silverfantasyart - SilverFantasyArt

I love creating pretty art and funny sayings. Check out my stuff on Zazzle

33 posts

Mermaid Custom Text Baby Blanket

Mermaid Custom Text Baby Blanket

Pretty blue and white mermaid baby blanket. You can customize the text to put your baby's name on it, or remove the text completely.

Mermaid Custom Text Baby Blanket

More Posts from Silverfantasyart

5 months ago

Ballet Dancer Notebook

Pretty ballet dancer in green fairy wings notebook.

Ballet Dancer Notebook

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5 months ago

About Me

Heyla! I'm a short, blonde girl living on an island. I love making pretty art and coming up with funny sayings. I sell my stuff on Zazzle for extra income as I'm the only person with a job in my house currently.

I play computer games, do lots of different craft stuff, read, I used to LARP and also worked at a Ren Faire years ago. I'm an introvert. But love talking to people online. Probably weird I know. I currently have freshwater fish tanks, but have had cats and horses in the past.

Feel free to chat with me about anything, but if you're gross I will be blocking you.



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5 months ago

Halloween Party Napkins

Just created these adorable party napkins for Halloween. Think it's one of my favorites so far. What do you think?

Halloween Party Napkins

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5 months ago

Funny Childfree Gamer Shirt

Funny T-shirt for gamers who don't want kids.

Funny Childfree Gamer Shirt

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