Azar (oc) - Tumblr Posts

Sick again, half-delirious and full of lead but the thought made me giggle out loud so here we are— though to be fair Azar's case is just me theorizing because @importantdestinydefendor hasn't confirmed anything yet (👀) and forgive me @marchdancer but I can't for the life of me remember whether you posted this info publicly or if it was something you revealed to me in private DMs (curse my health and my Swiss Cheese Memory) 😭😭😭
So, sadly, I have a small writers block, and therefore, chapter 4 is going at very much a snail's pace. (And the more I think about some scenes in chapter 2 and 3, the more I want to scrap them completely, so there's that...)
I also have decided to have so many new art projects besides doing stuff for uni...
Long story short - have a sneak peak of one!

(I have updated Azar's design a little to suit it more to the real-life georgian armour)
You know what? Have another even more out of context one!

Muhahaha! (I have officially lost it, you guys...)
Anyways, wish me luck for my exams starting next week!
I love it!!!! Can’t wait to see more of your OC
One of my projects is done!
I love when artist make OC drawing memes and since I'm starting to be more active on my blog with my art, I want to catch up on some of them so...
Here, have this "Draw your OC as..."-Reel as a mini comic with Azar! (can we even call this a comic?)

And some close ups

The only thing that I'm still unsure about is the backdrop colurs... But the rest? Man, was it fun to do!
Hope you guys like it as much as i do!
5, 6, 9, and 10 with Daryun and Saam for the ask game! 👀
Oh, what wonderful characters! (And so obviuse lmao but that is on me for talking about them so much) and what fun questions! I went a little on a rant here, sorry!
If anyone wants to partake here are the original questions/post!
WARING: Long post
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I usually am a person who listens to a song and is reminded of the character, rather than looking or thinking about a character and being reminded of a song. So I had to wade through my song list to find the perfect songs for my two special boys. And damn, was it HARD.
For Daryun - Lion by Saint Mesa: The whisperlike/calm singing combined with the overwhelming sound and powerful lyrics talking about somebody embracing their inner power (only a loose summary, do check out the entire meaning of the lyrics) remind me of him. He is a strong man and has many remarkable qualities. He is a courageous man who doesn’t shy away from challenges in his way nor from showing warmth to his friends/companions.
Lyric that remind me of him: “Gold are your fingers, leaving traces everywhere you go” “Sound of the water, deads dripping down your face” “Bring the lion out, bring the, bring the lion out”
For Sam - Warrior by Aurora: It reminds me of how he is trapped in his own mind and guilt of what happened in Ecbatana (as he tells Kishward in Chapter 124) and wishes for his own death. But he still fights on for what he believes in and to protect what he holds close and to keep people safe.
Lyric that remind me of him: “I can’t recall the last time I opened my eyes to see the world as beautiful.” “I’m trying to battle the night.” “Just reach out for the light, warrior, warrior.”
There are obviously more songs but for now, I chose these. For Daryun it was the hardest. Most of these songs will also probably be in my playlist for the AU as they both ALSO remind me of Azar.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Ok, be prepared for a little self-love/self-praise in this one (which is needed sometimes. Practice self-love, folks!).
I generally pride myself on being kind, friendly and (somewhat???) loyal as a friend and general human being. And who is quite literally the definition of loyalty?? Our famed knight in black, Daryun! (Sam as well, but that is not as noticeable under his other great characteristics (even though the recent chapters have proven me wrong)).
But most importantly, we three are the mom-friends. We care deeply for our friends and people we hold close to us. Daryun is the more protective mom-friend - always asking if you are okay and please, do send a text when your home safe and sound (I actually did that to a guy friend of mine. It was after a party of mine, it was after midnight and he wanted to head home for the night (he came by bike). I and another friend of ours didn't let him go until he promised us that he would send a text that he was home. I literally didn’t go to sleep UNTIl I had the text. It was like 2 or so in the morning! (I was also slightly tipsy), He only lived 20 minutes away from me, mind you).
