B0ndage - Tumblr Posts

If Daddy says: Kneel.
You must Behave.
If Daddy says: Suck.
You must Drool.

"Non disobbedirai mai piu..."
"You will not disobey anymore..."

"Stai ferma! Faccia a terra e arrenditi al mio desiderio. Attendi ciò che che ti verrà inferto con paura ed eccitazione"
"Stay still! Face down and surrender to my desire. Await what will be inflicted on you with fear and excitement"

"Choking the Goddess"
Art work by- Oliver Marinokoski

Minute by minute.. moment by moment you will learn how much patience I have … no.. you may not cum yet..

By the time I finished @lost-girl-23 was crying tears of joy, her cunt was a wet mess too.
Both tasted sweet.

"Senti l'acqua scrosciare sul tuo nudo corpo mentre inginocchiata accogli la mia potenza mattiniera, ti toglie il fiato, ti affoga, ma tu trai giovamento da tale atto così prepotente... brava"
"You feel the water rushing over your naked body while kneeling you welcome my morning power, it takes your breath away, it drowns you, but you benefit from such an overbearing act... well done"