Barry X Reader - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Fraudulent Kiss

Barry Allen x Reader


Fraudulent Kiss
Fraudulent Kiss
Fraudulent Kiss

You gasp as Barry falls to the ground next to you, withering as he’s tased. “Your quite right Iris the assailant was left handed just like this man here”. You stare at the fake barry who is now passed out, his previous actions make so much sense now. 

Just five minutes before this Barry or everything man as Catlin is calling him kissed you. Now that you know it wasn’t Barry kissing you, you're not sure how you feel. In the moment when you felt his soft lips against yours all you felt was ecstatic. You and Barry had been dancing around each other since you met. Neither of you made the first move, till today or at least that's what you thought. You can’t believe you kissed the meta-human who's been terrorizing the city. 

“We need to get him to the cells” Wells directed, Iris objected telling the three of us that they need to take him to the police. Surprisingly Wells agreed, requesting Catlin help Iris with the unconscious Shapeshifter. While Iris and Catlin escorted the shapeshifter out of the cortex you went to find Barry. 

You cautiously enter the Wests’ house, heading up the stairs to Barrys room. At first glance you don’t see him till you open the closet, you find Barry tied and gagged. You quickly untie him, setting his head in your lap. In an effort to wake him you start with small slaps to his cheek.  At his lack of response your slaps grow rougher till eventually you slap him harshly leaving behind a red hand print. He does finally jolt awake, shock on his face as he quickly looks around. “What was that for?” he groans holding a hand to his face. 

“I’m sorry you weren’t waking up, are you okay.” you gently reach out, placing your hand over his red cheek. 

“The meta-human was here he changed into me we need to-” you quickly interrupted his rambling telling him that they had already caught him. “I just hope he didn’t do anything stupid while he was me”, he could already imagine all the crazy things this shapeshifter could have done while wearing his face. 

“Don’t worry Catlin was with him from the moment he left the house till he was at star labs.” 

“So nothing embarrassing?”  he questions, you paused for a moment contemplating whether or not you should tell him about the kiss. 

“Nope nothing i can think of…. Youdidkissmethough” you quickly say, words blending together. Barry stared at you trying to decipher what you said. 


Now you're the embarrassed one, face heating up as you thought over your next words. “You or fake you kissed me,” It was quiet, too quiet before Barry spoke up. 

“He kissed you” his voice was soft, laced with a tone you couldn’t place. You just shook your head, scared your voice would betray you. “Oh… Did.. did you kiss him back?” Barry seems just as surprised as you at the question. 

“I didn’t kiss him he kissed me” you felt the need to clarify, and you were avoiding answering his question, because you did kiss him back. 

“Of course” he seemed dejected at your answer, standing up and moving away from you. You panic slightly as he moves away, you didn’t want this to get between the two of you. 

“Barry, are you upset?” that was a stupid question, of course he’s upset you just aren’t exactly sure exactly what upset him. 

“Yes” he quickly answered, making you wither, Barry seemed to realize his mistake quickly elaborating.  “I’m not upset with you, I’m upset with myself” now you were just confused. 

“Why are you mad at yourself?”

“Because that stupid Meta got to kiss you before me because I’m such a chicken.” His confession leaves you breathless. 

“You want to kiss me?” you tried not to get hopeful. 

“Of course I want to kiss you, who wouldn’t want to kiss you?” You let his words sink in for a moment before you stood to your feet and kissed him. It was a soft, lovely kiss. When you pull apart, both of you have dorky smiles on your face. 

“So am I the better kisser”

You giggle giving him a bright smile, “Definitely”

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8 months ago
Rafe Cameron X Shy GF
Rafe Cameron X Shy GF

Rafe Cameron x Shy GF <3

Rafe Cameron x Reader + a little platonic Barry x Reader cuz I just love Barry

Soo Rafe is an ESTP, which is probably the most outgoing personality type and they get along with introverts pretty well. Rafe would so adore his shy girl who’s just so dependent on him for everything. Luckily he’s always got you.

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

Topper and Kelce didn’t really understand why would Rafe date you out of all people. You were always quiet, never speaking up, never showing up to parties, and if you did you’d stay glued to your friends' sides and never really speak to anyone.

It baffled them, actually.

