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Snowfallstale - SnowFalls - Tumblr Blog
This please anyone with a ability to write a fic please write something about this please or I’m just going to bite the bullet in trying to write a one shot that’s gonna be awful 
There's an up-and-coming Tech Giant, called Fenton Works, and Batman is determined to prove that the company is a front for a villain.
Danny, after his parents turned from Ghost hunting to being the first official Ghost Anthropologists, decided to repurpose some of their weapons.
And, well, there was a contest being run by Wayne Enterprises; whoever can design a robot that will help the environment got prize money and a grant.
Danny, in all his mechanical engineering prowess, was bored. So he designed a thing. Repurposed the Fenton Guns into a cute robotic tortoise that would clean the beach.
It spiraled from there, and now Fenton Works is the leading name in green technology that's cleaning up the Earth bit by bit. Sea Dragon robots that clean oil and trash from the ocean; beach tortoises that clean the sand and beach and deposit their hoard of trash into designated receptacles that Danny uses as material to make more robots; Cryptid "stalker" robots with long legs that delicately patrol forests to perform "fuel management" and clear out the underbrush to help manage wildfires; moving gargoyle robots that sit on top of skyscrapers to help clean the air with huge sail-like wings, etc.
Basically, Danny pulls a Doctor Elisabet Sobeck, but with less world ending and more actually helping. (Not that the world ending was Elisabet's fault, of course, but different franchise)
And due to the number of times aliens try to attack and rogues send their own robots to attack people, naturally Danny installed self-defense protocols, along with one single golden rule written into the very OS of every single robot; Save Humans Whatever the Cost.
Problem is, Batman has never seen robots like this not be used for evil purposes, and he knows that their power source (a closely guarded Fenton Works secret) is some sort of liquid that glows green.
He really only knows of one liquid that glows green.
So he's determined to find everything he can about Fenton Works, because there's no way that Daniel Fenton isn't actually a villain in the making.
Danny's just thrilled for the chance to work with Wayne Enterprises.
Flags Week 2k22 ✨ Day Six
Flower Shop
“Did you get my note?”

Nakahara Chuuya was many things all at once.
An university scholar, a star athlete, and a flower arranger who works for the best flower shop in town, Flags Flower.
Everything was going well for him, really. Everyone loved his flower arrangements; he’s been praised and scouted professionally for his athletic accomplishments; his grades were flying sky high. Until that one time when he nearly ruined a wedding celebration he was invited to arrange flowers for, after clashing with a young photographer, Dazai Osamu— who was coincidentally the transfer student that was supposed to be his new roommate.
Everything just goes downhill (?) in Chuuya’s life from that point. He’s no longer the top of his class because Dazai now owns that position. In fact, His grades were slowly fluctuating downwards as the semester rolled. He blames it all on Dazai— the nerve of that guy to distract him from his studies in their shared dorm! He’s got this whole theory that Dazai is doing it all to drag him down and take the title as the top student for himself. The list of evidences are as follows:
Exhibit a) Dazai’s terrible taste in music blasting everyday, along with his god-awful singing voice that would play on loop inside Chuuya’s head for the rest of the day— an absolute hazard to the ears and the brain and the heart.
Exhibit b) Dazai challenging Chuuya to ridiculous competitions: who makes better meal combos, who’s the last to fall asleep in movie marathons, who doesn’t shed a single tear over heartbreaking animal documentaries, who could wear the same outfit better— etc etc. (seriously anything stupid could be competitive enough between them)
Even in his matches, Chuuya’s starting to feel more mental pressure in his games as he sees Dazai taking photos of him from the crowd of spectators. (“For the school paper,” the Mackerel says)
What’s even worse is that Dazai frequents the Flags Flower Shop for his photoshoot projects. They even end up photographing and flower arranging in the same event more than once.
That menace Dazai Osamu has literally bleed into every aspect of Chuuya’s life. Chuuya could swear that it was getting bad for his health when he was starting to feel his heart rate and blood pressure spiking up whenever Dazai was around or simply mentioned.
