Banned_Bots - Tumblr Posts
Banned Spambots And Banned Pornbots And Blocked And Reported Spambots And Pornbots But Beware Of Spambots And Pornbots Tho That I Exposed Them Tho!

I’m Getting Sick And Tired All These Stupid Idiot Dumb Ugly All Females Spambots Pornbots Because Tumblr Needs Help And Gets A Better Updated Away From Those Pervy Perverts Pedos Pedophiles Pedophilias Females Fetish Fetishized Hentai Porn Cum Spambots Pornbots To Banned And Terminated And Deactivated And Suspended And Eliminated And Deleted And Removed And Erased And Disappeared All Of Them!,I Hope The Spambots Pornbots Gets Banned And Terminated And Deactivated And Suspended And Eliminated And Deleted And Removed And Erased And Disappeared Already Tho!,But Except For The Good Users That I Blocked And Reported Them Tho!