam said.

“Good morning, Sam” Y/N said, with a smile.

“Sorry about this morning” He added.

Y/N laughed and her eyes met Bucky’s. She blushed, as he gave her a smile. His eyes lingered on her face a minute too long, that Steve cleared his throat.

Bucky snapped out of his thought, and offered Y/N one of his sandwiches.

“Thanks, Bucky” Y/N said. “ Lot of work today !”

“Is Bruce overworking you ?” Sam asked.

“Yes, he is such a workaholic !” Y/N said. She glanced at the clock.

“Shit !” she said, “Im late ! ”

Y/N stuffed the sandwich into her mouth and ran off towards the elevator.

“I like her” Sam said. “Sweet thing” Bucky gave him an icy glare, and Steve burst out laughing.

                             * * *

Natasha has created a chatroom. Natasha has invited Wanda, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Nikki, Tony and Sam.

Nat: WEEKEND !! Sam: Party !! Y/N: Im still working. Nat: Boohoo Steve: Whats the plan? Nat: How about that new nightclub we saw the other day ? Y/N: Cool! Never been to one before! Sam: Aww, we’ll take you, Y/N Y/N: Thanks Sam :) Bucky: Well. Steve: Well well.

Bruce has joined chat. Bruce: Y/N, dont you have work to do? Y/N: Yes, Mr Banner :( Bruce: Why the sad face ? Nat: Leave the girl alone Bruce ! Bruce: Natasha !!

Tony has joined chat. Tony: No nightclub for you Y/N Bucky: o_o Tony: Go away Barnes !! Bucky: Nope. Wanda: You go away, Tony ! Y/N: Unfair ! Tony: Not at all Bruce: Tony, she has work ! Tony: She can stay back and work. Y/N: I want to resign. Sam: YOU ARE NO FUN BANNER ! Wanda: Stop banning Y/N from doing things ! Shes old enough to make decisions for herself ! Y/N: Yes ! Bucky: Yes ! Tony: No. Clint: Somebody please throw Tinman out ! Tony: I just might throw you out, Birdie! Bruce: She is sulking now, Tony. Stop it. Y/N,if you put your phone down and finish your work, you can go. Y/N: Thank you, Mr. Banner ! Tony: Not so fast ! Who gave you the permission to give her permission, Banner?

Bruce left the chat.

Tony: Great. Nat: Bad Tony ! Tony: Oh come on ! FINE ! Y/N can go ! Y/N: Yay ! Thanks Tonyyy !! You’re the best! Steve: Seriously. Bucky: : D :D Tony: No drinking, though. Y/N: Bye Tonyyy !!! Nat: Come to my room after work,Y/N! Y/N: Ok, Nat. Y/N: Bye guys !

                            * * *

Bucky was on his way to his his room, when he saw Y/N coming out of hers. Her long hair was wet and was dripping slightly. Bucky stood staring at her.

“Hi Bucky ” She said, smiling.

“Hi” He said, scratching the back of his neck. “Umm…nice hair”

Y/N smiled, tilting her head slightly.

“Thank you” she said, a small blush spreading on her cheeks.

Bucky blushed at the way she looked at him.

“I gotta go meet Natasha” Y/N said.

“Ok” Bucky said, nodding. “See you at the club”

“Yeah” Y/N said, her heart beating fast.

Bucky watched her walk away, and turned to walk straight into Steve.

Steve had a grin plastered to his face.

“What ?” Bucky asked.

“What what ?” Steve asked, raising his eyebrows. “I know it”

“Steve” Bucky said shaking his head.

“Shes a good girl, Buck” Steve said. “Shes perfect for you”

The two friends grinned at eachother.

BLUSH - Part 1

TAGS ! @mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107

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8 years ago

BLUSH - Part 2

Bucky Barnes x Reader

Natasha and Wanda helped Y/N dress up. They found her a nice black dress, and accessories to go with it.

“Do I really have to put on makeup ?” Y/N asked for the hundredth time.

“Y/N, relax !” Natasha said. “ Just simple stuff ok ?”

“Ok” Y/N said.

                              * * *

The boys were already at the club when the girls arrived. Bucky’s eyes went straight to Y/N, and she waved at him, with a smile.

