Sebastian Stan Imagines - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago


Sebastian sighed loudly. Again. Someone made some comment about him seen with a woman. Again. They assumed that she was his secret girlfriend.

Sebastian stared at the picture. It was him and Y/N. Both standing together in front of a popular restaurant, laughing about something.

“Who is that?” Someone asked.

He looked up from his phone. Jessica Chastain was peeping over his shoulders looking at the image in his phone.

“A friend.” He replied.

“She doesn’t look like a friend. She looks like ‘the’ friend.” She told him, sitting by the chair next to him.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. Great! Now his co-stars too were talking.

“Man! I didn’t mean to upset you.” Jessica said seeing his frowning face.

“I am not upset. It’s just people need to stop spreading rumors. She is my best friend.”

“She can be more.”

Sebastian gave her a blank stare.

“Look. I understand this. I know these are just rumors. I just think that you both look great together.”

Sebastian blushed. He muttered an embarrassed ‘thank you’ and turned his attention back to the picture on his mobile screen.


“Hey!” Y/N said excitedly.

“Hey!” Sebastian replied back smiling like a Cheshire cat.

“What are yo- Oof! James!” Y/N got distracted from the video call.

Sebastian could see commotion behind her. She had lifted a young boy and was trying to adjust the camera.

“James! How is my favorite boy?” Sebastian exclaimed excitedly.

“Say Hi to Sebby.”  Y/N said waving James little hand in front of camera. The next few moments passes with James babbling to Sebastian.

“What is he doing here?” He asked followed by making a funny face.

“His dads have appointment with the baker for cake tasting.”

“Didn’t they go last week?”

“Oh! They did. Only they did not find ‘their taste’.” Y/N replied making air quotes.

“They do realize that the wedding is in a month. Right?”

“They do. Most of the things are done. Except cake. And my dress.”

“You realize that the wedding is in one month.” Sebastian teased.

“I do. Thank you very much for reminding me.” Y/N sassed back. She easily got distracted by her nephew who was trying to reach her face to get her attention.

“I think he is hungry.” Y/N said and started walking towards the kitchen, holding James on one hand and her phone on another.

“So? How is work? Shooting?” She asked him, as she placed James on the high chair and was in the process of heating his bottle.

Sebastian did not answer immediately. He was too busy staring at the woman in the phone, her soft hair that was all over her face, smelling like beachy coconut, a smell that he is all too familiar and started to love over years.

“Are you okay?” He heard her voice breaking his train of thoughts.

“Yeah… Yeah. Just thinking.”

“About?” She asked as she handed James his milk bottle.

“Those rumors.”

“Seb. We have talked about this. It is not your fault. Stop blaming yourself. And it’s not a big deal.”

“I know. I just hate all the teasing I have to endure.”


“Mackie. Jessica. And all others.” Sebastian replied blushing.

“Well. We both are very good looking people and it is good thing that people can see that.” Y/N replied bashfully making Sebastian laugh.

“We are indeed.” He agreed. Their conversation was interrupted by someone knocking Sebastian’s trailer.

“I have to go.”

“Okay. Bye. Take Care. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”  Y/N said.

“Bye. Love you both.” Sebastian said.

“We love you more.” Y/N said waving James’s tiny hands enthusiastically. He ended the call.

I do love you. Sebastian thought as he walked out of the trailer.


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5 years ago

Rumors (Part 2)

Read Part 1 here.

Sebastian walked up to Y/N with two glasses, champagne in one hand for himself and wine for her. Y/N was sitting in one of the empty chair and watched all the guests and the grooms dancing and having fun.

“Here.” Sebastian said offering her the wine.

Y/N muttered a soft ‘thank you’ as she took the glass from him and turned her attention back to the dance floor at her brother. Sebastian pulled a chair next to her and as he followed her gaze.

“You did well. You know. With the planning and all. Y/B/N is really happy and I know he appreciates it” Sebastian told Y/N.

“Thank you. He deserves everything and more. They both do.” Y/N said.

Sebastian could not agree more. Y/B/N had met his husband around the same time as Sebastian met Y/N, and both Sebastian and Y/N over years rooted for them passionately. Finally when everything worked out for the couple and it lead to the present and Sebastian could not be happier for his friends.

“Yeah. Kinda gives hope that things may not always be easy but it will work out in the end.” Sebastian said taking a sip of champagne, remembering his past failed relationships and Y/N’s failed marriage.

Y/N scoffed.

“God! Please don’t go all philosophical now. I don’t think we need that right know” She said teasingly.

“Says the person who was bawling throughout the ceremony.” Sebastian retorted.

“My brother got married to the love of his life. As a sister, I have all the right to bawl my eyes out and flood the venue.” Y/N sassed back. This made Sebastian laugh.

Silence fell between them. Comfortable. They both sat there watching the guests mingling with each other.

As soon as the beautiful night would end, the grooms would leave for their honeymoon and all the last guests say goodbyes, both of them may not realize the invisible change in each other.

Next Day

‘Breakfast at the usual place?’ Sebastian received a text from Y/N.

‘Sure. Pick me up?’ Sebastian replied.

‘Be ready in 20.’

Sebastian was ready in 15 minutes and quickly rushed down, carrying a gift box, to wait for Y/N. She arrived almost immediately. He climbed in quickly.

“Good Morning!” He greeted enthusiastically.

“Morning!” Y/N replied with equal amount of enthusiasm.

“Good Morning! James.” Sebastian greeted the toddler who was babbling excitedly in the back seat as soon as he saw Sebastian.

“How is he doing? Missing his dads already?” Sebastian asked Y/N.

“I have managed to keep him distracted so far.” Y/N said, as she maneuvered smoothly through the New York traffic.

They reached their destination. After finding a decent parking spot, they walked towards their usual place. Sebastian carrying James and placing his free hand on Y/N’s back as they entered the diner. They had their breakfast and spent the rest of the at Y/N’s place simply hanging out and catching up with each other’s lives.

Unbeknownst to them, their little breakfast trip was stirring up a storm.

Next Day

Sebastian was woken up by the constant ringing of his mobile phone. Annoyed, he picked up the phone without looking at the contact.

“Whoever it is, it better be important.” He muttered with sleep-laced voice.

“You are fucking married secretly and have a secret baby!” Anthony Mackie screamed from the other side.

Sebastian looked at the time in his phone.

“Man! It’s too early for this. What are you talking about?”

“Check the link I sent you. I’ll call you back later.” Anthony said as he hanged up.

Sebastian groaned. He sat up straight and opened the link. He read it once. He read it again.


Sebastian and his Secret Family

(followed by a photo of Sebastian, Y/N and James outside the Diner)


Like and reblog. Let me know what you think of the story so far.


@bloodyproudpotterhead  @sideeffectsofyou

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5 years ago

Rumors (Part 3)

Read Part 1 & Part 2 here.

Can you pass me that box?” Y/N asked Sebastian, who sat by the kitchen island, with a frowning face. She would have found it adorable, but as they were out of fresh argument, all she wanted to do was punch him.

Sebastian quietly pushed the boxes towards Y/N and continued to ignore her. He could not understand why she was not upset about the situation.

Y/N continued packing the cookies which she made for James. His dads had returned from their honeymoon, and they will soon arrive to take him home. She was going to miss her nephew, even if he lived closed by and she could visit him whenever she wanted. She still wanted to enjoy their last couple of hours together as much as she could, but unfortunately Sebastian was spoiling it for her.

As she finished packing she heard Sebastian clear his throat.

“Y/N, listen. Please.” Sebastian begged. Y/N turned around to face him and signaled him to continue.

“These rumors can be ruthless. Trust me. I have seen this before. Now one person is talking, then another one, then everyone. Some even bully. People can be really mean. I have seen people breaking down. Hell! There are times when it even upsets me.”

Y/N’s expression turned soft. She realized that Sebastian was worried about her and it warmed her heart. She walked up to him, placed her hand on his right cheek. Sebastian looked up, his eyes filled with worry.

“I know you are worried about me. And I am thankful that you care for me. But you have to understand. I am a grown up woman. I can look up for myself. “

Sebastian opened his mouth to argue, but he was immediately cut off by Y/N.

“And as far as rumors, negative comments and bullying are concern, you think I don’t know how that is? I am a divorced woman. People are hardly kind towards divorced women. If I can overcomecome that, then I am damn sure I can overcome this.”

Sebastian couldn’t argue anymore. He knew how difficult things were during the divorce process and afterwards. He had admired her strength and courage, how she had raised above all that bullshit and finally had what she wanted.

“Now can we move on?” Y/N asked softly as she realized that Sebastian was not going to argue anymore. Sebastian nodded.

“Good. Will you help me packing James’s stuffs? I am sure that Y/B/N must be on the way.”

Sebastian walked up to James’s room, promising himself that if things ever go out of hand he will be there standing by Y/N and protect her in any manner, even if it is the last thing he would do.

@winter-scolder @bloodyproudpotterhead

@pinnedandneedled @mishaandthebrits @sideeffectsofyou

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4 years ago

Made for Each Other (Part 1)

You always knew you were different from others. You remembered how your parents gave you worried looks, as if you were some alien creature. You were human as far as you knew, with shape shifting abilities. You shifter into a cat and had climbed a tree when you were a mere toddler. Your mom kept looking for you everywhere. Police were called. Neighbors joined the search. Everyone was out looking for you in the town and the surrounding wilderness. No one could find you. You watched them as a cat and did not know how to turn back. There was no plausible explanation for where you were, what happened to you when you returned home.

That incident was marked in your consciousness. Since that day you had withdrawn yourself from the world. You found yourself more at home in the wilderness. You shifted into the animals, birds and even insects and trees. Over years you had figured out that you can shift into other humans and inanimate objects, which was when you found out that your father was cheating on your mother. To say the things did not end well would be an understatement. You shifted into a coyote (as they were seen in your neighborhood a lot) and broke into the house through the window. Your dad and his mistress were scared to their wits. Your neighbor who had heard the glass break had called the police and your mom. And everything went south from there. Your mom found about your dad’s infidelity, the police thought that there was a mad coyote attacking humans. Your dad was out of the town the next day with his mistress and the police were busy looking out for the coyote. No one could link your involvement with the incident. Except one person.

You were sitting under a park bench in a dog form when Fury came and sat on the bench. He started playing with you. You didn’t mind. You have played before with humans in your animal or bird forms. But then he started calling you by your real name. He whispers all the thing he knew about you. You tried to run but he spoke in such a soft assuring voice requesting you to hear him out. You stared at him for a while then rushed to the place where you had hidden your clothes. You came back and had one of the life changing conversations of your life time.


You waited for Fury at the reception of the Avenger’s Compound. You were to join them today. All the years of training and spying opened a new opportunity for you. You stared at the abstract painting in the room thinking about your past.

Your conversation with Fury. You were barely an 11 year old child with same cool powers, at least you thought they were cool. Fury had explained you about himself and SHIELD. He told you that you would make a valuable asset to the team. It didn’t take him much convincing for him to get you agreeing to his deal, but you had your conditions. You wished to be independent, not associate with any organization. Fury could request for your service at any time for decent remuneration. He agreed. Years later you and Fury would be thankful for this agreement as not very soon after your agreement, SHIELD collapsed due to HYDRA infiltration. You were the most trustworthy source of information for Fury. You had worked alongside the Avengers, assisted them in various missions. Only thing that they did not know it was you. You wondered how they would take the news. You will find out soon enough.

A voice calling you out of your reverie. Fury was waiting for you by the elevator. You walked up to him. You entered the elevator, and Fury turned to you.

“Are you ready for this?” He asked.

“I am.”

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8 years ago


Cute Bucky x Reader !


“Ok, Buck, ” I said, trying to catch my breath. “Give it back !” “No !” Bucky said, holding out a hand to stop me, and panting. “Bucky !!!” I whined, stomping my foot. “Please !!!!” “No no no !” “Yes, NOW!” “Nope” “Come on, Buck !” I said, sitting on the couch, sulking. “You spend time with me now” He said. “You can have your book back when Im done with you” “So not fair !” I said crossly. “That chapter is important !” “Im way more important that !” “Really ?” I asked, smirking. “Oh please” Bucky scoffed, flipping through the pages of my book.

