Bar Codes - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago
A-H (8/36) They All Scan. Qrafter Is The Best Free IPhone App I've Found For Scanning QR Codes. I Was
A-H (8/36) They All Scan. Qrafter Is The Best Free IPhone App I've Found For Scanning QR Codes. I Was
A-H (8/36) They All Scan. Qrafter Is The Best Free IPhone App I've Found For Scanning QR Codes. I Was
A-H (8/36) They All Scan. Qrafter Is The Best Free IPhone App I've Found For Scanning QR Codes. I Was
A-H (8/36) They All Scan. Qrafter Is The Best Free IPhone App I've Found For Scanning QR Codes. I Was

A-H (8/36) they all scan. Qrafter is the best free iPhone app I've found for scanning QR codes. I was thinking of making a mini gif-set tutorial for some of the more complicated woven stitches (such as the big squares on E and H), if anyone would be interested.

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11 years ago
12/36. One Third Done. It's Really Nice To Have A Project That Doesn't Take Months/years To Complete.
12/36. One Third Done. It's Really Nice To Have A Project That Doesn't Take Months/years To Complete.
12/36. One Third Done. It's Really Nice To Have A Project That Doesn't Take Months/years To Complete.

12/36. One third done. It's really nice to have a project that doesn't take months/years to complete.

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11 years ago
This One's P. Mountmellick Stitch. Te Big Stitches Are Rhodes Stitch. In Execution, Mountmellick Stitch
This One's P. Mountmellick Stitch. Te Big Stitches Are Rhodes Stitch. In Execution, Mountmellick Stitch

This one's P. mountmellick stitch. Te big stitches are Rhodes stitch. In execution, mountmellick stitch is sort of half way between Dutch knot or Sorbello stitch, and an inverted feather stitch (guess which stitch is next?). And a shot of what the whole thing currently looks like, too.

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11 years ago
A--R. Half Way Now. An Detail Of M And N. M Might Look Pretty Much Like G Above It, But I Promise You
A--R. Half Way Now. An Detail Of M And N. M Might Look Pretty Much Like G Above It, But I Promise You

A--R. Half way now. An detail of M and N. M might look pretty much like G above it, but I promise you they're different stitches. G is just a plain vertical cross, M is knot stitch/ four-legged knot stitch, where you wrap the thread around the cross before completing the final leg. The big stitch is captive rice stitch, to complement the triple rice stitch of the G above. N is Turkman stitch, and a spiral of my own design in the middle. Let's call it four-legged spiral stitch!

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