Sam would be the mom-friend who would lend you a shoulder and an ear if you need it. He would hate it if an argument ensues between some of his friends and try to be the mediator. Probably has like random medical stuff (band-aid, painkillers, etc.) or other things one might need at hand. (I always have band-aids, at least two bottles of water, different types of pain medication, something against a cough or a small bite to eat (usually small chocolate bars) with me.) He (and Daryun, actually) would give you their jacket, scarf, etc. in a heartbeat. (I always have something to change into with me if it’s too warm/cold outside, be it a scarf, extra pair of gloves or a tshirt. If you even vaguely mention around me that you are cold, I will immediately offer you my jacket, pullover, etc.)
9.Could you be roommates with this character?
And while we talk about them being mom-friends, they would probably be wonderful roommates.
I would always have a clean and organized flat/home, probably a full fridge and no worries of a brake in (the burglar would run in fear jkashnscfluf). When stressed, they would probably hype me up and remind me to take regular breaks. While Sam would probably be the one cooking, etc, Daryun would repair things around the flat and move heavy stuff when asked. Look after things when I’m sick, take care of me, regular mental health checkup, etc. Fun late night talks and at least one regular thing we would all do together (like regular strolls, movie nights, going out to eat, that kind of stuff). Also weekly sit downs for discussing roles for housework, expenses for all of us, etc. A lot of my friends would say we have a cute family dynamic (Sam -the dad, Daryun the older brother, me- the youngest/the baby). A lot of compliments for achievements, my art, etc from them. My two personal trainers for working out (and also muscles to oogle at all day long consensually and politely of course (yes, there I said it!)). Always making sure that I’m safe and rush to help/save me from weirdos/situations I don’t feel safe in/ etc. Would have period products with them when we’re out and not squeamish to talk about normal woman anatomy/health, etc.
But as there are upsides there are also downsides in everything.
They would probably constantly be on my ass for doing things and reminding me of my deadlines (probably). Daryun would be up and early to go for a jog, the gym, his general workout, etc, while Sam would be already cleaning the apartment after one (1) coffee. Like imagine, it is a Saturday and I think, I can sleep in? Nope, 5 or 6 am, the men of the house are up and doing their routines. Probably trying to be quiet, but failing. Sam MUST have first cleaned the house before he can do ANYTHING else in his day (like my mom). Daryun would have a whole cabinet of protein powder/stuff for himself and oh my god, the many times I would send myself flying over his home-workout equipment? I would be a WALKING bruise. And when we are already talking about the work out, Sam and Daryun would both probably try to get me to work out more. Always pushing me to my limits (“You can do it!” or “One more.” “No, TWO more!” bro, no. I have pudding and noodles for arms. The only thing I will manage to do is for me to hurt myself the weirdest way possible and you have to patch me up AGAIN. I literally ripped a tendon in my ankle by TURNING AROUND IN MY ROOM! You have to put me in bubble wrap and I would STILL manage to hurt myself.). When I go out they would make me promise to text them when I arrive or am about to leave. When it is like a minute after agreed time (call, coming home, etc.) texts and calls would ensue. Out of fear and worry for my well being, of course. Like, you know how parents sometimes call several times and you would get annoyed? Yeah, that. Full on parent mode from the both of them. Sweet at first but a little overwhelming after a while. And since they are, ya know, men, the sink would look terrible after a shave! They would try to be clean, obviously, but sometimes they forget. So, deep cleaning it is!
But there are more pros than cons and most cons would be me being clumsy and them having to patch me again, sooo…
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Probably not really. He is a lot older than me and it would probably be more of a casual friend than a full on best friend. Like the older coworker you slowly become friends with and have some casual meetings in a cafe with and sometimes invite for dinner or a party with some friends. But it would always be fun and you could probably get GREAT life and/or dating advice from him. Always a life hack or wisdom in store and a fun life story to tell. Easily could lighten up the entire party with stories when he has good energy. Later on would probably sit more alone or have a casual talk with somebody as his energy goes down. But still, fun to be around regardless
