I make art I like to draw my au of deltarune and undertale so be ready to see that also sometimes i draw ocs(a worker for sunshine aveune

547 posts

Night Redesign, And Smol Lore Thing

Night redesign, and smol lore thing

Night Redesign, And Smol Lore Thing

So desc on night first: so sense he is now dead, he actually never went to heaven unlike the other partypoopers (yeah suprising) so he can actually visit smol or visit hell whenever he likes, which is cool also yes i made him have a fallen angle design cues that looks cool :D, ill problay put more on night later but right now this is it

Night Redesign, And Smol Lore Thing

ITS SMOL LORE TIMEEEE, so the design on the right is lucas, the old version of smol before he turned (ignore the height difference in the drawing, im bad at heights) i tried to do a trasition thing, basically, lucas seeing everything like everyone loves him, and his friend (who i dont have a name for) in the orphanage made the run note, just to scare lucas, also coins for lucas cues...reasons anyways on smol partys side i wanted to try and show, all the things in the backrooms thats going on with him, partygoers try to manipulate him, and the hosts control him, also in the bottom i put 2 people that make smol happy (i would also put glitch affects but eh, that would take a bit so glitch party is not apart of it), which are prince and night (night is shown through the frowny face) also the more drippy face is basically a thing if smol keeps resisting the hoss control the more drippy his face gets, but thats mainly

i posted the brothers together cues well their siblings what do you want from me??? but there you go, lore for both :D

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    lefa-hokpip liked this · 2 years ago
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More Posts from Coolocgod

2 years ago

Kala and simone future adopted kid cues yes

Kala And Simone Future Adopted Kid Cues Yes

So i drew them just for fun, imma just say they like galaxies cues they want to match simone, thats mainly it for now XD

(simone is by @dynsocs btw)

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2 years ago

Sibling bounding

Smol party: How did you break your leg? Night: Do you see those porch stairs? Smol party: Yes. Night: I didn't.

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2 years ago

Smol using 1 braincell and prince actually being smart

Smol party: Prince of darkness, those tarot card readers know what they're doing! Think of Night, they're so smart! Prince of darkness: Those are suggestions! They're not- Smol party: Night knew things, Night knew things! Prince of darkness: I don't think tarot cards told them that, though! I think if you just shotgun blast things into the air, saying you think you know things, then you're bound to hit one of them! Smol party: I don't like thinking about it like that. They're just brilliant. Prince of darkness: Well, they are brilliant! But- Smol party: And they saw into the future, and they're basically a god. Prince of darkness: … Prince of darkness: They aren't.

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2 years ago

Sibling activitys

Glitched party: When life gives you lemonades, make lemons! Life will be all like "whaAttT?" Smol party/lucas: Life lessons that schools can't teach you.

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2 years ago

Smol kala (daycare au)

Smol Kala (daycare Au)

So the daycare au is by @dynsocs and i decided to draw kala in the au, his just a very wholesome kid, and he tries to protect simone, thats mainly it for now XD

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