Suddenly his fingers touched my bookmark.An evil grin spread on his face. He looked me, and wiggled his eye brows. “Dont you DARE !” I said, again on my feet. “Oh, but I do” Bucky said, shrugging. “Ok ok, just put it down” I said, holding my hands up in defeat.

Bucky studied my face for a minute, and then sighed loudly. “Here, have your stupid book” He said, pushing my book into my hands and turning away to leave.

I watched him as he ran his fingers through his thick brown hair, before slowly walking out if the room.

“Hey !” I said. “Where are you going ?” Bucky shrugged, not turning to look at me. I flicked the book onto the couch, and ran up to my boyfriend, hugging him from behind. “Dont go” I said in a small voice. I smiled as he turned around and pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I dont care about that book, ok, I actually do, but not as much as I care about you” I said, my lips brushing against his neck.

Bucky laughed, holding me tighter. “All I wanted was to cuddle with you, and you just wanna read ?” “Aww, come here you cuddlebug” I said, as we settled on the couch. I snuggled into his arms , getting comfortable with his warmth. Obviously, cuddling is never cuddling without a few Bucky-special kisses.

Once we were settled into just cuddling, again, Bucky asked, “So what was this all important chapter ?” I just smirked. “What ?” He asked, now looking at my face. “Ohh, you might not be interested” I said, controlling my urge to laugh. “(Y/N) ” Bucky said, narrowing his eyes at me. I just giggled and winked at him.

Bucky’s eyes grew wide, as he dived to grab my book and opened the page I was reading. “Go back two pages, if you wanna read the whole thing” I said, now poking my head in between the book and his arms to see the page. He grinned as he read. Then he held the book out to me. “Here” He said . “You didnt just finish reading, did you ?” I asked, looking at him in shock. “Nope” He said, lying back on the couch. “You’re gonna read it to me”


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8 years ago

My Bucky !

Bucky Barnes x reader

My Bucky !

I had the shock of my life that morning.

A girl stood in our kitchen wearing one of Bucky's shirts.

The shirt I had giving him on his birthday last year. I stood, staring at the girl, the grip on my coffee mug tightening.

"Goodmorning, (Y/N)" Steve said, as he stopped to give a quick peck on my temple before opening the fridge. I just stood, emotionless. And here I was,thinking that maybe Bucky felt the same way about me.

Ha. This changed everything.

Steve had spotted the small pout that I had, and came towards me slowly. Then he noticed the girl. AND the shirt.

"Oh" That was all he could say.

"Hi?" The girl looked at us in confusion, as we stared at her. "Im Marie.We met at the party last night ?" She offered.

Right. Thats where I saw her.Bucky brought her back into the tower ?!

"Are you ok, (Y/N)?" she asked, looking a bit frightened.

All of us looked back hearing a pair a footsteps. Bucky walked into the room with a smile on his face. Only to be met with three non-smiling faces.

"Everything ok ?" He asked, looking at me. I glowered at him, and he took a step back. Steve was trying to catch Bucky's attention without me noticing. But obviously, I noticed.

Bucky turned to look at Marie, and his eyes widened. His eyes snapped back to me, and he shook his head violently.

"No no no !" He said, holding his hands up. "(Y/N), the shirt-"

Marie caught on all of a sudden.

"Bucky kinda ripped my dress, so I had to borrow one of his shirts ! " She said, and then both she and Bucky looked me wide eyed.

"Thats just great !" I said, dropping my coffee filled cup into the sink, and storming off to my room, locking it.

Bucky was at my door, banging on it  for a long time. I was on my bed, sobbing. Bucky and I werent dating. But we were bestfriends, always fooling around, and flirting, that people always mistake us for a couple. And it had started to grow on me.

I was in love with Bucky Barnes.

But seeing the girl in that shirt, it just broke my heart. It hurt so much. I missed Bucky suddenly. I made my way to wardrobe, and took out one of Bucky's pullovers (which I had stolen from him). Removing the shirt I had on, I pulled this on with my shorts and was relieve to find that it still smelled like him.

It has been quiet for a while, and I wondered if Bucky had joined that girl. I tip toed to the door, and opened it slowly, only to find Bucky sitting by my door, leaning against the wall. He looked up, and gave me his tearful puppy eyes. I returned his look, and slowly stood up.

"Can I come in ?" He asked in a small voice.

I nodded, stepping aside to let him in. He sat on my bed, and patted the spot next to him. I closed the door behind me, and joined him.

"(Y/N), please let me explain" Bucky said, pleadingly.

"But why Bucky ? You have no reason to do so ! Its not like we're dating or anything" I said, my voice cracking towards the end.

I blinked raipdly to prevent the tears for falling.

"Oh God" Bucky groaned. "No baby ! Just let me talk alright ? Please ?" I looked at him, and his gorgeous eyes gave me such a look, I could have died.

I nodded.

"I was talking to this girl, Sam introduced her to me. I was about to come up to bed right after you left. She kinda spilled her wine on my shirt, and you know how expensive it was ! I came up to clean it, and she followed me to help" Bucky said, all in one breath.

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for the next part. Or better say, dreading it.

"I was washing my shirt, and she said she'll grab a shirt for me, and then she closed the drawer too hard, her dress was stuck in it. I tried to open it, but it just wont open ! And I tried to pull her dress out, but the bloody thing ripped, and it ripped bad !"

I tried hard to control my urge to laugh. Not at the story, but his face. He was truly terrified.

"I told her she could borrow one of my shirts, 'coz it was already late and everyone had gone to bed, and I stepped in to wash my shirt, and when I came back, she was gone. She slept in the spare room. I swear nothing else happened, and I didnt know it was THAT shirt !"

Bucky took in deep breaths once he stopped talking, and I couldnt help but laugh.

"Aww, Buck" I said, putting my arms around his neck, and pulling him into a hug. His arms wound around my waist, and i felt his breath on my neck.

"Dont ever scare me like that" I whispered, holding him tighter.

"Im sorry" he said, lips brushing my ear.

He slowly pulled me onto his lap, making me straddle him.

"You're the one I want" Bucky said, with a smile. "And you look way better in my clothes "

We laughed.

"When did you steal this ?" He asked, rubbing my back.

"None of your business" I said, nuzzling his jaw.

"Is that so ?" "Yes it is"

He smiled again, and I kissed his cheek gently, my lips staying there for a while. "I love you, (Y/N)" He said, his blue eyes locked with my brown ones.

I grinned widely, blushing.

"I love you too"

"Of course you do" Bucky said, pressing his lips on mine.

We had to pull back, since neither of us could stop laughing. I kissed him again, this time more seriously, and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. The kiss deepened, Bucky flipping me over, and his weight shifted on to me slightly. I adjusted my legs, placing one over his, and his hand immediately went to stroke my thigh, and grabbing it, pulling me closer.

"Hey, (Y/N), where is Buck-" Steve barged into my room, and almost screamed out.

"Oh, you're here" He managed to say.

"KNOCK you dimwit !" Bucky yelled, rolling off me, and straightening his clothes. I sat up beside him, blushing madly.

"What happened Stevie ?" I asked.

"Oh, Marie left. I had Nat lend her some clothes" Steve said, and he had this smile.

"And she asked if I wanted to go out for coffee sometime" He said, blushing. "Oh wow !" I said, sighing in relief. Bucky laughed.

"She said she'll bring the shirt over later" Steve said, smirking.

"Oh, you can ask her to keep it" I said shaking my head. "I wont have it here anymore"

"But its my favorite !" Bucky whined.

"I'll get you a new one !" I said, and Bucky calmed down.

"Ok, you guys carry on" Steve said, waving his hand, and turned to leave.

Just as Steve left, Bucky got up, to lock the door. He turned with a smirk and said, "Where were we ?"

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8 years ago

The Button Issue

Bucky Barnes x Reader

Just cute cute Bucky :*

The Button Issue

I stood in front of the mirror, touching up my make up. I loved the beautiful red gown Tony had gifted me, to wear to his christmas party.

Knowing Tony, it was going to be huge. He had been quite busy with the preparations for quite a while, and he wanted everything, and everyone to be just perfect.

I was almost done, when I heard a knock on my door.

“(Y/N)! Can I come in ?”

Bucky’s voice brought a smile to my face. This was his first big event since Tony had invited him over to stay with us at the Avengers tower. Tony had even gifted him with his party outfit - A brilliant tuxedo.

“Come in, Buck” I called out.

The door opened and a flustered Bucky stepped in. He came towards me , closing the door behind him.

“You alright ?” I turned to face him. “Bucky ?”

He stood staring at me, mouth slightly open.

“Y-You look beautiful !” He said, coming forward to pull me into a hug, lifting me off my feet.

I giggled, kissing him gently.

“Thanks, handsome” I said, and winked, as he put me down.

“Ok, now, I need help” Bucky said, holding his hand up. A button sat on his palm.

“Again, Buck ?” I asked, laughing.  “How do you manage to do this all the time ?”

“Im sorry ! Just fix it for me, (Y/N). Tony’s gonna kill me if he finds out” Bucky whined.

“Alright alright !” I said, leading him to my bed.

I sat, and fished into one of the drawers of my bedside table to find a needle and thread, and began working on his button. Bucky stood in front of me, hands on his hips, and tapping his foot every now and then.

“Are you nervous, Buck ?” I asked, looking up.

“Im not sure about this, (Y/N)” He said, in a small voice. “Im not sure if people will ever accept me…its all so difficult…Im not sure if Im ready to face anybody yet”

“Bucky, you didnt do any of those things- no one can blame you for it ! And if they do, they’re gonna have to deal with me!” I said, and it brought a small smile on his face.

He knew it was true. I had broken a few noses for him before - at nightclubs, parks, malls - he knew I wouldnt mind doing it again.

“So how did you pop this one ?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

Bucky gave me a wide eyed look, and before he could reply, my door flew open, and Sam stepped in.

“What the hell-!” He screamed, narrowing his eyes at us.

Steve walked in casually, going straight towards my mirror, and adjusting his coat.

“How many times are you gonna pull out those buttons, Barnes ?” Sam asked, sitting beside me.

“Shut up” Bucky grumbled.

“Hes doing it on purpose, (Y/N)” Sam scoffed. “Just so that he can make you put it back-”

Bucky blushed, and glared at Sam. Steve laughed, squeezing Bucky’s shoulder lightly.

“Is that so?” I asked Bucky, mock- glaring at him.

“Of course not !” Bucky said, looking away, and folding his hands firmly against his shirt.

“If thats the case” I stood up, frowning.

The boys looked at me, as I reached out and plucked a button off Bucky’s shirt, a wide grin spreading on my face.

“Oh come on!” Sam groaned. “Such babies !”

Bucky laughed, as I put my arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. His arms went around my waist, holding me tightly against his chest.

“We have 10 minutes before the party! ” Steve said, glancing at his watch. “Fix that shirt, and do it fast !”

“Im telling Stark !” Sam said, shaking his head, and walking out of the room, followed by a laughing Steve.

“I love you, (Y/N)” Bucky whispered against my lips. “I love you too, Bucky” I said, giving him one last kiss before returning to fix his shirt.

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8 years ago

The Other Guy

Bucky Barnes x Reader x Chase Collins

Bucky sat at the dining table, sipping his coffee, and eyes glued to his laptop. He was determined to keep his eyes off a certain couple sitting at the living room.

(Y/N) laughed yet again at something that guy said, and Bucky clentched his jaw in iritation.

What does she even see in him?!, he thought. The guy had an arrogant look on him, and not to mention a handsome face.

Bucky glanced their way, and saw (Y/N) typing into her laptop, and the guying sitting too close to her, saying something.

He was too engrossed in watching them that he didnt notice the person who had joined him on the table.

Steve smirked, seeing his bestfriend in this state, and cleared his throat to make his presence known.

Bucky almost jumped at that, and quickly regained his composture, and looked back into his laptop.

“Whats the matter, Buck ?” Steve asked.

“What ?” Bucky asked, looking at Steve.

Steve raised his eyebrows, and grinned at Bucky.

“Who the hell is that guy ?” Bucky asked, giving up.

