Firelight Au - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Chapter 3 of Firelight AU "Conflicts are Afoot" done!!

7 pages and around 3/17k words! Those are really turning into very long chapters lol!

Sorry for only updating my progress and no - like - actual chapters. (I'm really keeping you guys in suspension lmao)

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1 year ago

So, sadly, I have a small writers block, and therefore, chapter 4 is going at very much a snail's pace. (And the more I think about some scenes in chapter 2 and 3, the more I want to scrap them completely, so there's that...)

I also have decided to have so many new art projects besides doing stuff for uni...

Long story short - have a sneak peak of one!

So, Sadly, I Have A Small Writers Block, And Therefore, Chapter 4 Is Going At Very Much A Snail's Pace.

(I have updated Azar's design a little to suit it more to the real-life georgian armour)

You know what? Have another even more out of context one!

So, Sadly, I Have A Small Writers Block, And Therefore, Chapter 4 Is Going At Very Much A Snail's Pace.

Muhahaha! (I have officially lost it, you guys...)

Anyways, wish me luck for my exams starting next week!

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1 year ago

I love it!!!! Can’t wait to see more of your OC

One of my projects is done!

I love when artist make OC drawing memes and since I'm starting to be more active on my blog with my art, I want to catch up on some of them so...

Here, have this "Draw your OC as..."-Reel as a mini comic with Azar! (can we even call this a comic?)

One Of My Projects Is Done!

And some close ups

One Of My Projects Is Done!
One Of My Projects Is Done!
One Of My Projects Is Done!
One Of My Projects Is Done!

The only thing that I'm still unsure about is the backdrop colurs... But the rest? Man, was it fun to do!

Hope you guys like it as much as i do!

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1 year ago

My Playlist is finnished!! Here it is!

I'm not completely happy with it but the good thing about a playlist is that you can add and remove songs when ever you like!

It has 55 songs right now and only like the first 12 - 14 songs are somewhat corresponding with the AU in terms of placement but only for like a very specific arc that is very late in the story and I haven't even planned yet! (Only daydreamed about it lol)

It also is mainly songs I eather liked or fit the story (mostly due to the ✨️vibe✨️). I don't listen much to Jpop and not a lot of soundtracks and yeah... Tried to find as many lyric videos as possible so you can understand to what your listening to.

Some songs are for like specific characters but who will be kept in my mind right now lol. As nobody but me will understand the song-story-relations yet.

Eather way, hope you folks like it! Enjoy!

Edit: Oh, I forgot! I have two new tags!

If you guys ever want to look at my writing and/or art you don't need to wade through my endless reblogs anymore. Inspired by @tired-reader-writer.

My art you can find under: "important art defender"

And my writing you can find under: "important writing defender".

Originally wanted to put this under the Azar design sheet post but it's here now!

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10 months ago

Let's Welcome the Newest Chapter!

Let's Welcome The Newest Chapter!

Oh my god. It is done. The second chapter of my Firelight AU is finnished! This time, Lord Hial graces the cover for the chapter.

I hope you gusy will enjoy this!

Art without text under keep reading:

Let's Welcome The Newest Chapter!

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9 months ago

As we all know, the Maarer are using rune magic to mostly fight or at least as support. But when fighting you also get hurt, that is a fact.

Whilst writing chapter 4 I saw in my Maar lore doc that I didn't have a rune for healing - one of the most basic runes to have! So I scoured through the doc to see which rune didn't have any magical use yet to put as a healing rune. And I just can't decide which one to use!

The meaning behind it is what the symbol usually represenst in not only day to day life but also the values of the god they stand for. (I have yet to assign every god one or more runes and that will be in the far future lol.)

Also: Should I make a general post about all runes and which ones are actually used for magic?

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9 months ago

The Runes of Maar

Since @innerchorus had asked about more details of the rune system in Maar and I wanted to do a post about it, I have decided to, well, make a post about it lol.

Warning: long post

First, let me give you a general, alphabetic list of all the runes that are used in Maar.