Oh, Brother! Not to the extant as he and Narsus are, but still! It would be like watching a competition of who can take more care of the other (like the meme where two people constantly upstage each other so the other doesn’t get shot.). Regular hangouts, just sitting with each other and enjoying the others present, movie nights, etc. Basically very similar to what I have written down for the roommate one. Would help me in any need, have a few jokes up his sleeve for when I’m down and hype me up as much as he can. Does tell me when I made a blunder but as gently as possible (I’m sensitive as hell, I WILL cry and think about it to no end!). (WARNING: A little self indulgence in the next phrase. If you find this cringe, huh, SUCK IT.) Friends would either say we are siblings from another parent/brother and sister, OR we would make a great couple, are couple goals and if we aren’t married in the next few years, they won’t believe in true love anymore. No in between! Regardless of if we have feelings for each other or not. But he would be a very reliable best friend and I would do the same for him in a heartbeat! Lend him my ear, draw stuff for his birthday, etc. But Daryun better get ready for dem hugs as my love language is physical touch and I LOVE cuddling! (There is probably some gift giving and acts of services in there too). If he isn’t a fan of it, I would obviously respect his boundaries.
So, uh...
Fellt a little silly today and thought I share some of my "Funny Dialoug Prompts with my Characters" with yall. (Will contain new ocs.)
Credits to the rightfull owners, who came up with most of these!
Azar: “I’m surrounded by idiots.” Gieve: “But at least we’re hot!” Arslan: *skeptical* “Are we?”
Farangis: “You hurt?” *leaning forward* Azar: *sitting on the ground* “No. I normally spurt blood from my rib cage.” Farangis: “You seem to be just fine.” *walks away* Azar: “Help me up at least!”
Azar: “Do you think-” Narsus: “All the time! I’m a good thinker, you know!” Azar: “Sometimes I think you don’t. Anyway-” *queue Narsus offended face and Daryun die laughing in the corner*
Farah: “You’re … alive…” Azar: “Great observation, genius.” Farah: “But, you were dead!” Azar: *spitting out blood* “Well luckily you really are a failure.”
Gieve: *to Azar* Ten years of friendship and this is the treatment I get!” Azar: “I met you yesterday!”
Chabik: “You know, I really feel like we aren’t seeing eye to eye.” Mehrin: “It’s because you’re taller than me, asshole.”
Aleksi: “You know, I may be an idiot…” Arslan: “...but?” Aleksi: “No ‘but’, that was it.”
Mehrin: “... Just to be sure we’re on the same page.” Vahriz: “Page? We’re not even in the same library!”
(this was made by me) Gieve: “You wished you’d be like me~” Azar: “No, I don’t.” Gieve: *with a cocky smile* “Why not? I’m lovely~” Azar: *deadpan* “If I’d ever be like you, I’d be six feet underground by now.”
Daryun: *gently taps table* Narsus: *taps back* Jaswant: “What are they doing?” Azar: “Morse code.” Daryun: *aggressively taps table* Narsus: *slams hands down* “YOU TAKE THAT BACK-!”
From a discord conversation with my friends (translated) Friend A: *talking to their roommate* "Close the door, that will be better. Me: *thinking he was talking to me* "But… my door is already closed." Friend B: "Close it further. " Double Bonus: Friend A: "I was not talking to you, you Idiots!"
Tell me if you want more! (and @tired-reader-writer, you wrote that you are not feeling well. Hope this brightens your day a little!)
So... about this book...
In this post I talk about my own book "Illness from Within" (see the post for literally the entire plot) and I remembered that I have some old art for it!
So I wanted to share them with you. These characters may not look like this when I resume writing this story as I'm not really happy with the designs anymore. I like their overall colour scheme though, so that will stay.

Image: latest character design (2022)
Image: Cover WIP (2022)
Image: Very first character design of protags (2021)
Image Remastered and second character design of protags (2021)
And as I am talking about character design right now!
I'm currently working on the design sheet for my Spidersona (have fallen down the rabbithole of Into/Across the Spiderverse) and the Azar design sheet is onhold for now. It was nearly finnished but I didn't like her more casual clothes (when not in armor) and her like "farm/village" clothes. So that will take a while.