“Thats Chase Collins, (Y/N)’s friend from college” Steve informed him. “They’re on some assignment together”

“I dont like him” Bucky said, and both the guys turned to face the couple, again.

“(Y/N) doesnt seem to mind” Steve said, shrugging. “I think they’re just friends”

“Obviously, he’s trying for more” Bucky murmured, sulkily.

“Buck, Im telling you again” Steve said, exhaling loudly. “You should tell her how you feel !”

“I cant” Bucky said, his metal arm clutching at his cup tightly. “Why would she want me ?! Im the fucking Winter Soldier ! ”

And, his feelings got the better of him, crushing the cup in the process.

* * *

(Y/N) jumped up from the couch hearing a loud cracking sound. She turned to see Steve and Bucky sitting at the dining table.

Bucky’s eyes were tightly shut, and the pieces of the cup, on the table.

(Y/N) rushed to Bucky’s side, relieved to see that it was only his metal arm.

“Are you alright, Buck ?” She asked, touching his shoulder.

She felt his body going rigid on her touch.

By now, Chase was on her side.

Bucky hummed in response.

“I’ll just clean it up” He said in a small voice, not looking at any of them.

“No, just leave it there” (Y/N) said giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “I’ll do it”

She looked at Steve and said, “Why dont take him upstairs ?”

“Yeah” Steve, already on his feet and grabbing Bucky’s arm. “Come on, Buck”

* * *

(Y/N) watched as Steve led Bucky to the elevator. She wished Bucky gave her that kind to freedom to hold him, or touch him.

He was always so unsettled and quiet around her. He didnt seem to like her much.

Chase touched her hand, bringing her back to reality.

“(Y/N) ?” He said, in a soft voice.

“Yeah ?” (Y/N) looked at Chase, who was smiling at her.

“You love him, dont you ?”

“What ? No. I dont.”

Her heart was running on a marathon right then, threatening to burst out of her chest.

“Yes you do” Chase said, taking her hand in his.

“He doesnt” (Y/N) said. “He just doesnt like being around me, Chase ! Hes always running away from me ! He never looks at me ! I dont know what to do !”

“Calm down !” Chase said, his hands on her shoulders, holding her in place.

(Y/N), was breathing heavily, trying to calm her mind. There was a storm happening in there, and the only person who could calm it down was not ready to help.

“Have you tried talking to him?” Chase asked.


“Why not ?”

“ ‘Coz he wont stay in the same room as me for like five minutes” (Y/N) said bitterly. “Let alone have a conversation about my feelings. You saw him right now, wont even look at me !”

“Maybe he’s nervous” Chase said.

“Why should he be?” (Y/N) asked, looking at Chase.

Chase shrugged.

“Look, if I hadnt seen this today, I would’ve asked you out” Chase said, giving her a genuine smile. “I think he feels the same way you do. He was bugged that we were spending time together”

“What ?! How can you say that ?!”

“Well, its a guy thing.” Chase laughed. “We were both kinda studying eachother - leaving that aside - you should go, and talk to him”

“Chase, Im afraid, what if he shuts me out ?” (Y/N) said, closing her eyes.

Chase cupped a hand on her cheek, and she opened her eyes.

“Well, thats his loss” Chase said, laughing again. “Im here. If he hurts you, im right here”

(Y/N) laughed, pulling Chase into a hug.

“Thanks, Chase” she said, witha smile. “You’re a great friend”

“I know” said Chase smugly, and started packing his things. “See you in class tomorrow. We’ll finish the assignment then”

(Y/N) nodded, and walked him out.

* * *

(Y/N) knocked on Bucky’s door.

“Bucky ! Please let me in. I have to talk to you” she said, kocking again.

She heard footsteps, and the door opened, revealing Bucky. He was wearing a gray round neck tshirt, and apair of black shorts, his hair done into a messy bun.

“Can I come in ?” (Y/N) asked, carefully.

Bucky nodded, moving aside to let her in.

He stood by the door, not knowing what to do. He watched as she played with her hands nervously.

“Close the door ?” She asked.

Bucky obeyed, nervousness creeping in again.

“Im sorry about the cup. I didnt mean to disturb you and your friend” Bucky said, eyes fixed in his shoes.

“Was nothing” (Y/N) said, shrugging.

Bucky nodded.

“Dont you like me, Bucky ?” (Y/N) asked, all of a sudden. “I mean, why dont you talk to me ? Did I do something ? Or say something ? ‘coz I really dont understand ! I didnt mean to come in here, and attack you, but you really dont leave me a choice !”

Bucky stared at the girl with wide eyes.

“Of course I like you ! ” Bucky said, suddenly feeling a sense of confidence filling himself.

“I adore you, actually” He said, now breathing heavily, hands on his hips. “I have for a long time. Since that day Tony introduced you to us. When he said you’ll be living with us. Since then.”

(Y/N) stared at Bucky, open mouthed.

“Why wouldnt you tell me ?” she asked.

“How would I ?” Bucky asked, as if the answer was obvious. “Im an assasin. I’ve killed innocent people. And you are related to Tony Stark ! And luckily I managed to kill his parents too. So thats a bonus !”

“Bucky, you didnt do any of those things” (Y/N) said weakly. “You were brainwashed. You didnt know”

“But I did.” Bucky said, his head bowed in shame.

(Y/N) ran to him, taking his face in her hands.

“Bucky, you are one of the most beautiful people I’ve known” She said. “And since the day Steve told me all about you, I’ve loved you. I love you, Bucky ! I dont care who says what. I know you. I trust you, and thats all that matters”

“Tony would never agree” Bucky said, his hands moving around her waist.

“Well, he’ll come around one day”, (Y/N) said, a small smile creeping into her face.

Bucky couldnt help but smile. He leaned down to press his lips to hers. They kissed, and kissed again. And again.

“Um, Buck ? One question ?”

“Ask away”

“Why did you break that cup ?”

“That friend of yours, he was getting on my nerves” Bucky said, blushing. “I think he liked you”

(Y/N) giggled, kissing him again.

The Other Guy

Tags :
8 years ago

BLUSH - Part 1

Bucky Barnes x Reader ( x Uncle Tony Stark) This is a series !! Part 2 will follow shortly :) Feedback appreciated !

Y/N Stark, was Tony Stark’s niece. Her parents’ sudden death had led to Tony taking her under his wing, and looking after her ever since.

Y/N grew up to be as brilliant as her uncle, exceling in academics, and getting into research after college.

Tony visited Y/N every week, and took her out to dinner. He never broke this tradition, and that particular day, he was waiting for her in at the restaurant where she had promised to meet him.

About fifteen minutes late, Tony saw her rushing into the restaurant, looking almost too shabby for his liking. She sat opposite to him breathlessly.

“Im so sorry, Tony !” She said, gulping down some water. “Got caught up with work”

Tony nodded, still having a look of disapproval on his face.

“What ?” Y/N asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Look at yourself, Y/N ! You are a Stark ! You cant run around looking so shabby !” Tony said, shaking his head.

“I came straight from the lab, Tony” Y/N said with a smile. “Besides, you know how much I hate dressing up”

“Ok, dont then. But still you need to look presentable” Tony argued. “ What are they making you do there ?”

Y/N shrugged.

“I havent slept in days. Working on this -”

She was cut off by Tony, who gave a bright smile.

“Well, Im here with a solution to that” He said.

“What solution ?” Y/N asked.

The solution landed her at the Avengers tower, working for Dr. Bruce Banner. It was something huge for her to work with him, and Tony was glad to have her close to him.

The rest of the Avengers were excited to meet another Stark, and not to mention a girl.

Natasha and Wanda helped Y/N settle in, whereas the men were always there to help.

* * *

“Its so UNFAIR that he gave her a room right in front of his” Sam complained, making Bucky smirk. They were on their early morning workout with Steve.

Tony had given her the right opposite Bucky’s, because that room happened to be bigger than any of the other spare ones.

“Sorry dude, I had no part in it” Bucky said, shrugging.

“Lets better keep it that way” Sam said, dropping to the floor if the gym, panting.

“Lets not try anything funny with her guys. Tony wont take it lightly” Stevd said, making his way out of the gym, followed by the other two.

* * *

Y/N woke up to hearing voices outside her room. She looked at her alarm clock, and saw that it was only 6am.

Grumbling to herself, she dragged herself out of her bed. She opened her door, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

“Guys ! Keep it down !” She said, yawning. “Tryin’ to sleep here”

Bucky, Steve and Sam turned around to look at Y/N, who leaned against the door, and gave them a sleepy look.

“Can you guys talk somewhere else please?” She said, almost in a whine.

Bucky couldnt help but smile. She looked so beautiful and delicate in her pyjamas and messy hair. It was as if something clicked. He felt some strange new energy sparking up inside him.

And he also noticed his friends who were ogling at her, just like him.

“Hey, come on, lets go” He said, grabbing Steve and Sam by their arms and pulling them towards the elevator.

He turned around to catch one last glance of her.

“Thanks, Bucky ” She mumbled, before closing the door, and returning to sleep.

* * *

By 8:00am, Y/N was in the kitchen, looking for breakfast. Steve, Bucky and Sam looked up from their food as she came in.

“Good morning, Y/N !” Sam said.

“Good morning, Sam” Y/N said, with a smile.

“Sorry about this morning” He added.

Y/N laughed and her eyes met Bucky’s. She blushed, as he gave her a smile. His eyes lingered on her face a minute too long, that Steve cleared his throat.

Bucky snapped out of his thought, and offered Y/N one of his sandwiches.

“Thanks, Bucky” Y/N said. “ Lot of work today !”

“Is Bruce overworking you ?” Sam asked.

“Yes, he is such a workaholic !” Y/N said. She glanced at the clock.

“Shit !” she said, “Im late ! ”

Y/N stuffed the sandwich into her mouth and ran off towards the elevator.

“I like her” Sam said. “Sweet thing” Bucky gave him an icy glare, and Steve burst out laughing.

                             * * *

Natasha has created a chatroom. Natasha has invited Wanda, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Nikki, Tony and Sam.

Nat: WEEKEND !! Sam: Party !! Y/N: Im still working. Nat: Boohoo Steve: Whats the plan? Nat: How about that new nightclub we saw the other day ? Y/N: Cool! Never been to one before! Sam: Aww, we’ll take you, Y/N Y/N: Thanks Sam :) Bucky: Well. Steve: Well well.

Bruce has joined chat. Bruce: Y/N, dont you have work to do? Y/N: Yes, Mr Banner :( Bruce: Why the sad face ? Nat: Leave the girl alone Bruce ! Bruce: Natasha !!

Tony has joined chat. Tony: No nightclub for you Y/N Bucky: o_o Tony: Go away Barnes !! Bucky: Nope. Wanda: You go away, Tony ! Y/N: Unfair ! Tony: Not at all Bruce: Tony, she has work ! Tony: She can stay back and work. Y/N: I want to resign. Sam: YOU ARE NO FUN BANNER ! Wanda: Stop banning Y/N from doing things ! Shes old enough to make decisions for herself ! Y/N: Yes ! Bucky: Yes ! Tony: No. Clint: Somebody please throw Tinman out ! Tony: I just might throw you out, Birdie! Bruce: She is sulking now, Tony. Stop it. Y/N,if you put your phone down and finish your work, you can go. Y/N: Thank you, Mr. Banner ! Tony: Not so fast ! Who gave you the permission to give her permission, Banner?

Bruce left the chat.

Tony: Great. Nat: Bad Tony ! Tony: Oh come on ! FINE ! Y/N can go ! Y/N: Yay ! Thanks Tonyyy !! You’re the best! Steve: Seriously. Bucky: : D :D Tony: No drinking, though. Y/N: Bye Tonyyy !!! Nat: Come to my room after work,Y/N! Y/N: Ok, Nat. Y/N: Bye guys !

                            * * *

Bucky was on his way to his his room, when he saw Y/N coming out of hers. Her long hair was wet and was dripping slightly. Bucky stood staring at her.

“Hi Bucky ” She said, smiling.

“Hi” He said, scratching the back of his neck. “Umm…nice hair”

Y/N smiled, tilting her head slightly.

“Thank you” she said, a small blush spreading on her cheeks.

Bucky blushed at the way she looked at him.

“I gotta go meet Natasha” Y/N said.

“Ok” Bucky said, nodding. “See you at the club”

“Yeah” Y/N said, her heart beating fast.

Bucky watched her walk away, and turned to walk straight into Steve.

Steve had a grin plastered to his face.

“What ?” Bucky asked.

“What what ?” Steve asked, raising his eyebrows. “I know it”

“Steve” Bucky said shaking his head.

“Shes a good girl, Buck” Steve said. “Shes perfect for you”

The two friends grinned at eachother.

BLUSH - Part 1

TAGS ! @mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107

Tags :
8 years ago

BLUSH - Part 2

Bucky Barnes x Reader

Natasha and Wanda helped Y/N dress up. They found her a nice black dress, and accessories to go with it.

“Do I really have to put on makeup ?” Y/N asked for the hundredth time.

“Y/N, relax !” Natasha said. “ Just simple stuff ok ?”

“Ok” Y/N said.

                              * * *

The boys were already at the club when the girls arrived. Bucky’s eyes went straight to Y/N, and she waved at him, with a smile.

The girls joined them at their table. Natasha headed straight to Clint. Y/N and Wanda sat between Bucky and Sam.

“I wanna dance !” Wanda said loudly over the music.

“Come on ! Me too !” Sam said, taking Wanda’s hand and leading her to the dancefloor.

“We’re going to get some drinks !” Natasha said, and glanced around with a frown.

“Wheres Steve, Buck?“she asked.

“He was talking to Sharon” Bucky said, looking around. “Was here a minute ago”

“Sharon Carter ?” Natasha asked with a smirk. “Come on, Clint”

Bucky and Y/N sat, watching Sam and Wanda dance.

“You look great, tonight, Y/N” Bucky said, looking at her.

“Thanks” Y/N said, blushing. “You too”

Bucky smiled.

Sam has created a chatroom. Sam has invited Bucky, Y/N, Natasha, Wanda and Clint.

Sam: Guys ? Y/N: Arent you supposed to be dancing with Wanda ? Wanda: Well he was SUPPOSED to! Nat: Whats going on? Bucky: Hey, wheres Steve ? Sam: Do you have any patience at all ? Y/N: Say it Sammy ! Sam: Aww Y/N :* Bucky: Do you want me to come over? Sam: Dude, relax ! Clint: Really Sam, what are you upto? Sam: Its not me ! Its Cap ! Bucky: What about him ? Y/N: OMG Nat: Y/N ? Sam: You saw that too ? Y/N: You bet I did !

“What did you see Y/N ?” Bucky asked, looking up from his phone.

“Look, at the last table, at that corner!” Y/N said, pointing.

“I cant see ” Bucky said, stretching to look.

“Come here” Y/N said, grabbing the sleeve of his shirt, pulling him closer.

Well, she pulled too hard in excitment that, he fell towards her and their heads collided.

Y/N’s eyes went wide, and she turned deep red. Bucky blushed too, his face still close to hers. His warm breath fanned her face, setting butterflies free in her stomach.

“Sorry” Y/N whispered, realizing that she was still holding onto his sleeve, and letting go.

“Its…its alright” Bucky said.

“Do you want to see it ?” Y/N asked.

“Yeah” Bucky said, sliding closer to her,and looking at where she pointed.

A smirk spread onto his face.

Steve and Sharon were at the corner most table, kissing.

Bucky looked at Y/N, who had a smile on her face. She raised her eyebrows at him, and they burst out laughing.

“Team hangouts are NOT for making out !” Nat complained. “ And he didnt tell me about Sharon!”

“Let them be, Nat” Clint said. “At least they’re having fun”

Natasha handed Y/N her coke, and the others had their drinks.

The team had a fun night, at the end of which all of them ended up on the dancefloor, following Nat’s silly dance moves.

Bucky couldnt help himself, as he felt his eyes follow Y/N the entire night. Y/N felt the connection too, but she was far too nervous to act on it.

The only one who actually saw the little bit of tension between them was, of course, Nat. And Sam to an extend.

It was past midnight, when they decided to return to the tower.On reaching, Natasha wanted to play a game.

“Nat, really ?” Wanda asked, yawning.

“Come onnnnnnn !!” Natasha said, the alcohol making her words slur a bit.

“Alright alright” Sam said.

“Clint, get the bottle” Natasha ordered.

“Right away” Clint said, running off to fetch the bottle, and returning in a flash.

“What game are we playing ?” Steve asked.

“How aboutttt…truth or dare?” Natasha said with an evil grin.

“Ohhh” Wanda groaned.

“Cool !” Bucky said.

They sat around in a circle, and Natasha spun the bottle.

The game went on in quite a funny way. When it landed on Steve, Natasha had wicked grin on her face.

“Ooooo” Natasha said. “Alright babe, truth or dare ?”

Steve glanced around the room, and saw that most of his friends had that look on their faces.

Steve nodded and said, “Ok, Truth” Natasha pretended to think hard, and then smiled.

“You were kissing Sharon Carter at the pub” Natasha said, making Steve blush. “Are you two dating ? How long has this been going on?”

Y/N grinned, at Steve’s defeated expression.

“Nat, come on ! ” Steve said shaking his head.

“Come on sweetie, we deserve to know” Natasha winked at Steve.

Y/N’s eyes darted to Bucky, who raised his eyebrows at her.

“Spill it, Cap” Sam encouraged her.

“Alright alright !!” Steve said standing up. “Its true. We’re dating, but just started a week ago. I swear its the truth!”

Bucky smirked, at his friend, nudging him, and Steve punched him playfully.

The rest of the team cheered.

“Soooo” Clint said. “Spin it Cap”

Steve spun the bottle and the game continued. Until Sam spun, and it pointed at Bucky.

“Yes, baby !” Sam looked beyond excited. “So whats it gonna be Robocop?”

“Dare” Bucky said confidently.

“Sam, kill him, bro !” Clint said.

“I dare you to kiss any girl in this room” Sam said, smugly.

“Oh come on!” Bucky groaned shaking his head.

“You’re lucky I DIDN’T specify” Sam said with a wink, sitting back to enjoy the show.

“Buck” Steve said, shoving Bucky out of his chair.

“Ok, here goes” Bucky said, walking towards the girls.

They knew Bucky wouldnt try it on Nat. She was not his kind of person. And not Wanda. She was like a sister. That would be weird. Which left only Y/N.

Sensing him coming closer to her, Y/N stood up, shaking her head.

“Bucky, bad idea !” she said, raising her hands to stop him.

He gave her a smirk, trying to catch her.

“Oh no you DONT !” Y/N ran across the room, followed by Bucky. They ran around the entire room, with the rest of the team laughing and cheering.

“Seriously, Bucky ! You dont want Tony to kill you !” Y/N said, as she ran.

“I dont mind dying ‘coz of this !” Bucky said, finally grabbing her hand and stopping her.

“Yay ! Go Buck !” Natasha cheered.

“Bucky !!!” Y/N hissed.

“Shh” Bucky said. “Dont run”

He released her slowly. But held her hand in his.

“Do it !” Clint yelled.

Bucky grinned, his eyes locked with Y/N’s. He slowly raised her hand to his mouth, and kissed it gently, his lips lingering on her skin for a while.

Y/N smiled, as he let go, and then he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

“Awwwww” Wanda said. “ Thats a gentleman”

“Great going Buck” Steve said, laughing.

Sam and Nat gave them a knowing look, making them both blush.

TAGS ! @mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107

Tags :
8 years ago

BLUSH - Part 3

Bucky Barnes x reader

After a long day of work, Y/N went straight to her room, exhausted. But she couldnt sleep.

She had a bit of an anxiety issue, and her work always kept her on the edge.

Eventhough she was quite good at what she did, she doubted herself and her abilities. She never spoke of it to anybody, but it always haunted her. She constantly pushed hard to impress Tony, to prove that she was worth his time and money. Tony was a father figure to her, and she always felt the need to make him proud of her.

It sometimes left her sleepless at night. She would usually make herself something to eat at times like that. That was yet another issue. She tended to eat her problems away.

And to top it all, there was Bucky Barnes.

She couldnt stop thinking about him. She tried hard not to look at him too much, or think about him, but also failed miserably.It was all too much for her.

Y/N got up from her bed, and looked at the clock. It was only 3 in the morning. Everyone in the tower should be alseep, she thought glumly.

She slipped out of her room slowly, and made her way to the kichen. She began searching the fridge for something to eat and her eyes fell on icecream. Helping herself to a bowl, she sat at the kitchen counter, eating.

Y/N almost jumped in shock as she heard some noise behind her. She put a hand against her chest, and tried to calm herself down.

“You scared me Bucky !” she breathed.

“Im sorry” Bucky mumbled. “ What are you doing here ?”

“I couldnt sleep”

“Oh” Bucky scanned fer face to evaluate the situation.

“What happened ?” he asked, as he sat next to her.

Y/N saw that he wasnt wearing a shirt, and for the first time, she saw the part where his metal arm joined his body. There were rough scars lining it.

Bucky saw Y/N’s eyes on his arm, and he was afraid of scaring her off. “Am I making you uncomfortable ? I will go put on a shirt, just wait” Bucky said, getting up from the chair.

“No, dont ”

He was surprised to hear her say that, and even more surprised as she caught hold of his arm, making him sit back.

“Can I touch it ?” She asked him in a whisper.

Their eyes met, and Bucky gave her a slight nod. Y/N’s eyes were back on his arm. Her fingers slowly traced the scars, caressing it ever so softly. 

Bucky closed his eyes tightly at that feeling.

“Are you ashamed of it ?” Y/N asked, her fingers still lingering there.

“Its not me…it only reminds me of the terrible things I’ve done”

“You cant blame yourself for it, Bucky…” Y/N said. “I see it as a part of you, which makes it beautiful”

Bucky looked at her amazed.

Their eyes met again.

Bucky smiled at her words. His heart was beating faster. Like as if she sensed it, her hand moved over to his chest, above his heart.

She smiled.

“You’re just, wonderful, you know that?” Bucky had to say.

Y/N shrugged, smiling.

“Y/N” Bucky said, taking her hands in his. “Whats the matter ? I know beneath that smile, something is bothering you, tell me about it…if its alright”

And for the first time, she spoke to someone about her fears, her insecurities, how hard some things take a toll on her.

By the end of it, Y/N was in tears, and in Bucky’s arms.

Bucky held her tightly against his chest, as he felt her relaxing, her sobs fading, and her breathing was normal again.

“Look at me, Y/N” He said, cupping her face with his hands. “You have nothing to worry about ! I was a wreck, completely lost, but Im here now…I have overcome so much ! Y/N you are brilliant ! You just need to give yourself a break !”

“I do ?”

“Yes ! You’re pushing yourself too hard…just relax, and be yourself, everyone loves you”

“Do you ?”

“What ?”

“Do you - love me too?”

Bucky smiled at her. She looked at him with teary innocent eyes.

“Of course I do” Bucky whispered, pulling her into another hug.

“You really do ?” Y/N’s voice was so small, if he werent so close to her, he wont have heard.

Y/N pulled away from him. There was so much of hope in her eyes. So much expectation, and trust, that Bucky felt his heart growing heavy.

She looked him glumly and he touched her cheek lovingly. “Yes,” he said. “I do”

“Really?” She tilted her head as she waited for his answer.

Her gaze made him stutter with his words. He only leaned forward, but just before his lips could touch hers, Natasha walked into the room with a loud yawn.

Bucky and Y/N sprang apart, staring at Natasha. Y/N heard a low frustrated growl escape Bucky’s mouth as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“Morning” Natasha mumbled, going straight to the fridge. She retrieved a bottle of water, and raised it to her mouth. But lowered it and looked at the couple at the table.

“What are you two doing here ?” She asked with a smirk, noticing Bucky’s shirtless form.

Bucky just shook his head in defeat. Y/N shrugged.

“Aww, you cute little things” Natasha said, laughing. She walked towards her room with the bottle in hand, and on her way she yelled, “ Hope you guys’ll finish that kiss !”

Bucky just put his hand to his face, as Y/N sat beside him, mortified.