The girls joined them at their table. Natasha headed straight to Clint. Y/N and Wanda sat between Bucky and Sam.

“I wanna dance !” Wanda said loudly over the music.

“Come on ! Me too !” Sam said, taking Wanda’s hand and leading her to the dancefloor.

“We’re going to get some drinks !” Natasha said, and glanced around with a frown.

“Wheres Steve, Buck?“she asked.

“He was talking to Sharon” Bucky said, looking around. “Was here a minute ago”

“Sharon Carter ?” Natasha asked with a smirk. “Come on, Clint”

Bucky and Y/N sat, watching Sam and Wanda dance.

“You look great, tonight, Y/N” Bucky said, looking at her.

“Thanks” Y/N said, blushing. “You too”

Bucky smiled.

Sam has created a chatroom. Sam has invited Bucky, Y/N, Natasha, Wanda and Clint.

Sam: Guys ? Y/N: Arent you supposed to be dancing with Wanda ? Wanda: Well he was SUPPOSED to! Nat: Whats going on? Bucky: Hey, wheres Steve ? Sam: Do you have any patience at all ? Y/N: Say it Sammy ! Sam: Aww Y/N :* Bucky: Do you want me to come over? Sam: Dude, relax ! Clint: Really Sam, what are you upto? Sam: Its not me ! Its Cap ! Bucky: What about him ? Y/N: OMG Nat: Y/N ? Sam: You saw that too ? Y/N: You bet I did !

“What did you see Y/N ?” Bucky asked, looking up from his phone.

“Look, at the last table, at that corner!” Y/N said, pointing.

“I cant see ” Bucky said, stretching to look.

“Come here” Y/N said, grabbing the sleeve of his shirt, pulling him closer.

Well, she pulled too hard in excitment that, he fell towards her and their heads collided.

Y/N’s eyes went wide, and she turned deep red. Bucky blushed too, his face still close to hers. His warm breath fanned her face, setting butterflies free in her stomach.

“Sorry” Y/N whispered, realizing that she was still holding onto his sleeve, and letting go.

“Its…its alright” Bucky said.

“Do you want to see it ?” Y/N asked.

“Yeah” Bucky said, sliding closer to her,and looking at where she pointed.

A smirk spread onto his face.

Steve and Sharon were at the corner most table, kissing.

Bucky looked at Y/N, who had a smile on her face. She raised her eyebrows at him, and they burst out laughing.

“Team hangouts are NOT for making out !” Nat complained. “ And he didnt tell me about Sharon!”

“Let them be, Nat” Clint said. “At least they’re having fun”

Natasha handed Y/N her coke, and the others had their drinks.

The team had a fun night, at the end of which all of them ended up on the dancefloor, following Nat’s silly dance moves.

Bucky couldnt help himself, as he felt his eyes follow Y/N the entire night. Y/N felt the connection too, but she was far too nervous to act on it.

The only one who actually saw the little bit of tension between them was, of course, Nat. And Sam to an extend.

It was past midnight, when they decided to return to the tower.On reaching, Natasha wanted to play a game.

“Nat, really ?” Wanda asked, yawning.

“Come onnnnnnn !!” Natasha said, the alcohol making her words slur a bit.

“Alright alright” Sam said.

“Clint, get the bottle” Natasha ordered.

“Right away” Clint said, running off to fetch the bottle, and returning in a flash.

“What game are we playing ?” Steve asked.

“How aboutttt…truth or dare?” Natasha said with an evil grin.

“Ohhh” Wanda groaned.

“Cool !” Bucky said.

They sat around in a circle, and Natasha spun the bottle.

The game went on in quite a funny way. When it landed on Steve, Natasha had wicked grin on her face.

“Ooooo” Natasha said. “Alright babe, truth or dare ?”

Steve glanced around the room, and saw that most of his friends had that look on their faces.

Steve nodded and said, “Ok, Truth” Natasha pretended to think hard, and then smiled.

“You were kissing Sharon Carter at the pub” Natasha said, making Steve blush. “Are you two dating ? How long has this been going on?”

Y/N grinned, at Steve’s defeated expression.

“Nat, come on ! ” Steve said shaking his head.

“Come on sweetie, we deserve to know” Natasha winked at Steve.

Y/N’s eyes darted to Bucky, who raised his eyebrows at her.

“Spill it, Cap” Sam encouraged her.

“Alright alright !!” Steve said standing up. “Its true. We’re dating, but just started a week ago. I swear its the truth!”

Bucky smirked, at his friend, nudging him, and Steve punched him playfully.

The rest of the team cheered.

“Soooo” Clint said. “Spin it Cap”

Steve spun the bottle and the game continued. Until Sam spun, and it pointed at Bucky.

“Yes, baby !” Sam looked beyond excited. “So whats it gonna be Robocop?”

“Dare” Bucky said confidently.

“Sam, kill him, bro !” Clint said.

“I dare you to kiss any girl in this room” Sam said, smugly.

“Oh come on!” Bucky groaned shaking his head.

“You’re lucky I DIDN’T specify” Sam said with a wink, sitting back to enjoy the show.

“Buck” Steve said, shoving Bucky out of his chair.

“Ok, here goes” Bucky said, walking towards the girls.

They knew Bucky wouldnt try it on Nat. She was not his kind of person. And not Wanda. She was like a sister. That would be weird. Which left only Y/N.

Sensing him coming closer to her, Y/N stood up, shaking her head.

“Bucky, bad idea !” she said, raising her hands to stop him.

He gave her a smirk, trying to catch her.

“Oh no you DONT !” Y/N ran across the room, followed by Bucky. They ran around the entire room, with the rest of the team laughing and cheering.

“Seriously, Bucky ! You dont want Tony to kill you !” Y/N said, as she ran.

“I dont mind dying ‘coz of this !” Bucky said, finally grabbing her hand and stopping her.

“Yay ! Go Buck !” Natasha cheered.

“Bucky !!!” Y/N hissed.

“Shh” Bucky said. “Dont run”

He released her slowly. But held her hand in his.

“Do it !” Clint yelled.

Bucky grinned, his eyes locked with Y/N’s. He slowly raised her hand to his mouth, and kissed it gently, his lips lingering on her skin for a while.

Y/N smiled, as he let go, and then he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

“Awwwww” Wanda said. “ Thats a gentleman”

“Great going Buck” Steve said, laughing.

Sam and Nat gave them a knowing look, making them both blush.

TAGS ! @mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107

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8 years ago

BLUSH - Part 4

Bucky Barnes x reader

There was only one thing in Bucky’s mind. That kiss he couldnt complete. “Its so UNFAIR !” He said. “Its killing me !”

“Buck, you can try again !” Steve said, trying to calm his bestfriend. “Im almost too sure that she has the same feelings for you”

“I dont know, Steve” Bucky whined. “If we had kissed that day - GOD ! Im gonna kill Romanoff !”

Steve tried his best to supress his laughter.

But it was just so awkward all the time. Y/N would turn bright red at the sight of Bucky, and would be completely on autopilot by then. Bucky would go all sweaty and stammer at his words.

“I feel so guilty” Natasha said, shaking her head.“I didnt expect this”

“They’ll be ok, Nat” Steve said, shrugging. “There is nothing that we can do about this”

An grin spread on Natasha’s face.

“Oh yes there is” She said, trying an evil-witch-laugh.

“That sounds really wierd” Steve said, giving her a look.

“It didnt come off as I expected” Natasha said, clearing her throat. “Come on. We have work to do!”

Natasha (along with a forced Steve), tried in their own way, to actually bring the Bucky and Y/N together.

Natasha made Y/N train when the boys were at the gym. Bucky and Y/N mysteriously ended up seated next to eachother during dinner and movie nights. She would even trip Y/N when shes in a hurry so that she would fall on Bucky.

She tried everything she could, but they just remained silent and awkward around eachother.

“This is hopeless” Natasha said, glumly. “I was just teasing them ! I didnt mean it to be like this !”

“Let them do it their way, Nat” Steve said, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

* * *

Y/N was in her room, flipping through the pages of a magazine, when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened it to find Tony standing there with a smile on his face.

“Hey! Come in” Y/N said, closing the door as Tony stepped in.

“You’ve been busy” Tony said, sitting on the edge of her bed. “No time for me, huh ?”

