Disneyxd - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Doodled A Ton Of #starvstheforcesofevil Today In Class. I Want MORRRREEE!!! So Glad We're Getting A Christmas

Doodled a ton of #starvstheforcesofevil today in class. I want MORRRREEE!!! So glad we're getting a Christmas special!! #doodles #starvs #svtfoe #art #artist #fanart #disneyxd @daronnefcy #daronnefcy #starbutterfly #marcodiaz

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6 years ago
Working On Some #starvs Keychain Designs!! I've Never Made #keychains Before So This Will Be Interesting.

Working on some #starvs keychain designs!! I've never made #keychains before so this will be interesting. Who else here is dying for/about season 4??!?!? 😭😭😭 #charmdesign #starvstheforcesofevil #eclipsabutterfly #meteorabutterfly #svtfoe #svtfoeart #kahelekreations #disneyxd #art #artist #traditionalart #sketch #sketchbook #pencildrawing

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6 years ago
DEMON BOI!!!! I Love This Ahole So Much. Still Working On Charms. Might Take A Poll On Some Other Characters

DEMON BOI!!!! I love this ahole so much. Still working on charms. Might take a poll on some other characters I'm thinking of doing. #kahelekreations #starvstheforcesofevil #tomlucitor #svtfoe #starvs #disneyxd #art #artist #traditionalart #sketch #sketchbook #demon

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6 years ago
New #keychain Designs!!! And I'm Still Not Even Close To Done But I'm Gonna Toot My Own Horn Here Bc

New #keychain designs!!! And I'm still not even close to done but I'm gonna toot my own horn here bc I love how #hekapoo turned out!! Ughhh when will season 4 get here?? 😭😭😭 can't wait to color everything I've done so far as well! #starvstheforcesofevil #kahelekreations #disneyxd #art #hekapoosvtfoe #svtfoe #fanart #artist #traditionalart #pencildrawing #toffeesvtfoe #sketch #sketchbook

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6 years ago
These Babies Are Almost Done!! Gahhh So Excited To Make My First Keychain Set!! Also.really Hoping We

These babies are almost done!! Gahhh so excited to make my first keychain set!! Also….really hoping we get a date for the new season announced soon πŸ™Š #starvstheforcesofevil #art #artist #svtfoe #disneyxd #daronnefcy #svtfoefanart #kahelekreations #eclipsabutterfly #tomlucitor #hekapoosvtfoe #hekapoo #meteorabutterfly

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6 years ago
Excuse The Blah Picture Quality Taken From My Phone Taking A Picture Of My Computer But My Girl Looks

Excuse the blah picture quality taken from my phone taking a picture of my computer but my girl looks so goooood. So ready to make charms 😭 #kahelekreations #eclipsa #eclipsabutterfly #starvstheforcesofevil #svtfoe #disneyxd #daronnefcy #art #digitalart #charmdesign #artist #artistsoninstagram #conventions #sausomecon

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6 years ago
Two Of My Favourite #demons And Two Of My Favourite Charms I Made! I'm Definitely Going To Want To Keep

Two of my favourite #demons and two of my favourite charms I made! I'm definitely going to want to keep a #hekapoo one for myself πŸ–€πŸ’œ #svtfoe #art #artistsoninstagram #digitalart #keycharms #keychains #charmdesign #kahelekreations #tomlucitor #disneyxd

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6 years ago
Sorry For The Long Absence Started School On Monday And Just Sorta Been Struggling About Worrying Over

Sorry for the long absence πŸ˜“ started school on Monday and just sorta been struggling about worrying over so much stuff (like my hard drive, cancelled con, art prints) and overall confidence in my art which unfortunately happens a lot but I'm really trying to work on it but drawing more often. But I did want to show off my #starvstheforcesofevil charms I made!! They came out super awesome!!! Some of the sizes were a bit odd tho but other than that I love them!!! I hope people will want to give them a good home 😭 I worked really hard on them and I'll be selling them at cons and possibly make an etsy soon to try to sell them on there too!! I'll try to make more from different fandoms in the future πŸ˜‰ #starvs #starbutterfly #eclipsabutterfly #marcodiaz #tomlucitor #hekapoo #meteorabutterfly #svtfoe #disneyxd #daronnefcy #starco #tomstar #svtfoefanart #starvsfanart #starvstheforcesofevilfanart #art #artistsoninstagram #keycharms #keychains #cellphonecharm #acryliccharms #digitalart #kahelekreations https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmw-xuMAPSm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xqzrww3jx9k3

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7 years ago
ART-DuMP FiLe 101
ART-DuMP FiLe 101

aRT-DuMP FiLe 101


MooD: 😜

aRTiST?: Me? (Rowney)

MeSSaGe FRoM THe aRTiST: SeeMS LiKe i'M iNTo DRaWiNG DiSNeY CaRTooN GuYS? πŸ˜… aND i MeaN "DRaWiNG THeM SeXY" πŸ˜†

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): FiRST oF aLL! THiS iS NoT "aPoLLo JuSTiCe" (BeCauSe oF THe HaiR) πŸ˜… THiS iS "BaSH", a MiNoR "BuLLY" CHaRaCTeR oN DiSNeY XD'S CaRTooN: "RaNDY CuNNiNGHaM: 9TH GRaDe NiNJa" 😾 WeLL? i HoPe eVeRYoNe eNJoYS MY VeRSioN oF THiS DiMWiTTeD JuNioR QuaRTeRBaCK BuLLY πŸ˜‹

BoRDeR/FRaMe & STiCKeRS Β© Photo Grid

ART-DuMP FiLe 101

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8 years ago

Would anyone else want a Star Vs the Forces of Evil soundtrack and possibly a Love Sentence soundtrack? Because I would.

Would Anyone Else Want A Star Vs The Forces Of Evil Soundtrack And Possibly A Love Sentence Soundtrack?

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