“I…I should go” She said, standing up and washing her ice cream bowl. Bucky nodded.

“Thanks Bucky, you made me feel a lot better !” She said, touching his shoulder before leaving.


@mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae

, @sgt-jbb-107

Tags :
8 years ago

BLUSH - Part 4

Bucky Barnes x reader

There was only one thing in Bucky’s mind. That kiss he couldnt complete. “Its so UNFAIR !” He said. “Its killing me !”

“Buck, you can try again !” Steve said, trying to calm his bestfriend. “Im almost too sure that she has the same feelings for you”

“I dont know, Steve” Bucky whined. “If we had kissed that day - GOD ! Im gonna kill Romanoff !”

Steve tried his best to supress his laughter.

But it was just so awkward all the time. Y/N would turn bright red at the sight of Bucky, and would be completely on autopilot by then. Bucky would go all sweaty and stammer at his words.

“I feel so guilty” Natasha said, shaking her head.“I didnt expect this”

“They’ll be ok, Nat” Steve said, shrugging. “There is nothing that we can do about this”

An grin spread on Natasha’s face.

“Oh yes there is” She said, trying an evil-witch-laugh.

“That sounds really wierd” Steve said, giving her a look.

“It didnt come off as I expected” Natasha said, clearing her throat. “Come on. We have work to do!”

Natasha (along with a forced Steve), tried in their own way, to actually bring the Bucky and Y/N together.

Natasha made Y/N train when the boys were at the gym. Bucky and Y/N mysteriously ended up seated next to eachother during dinner and movie nights. She would even trip Y/N when shes in a hurry so that she would fall on Bucky.

She tried everything she could, but they just remained silent and awkward around eachother.

“This is hopeless” Natasha said, glumly. “I was just teasing them ! I didnt mean it to be like this !”

“Let them do it their way, Nat” Steve said, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

* * *

Y/N was in her room, flipping through the pages of a magazine, when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened it to find Tony standing there with a smile on his face.

“Hey! Come in” Y/N said, closing the door as Tony stepped in.

“You’ve been busy” Tony said, sitting on the edge of her bed. “No time for me, huh ?”

“Sorry, Tony” Y/N said, sitting next to him. “Had lots to do”

“Well, I cant let Banner torture you in there” Tony said. “Lets go on trip. Just the two of us - like we used to when you were little”

Y/N smiled at the memory.

“That would be great !” She said, hugging her uncle. “Thanks Tony”

He kissed her temple gently and said, “Anything for you”

“I will arrange something and let you know” Tony said, as he walked out. “Be ready !”

“You know I will be”

* * *

Tony’s visit had made her pretty happy. She stepped out of her room, and towards the kitchen, to find something to eat. She almost turned away seeing Bucky there, making coffee.

“Coffee, Y/N ?” he asked, wanting her to stay.

“No thanks, Bucky” Y/N said, giving him a small smile.

She opened the fridge to find something to eat. Her heart raced, having Bucky so close to her. She wanted to reach out to him. Hug him. Tell him she loved him. But this stress made her more hungry.

She found some of Wanda’s big cupcakes, and carried them to the table, sitting as far away from Bucky as possible. Bucky, sighed in defeat, and sat at the other end.

Steve and Natasha sat at the living room, from where they could see the couple. Natasha sighed.

“This is so frustrating” she said, placing her head of Steve’s shoulder.

Bucky sat staring at Y/N, who was stuffing her fifth cupcake into her mouth.He shook his head, knowing that Y/N always ate too much when she was under stress. She took another bite, glumly.

Bucky exhaled loudly as he stood up, and walked towards Y/N.

Steve nudged Natasha a bit too forcefully in excitment that she almost fell out of the couch.

“Y/N, thats enough” Bucky said, taking the cupcake from her hand.

“Give it back !” Y/N said, reaching up for it.

“No, you’ve had enough” Bucky said. “You’re gonna be sick”

“I dont care, give it back !”

She stood up now, wrestling Bucky for her cupcake.

“Oh God, PLEASE just let them kiss” Natasha said, watching them carefully.

“BUCKY !” Y/N whined.

Bucky put the cake in his mouth, and showed his empty hands to her.

“What the hell, Bucky ! That was the last one !” Y/N said, sulking.

“I thought you didnt like strawberry icing” Bucky said, licking the icing off his fingers.

“I dont” Y/N, pouring herself a glass of water. “Wanda made these so that I dont eat them”

Bucky laughed.

“You ate them anyway” He said.

“Yeah I did” Y/N said, shrugging. “I have to go”

She began walking towards the elevator. Bucky clentched his jaws, as he followed her.

“Ok, please tell me they will kiss in the elevator” Natasha said, slapping her forehead.

“You have a way of complicating things, Nat” Steve said. “This could’ve been avoided”

“When am I gonna see the end of it ?!” Natasha whined.

* * *

Sam has created a chatroom.

Sam has added Steve, Nat, Wanda and Clint to chatroom.

Sam : Ok, now whats up with Robo cop and Lil Stark ?

Steve : Whats wrong with them?

Sam : Cap, stop pretending that you dont know

Clint : There is something going on. They were inseparable. Now they barely talk.

Nat : Ok, as guilty as I am, you guys are gonna push me into suicide.

Steve : Natasha Romanoff.

Clint : Keeping secrets from me, Nat ?

Nat : Everyones gonna hate me.

Wanda : Y/N ate all my cupcakes. Again. And shes really upset.

Sam : I think shes upset with Barnes.

Clint : Sam’s right. Wanna talk, Cap ?

Nat : I hate you all.

Nat : Alright ! I walked in on them when they were about to kiss, and I have created this awkward tension between them. And yeah. Thats it.

Sam : Oh.

Wanda : Nat, why did you skip the part where you yelled that you HOPE they would complete the kiss ?

Nat : Thank you, Wanda. And stop reading my mind !

Steve : You know how they are. Both tend to brood on things unneccesarily.

Sam : Well done, Black widow !

Clint : Come on ! They’ll be fine. In fact, I just saw them getting off the elevator.

Nat : Oh please just kiss already !

Steve : Natasha, Im going to kill you if you say that again.

Clint : Is Tony aware of this situation ?

Steve : I dont think so. And we better not talk about it in front of him. Y/N’s gotta figure out how to do it.

Sam : If at all things get better with Barnes, that is. Thanks to B.W.

Nat : You suck.


@mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107

, @dreamingonmyown

Tags :
8 years ago

BLUSH -Part 5

Bucky barnes x reader As the elevator doors opened at their floor, Y/N walked out slowly, and Bucky followed. The silence was killing him, and yet he was terrified to do anything. His mind was in a debate whether to actually talk to her or not. Y/N pouted as she neared her room. Why the hell isnt he saying anything ?!, She thought. Just as she reached her door, Bucky grabbed her hand, pulling her into his room. "Bucky !" she breathed, shocked. "Y/N, things have been so weird since that night" Bucky began, running his fingers through his thick brown hair. "I dont want you to run away from me ! Please !" Y/N stood with her back pressed to the wall, giving him a wide eyed look. "Dont look at me like that !" Bucky said. "Y/N, I like you ok ? I have for a while now ! I was just so afraid to tell you! I mean, you're a Stark ! And Tony...but I cant hold it anymore. I cant-" Y/N had tears in her eyes now, and she did her best not to let them spill. "Y/N" Bucky stood close to her, bending a bit, just so that his face was inches away from hers. His hands cupped her face, as he said " I love you...I really do - " Y/N looked into his blue eyes, as he leaned in, and pressed his lips to hers. His hands dropped down to her waist, pulling her closer, as her hands went around his neck. Y/N pulled away, smiling and blushing. "I love you, Bucky" She whispered. Y/N flung her arms around Bucky's neck again, kissing him. "It was just so didnt say anything after Nat walked in on us, and I thought maybe you didnt like me, and I was just so embarrased-" "Well, I thought you didnt" Bucky said with a laugh. "Glad thats sorted out" He kissed her again, but she pulled away, giggling. "What ?" Bucky asked, raising his eyebrows. "You taste like strawberries" Nikki said, shaking her head. "So do you" Bucky said, with a grin. "Remind me never to eat those again, please" "You are crazy, come here"                              * * * When the Y/N walked into the kitchen later that day, with Bucky's arm drapped over her shoulders, Natasha shreiked. Y/N jumped in fright, screaming and covering her mouth. Bucky looked around, frowning. "What the bloody hell !?" He snapped at Nat, when he saw no threat. Natasha dived towards them, and threw her arms around the couple. "Thank you !" She said. "Im mean really, Im so happy for you both!" "Is this woman crazy ?" Bucky asked his finger pointed at Natasha, who still had them in her grip. Sam and Steve laughed, watching the show. "Seriously you two ! " Natasha said, stepping back. "Took you long enough!" "Calm down, Nat !" Y/N said, touching her friend's arm. " Whats all this ?" "Im really sorry for messing things up that day, Y/N. I-" Nat said, blushing. "We're not mad at you" Y/N said with a smile. "You dont have to apologise" "Hey ! I am !" Bucky said. "Who cares about you, Barnes" Natasha said smugly, looping hands with Y/N. Bucky scoffed at her, before moving on to sit with his friends. "Come on " Natasha dragged her towards the elevator. "I need details !" "What details ?" The entire room froze as Tony Stark strolled in, his eyes glued to his cell phone. Noticing the sudden silence, he looked up, narrowing his eyes. "Whats going on ?" He asked, pushing the cellphone into his pocket and folding his arms against his chest. Y/N bit her lip, her brain scanning for a quick lie. Bucky stared at her, holding his breath. "I was just telling Nat about the time we went to that Safari" Y/N said, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking. "We should take her, Tony. She'll love it !" "Really ?" Tony said, raising his eyebrows at Nat. "Yep" Nat said with a smile. "I love them !" "Oh" said Tony shrugging. "Maybe we can all go !" "Sounds great" Sam said. "Lets call T'challa too. Do they have safaris in Wakanda ?" "Hmm..." Tony nodded thoughtfully, and took out his cellphone again, typing into it furiously, before walking out of the room. Bucky exhaled noisily. "You have to find a way to tell him, Y/N" Nat said, in a serious tone. "And fast" Y/N nodded. "How the hell am I supposed to do that ?!" She whined. Bucky gave her a sad smile. He knew Tony would throw a fit when he came to know. Tony had started to forgive him, and they were making actual progress, but this would change everything. TAGS!!! @mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107 , @dreamingonmyown

Tags :
8 years ago


Bucky Barnes x reader

Bucky Barnes didnt enjoy crowds. And because of this one reason, he wasnt enjoying this outing.

"Come on, man, just a carnival ! Relax!" Sam said, Bucky grimaced, and then continued to walk, watching all the fairylights and candy floss, and all these happy people.

How he wished to feel that way.

To be happy.

To be relaxed.

He sighed audibly, and his eyes wandered, only to fall on a particular stall, standing isolated somewhat behind all the music and madness. He began walking towards it, leaving his friends behind. He felt some kind of a pull, and he walked faster.

A woman in bright clothes sat at the entrance to the stall, watching.

"Welcome to my stall, dear" She said with a smile.

Bucky looked at her, and her stall, with some emotion he couldnt quite understand.

"Why dont you just look around ?" the woman said, showing him the way in.

It was a tiny bookstall, with many ancient looking books stacked onto makeshift shelves.

Bucky felt almost stupid to be standing there, but still, there was an odd attraction that kept him there.

He walked in between the shelves of books, his mind pulling him in different directions. He felt overwhelmed and giddy, and he grabbed a shelf to steady himself. The shelf shook slightly, sending a few books stacked at the top to topple down.

A particular book, with a black and red cover, landed in his hands. 'Book of Soulmates' Was etched on the hard cover on the book. Bucky frowned, as he opened the book, and almost screamed out loud, seeing the first page.

The slightly yellowing page had his name written in the middle, in a beautiful handwriting. He looked around to see if this was a prank, and expected his friends to jump out from behind the shelves. Only no one came.

Bucky was breathing fast, feeling suffocated. He glanced back at the book, running his fingers over his name. He turned to the next page, which was blank. He flipped the pages, and they were all blank.

