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1 year ago

Classicaloid: A love story

A/N: I revamped this story from my friends old account. she made so many accounts for this one but I hope you enjoy it



Since the classicaloids returned from their vacations, like Liszt and Chopin tithe county, Beethoven to Germany, Schubert to wherever he got carried to, mozart as a “free spirit” as he calls it. Probably preforming lich meine asrch on someone, or getting it done to him thought kanae. She shivered at that idea. But regardless of mozart s weird kinks, the house was once again lively, something she had missed dearly. “I might as well go to the living room… see what the gang are up to. Probably destroying my hard earned cash or doing something crazy.” As she walked to the living room to her surprise Chopin was actually present sitting near Liszt san. “Wow Liszt San, you convinced Cho Chan to come out of his room?” “Well I promised him a favor. I don’t know what he wants but… I’m up for anything that cho Chan asks me.” she says that part seductively receiving a blush from him. “Keep it in the bedroom. Let’s chat then?” “Yes my dear kitten. So, what’s up with you and…..”

Suddenly, the door abruptly opened and in walked Tchaikovsky yelling “LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!! I BROUGHT BEER… YOU! MAKE ME FOOD GIRL” “I’m going back to the room”… Liszt snatched Chopin back though. “Did clasky-klasky split up again tchaiko?” asked Liszt. “Temporarily. She’ll come crawling back to me though. I just know it.” “Anyways isn’t Bach Sama like so fine. His skill, and broad shoulders, makes me just quiver thinking about him!” says tchaiko. “Guess who’s behind you.. akira” “of course she is.” “WHAT is that I hear about my Bach Sama.?” “Y’all aren’t dating though” said everyone in unison. Akira just sighs and replies one day we will. “Oh, to let you know kanae, Bach sama is currently getting ready to enter the house to talk to you about your father and other aspects. Lucky.” “Whatever.. now leave please” replied kanae. “The nerve of that lady!” States kanae and tchaiko chan. “She’s just driven by love! TRUE LOVE!!” “No she’s just mean. I bet Bach sama doesn’t feel the same way.. hmph.” says Tchaikovsky

Then two people walk into the room from the kitchen. It was Beethoven and mozart. “Girl can you wash our shirts? I was making delectable gyoza and mozart ran into me, and it got on the shirts.” Kanae didn’t pay attention to the words, only that they… were shirtless. While she was a blushing mess she said “U-uh… you boys can’t just waltz around with no shirts on…” “why kanae don’t you like our bodies. I think I look hot.” says mozart. But to his surprise he notices her staring at Beethoven. “KANAE! What does beethos San have that I don’t. LOOK at me kanaee?” “M-muscles.” “Mmph.” he grunts. Mozart seems kinda of hurt but then has a eureka moment. “That’s ok I guess… since he likes you so much. Hehe.. Anyways I’m gonna roller blade again.” Broken from her trance she yells not in the house. She didn’t need to be a simp for men just like her friends. She needed to be firm and commanding. “So girl, u-um. Do you wa..”

“ SENPAI!!!” “Oh how I missed you Beethoven senpai.” “LIFE IS BEAUTIFUl” Suddenly kanae snatched his baton out his hand looking like she was having none of it. “There will be no musiking inside my house. Unless you have money.” “MOnEY MonEy MoNey… that’s all you talk about.” “Wait you weren’t here the whole time?” asked Beethos. “No senpai.. I was out fishing for you and then that damn kite took me off to the carribean, then Africa, and back here over the span of around two months. Then it dropped me off in front of the house actually Bach sama is coming in as we speak.” He has arrived. Everyone watched as bach entered the house. “Damnnnn he is so fine!!” jeered tchaiko. “Why good evening Tchaikovsky.” “Of course, good evening to you ms kanae.” “Since everyone is doing random things that are not appropriate for our guest to be seeing, want to talk upstairs?” “Why not. Lead the way darling.” “Aww come on.” Jeered tchaiko and akira. Beethoven didn’t know why he felt so weird at that comment on kanae. Did he have feelings for her. “Is it fate?” he asked out loud. “What is fate beethos. You and kanae!?” “N-no what?” “Hmm whatever you say.” Then Liszt pulled out her phone and texted someone something.

Some time went by like around 30 minutes until he heard Bach yell and Kanae scream. Beethoven and mozart had never run faster in their entire lives. To their horror they see Kanae under a shelf and Bach sama lifting it off her. As he picks her up she curls in his arms. “Are you ok ms kanae?” “M-mm.” She falls asleep…. When she arises, she sees Beethoven next to her in her bedroom, just sitting by the bed. “B-bethos?” “What are you doing here? What happened to bach sama.” “Well after you got knocked out we carried you into here, a-and I sat by your side. You know kanae, I was really worried about you.” he said with tears streaming down his face. As she cupped his cheek she spoke, “Thank you beethos san and motes kun too. I’m sorry you had to worry so much. I guess the bookshelf fell on me after I was handing Bach sama some items. At least I’m not more hurt.” “That’s great kanae, me too. I- I guess I’ll leave now. If you need me let me know.” “Wait Beethoven.” “Can you please stay… and lay with me?” “Was?” “Please.. it would make me feel better.” And so he reluctantly got into her bed and she pulled her arms over him to cuddle her. It took a bit for both of them to fall back asleep as they were both embarrassed blushing messes. It felt so right however.. their bodies were so warm and snug together. Normally, whenever she was sad or something was wrong she would lay here and cry or hug her pillow, but today she had Beethoven, her beethos.

