Batman Is Going To Go Nuts About This - Tumblr Posts
May joker !!!NOT!!! Rest In Peace
And yes he had this coming
And good job Danny
And lol Danny is about to be stalked by bats and birds
Part 1
Before Danny met any Bats or Wayne’s
Danny walking the Gotham streets: “hmm, my sense are tingling” turn’s around to slap something only to see nothing and walks away.
Joker, who was behind Danny, about to kidnap Danny cartoon style only to be slapped on to oncoming traffic by the Dick Grayson look alike: “uh oh”
Random TikTok user on live about to do a face reveal only to see his comment section going wild to look behind him: “huh” looks behind him and sees the joker get slapped into oncoming traffic. “Oh- realization -OH MY GOD!!!”
Random TikTok user goes over to the Joker and starts checking his breathing: “oh my god ohmygod!!! THE JOKER IS DEAD!!!!
Meanwhile at Wayne Manor: