Babyshower - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Mermaid Custom Text Baby Blanket

Pretty blue and white mermaid baby blanket. You can customize the text to put your baby's name on it, or remove the text completely.

Mermaid Custom Text Baby Blanket

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1 year ago
Tort Babyshower

Tort Babyshower

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7 years ago
Celebrando El BabyShower De Juanita #happiness #babyshower #friends (en Ciudad Autnoma De Buenos Aires)

Celebrando el BabyShower de Juanita #happiness #babyshower #friends (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires)

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1 year ago
Tort Babyshower

Tort Babyshower

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Here is a fun question for the ladies:

If you were pregnant with the turtle of your choice, and you are hosting a gender reveal or a regular baby shower, what fun baby shower game would you have the boys play? 🥰🍼👶🏻

For me, I think the baby food eating contest would be so damn fun! Mikey would try to finish it all in one go, but would end up getting a Bit sick because of the awful taste. 🤣🤣

Here Is A Fun Question For The Ladies:

@kokokatsworld @kawaiibunga @nittleboo @angelcatlowyn @exovapor @thelaundrybitch @tmntspidergirl @turtle-babe83 @alittletworaph @cowabunga-doll @selfless1978 @nikitaboeve @foreignbrunette @shadow-ninjas @chicchanmooshy

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How da boys would react to their baby gender reveal!👶🏼🍼💝💙:

How Da Boys Would React To Their Baby Gender Reveal!:

Leo would be very happy that he is having a baby boy when the gender was revealed during the gender reveal party. He always hoped on having a son first since he grew up with his brothers and he started to enjoy the fact that having a boy is something he always wanted. He would be so happy in fact, that he would cheer on like a basketball fan going nuts.

How Da Boys Would React To Their Baby Gender Reveal!:

Raph is sick of being surrounded by his brothers so when it's revealed that he is having a girl, oh trust me! He'd push Leo in the pool making fun of him like "ha! In your fucken face blue boy! Say goodbye to the boy club! There's going to be pink everywhere from now on!" He'd be the happiest tough guy ever. Having a daughter would have him be an over protective dad and husband obviously. He would never stop bragging on his brothers that they're having a baby niece in the picture and having them get used to it.

How Da Boys Would React To Their Baby Gender Reveal!:

Donnie would be thrilled with either gender once the gender was revealed. Boy or girl? Don't matter to him. He would be most excited yet nervous about having his bundle of joy in the world. he would roll his eyes towards his brothers as they hope Donnie doesn't turn it into some Albert Einstein kind of kid. He would scientifically talk about what the baby would look like, and spending time with him/her like homeschooling, playing board games, reading, etc. Despite being a nerd, he'd be a great nerdy dad overall.

How Da Boys Would React To Their Baby Gender Reveal!:

Mikey the fun dad! Like Donnie, He wouldn't care what gender of the baby is neither! He would talk non stop about names for it, and playing with him/her. Raph would be the only one that there won't be a second Mikey in the house because he is already used to having one annoying family member in the household anyways. Mikey would jump for joy what gender the babe would be, and yell out "I'm a dad now!! Woooo!!" And his brothers would tell him to shut up.

@kawaiibunga @raisin-shell @turtlebaes @thelaundrybitch @nittleboo @turtle-babe83 @selfless1978 @chicchanmooshy @raphsweapondealer @raphslovemuffin80 @greenprincess @dai-su-kiss @foreignbrunette @mysticboombox @post-apocalyptic-daydream

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1 year ago
Tort Babyshower

Tort Babyshower

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10 years ago
My Mom With One Of Her Friends #babyshower #bumblebee #theme

My mom with one of her friends #babyshower #bumblebee #theme

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10 years ago
My Mom Opening Presents For The Baby Boy #bumblebee #babyshower #theme #openinggifts

My mom opening presents for the baby boy #bumblebee #babyshower #theme #openinggifts

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10 years ago
Still Opening Presents For The Baby Boy #babyshower #bumblebee #theme #openinggifts Photo Credit: @simply_iveth

Still opening presents for the baby boy #babyshower #bumblebee #theme #openinggifts Photo Credit: @simply_iveth

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10 years ago
The Best For Last Of Opening Presents For The Baby Boy #babyshower #bumblebee #theme #Sebastian #openinggifts

The best for last of opening presents for the baby boy #babyshower #bumblebee #theme #Sebastian #openinggifts Photo Credit: @simply_iveth

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