Of course, he needed an outlet for all these bottled up frustrations (?). He could trust his long time friends and guardians, the Flags, with these troubles. Ranting to them everyday about his mackerel of a bastard of a roommate was his only coping mechanism. (Along with writing poems but that’s no one else’s business.)
What he did NOT expect, was the betrayal of the Flags when they manhandled and imprisoned him inside the flower arrangement room, taking his cringey love poems (how did they even get that!?) and placing it into the bouquet of flowers Dazai ordered— absolute betrayal! Absolute humiliation! He will never forgive them for this!!
Later on he did. He even thanked them after getting himself a boyfriend.
📷💐… close up shots on moments before a disaster:

Just a place to put random facts on
No need to participate if you don’t want to just scroll on by you didn’t see anything there both here to see
Here a fact I learned did you know you can stop you hiccups by telling yourself that you not a fish
Just a interesting fact I don’t know how it work it just dose
Tell a friend or use it yourself next time you get hiccups
Have a nice day
Please don’t repost i don’t need notifications spam on my phone please

This is too good not to repost and feral raccoon Danny for the win
Oh hail mayor Danny
Danny runs for Mayor
Simple Prompt: Danny runs for the Gotham Mayor position
Extended Prompt: Danny is an absolute little shit throughout his entire campaign but still manages to win because he is legitimately one of the best candidates around
Just imagine the crack that could come from this!
Reporter: What is your stance on Vigilantism? Danny: Well I agree that Vigilantes are helpful for the communities that need them, and they should work with the police at every opportunity, I feel like the idea will always be a city where Vigilantes are not needed. Also I fail to see the relevancy of the question, there are no vigilantes in Gotham Reporter: What do you mean? What about the Bat-Family? Danny: No, Batman isn’t a Vigilante. Batman is a Crime Lord.
Danny: As mayor, I promise that I will not be infected by corruption. Not because of my moral standings, but because I absolutely fucking hate clowns and I will never accept a bribe as long as that guy is still alive. Yes this is me putting a hit out on the Joker. Crime Bosses, if you want to try and bribe me, you gotta kill him first or I won’t even consider it!
Batman: Why is a Meta-Human running for Gotham Office? You know this city doesn’t have a very good track record with people like you. Even the Signal had a rough start. Danny: Well, I just had a strong compulsion to help this city reach the peak of it’s potential *looks over Batman’s shoulder to see Lady Gotham holding up Cue Cards telling him what to say. She promised to help with his paperwork for the next 50 years if he became Mayor and helped fix her city* Danny: Such a strong compulsion…
Penguin: Look kid, I don’t care if you have enough power to destroy me at the subatomic level, I have enough money to ruin you, your sister, your parents, even your uncle! Danny: Oh really? I could get the souls of every person you have ever killed to get confessions out of them. Or I could give them the power to rip you apart. Or I could even just possess you and donate all your money to charity.
Danny: Oh god dammit! Vlad: Hello Badger! Glad to see you followed in my footsteps instead of your fathers! Danny: This wasn’t because of you! Lady Gotham asked for help! Vlad: A WIN IS A WIN!
May joker !!!NOT!!! Rest In Peace
And yes he had this coming
And good job Danny
And lol Danny is about to be stalked by bats and birds
Part 1
Before Danny met any Bats or Wayne’s
Danny walking the Gotham streets: “hmm, my sense are tingling” turn’s around to slap something only to see nothing and walks away.
Joker, who was behind Danny, about to kidnap Danny cartoon style only to be slapped on to oncoming traffic by the Dick Grayson look alike: “uh oh”
Random TikTok user on live about to do a face reveal only to see his comment section going wild to look behind him: “huh” looks behind him and sees the joker get slapped into oncoming traffic. “Oh- realization -OH MY GOD!!!”
Random TikTok user goes over to the Joker and starts checking his breathing: “oh my god ohmygod!!! THE JOKER IS DEAD!!!!
Meanwhile at Wayne Manor:
Danny: “hears big crash though his window wake up to see a boy holding a katana has broken into his room though the window”
Robin: “ looking for Jason only to come face to face with this back hair blue eyed boy in his 20s”
Tbh id love if there was a DP x DC fic where Danny lives in the same apartment building as Redhood (or whoever) but thats it. They dont know each other, Danny is not superheroing. Danny is just that one extra in a sitcom.
