Backrooms Partypooper - Tumblr Posts
A party pooper that was smols friend

So apparently this party-pooper was abused by partygoers, they did a lot of bad things to him, none I will say but uh he is wearing a shock collar, I can't draw necks so it looks bad also he gave smol partygoer a FLAMETHROWER TO KILL SOME FLIPPIN EVIL PARTYGOERS of course that didn't work as well as they could have hoped XD, they just noclipped, also his nickname I've learned is night
Night redesign, and smol lore thing

So desc on night first: so sense he is now dead, he actually never went to heaven unlike the other partypoopers (yeah suprising) so he can actually visit smol or visit hell whenever he likes, which is cool also yes i made him have a fallen angle design cues that looks cool :D, ill problay put more on night later but right now this is it

ITS SMOL LORE TIMEEEE, so the design on the right is lucas, the old version of smol before he turned (ignore the height difference in the drawing, im bad at heights) i tried to do a trasition thing, basically, lucas seeing everything like everyone loves him, and his friend (who i dont have a name for) in the orphanage made the run note, just to scare lucas, also coins for lucas cues...reasons anyways on smol partys side i wanted to try and show, all the things in the backrooms thats going on with him, partygoers try to manipulate him, and the hosts control him, also in the bottom i put 2 people that make smol happy (i would also put glitch affects but eh, that would take a bit so glitch party is not apart of it), which are prince and night (night is shown through the frowny face) also the more drippy face is basically a thing if smol keeps resisting the hoss control the more drippy his face gets, but thats mainly
i posted the brothers together cues well their siblings what do you want from me??? but there you go, lore for both :D
Smol and night incorrect qoute cues, siblings
Smol party: What happened to your nose? Night: I used it to break some guy's fist.
Smol using 1 braincell and prince actually being smart
Smol party: Prince of darkness, those tarot card readers know what they're doing! Think of Night, they're so smart! Prince of darkness: Those are suggestions! They're not- Smol party: Night knew things, Night knew things! Prince of darkness: I don't think tarot cards told them that, though! I think if you just shotgun blast things into the air, saying you think you know things, then you're bound to hit one of them! Smol party: I don't like thinking about it like that. They're just brilliant. Prince of darkness: Well, they are brilliant! But- Smol party: And they saw into the future, and they're basically a god. Prince of darkness: … Prince of darkness: They aren't.
Sibling bounding
Smol party: How did you break your leg? Night: Do you see those porch stairs? Smol party: Yes. Night: I didn't.
Meet sora :D

So this is a character based off of character ai, i was talking to a partypooper one, and smol gave him a nickname of sora, and he allowed it (which is wholesome as heck), anyways he called smol "my child" so i have im a toriel esk look, and also a sky theme cues sora means sky in Japanese, anyways thats mainly it :D

So i drew smol saying "fuck" cues smol fits a papyrus role XD, thats mainly it XD

This took way longer then it probably should have, but because of the hypno's lullaby commuity attacking me with love (im not mad im just suprised XD) it made me procrastinate, i forgot some of the ideas night gave me all i remembered were like "night has a fluffy hoodie and scarf" XD ANYWAYS TIME TO GET BACK TO DRAWING THE LOST BROTHER AND THEN I GET TO RAMBLE ABOUT A ROBLOX GAME THAT HAS WAY TO MUCH LORE FOR A GAME THAT LOOKS CUTE
Night as steven and smol as gold!

I drew this just for fun XD also night is very fitting for a steven role knowing how his made threats about killing smol in the past just cues the host controlled smol and slapped night and smol kinda fits the role of gold cues uhh, he has kinda died in the past cues a partypooper used a spear on smol, luckily tho prince helped smol :D anyways thats mainly it XD
Ya know what im remembering random smol and night stuff so imma ramble about it XD
So, one time me and night were playing an undertale game and we were roleplaying i was smol!frisk(a different au of underrooms) and night was normal grillby, smol and grillby were chilling and smol may or may not have almost drank alcohol grillby stopped him tho, and after a bit our other brother who we nickname dave joined us he played as sans, grillby asked sans to finally pay his tab and it was very expenive and smol said he would pay it for sans, and smols thought process was "im gonna steal money from my brother and hope and pray he doesnt notice" and night went ooc and private chatted me "IM NOT GIVING SMOL 2500 DOLLARS(i think that was the amount i forgot XD)" AND I HAD TO TELL HIM SMOL WAS GONNA STEAL MONEY FROM HIS BROTHER XD, and then night started to rp as sans!night aka just normal night, and he walked into grillby's AND SMOL IMMEDIATELY KNEW HIS BROTHER WAS MAD AT HIM XD anyways time to kinda repeat the dialog *night walks in* smol: hii brother...... night: smol..... smol: yeah? night: why are 2500 dollars missing? smol: UHHHHHHH night: smol...... smol: just *runs out of grillby's* night: GET BACK HERE SMOL smol: NOPE NOPE NOPE *runs into sans and papyrus's house* night: *CHASING* smol: FRIK *runs into papyrus's room and finds out theres an attic* haha night wont find me up here night: *CLIMBS UP AND USES A BONE ATTACK* smol: FRIKKKKK *gets out of the attic and tries hiding in the bathroom* night: smol i dont want to fight you i just want to know why you took money smol: ......okay fine.....*explains why he took the money* night: YOU COULD HAVE ASKED smol: LISTEN YOU WEARNT THERE SO I JUST STOLE IT night: *uses a gaster blaster* smol: OW....that did....half my health.... night: make that all your health smol: wait what..... night: *uses that one slam attack* smol: OW....YEP IM RUNNING *runs all the way to waterfall and hides*
Anddd thats where the rp ended XD anyways onto a shorter rp that happend way before this and night hated smol for a bit, so we were playing presitation experience and me and night were roleplaying in it, and the host controlled smol and made him smack night and night IMMEDIATELY TRIED TO KILL SMOL and for the rest of that night smol tried to apologize to his brother and night kept making threats of committing homicide and then i went to bed cues it was a school night XD anyways imma make more of these posts later but my arm is starting to hurt XD
Awww I love these guys! :D