“Sorry, Tony” Y/N said, sitting next to him. “Had lots to do”

“Well, I cant let Banner torture you in there” Tony said. “Lets go on trip. Just the two of us - like we used to when you were little”

Y/N smiled at the memory.

“That would be great !” She said, hugging her uncle. “Thanks Tony”

He kissed her temple gently and said, “Anything for you”

“I will arrange something and let you know” Tony said, as he walked out. “Be ready !”

“You know I will be”

* * *

Tony’s visit had made her pretty happy. She stepped out of her room, and towards the kitchen, to find something to eat. She almost turned away seeing Bucky there, making coffee.

“Coffee, Y/N ?” he asked, wanting her to stay.

“No thanks, Bucky” Y/N said, giving him a small smile.

She opened the fridge to find something to eat. Her heart raced, having Bucky so close to her. She wanted to reach out to him. Hug him. Tell him she loved him. But this stress made her more hungry.

She found some of Wanda’s big cupcakes, and carried them to the table, sitting as far away from Bucky as possible. Bucky, sighed in defeat, and sat at the other end.

Steve and Natasha sat at the living room, from where they could see the couple. Natasha sighed.

“This is so frustrating” she said, placing her head of Steve’s shoulder.

Bucky sat staring at Y/N, who was stuffing her fifth cupcake into her mouth.He shook his head, knowing that Y/N always ate too much when she was under stress. She took another bite, glumly.

Bucky exhaled loudly as he stood up, and walked towards Y/N.

Steve nudged Natasha a bit too forcefully in excitment that she almost fell out of the couch.

“Y/N, thats enough” Bucky said, taking the cupcake from her hand.

“Give it back !” Y/N said, reaching up for it.

“No, you’ve had enough” Bucky said. “You’re gonna be sick”

“I dont care, give it back !”

She stood up now, wrestling Bucky for her cupcake.

“Oh God, PLEASE just let them kiss” Natasha said, watching them carefully.

“BUCKY !” Y/N whined.

Bucky put the cake in his mouth, and showed his empty hands to her.

“What the hell, Bucky ! That was the last one !” Y/N said, sulking.

“I thought you didnt like strawberry icing” Bucky said, licking the icing off his fingers.

“I dont” Y/N, pouring herself a glass of water. “Wanda made these so that I dont eat them”

Bucky laughed.

“You ate them anyway” He said.

“Yeah I did” Y/N said, shrugging. “I have to go”

She began walking towards the elevator. Bucky clentched his jaws, as he followed her.

“Ok, please tell me they will kiss in the elevator” Natasha said, slapping her forehead.

“You have a way of complicating things, Nat” Steve said. “This could’ve been avoided”

“When am I gonna see the end of it ?!” Natasha whined.

* * *

Sam has created a chatroom.

Sam has added Steve, Nat, Wanda and Clint to chatroom.

Sam : Ok, now whats up with Robo cop and Lil Stark ?

Steve : Whats wrong with them?

Sam : Cap, stop pretending that you dont know

Clint : There is something going on. They were inseparable. Now they barely talk.

Nat : Ok, as guilty as I am, you guys are gonna push me into suicide.

Steve : Natasha Romanoff.

Clint : Keeping secrets from me, Nat ?

Nat : Everyones gonna hate me.

Wanda : Y/N ate all my cupcakes. Again. And shes really upset.

Sam : I think shes upset with Barnes.

Clint : Sam’s right. Wanna talk, Cap ?

Nat : I hate you all.

Nat : Alright ! I walked in on them when they were about to kiss, and I have created this awkward tension between them. And yeah. Thats it.

Sam : Oh.

Wanda : Nat, why did you skip the part where you yelled that you HOPE they would complete the kiss ?

Nat : Thank you, Wanda. And stop reading my mind !

Steve : You know how they are. Both tend to brood on things unneccesarily.

Sam : Well done, Black widow !

Clint : Come on ! They’ll be fine. In fact, I just saw them getting off the elevator.

Nat : Oh please just kiss already !

Steve : Natasha, Im going to kill you if you say that again.

Clint : Is Tony aware of this situation ?

Steve : I dont think so. And we better not talk about it in front of him. Y/N’s gotta figure out how to do it.

Sam : If at all things get better with Barnes, that is. Thanks to B.W.

Nat : You suck.


@mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107

, @dreamingonmyown

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