Giving out a frustrated sigh, he shut the book, and stood still for a moment. He thought of confronting the woman who owned the stall. He made his way towards the entrance, but a sudden cool breeze had him stop in his tracks. A sweet scent filled his nostrils. Now truly creeped out, Bucky looked around cautiously.

He froze as he felt a warmth in his fingers. He looked down at the book he was holding. A certain warm seemed to seep through its covers to his fingers.

He opened the book urgently, and saw the first page as it is. But the next page had changed. There was a light outline in it. Thats it, Bucky thought. Just as he turned to run, there was a huge gust of wind, and pages flying around. Bucky fell to his knees , holding onto te book tightly.

He closed his eyes, not knowing what else to do. The wind stopped abruptly, and Bucky waited a moment before opening his eyes. "Shit" He mumbled to himself.

The stall was gone. There was no sign of it, or the woman. It was all gone. The only thing that kept him sane was the fact that he was still holding the warm book in his hands. He quickly opened the book, and let out a sigh of relief as he saw his name in it.

The outlines in the next page had grown darker now, more clear. It looked like a portrait. Bucky squinted at it, trying to figure out the drawing. It was someone's face. What caught his eye was the outline of a star on the left cheek of the person. None of the other features were clear.

"Hey ! BUCKY !" Bucky stuffed the book into his jacket, as he saw Steve approaching him. "Where did you run off to ?!" Steve asked, his face showing concern.

"I was right here" Bucky said, shrugging. He shifted trying not to mind the book, that was getting warmer by the minute.

"Come on, lets go - the others went on to grab a snack" Steve said, pulling Bucky with him. Bucky followed him, turning around occasionaly, to see some sign of the stall. Lost in thought, he continued walking, and walked straight into someone. Bucky yepled in pain, as the book burned him.

There was another scream, and Bucky looked at the person he had walked into.

There was a girl sitting on the ground, brushing the dirt off her jacket, looking up at Bucky, her lips slightly parted, and a look of confusion etched on her beautiful face. Bucky stared at her. She long wavy brown hair, that flying around her in the breeze, and big brown eyes, glued to his face.

And the soft cool breeze that swept his face, carried a certain sweet scent. Bucky's eyes widened at sudden realization. There was a silver star painted on her left cheek. He reached for the book inside his jacket only to find that it was gone.

He felt light-headed, and he looked back at the girl. She just sat there, watching him. It was her. It was her portrait.

Bucky extended his arm to help her up. She took it without question, and they both winced as their touch burnt their fingertips for a moment, and then it was gone.

Bucky was too shocked to speak. What was happening ? "Bucky ! Bucky !" Bucky snapped out of his trance, as Steve shook him. He was still holding her hand.

"Hi" He said in a small voice. "Hi" "Im sorry, I-" "Its alright"

She had a faint smile on her lips, and she tried to tame her flying hair with her free hand.

"Im James. Bucky. Barnes" The girl giggled as Bucky stuttered with his words. "Y/N Y/L/N" She said, smiling.

Steve stared at the couple in confusion.

"Did you feel it ?" Bucky asked in a whisper. The shook her head, still smiling.

"Whats going on, Bucky ?" Steve asked again.

Bucky turned to Steve with a smile and said, "Shes my soulmate"

Tags :
8 years ago

Library Love - 1

Bucky x Reader :)

“Y/N ! Come on !”, my bestfriend Natasha whined, as I walked in between the huge bookshelves.

“Nat, you knew it would take time !” I hissed, giving her a glare.

Nat rolled her eyes at me, and pretended to browse through some book.

“So boring ! Can’t you just use the internet for your research ? This place is killing me !” Nat said, yawning.

“Natasha ! Im here to study !” I said, trying my best not to raise my voice. “Why did you come in the first place?”

“I had nothing better to do!” Nat said, shrugging.

“Hm. You can go if you want, Nat” I said, pulling out the book I was looking for from the shelf. “I’ll be fine”

“Of course you will be” Nat said. “But Im not leaving without you”

“Alright ! Be quiet then” I said, walking towards one of the big benches in the middle of the room, my eyes fixed on the book.

“Y/N, watch out !”

Well, Nat was too late to inform me - I walked straight into something hard and fell back. I screwed my eyes shut at the impact, and felt a pair or arms around me, blocking my fall.

I opened my eyes and gasped.

“Oh God” Nat’s voice had a touch of relief in it.

“Are you alright ?”

That was a new voice. I looked at the man in front of me, who was holding me, a look of concern on his handsome face.

“I-” I stared at him.

Those blue eyes.

“Y/N” Nat’s voice brought me back to reality again.

Thats when I noticed that I held my book tightly against my chest with one hand, and my other hand was on his shoulder. The fabric of his shirt crumbled under my tight grip.

I quickly let go, blushing.

“Are you alright, Y/N ? ” He asked again. Thanks to Nat, he knew my name !

“Yes, Im fine. Thanks for, um, -” I said, feeling the heat rise to my face.

He smiled, and said, “You’re welcome”

I smiled back, almost fully smitten by his good looks.

Nat was on my side by now, her hand squeezing mine tightly.

“See you around then” I managed to say, wanting to escape from this situation.

“See you” He said, and with a nod to Nat, he walked off.

Just as he was out of our sight, Nat burst.

“What the HELL was that ?!” she said, eyes wide.

“What ?” I asked, sitting down on the bench.

“See you around ?” Nat asked.

“Its not like I will be seeing him or anything” I said, feeling a bit of regret in that.

“Exactly !” Nat said. “Did you see him?!”

I raised my eyebrows at her.

“You already have a boyfriend ! You shouldnt check out other guys ” I said, with a grin.

“I checked him out for you, moron!” Nat said, shaking her head. “I cant believe you let him leave like that !”

“What are you trying to say?” I asked, closing my book, and looking at her.

“You should have talked !” Nat said. “Asked for his number or something!”

“Sorry, no” I said, “I dont do that”

“Hence your single situation!” Nat scoffed.

“Hey, Im totally fine with being single!” I argued.

“No you’re not !” Nat shot back. “That guy was perfect ! Did you hear the way he said your name ?”

“Yes” Was all I could say. My name never actually felt that good. Hm.

“Well, good thing you have me as your bestfriend !” Nat announced, with a grin.

“No, I dont like the sound of that” I said, shaking my head. “ Nat, whatever you’re thinking - DON’T”

“Oh please” Nat said, giving me a bored look. “I wonder if hes gone… Just wait here!”

Nat was too quick for me. She sprinted across the room in split second, and I sat staring at the direction she ran. And a certain dread came over me.

                                  * * *

“Nat please tell me you didnt do anything stupid” I said, sitting on my bed, feeling totally burdened.

“Y/N, for the hundredth time ! He wasnt there ! I didn’t meet him !” Nat said. “I swear !”

I nodded.

“I wish he told me his name” I wondered out loud.


Nat had a wild look on her as she said that.

                                * * *

I was at the library in my usual time, and I walked towards the librarian to return a book.

I almost lost my breath, seeing HIM standing there.

“Hey!” He said with a smile. “Y/N?”

“H-hi” I said, feeling a lump forming in my throat. “You work here ?”

“Only helping out Mrs.Christie” He said, with a smile.

“Oh, thats nice” I said. “How long have you been doing this ?”

“Well, I started last week” He said. “That same day”

“Oh…” I was so afraid if Nat had done something that I skipped coming to the library a whole week.

“Bucky” He said, taking the book from me.

“Hm ?”

“Bucky Barnes. My name” He said, his smile widening.

“Well, you know mine right ? Y/N  Y/L/ N” I said, smiling back at him.

He laughed.

“Thanks to your friend” he said.

“Yep, thanks to her”

We met almost regularly after that. He was a very fun person to be with, and he was slowly creeping into my heart too. I was not ready to admit it to myself, even. Thats when Nat found out.

“I cant believe how primitive you two are !” She sighed. “You dont even have his number !”

“Stop it, Nat” I whined, trying to wrestle her out of my bed.

“Seriously, Y/N” She said. “You gotta woman up, and make a move ”

“Not happening” I said, shaking my head stubbornly.

Nat exhaled loudly, giving me a dirty look.

                              * * * Over the next couple of days, I didnt have much time to talk to Bucky. As disappointing as it was, I had an assignment due that very Friday, and there was no way I could fall behind in it.

After a long day of reading and typing, I was finally ready to leave. I felt a sudden shiver, when I saw that library was almost completely empty - was everyone gone ?

I raced to the desk where Bucky usually worked, and let out a sigh of relief to see him sitting there.

Bucky looked up, and smiled.

“I thought I got locked in” I said, leaning against a bookshelf.

“Wont do that to you, now would I?” Bucky asked, with a grin. “Pretty busy these days, I see”

“College work” I said with a shrug. “Just too many assignments”

Bucky nodded understandingly.


TAGS !! @learisa , @axelinchen , @msdrmarvel

Tags :
8 years ago

Library Love - 2

Bucky Barnes x reader

Bucky looked at me with a little smile.


“Can you do me a favour ?”


He rose from his seat, and handed me a couple of books, and said, “Mind putting these back for me ? I have a bit more to do here”

“Alright” I said, dropping my bag next to his seat, and carrying the books back to their shelves.

I put the last book in its place, and turned, to walk straight into Bucky. Again. Only this time, I jumped back, hitting my back against the bookshelf, and sent dust flying everywhere.

“Im so sorry !” Bucky said, reaching protectively.

“Its alright” I said, laughing nervously.

I stopped laughing, when I saw him looking at me intently.

“Bucky ?” I asked, my voice shaking.

He just stepped forward, eyes not leaving my face.

I moved back, and my back hit the bookshelf again, and Bucky, stood, just inches away from me.

A soft smile crept up his lips.

I was trembling by now, praying that Bucky wouldnt notice it.

Bucky raised his hand, and moved a lock of hair from my face, and laughed.

“This place needs cleaning up” He announced, waving a piece of cobweb in front of my face.

I stared at him for a moment, before I began laughing.

“You shouldnt sneak up on people like that !” I said, swatting his arm.

“Im sorry, but you expression was priceless” Bucky said, shaking his head. “Come on, lets get outta here.”

I followed him back to the librarian’s desk, and grabbed my stuff.

“Dont forget your book, Y/N”

Bucky handed me my book, and winked at me.

“Bye, Bucky” I said, giving a wave before walking out.

                             * * *

“You were ALONE at the library, with BUCKY ?”

Nat’s eyes were as wide as golf balls.

“Yes, Nat” I said, sighing.

“Oh God” she said, falling back on her bed. “And did you two do anything to push things forward ?”

“Does putting books back into their shelves count ?” I asked, with a smirk.

“I hate you both” said Nat, pulling her blanket over her head.

I turned back to my book, and opened it. And let out a scream.

Nat jumped off her bed with a shriek, and looked around.

“What the was that for ?!” She asked.

I couldnt speak. I just pointed at my book. Nat came forward to take look. With a squeal of joy, she threw her arms around my neck, hugging me.

“Oh that sneaky little-” she laughed.

Bucky had left a sticky note on the first page of my book, saying, “It started at the library, so this might be the best way to do it ;) Save this number, beautiful - Bucky ”

“Oh my GOD - NAT ! What do I do ?!” I was hyperventilating.

“You text him of course!” Nat said matter-of-factly, grabbing my cell phone from the table.

She saved Bucky’s number in it, and then handed it to me.

“Text him. NOW” She ordered.

I took the phone from her nervously, and typed a ‘Hi, its Y/N’ and eyed Nat, who gave me a look. I sent the text, and fell back into my bed, my heart pounding wildly.

“Why is he not REPLYING !?” I asked, squeezing the phone between my hands.

“Give him a minute !” Nat said, excitment shining in her eyes.

My phone gave a little tingle and we both screamed before checking the text.

“Its him, Its HIM !”

‘Hey :) You finally found it !’

‘Sure did’ I texed back.

‘I was afraid if you’d find it creepy’

'Definitely not’

“Oh please” Nat said, rolling her eyes. “Psycho stalker”

This earned her a swat on the head.

'Honestly, I’ve waited for this moment from the first day I saw you’ Bucky wrote.

“Oh my God!” I squealed. “What do I say ?!”

“The truth of course !” Nat urged me.

