Babysnuffporn - Tumblr Posts
I'm going all dark again, a little bit. or maybe the itnernet makes it easy to pretend to be one way or another. what ever, I've tried to eat a live a few teen girls who type "I"M proud to be psyco" or "i'm insane, deal with it"
so yeah. would of been almost fun to see anon raids, or hateing haters, stir up the fun. I seem to be obcessed(which it's ok to be obcessed, no shame in that!)
so, how much of tumblr has people proud to be obcessed with baby snuff porn? I mean, I really would like to see these tragic things happen. even if I need to spend months and months of creative lies to make the most questionable person ever. to see how much the world lights up with someone...dying over, being bullied for "being obcessed with toddlercon snuff porn" I just don't have anyone, and know to fake deaths in real life, outside of "person presumed missing". you can't hijack the airwaves and all the news with that, and I know from the "truthers" people want bodies. those sick fuckers say SandyHook shooting didn't happen/was all stated with actors, because they did not publish photos of the bodies. what the hell kind of person wants to see dead children?
so I can only assume that, people will have feelings, for someone who did die of sad, because evil people will tell someone to kill themself, if they write fan fiction that involves cartoon children, gore and brutal rape.
Now come on, tell me, tell me you would support them, you would right?
you would even if it was done for "the lulz" or only if a 13 year old writes it "because it is the only thing keeping them alive" and you never bash what people like. because those stories they write are make believe! and telling someone to die in a hole for it is hurting. it's murder.
this whole carade, it's easier than making a movie about said events, a mix of real and fake drama, and faked deaths, sock puppet haters, and someone doing questionable things. like how you don't tell raciests off (no really, it's so not cool to tell anyone to kill themself, even if they say to kill all Muslims, or bomb Asia or anything. not even a kid who microwaves kittens. trust me on this, I troll facebook with these "what ifs" and I get supprising answers of "nobody deserves.....") nobody deserves, and yet those same people are most likly going to bitch about offensive media, like "Oh no, another save the princess video game" or "this movie is horrible, and women hating, the female character dies brutal death" why is that important? they will tell me I'm wrong for making them sad, yet if I made horrible movies, they can bitch about me and be heros
now where was I? I don't know.
maybe I'll blame my messes on my bipolar2. that is what the cool kids do right?