Bash Johnson - Tumblr Posts
McFist Industries, Marci is a villain now along with her children Bash and his sister Morgan. Morgan and Bash are sent to Norrisville to find the ninja identity canβt be sending robots all the time people will start being suspicious thatβs what Marci says it will be bad for the company and her reputation
aRT-DuMP FiLe 101
MooD: π
aRTiST?: Me? (Rowney)
MeSSaGe FRoM THe aRTiST: SeeMS LiKe i'M iNTo DRaWiNG DiSNeY CaRTooN GuYS? π aND i MeaN "DRaWiNG THeM SeXY" π
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): FiRST oF aLL! THiS iS NoT "aPoLLo JuSTiCe" (BeCauSe oF THe HaiR) π THiS iS "BaSH", a MiNoR "BuLLY" CHaRaCTeR oN DiSNeY XD'S CaRTooN: "RaNDY CuNNiNGHaM: 9TH GRaDe NiNJa" πΎ WeLL? i HoPe eVeRYoNe eNJoYS MY VeRSioN oF THiS DiMWiTTeD JuNioR QuaRTeRBaCK BuLLY π
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