'Me too’ I texted.

'Glad to hear that !’

'So this is why you sent me in to put those books back ’

'Haha, yeah. What are your plans for tomorrow ?’

'Nothing much. Just submitting that assignment’

It took him a minute to reply.

'Meet me at the library at 7 in the morning’

'Does it open that early ?’

'Im the one with the keys, remember?’

'Alright…see you tomorrow then’

'See you, Y/N’

                                 * * *

I couldnt sleep all night, and the next morning, I felt dead tired. I was so nervous about meeting Bucky. I could hardly do anything.

“Calm down, Y/N!” Nat said. “You know him ! Hes a nice guy !”

“I just cant help it !” I said. “Why cant you just come with me Nat ?!”

“No way ! I have a feeling about whats about to happen ” She said, and winked at me.

                               * * *

I stepped into the library, looking around cautiously. Bucky wasnt in his usual place.

“Bucky ?” I called out. “BUCKY !”

“Hey, Im here, come over!” Bucky’s smooth voice came from behind a few shelves.

I walked towards in him slowly, feeling a lump forming in my throat. I found him on the ladder, arranging some books.

“Hey” He said, smiling. He slowly came down, the smile not leaving his face.

I smiled at him, my hands turning turning cold with nervousness.

“Are you alright ?” Bucky asked coming forward. “You look - pale”

“Im ok”

Bucky took my hand in his, and grinned.

“You’re nervous” he said, warming my hand in between his.

He raised it to his mouth to press a gentle kiss on my fingers.

His eyes never left mine, as he pushed me against the bookshelf, and kissed me. I was as usual, shocked beyond shocked.

Bucky pulled back slowly, and said, “You can ask me to stop, Y/N”

I just smiled at him, the warmth from his body calming me. I grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer, and kissed him.

                               * * *

“So” Nat said, stretching the word. “How did it go?”

“Went well” I said, shrugging.

“Just well ?”

She raised her eyebrows at me.

“It went extremely well” I said with a grin. “We’re - !”

“Oh my God !” Nat was estatic. “Oh my GOD ! Im so happy for you !”

She hugged me tightly.

“We can go on double dates ! It will be so awesome !” She said.

I laughed.

“Oh wow !! Come on ! I need to educate you on this whole thing ! Right now !”

Nat dragged me to our room, and the rest was another story.

TAGS !! @learisa , @axelinchen , @msdrmarvel

Tags :
8 years ago


Bucky Barnes x Reader (x uncle Tony Stark)

This is the final part of 'Blush' . Thank you all for reading and appreciating my work ! :) I know it isnt perfect, but its only the beginning ! And I also happened to reach 400 followers today ! Yay ! Thank you for the love, it means so much ! :*

"Just relax for a minute. Breath." Wanda instructed Y/N, watching her pace the room.

"Hes going to hate me. Hes going to disown me !" Y/N said, hyperventilating.

"You can do this another time then" Wanda said.

"No. I gotta do this now. Get it over with" Y/N said, exhaling loudly and walking towards the door. "Just tell Bucky to stay off Tony's floor for a while" Wanda nodded, and gave her a reassuring smile.                              

  * * *

Y/N stood in front of Tony's office, losing all the courage she had mustered a few minutes before. She knocked on the door softly, and heard Tony say 'Come in'.

Y/N entered and alnost froze in place seeing Bucky sitting in front of Tony, a guilty look on his face.

"Good timing, Y/N" Tony said. "I was about to call you" "W-why?" Y/N felt a huge lump in her throat.

Her eyes met Bucky's briefly, and then settled back on Tony's. Tony frowned, watching his niece with narrowed eyes.

"Uh- Tony -"

"Why dont you sit down ?" Tony said slowly getting up from his seat.

He turned to look at Bucky.

"So what have you gotta say, Barnes?" He asked.

Y/N froze again. He knew. He KNEW!

She stared at the two men in horror.

"Tony, Im really sorry-" Bucky said, "I didnt mean to !"

"Oh please, you didnt mean to ?! How can you even -"

"Tony, can I -" Y/N felt an urge to throw up.

"You dont say a word, Y/N! This is all on him !"  Tony said, silencing her. "You're all so quick to support him, he thinks he can just -"

"Oh woah, thats so not true !" Bucky shot back.

"Is too !" Tony said.

"You guys - " Y/N said. "Let me at least -"

"No!" Bucky and Tony stood face to face now, red faced and furious.

"Bucky this is NOT the way !" Y/N said, grabbing his arm.

"Y/N, you should probably just -" Tony began. "How can you blame it all on him ?!" Y/N asked.

"Seriously ?!"

"Y/N. DONT!" Bucky said, his eyes flashing a warning.

"Why not ?! 'Coz its not just you !"


"What the hell ?!" Tony looked at both of them with wide eyes. "Y/N , how can you be so STUPID ?!"

"Tony, I wanted to -" She never got to finish her sentence, because the door burst open, and Nat rushed in.

"Tony" Nat began. "I can explain"

"What the bloody hell ?!" Tony gave Natasha an incredulous look. "Is everyone is in this freakin' tower CRAZY ?!" He said, going back to take his seat.

"Tony, you just cant -" Natasha paushed, searching for the right words.

"Natasha, I can handle this, seriously, why the hell are you here ?!" Bucky asked, thowing his hands up in frustration.

"You are so ungreatful, Barnes ! Hes gonna kill you anyway, I just thought backing you up a bit will help !" Nat shot at him. "And Y/N - she -"

"Nat, its alright" Y/N said in a small voice.

"He had to know anyway - I didnt expect much -"


"Tony they just FELL IN LOVE ! Not bloody MURDER anyone !" Nat said.

There was a sudden silence in the room. Bucky and Tony stared at Nat. Y/N just stood silently, eyes closed. The silence carried on for a moment, before there was another knock on the door, revealing Sam and Steve.

Studying the faces of the occupants of the room, Sam said " Bad timing ?"

Steve walked in, straight to Tony and said, "He wasnt alone. We were with him" Tony just stared back at Steve with his mouth hanging open.

He reached into his coat pocket for a handkerchief, and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"I just need a moment" He said, shaking his head, and taking a sip of water from the glass set on his table.

"Cap, you were saying ?" Tony asked, eyes fixed on Steve. "He wasnt alone, Tony. Sam and I, we were with him. It was an accident - and we'll pay for everything -" Steve said, in an apologetic voice.

"Pay for what ?" Nat asked, sharing a look with Y/N.

"Why do I have a feeling that we're talking about different things?" Y/N asked, a hint of horror in her voice.

"Why dont you tell them, Barnes ?" Tony said, looking at Bucky.

Bucky exhaled noisily before speaking. "We took Tony's new car for a ride, and I was driving - " Bucky said. "And kinda had a bit of an accident - it needs replacements now"

"Oh my God" Y/N said, covering her face with her hands.

"And now, what were you two saying ?" Tony was uncharacteristically calm.

"Tony, this was NOT how it was supposed to happen ! " Y/N said, shaking her head. "I thought Bucky was here to talk about us -"

"Why do you need anyone else to talk to me for you, Y/N ?" Tony asked, softly. "Whats the worst that could happen ? I might throw him out, or maybe kill him like Nat said, but -"

"Tony !" Nat hissed.

"Im so sorry," Y/N said. "I was afraid that you might hate me after this. But, I cant help it, Tony. I love Bucky. I havent felt this before - you know it !"

Tony remained silent.

"Its always been about grades and career, but Bucky showed me something else - I want him in my life, Tony. And I want you. " Y/N said, walking towards Tony. "I can stop if you want" Y/N said, taking Tony's hand in her's. "But, that'll be it. Its going to be Bucky forever, Tony. No one else"

Tony looked at his little girl's tear- streaked face. And then at Bucky, who stood with a pained expression, but eyes fixed on Y/N, which held so much love and adoration for her. Tony looked away, trying to blink away any tears that had formed at the corner of his eyes.

He stood up, a hand tightly around Y/N's shoulder. "I've always been nothing but proud of you, Y/N. You're my daughter - there is nothing in the world that can change that. And when have I ever said a 'no' to you ?" Y/N looked at Tony with wide eyes. "Yes, its true that Barnes and I have a history of NOT liking eachother - and its not like hes killed my parents or anything -"

"TONY!" Steve and Natasha glared at him.

"Sorry - but hes a changed man, now. Incredibly STUPID, but still. And if it makes you happy, then, I want you to have it - without being guilty."

Y/N burst out into tears, and flung her arms around Tony's neck, crying into his expensive suit. Tony's eyes met Bucky's, and a secret pact - of tolerence, and trust and staying by eachother's sides for Y/N- was formed right there.

* * *

It was close to midnight, and Tony Stark stood at the roof of the Avengers Tower, watching the star studded sky.

"Cant sleep ?" Nat's voice snapped Tony back to reality. Tony shrugged, turning to look at her.

"Does it always look like that up there ?" He asked, looking back up at the sky. Nat smiled.

"On special days I guess" Nat replied, looping her hands with Tony's.

"You did so good today, Tony. Im so proud of you"

Tony smiled back at her.

"After all these years - it felt like I did the right thing. For her. " he said.

"You did. And for Barnes. After everything hes been throught"

Tony nodded.

"You're a great dad, Tony" Nat smiled at the soft blush that had settled on his cheeks.

TAGS !! @mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107 , @dreamingonmyown , @ravenclaw-geek24 , @ballerinafairyprincess

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7 years ago

A Suicide Meeting

Bucky Barnes x Reader Warning : Suicidal tendencies Bucky Barnes sat leaning against the railing of the bridge. The water underneath was violent tonight. His fingers woven through his long chestnut hair, eyes tightly shut - Bucky was in pain. He wanted to end it all. He wanted to end it tonight. But he couldnt find it in him to do so. He was mentally debating his chances, when he heard it. It was soft at first, and then it grew louder, more clearer. Bucky opened his eyes slowly, his fingers leaving his hair as he glanced up. It was dark, but he could make out a figure by the opposite railing. When his eyes finally adjust to the darkness, he saw her. She was sobbing uncontrollably, her voice cracking with grief. Bucky sat open mouthed, watching her, almost feeling her pain, on top of his own. "!" She screamed, before hurling her cellphone into the water. And the next thing her knew, she was climbing the railing, and he knew this was his cue. He groaned, before jumping up from his position and running towards her. Just as her hands left the railing, Bucky grabbed her by her waist, almost missing her by inches. She screamed and fought him, as he struggled to pull her back to the bridge. "Let go !!" She screaming, her hands attacking him. "Stop it !" Bucky shot back, pulling in one swift movement, and throwing her onto the brigde. Breathing heavily, he watched her lying on the wooden floor, crying. He crouched beside her, not knowing what to do. When she finally started breathing normally again, she looked up at Bucky. "Why did you save me ?" She asked in a whisper. "I dont know" Bucky said, shaking his head, and looking away. "I just couldnt -" Bucky stood up again, and helped her to her feet. "Are you sure you wont try that again?" Bucky asked, narrowing his eyes at her. "You can never be too sure of that" She said drily. "Lets get out of here before you get anymore ideas" Bucky said, turning to walk back. It was so dark, they werent actually able to see eachother clearly, so when Bucky started walking, he felt her walking very close to him, her hand almost touching his. They walked silently for a while before they reached a more lighted area. Bucky glanced at the girl, and saw that she was quite smaller than him. She wasnt one of most beautiful girls he had seen, but there was something about her that made his insides tickle. "Y/N Y/L/N" The girl said slowly. "Thank you, for what you did" Bucky snapped out of his thought, and nodded. "Im -" he began. "James Barnes" Y/N said, her eyes not leaving the road. "I know" "Well, its not everyday that people recognize me that way - they prefer to call me the -" "You dont have to say it" Their eyes met. "Thank you" Bucky murmured. He saw a hint of a smile on her face. "Are you hungry ? We can stop for a snack" Bucky asked, stopping in front of a small cafe. "Im starving " Y/N said, nodding. They entered the cafe, and gave their orders. "What was the reason ?" Bucky asked. Y/N blushed, and covered her face with her hands. "I was stupid" she said, shaking her head. "So so stupid" "That goes without saying" Bucky agreed, earning a glare from her. "I ran away from home, with this idiot - whom Im supposed to be marrying tomorrow - " Y/N began. "Oh - what happened ?" Bucky asked. "Well, he took off with someone else, breaking up with me over a text - and not to mention taking all my money" Y/N said shrugging. Bucky laughed. "Im sorry, but seriously -" "I already admitted I was stupid" Y/N said, her shoulders drooping. "I cant go back home, James" "Why not ?" Bucky asked. "Because I ran away !! And stole money from my step-mom !" Y/N said, her eyes wide. "I cannot go back and be Cinderella again" Bucky nodded. A middle aged waitress served them their food, and then the table was quiet, except for the occasional clinging and clanging of  forks. "Seriously, this is the best Ive felt in days" Y/N said, smiling. "Thank you -again" Bucky smiled. "Dont worry about it" He said. They were walking again, slowly. "So, where are you going now ?" Bucky asked. Y/N shrugged. "I dont know" She said. "I have a friend here in the city. Maybe stay with her for a few days, till I figure out what to do" Bucky remained quiet for a while. Then mustering up some courage, he said, "You can come with me, if you want. I have an apartment, I live alone" Y/N stared at Bucky with her mouth open. "I mean, I can understand if you dont want to - but if you do want to - you can stay for as much as you like - " He was nervous, and he didnt know if he did it right - beacause he had never done it before. Y/N was about to cry again. "Im sorry - I -" Bucky took a step back, staring at the girl in front of him. "Thank you, James ! Thank you so much ! You did so much for me, and you hardly even know me !" Y/N cried. "Well, " Bucky shrugged, blushing. "It comes with some risks..." "What risks ?" "I could go 'Winter Soldier' anytime" Bucky said, "I could end up killing you in your sleep" "Oh please" Y/N dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "Dont have much to lose anyway" Bucky laughed. "Dont be so bitter" he said, "You havent seen anything. Trust me when I say that" "I trust you" Y/N said with a smile. "Lets go then " Bucky said, returning her smile. "Hey, why were you on that bridge anyway?" Y/N asked, suddenly stopping. Bucky gave her an embarrassed smile. "For the same reason you were there" He said. "How ironic"

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7 years ago


au!Sebastian Stan x Reader He was perfect. Everything about him was perfect. The way those blue eyes could melt you with just a glance. Like he was doing right now. I felt a shiver run down my spine as Sebastian Stan made his way towards me. I had an urge to run. I wanted to hide from him. Ever since highschool, he has done this to me. I felt weak in front of him, and I wasnt generally a weak person. I was just like my mother when it came to that - I hated showcasing any signs of weakness. But not to Sebastian. He knew the effect he had on me. There was a smirk on his face as he reached me. "Hey, I didnt expect to see you here" he said, with that annoyingly beautiful smirk. "I didnt expect it too" I said dryly. "Its good to see you, Y/N" his voice awoke a lot of emotions, that I had learned to hide within me, which had been untouched for more than an year now. "You too, Seb" I managed to say, as he pulled me into a warm hug. I always found his scent intoxicating. It made me giddy. I pulled away quickly, my lips pressed together in a tight smile. "Where exactly have you been ?" Seb asked, sipping his drink. "Its been an year" An year. Seb and I were together in highschool. We were a thing back then. We were wild and so much in love. Three years. Thats how long it lasted. Thanks to my mother. On my 18th birthday, we had a nice big party at mine, and she discovered us in a rather compromising way, and that was it. She sent me away with my father in one if his social service trips, while she and my step brother Steven stayed home, working on her political career. And this was the first time we met again after all that. But Seb was with someone else now. Madeline Praise,  whose birthday party we were attending. "I was with dad" I said. "Vietnam" Seb's jaw clentched. "And of course, you didnt think its necessary to tell me" he hissed. "You just disappeared on me, Y/N" "I was held  a prisoner at my own home ! I was locked away not allowed meet even dad or Steven ! And one morning I was thrown into a flight to nowhere !" I said, my voice trembling with emotion. "And besides, not that you grieved a lot - Madeline Praise explains that much !" Seb looked at me, and I saw the pain in his eyes. "My father made me" he whispered, turning bright red. "Just wants to cover up the mess." I scoffed at that. "So where is your girlfriend ?" I asked, turning around to look. "I missed the cake cutting." "Of course you did" His smile was back on. "Seriously, I didnt even want to come" I said, shaking my head. "Thanks to my sweet mother. She has a way of pushing me into things I hate" Our eyes fell on my mother. Tanya Strait ( She took my stepfather's surname after marriage), was trying to make a political career for herself. She was trying her best. She had married George Strait when I was about ten years old. She and my stepfather were both born into filthy rich business families, and thus were always on top of the social ladder. Seb, Steven, Madeline and I, all attended posh private schools , and, Seb and Steven - the most expensive colleges. Madeline's family and mine were linked through family business, and thus this unavoidable party to which I was dragged to, against my will. "I missed you, Y/N" Seb said, his hand caressing mine softly. "So much" I looked at him, not sure if this conversation was a good idea. "I, too" I said, trying to calm down. My eyes darted to the crowd of guests, searching for Madeline. Only she wasnt anywhere to be seen. "Where exactly is she ?" I asked. Seb shrugged. "I dont really care" he said, in a bored tone. "Im here for my father" "Seb ! You're dating that girl !" "Who told you that ?! I am forced to take her to these stupid parties ! Our parents make us go together!  Who the hell told you we were dating ?!" He was shaking in anger. "Hm. Mom did" I said shrugging. "Come on, Y/N." Seb said impatiently. "You really think its that easy ?" "It hasnt been easy , Seb. Not for me. But Ive seen the two of you so blissfully happy on magazine covers" I snapped at him. "I was miserable ! I was in therapy ! But of course, you didnt know !" Seb was quiet now, staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth slightly open. "Hello, Sebastian" Seb tried to regain his earlier confidence, as my stepbrother Steven joined us. "Steven" he said, giving him a nod. "Nice to have Y/N back, isnt it ?" Steven said, putting an arm around my shoulders. Steven and I had a wonderful relationship. He never let the fact that my mother had replaced his, affect our bond. He was the only one in the world whom I knew would never hurt me. "Yes it is" Seb said, his eyes burning into me. "I would love to let you two catch up, but mom's kinda looking for you, and shes not going to be happy spotting you with him" Steven said, motioning to mom with his eyes. "Alright, give me a minute" I said, exhaling loudly. "I'll come" Steven nodded and walked off. "Seb, I have to go" I said. "Meet me in the garden at 10" he said. "Please, Y/N" "I dont think thats a good idea" I said, already protesting. "Last year was hell, I dont want to relive it !" "Please, baby" Seb whispered. "Please"

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7 years ago


au! Sebastian Stan x Reader

I wanted to kick myself for sneaking out of the party . It felt like those old days. And it scared me.

I saw him sitting on a bench, waiting for me. Seeing me, he jumped up, eyes shining in excitement.

“You came !” he said, grinning widely. “What is it, Seb?” I asked, looking around to see if we were being watched. “Just wanted you all to myself” he said, taking my hand in his and leading me away. “Where are we going ?” I asked, nervously.

This was so wrong.

                              * * *

I didn’t know what possessed me to get into his car.

“Seb, we ARE not going to your house ! We CANT !” I said, feeling horrified. “I think I’m going to need therapy again!” “Oh come on, Y/N” He said, laughing. “We’ll go to yours then”

My house was the safer option. So thats where we went. Once safely inside, I turned to question him.

“What the hell-”

His lips crashed against mine, before I could complete my sentence. I knew this would happen, but still my body took time to process it.

My hands shot up to his chest, pushing him off me gently.

“Bad idea” I told him, shaking my head pleadingly. “No” He growled, pushing me against the wall, his lips on mine again.

But this was exactly what I longed for. For the past year, he was the only person I craved to see. His voice. His touch.

Only to realise it again, made my eyes fill up with tears, and I sobbed into our kiss.

His hands cupped my cheeks, as I cried bitterly. He showered kisses on my face as I weeped. When his hands went around me, I cried with my face pressed against his chest.

“Baby, we are together now !” He whispered to me, “You are not getting away this time”

I nodded as he kissed me. Each touch brought about memories. His lips travelled down my neck, and I held on to him tightly, not wanting to lose contact. His body was so warm against my own.

It was so gentle this time. Like he was afraid to hurt me. Like he was afraid to lose me. It was the best night I had in ages.

We were in deep sleep, in each other’s arms, when I suddenly woke up hearing loud bangs on my door.

“What-” I put a hand against Seb’s mouth, and thats when he snapped out of his sleep and remembered he was in my room.


Mom’s voice was sharp, laced with a bit of concern.

“Y/N! Why did you leave the party early ?!”

I looked frantically at Seb, who was now smiling against my palm. I glared at him.

“Um…I didn’t feel well Mom !” I called out, trying to sound as gorgy as possible. “Why didn’t you tell us ?” She asked. “Open the door, dear” “Mom, I just wanted to come back OK ? I had this horrible - stomach ache !”

Seb kissed my hand, and I swatted him on his chest,making him fall back, grinning.

“Mom, I wanna sleep OK ?” I said, hoping that she would just buy my story and leave. “Alright” She said, hesitating. “I’ll call the doctor if you aren’t well by morning” She said, beginning to walk away. We laughed, as we heard her complain about the cheap quality of food the Praise’ had for the party.

“Your mom is something else” Seb said, his face red from laughing hard. “Yeah, she is” I agreed, cuddling to him. “I love you, Y/N” He said, kissing my temple. “So much” “I love you too, Seb” I said, pressing soft kisses on his chest.

                              * * *

I woke up to see Seb sitting up, speaking into his phone. He was whispering into it, and almost jumped out of bed when he saw me.

“I’ll call you” he said into the phone urgently, before tossing it onto the bedside table. I raised my eyebrows at him, as he sat back again, running his fingers through his hair.

“You alright ?” I asked, dreading his reply. He nodded.

“That was Madeline” I said, leaning over to pick up my clothes from the floor.

“I’m sorry” Seb said. And I knew by the look in his face that he was going to make me angry. I pulled on my dress, and moved off the bed. Sitting on the chair in front of my dresser, I turned to him.

“I’m so sorry, Y/N” He said again. “But I-”

“Just go Seb” I said, waving my hand. I was really angry. I turned to my mirror, and began running a brush through my hair.

“I swear I will make it up to you” he said, coming up to me and sitting on my dresser.

“You are not coming back here again, Sebastian, only to run away when she calls” I snapped. He exhaled loudly.


“Don’t” I held up my hand.

“You are not going to keep her for the day, and come to me at night, Seb” I said, my breathing furiously fast. “Its either me or her”

“I want you, you know that !” He said, “I just need time to sort it out ! My mom loves you, Nat. I can make it work. Just give me time.”

“I don’t know,Seb” I said, tears stinging my eyes again. “I don’t want to see another write up on you two - please - its sickening”

Seb smiled, leaning down to kiss me. “Right, now you gotta help me get outta here” he said, walking to my door.

I smuggled him to Steven’s room, where Steven was sprawled on his bed, snoring loudly. “Stevie !” I said, waking him from his deep slumber.

He sat up with a start, looking at me like as if I were a monster. And then his eyes fell on Seb.

“Oh really ?!” Steven said, slapping his forehead and falling back to bed. “Good morning, Steven” Seb said, leaning against the wall, with a smirk on his face.

“You wanna cover that up before going in front of mom” Steven said, pointing at my neck. Looking into his mirror, I saw a purplish mark on my neck. “Oh great” I muttered, throwing Seb a look.

“Back at it, you two ?” Steven said, shaking his head. “I’m not sending my sister to Africa this year, Stan. You better watch your step”

We remained quiet as Steven sat up again, scratching the back of his neck. “Come on, Steve. Get up and get dressed. I cant face mom alone. She must be waiting to grill me” I said, patting his shoulder. “And I need you to help him out.”

“Just use the balcony” Steven said. “You didn’t forget your old ways, did you now?”

“Not at all” Seb said, giving me a quick kiss before climbing down the balcony, and running off towards his car that was parked at a distance.

Tags!! @beckyboo1188

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