Algiz - shielding

Ansuz - divinity, mental stability, communication and speech

Berkana - birch

Dagaz - new beginnings and transformation

Ehwaz - horse, transport

Eihwaz - death

Fehu - wealth, abundance, livestock and positivity

Gebo - gift, exchange and generosity

Haglaz - hailstorm, cleansing and destruction

Isa - ice, delay, self-control and frigidity

Inguz - home, news and fertility

Jera - harvest

Kenaz - torch, passion, inspiration and creativity

Lagaz - water, river, lake or renewal 

Mannaz - man

Naudit - need or distress

Othala - inheritance

Pertho - luck or fate

Raido - ride, wheel or journey

Sowilo - sun

Tiwaz - sacrifice, fairness, balance

Thurisaz - masculinity, courage and empowerment

Ur - valor, fortitude, strength and stability

Wunjo - joy, satisfaction, goodness and fellowship

All of them are used in the general day-to-day prayers and special rituals. Everyone of these runes represent a deity in the Maaren pantheon (I will probably do a seperate post about that as well). All citizens of Maar have a rune as a necklace around their neck that represents their tutelary god/goddess (for example: Azar's tutelary god is the god of war “Tiw” and her rune is tiwaz). At a certain age (probably around 11-15, sometimes earlier), children have to go through a ritual that lets them meet the gods of the pantheon and the gods decide which of them will be their protector and the one that should be represented by this child. They then get their rune-necklace and are allowed to choose if they want a permanent tattoo of their rune (or something else) or just the necklace. Some do as it is believed to amplify the effect/power of their rune. If you want to give somebody else the powers of your rune or the protection of your own tutelary god to somebody else, you hand them your necklace to wear and say a prayer to your god (no ritual needed, the prayer is enough). The necklace has to be worn at all times normally and if the original rune is not returned, a new ritual has to be made so the effect can be transferred to another rune stone. 

And these are the runes that actually have confirmed magical force (since Maar is a young country not everything is explored and/or researched to the fullest).

Ansuz - communication

Raido - teleportation

Kenaz - produces light

Haglaz - conjures up a Hailstorm

Isa - produces ice 

Ur - makes you physically or mentally stronger for a short time

Thurisaz - generates strong outbursts of power

Algiz - conjures up a shield/barrier for a short time

Ehwaz - summons a horse

Mannaz (or Eihwaz, have yet to decide) - summons the dead and gives them the ability to come back alive for a short time (only works if the dead person feels as if they still have something left unresolved in their life)

Lagaz - conjures up water/rain

healing rune pending

Everyone in the army and navy need to be able to use at least the basic runes to a certain extant aka. communication, teleportation, producing light (not complitelly sure about this one) and healing. They train from a very young age but everyone of all ages can be accepted (if your health is fine in older age you will also be accepted) into the army/navy.

On how the runes work:

I will not say too much here on how they generally work since in chapter 3 the soldier with the scar (Pavle) will explain it for me (could this be considered a spoiler?). 

But what I will talk about is how to multiply the effect or the strength of the effect. (I already made a comment about it under this post but I will just copy-paste it here again.) So if you want the effect to be stronger, you need more of the same rune stone. But one person can only use two to three stones at the same time so if you want to, for example, heal more than one wound in one go or conjure up an actual storm and not a cough of wind you need at least two to three or more people to do so. It depends on skill levels though (so squires and students are not allowed to do that without strict supervision) and only the priests/druids (name pending, suggestions welcome) are actually allowed to use that many or more at the same time since it takes a huge chunk of stamina and energy. Very dangerous in the midst of war and very easy to misuse and abuse for power (only in emergencies allowed for everyone). So Maar is very strict with who and how to use the runes with magic force. That's why they are mainly used for battles and only the teleportation rune is allowed to be used by a tiny selection of merchants (for example, merchants who sell merchandise lthat needs to be kept fresh, for example). That system is the only way so far to keep the abuse of the runes under control and is obviously not really fair. It currently is being researched more by a specific team directly monitored by the King and the highest priest/druid/whatever and new laws are being created, but not passed, left and right. 

Again, Maar is a young country and has to figure shit out on the go - it is probably in its early/mid teenage years, if you will. This issue will probably be resolved in a few thousand years, so my AU doesn’t really touch that much on it (probably will integrate the problem when we are in Gilan). But I love little tid-bits from outside the story that might never come up - it just makes the world feel even more alive and a little bit more real! 

Also: every rune has a small side effect, so that they are not that op, lol. One will be explained in chapter 4 by, again, Pavle.

So, I think that is what I generally wanted to tell about the runes without being too spoilery (if there even was anything to be spoiled lol). If there are any more questions: my inbox is looking very empty so feel free to spam me!

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9 months ago

More Picrew Firelight AU characters! Have the "royal" family of Maar - the current as well as two versions of Eldar.