But neither Topper or Kelce actually knew Rafe. He didn’t need a wild fire on top of his own messy chaos of a life. He needed the calmness. He didn’t need a girl who’d party her night away and dance with everyone and leave him hangin’ alone. He needed someone who’d be glued to his side, tug at his sleeve and beg for him to stay there and shield her with his body.

He needed someone he could just keep on his lap when he did lines and talked to people, and you'd just stay there, like an obedient scared puppy, playing with his fingers.

He didn’t need a girl that would be outgoing, speak up for herself, independent, talkative with other people. He enjoyed speaking up for you, ordering your food, picking your deliveries up, giving you rides everywhere because you hated public transport, holding you close to him, knowing feeling that you physically desperately need him everywhere with you. Even if you wanted ice cream that was sold two blocks down the street you'd ask him if he'd join you. Call him selfish, but he loves to be the one you constantly need and hide behind. He is obsessed with it. Always ready to provide and protect his girl.

And it’s not like you were like that all the time. The second you two were alone in his car, house or just away from everyone else you were joking around, dancing with him, calling him mocking nicknames like dude, bro, dummy, or the more intimate ones like baby, Rafey, my sweet boy, you'd jokingly call him my husband, my man, my love (all of these worked him up and you knew it), you’d tease the fuck out of him, crawling into his lap like a desperate bitch, grinding on him because you needed him right now. Pulling him in to kiss him. And God, he loved it. To be the only one to see this side of yours.

You were so polite to everyone too, always saying please and thank you in the quietest voice with a blush on your cheeks, but he knew you could be a loud, moaning, dirty mess under him. He knew you could ride him through multiple orgasms with zero shame. Only he knew you rocked your hips desperately against his mouth and squeezed your legs around his head to keep him there. Only he knew you'd get down on your knees and do absolutely everything for him.

You've met Barry a few times whenever Rafe needed cocaine from him and couldn't wait, he'd just drag you along and tell you to stay in the car. But the wait eventually got long and you followed after him.

Barry immediately offered you drugs and Rafe almost broke his face... but this little incident aside you actually clicked with Barry immediately. He wouldn't even let you speak, he just talked away, spilling info and gossip about Rafe as if he wasn't just standing right there.

"Ah shit, and you like this j-crew lookin' ass?" You giggled. "Yeah, I do," you gave Rafe a smile. "A lot."

You and Barry became friends. Rafe wouldn't let you hang out with him alone but the three of you actually hung out a lot at Barrys. He quickly understood how shy you are and he maybe had a little soft spot for you too, keeping an eye on you in public whenever Rafe needed to take care of something quickly.

You were getting a drink with Rafe at the Country Club, Topper and Kelce were there too, when Barry pulled up on his bike and made his way over to the two of you, ignoring all the Kooks that gave him dirty looks.

"Country Cluuuuub princessssss," he yelled in his accent and made his way over to you, "what's good with you girl?" He chuckled as you two did a quick handshake you've taught him.

Rafe rolled his eyes and immediately threw his arm around your shoulders in a protective manner.

Topper and Kelce stared in awe. You, who barely spoke any words to them, were all of a sudden buddies with the drug dealer?

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6 months ago

Aurai nymph reader

Ok sooooo decided to make another nymph reader, instead of finishing the fics for Haliae and Naiad and Dryad that's sitting in my drafts. Might be the last for now unless I decide to procrastinate, but hope yall like her!✌️

Aurai Nymph Reader

Like the breeze that changes direction no matter what, Aurai will do whatever she wants. She has no care for her surroundings or what others think. Like the wild winds she has a wild style filled with colors, fluffs, frills, fruits, patterns and layers. Is she a kook? A pogue? Not many people know since she's able to buy expensive things, but you'll find her in the cut or at the trailer park. Her parents? No one has seen them, not many people can even remember what they look like. People often stare at her, but she's in her own world her own fixation in sight. What was the fixation? Depends on the day no one knows until the end of of the day, sometimes she doesn't even know! Some would call her an airhead, bimbo, a dumb bitch. Maybe she is, but doesn't matter to her since she's having fun everyday. Can't really put two and two together not because shes stupid it just takes her a bit longer to figure it out. Loves to be cutesy but she ain't gonna act like a child. Well unless her sugar daddy pays her extra for it...

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