When they woke up, or rather abrubtly woke up the next morning at around 6:50 to Liszt saying “ooh, how are you my kitten did you sleep well?” all said with a smirk on her face. “Oh to be young and in love. Technically I’m still young in this body and I better make use of it. In that case I’ll go out with cho Chan. Have beethos take care of you!” “Also Tchaikovsky also left with Bach to try to patch things with badazerwksy.” “So it’s gonna be for a bit but she/he will be Bach soon.” When Liszt left kanae spoke. “Hey ludwig,” while staring into Beethoven blue eyes. He said “could you say that again?” “Ludwig?” “I really like that kanae and you are free to call me that. I also have always preferred that name if I’m being honest.” “Well saying beeths is a habit, but I’m sure to break it.” “Thank you and Hey kanae, this had me thinking. Could you go out like on a date with me?” She was taken aback but since she had butterflies when with him, she happily accepted. “Yes Ludwig I would love too.”


Beethoven and Kanae planned the date a few days later on Saturday, at a nearby restaurant. It was a Japanese and German cuisine that gave our free meals to couples over 18 on saturdays and you know they took advantage of that. Beethoven even laughed in kanaes ear and whispered. “Don’t we look good together we sure sell it.” He giggled. “It is fate!!” He yelled. All eyes were on them for a few moments and they then returned to picking at their food. Beethoven decided to ordered German fries and Gyoza and Kanae ordered ramen with bavarian pretzels. The two came to a conclusion on desert, a milkshake with two straws. While eating Kanae wanted to start talking so they brought up random things like favorite foods , colors and animals. Eventually Kanae expressed she missed Wagner. “You know beethos san, I really miss Wagner and I know sosuke misses pad kun and dvorak.” “Well I kind of hate the little brat. He tried to kill me remember?” “I can see where you’re coming from. I even stopped talking to him for a while but now that he’s sixteen, we’ve reconnected.” “I guess people deserve second chances.” As the two continues to talk, she couldn’t help but get lost in his eyes and felt like kissing him so, she did! “Woah girl.” “Same to you ludwig.” “What was that for.” He joked. “I just got lost in your eyes… and your gorgeous personality, and how your so gifted except at gyoza.” She chuckled. “Kanae, I can say the same for you. Your beautiful, fearce, pretty hot when your angry, but I’d like to let you remember that I’ll always be here for you.” ears welled in her eyes and she grabbed his hand. He blushed and gave her a warm smile. “Where should we go next?” “I love that idea beethos. How about a date to the beach soon.”

It was around 3 days later and so they went to the mall together for new swimwear since they both needed some. She picked a cute orange two piece and he got red swim trunks. In the car, kanae decided to let Ludwig drive. Since she has been giving him lessons that he’s excelled at. On the way his body involuntarily put his hand on her thigh and she blushed but held it on there. “I-uh kanae?” “It’s okay beethos.. I like it!” Man was he smooth. The two frolicked about on the beach playing shark and Marco Polo and even got some ice cream they shared. They took turns licking it…. Kisses be like….. “Girl, you have ice cream on your face.” He wipes it with a napkin. Out of knowwhete Liszt yells its love! And did her lil moaning music thing. “LOVE IS MUSIC!!” And she had everyone dance. The history books say Beethoven couldn’t dance on beet(heheh) but he was still a good dancer with Kanae. After it ended Beethoven kissed Kanae and she drove deeper into it. They end up making out on the secluded side of the beach. He loved her and would make sure to tell her soon. Liszt walked up with Chopin and Bach and Tchaikovsky and just about everyone saying”I Won ThE BET! Two weeks ago we made the bet he’ll make a move and I won!! “Hey you used Musik tho that’s cheating” said bada. “In this case I would like to announce for Bach and akira that they are dating!” “LISZT SAN!!” LWho hoooo said everyone (Kanae and Beethoven still blushing and embarrassed) Then Tchaikovsky said “damn it I missed my shot but bada, would you like to date me too? We’ve been together so long we are practically an old married couple. Also your beautiful and so dominant.” “Sure but if you drink more no more claskey klasky again!” And they kissed too. “SO MucH LoVe. ITS TOO MUCH!” Liszt said almost fainting. “Cho Chan come here “ and she hugged and kissed him. He blushed so hard and was murmuring stuff to himself. Well we are all couples now so how about y’all said Liszt ? Beethoven and Kanae said, you know what let’s give us a try! And they kissed once more. “bEETHoVeEn SeNpAi!!!! Help me Mozart is trying to kiss me and charm me over! I won’t be seduced by him please save me!!” “you can deal with this beethos.” And kanae walked away. “He probably likes you. You’ll fall to his charms eventually schubert.” “NOO PLEaSE HELP ME SENPAI!”

Beethoven looked at Schubert like a cockroach which had happened to just have latched onto his leg. “AH! Get off,” he yelled.

“KANAE, PLEASE WAIT,” said Beethoven, still attempting shaking Schubert off of his leg, “GIRL DON’T LEAVE ME HERE WITH THIS MANIAC!”


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