From upper left to lower right:

Crownprince Aleksi, Queen Serrilda, Dowager Queen Moja and Farzin, the Elvenking.

More Picrew Firelight AU Characters! Have The "royal" Family Of Maar - The Current As Well As Two Versions
More Picrew Firelight AU Characters! Have The "royal" Family Of Maar - The Current As Well As Two Versions
More Picrew Firelight AU Characters! Have The "royal" Family Of Maar - The Current As Well As Two Versions
More Picrew Firelight AU Characters! Have The "royal" Family Of Maar - The Current As Well As Two Versions

And the two versions of Eldar, the Fireking - I can't decide between white or red hair. Which one looks best?

More Picrew Firelight AU Characters! Have The "royal" Family Of Maar - The Current As Well As Two Versions
More Picrew Firelight AU Characters! Have The "royal" Family Of Maar - The Current As Well As Two Versions

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8 months ago

AU brainrot update! (This has been sitting for a while now oops)

Now onto AU thoughts to celebrate the newest ArSen chapter coming out! I actually had to put the phone down and stop reading due to my brain coming up with new scenes and ideas lol.

So Azar is defenitly with Team Arslan after the encounter with Zahhak (she jumps in after they have gathered around Rukhnabad and threw a light rune at him to blind him)

(I am going off of chapter 128 for a moment)

She defenitly will tease Gieve for speaking badly about Kaykusrawh and causing the earthtremor lol

but when the others make their vows of loyalty she tells Arslan that what she has to do (fighting her aunt Farah) keeps her from joing him

Daryun reminds her of their promise in Gilan and Azar makes a deal with Arslan that she will return to visit Arslans court

Azar meets back up with the Maaren army and they station themselves around the tower and on the castle wall

So now we're in chapter 129 and Team Hilmes have been confronted by Team Arslan

another - smaller- army has infiltrated via the sewers (they are neither Andragoras army nor left-behind Lusitanians)

Farzin and his army watch Hilmes struggle to keep his composure with slight pitty

Azar keeps an eye on the busted door

When Zandeh wants to fight Daryun, Chabik (Daryun's dad. Yes, Team Arslan know this by then)  intervenes, not wanting to see his son fight to death (the dead had been called so that they could watch from the shadows more)

(and also Chabik is in normal parsian soldier armor and nobody relises who he is)

but gets recalled by Eldar so that he doesn't do anything stupid

(chapter goes as we see)

then the mysterious army comes in and it is Farah (Azars evil aunt, for those who can't remeber her)

the Maaren army goes into action with Chabik, Mehrin (Azar's mother) and Azar at the front

they mow down a lot of enemies but get stopped as Irsia (Daryun's mom, she is there... because of reasons) is being held hostage by Farah and Farah threatens Chabik with killing Irsia (tough luck with that, moron, she's already dead) and Daryun

Chabik goes nuts and rampages through Farahs army

they try to stop him but that makes it worse

(he gets exposed here aka his helmet flies off - the DRAMA)

Farah has no other choice but to retreat but in a last ditch effort to get the favor back into her court, she kidnaps Azar, Gieve and Alfarid (still unsure about the characters besides Azar)

now complitally impaled by weapons and being unable to prevent the kidnapping, Chabik collapses bloody all over

Irsia tries to calm him down but Mehrin is the one who does it with a slap (bc that is how you help your friends!)

Farzin asks Saam for help to help him find his (by Saam presumed dead) child

Team Arslan + Saam go to Maar!

And that is how far my mind went for the transition from semi-canon to full on fanon for my AU! As you can see, the ending is a little rough and very unstable as I now have catched up to the manga for planning and I have to go by the chapter and change a few things here and there. But this should be roughly how we get to Maar (and Azar backstory whohoooooooo! Finally, the actual reason/scene I started this AU in the first place!)

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7 months ago


will be uploaded this or next week. I actually wanted to do it today but not only did my proofreader not go over it yet (which is absolutly fine. I am going at their pace) but tomorrow AO3 will be down for the day for maintenance (for about 10 hours).

Thus it made no sense to me to upload the chapter now as nobody would have access to it for the first day. So the release will be pushed back for after Monday or for the next week.

But chapter art is ready to go as is the chapter.

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7 months ago

Chapter 3 has been posted!

Chapter 3 Has Been Posted!

Here it is! Chapter 3 ! On the cover this time is Sir Pavle!

Enjoy reading!

Cover without text under cut

Chapter 3 Has Been Posted!

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