Like their first meeting is when a group is sent to kill Redhood at his home but they go into the wrong apartment and by the time Redhood gets down there Danny has causally knocked them all out "wha- how" "dude its 3am can you please tell your enemies to stick to acceptable invasion hours" "uh" "i have work at 7. I need my sleep." "Okay..."
This needed to be shared and I need someone anyone who a fanfic writer to please write something about this and tag me please I need more Danny chaos
Dc x Dp prompt #11
There's an event where Justice League hero events are held. Danny is the staff member who wears the mascot costume. Taking a picture with the kids and visitors.
Soon there was a robbery. Danny can't leave people in the event to be injured. So he goes fight the robbers in a Justice League mascot costume.
And a video of him fighting in that mascot was post on the internet.

This we need more please write more of this fiction writer please write about this and tag me I really need more please
Something I've seen in fics a few times but not for comedic effect is the idea that Constantine selling his soul so many times makes him look/feel Wrong to ghosts.
Like I love various Danny ghost shenanigans giving Constantine a heart attack in stories but just imagine that Constantine is like deeply, deeply unsettling for Ghosts & Liminals to be around.
To the point of whenever he and Danny meet for the first time at the Watchtower after Danny's joined the League, Constantine just walks in and upon turning to look at who just walked in Danny just shrieks like a small child and throws a chair at him out of reflex, diving behind Captain Marvel to use him as a magical human meat shield while screeching "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" At the top of his lungs and doesn't stop until Batman makes Constantine leave.
Even after Zantanna explains Constantine's whole deal and Danny explains to the Justice League how totally fucked up that looks/feels like to him ("Dude, Ghosts are their core, for us you see that before you see the shape of whoever you're talking to. Like, imagine someone walks up to you with a face that looks like it's made out of a shattered plate and the pieces are bleeding"
Or like, imagine instead it's a thing were Jason and Jazz are dating and Jazz, Danny & Elle are invited over for a nice meet the family brunch - "Brunch is fun and casual!" Dick insisted, "Way less intimidating than if we had them over for dinner!") and Constantine pops in to talk to Bruce about a case.
And the second he walks into the room all three just shriek like they're from an episode of Scooby Doo.
Elle takes one look at Constantine and just nopes out of there so hard she doesn't even gk intangible as she throws herself out the window and starts flying for the hills. Danny screeches like a cat whose tail has been stepped on and jumps onto the ceiling and scrambles away. Jazz screams like a house wife from an old Looney Tunes cartoon and starts climbing Jason like a tree - which is a bit of a problem since she's half a foot taller than Jay and throwing his center of balance off a bit and now half of the plates are smashed on the floor.
Jason doesn't even notice though because he also is losing his shit over what the fuck that thing is and unlike Elle is far more interested in Fight rather than Flight and pulls out a gun - "Why'd you bring a gun to brunch?! Guns aren't fun or casual!" - and just starts unloading on Constantine (who is very lucky Jason has switched to non lethal rounds and that he's quick enough with his spells to largely keep most of the rubber bullets from hitting him) also while screaming at the top of his lungs.
And well, turns out Jason's new girlfriend is the older sister of that ghost hero the League's been looking to recruit and Bruce is gonna take advantage of that - Phantom has been hard to pin down, which is fair, bad history with government agencies trying to kill him and all - to talk to him about a place with JL, though first he's going to have to get him down from the ceiling and that'd be a lot easier if Constantine would just leave already, they are supposed to be having a family brunch this is his one day off!
(Elle screams her all the way to Metropolis and doesn't stop until she nearly knocks Superman out of the sky. He isn’t really sure what's going on, but he does manage to calm her down and takes her to go get some ice cream. When he pitches joining JL she tells him that she thinks he's kinda lame but that Superboy is cool so she's down. It's...honestly kinda devastating but Clark manages to get through it.
A note gets made when the two ghost heroes officially join the League that partnerships with Constantine should be kept at an absolute minimum.)
And lol yeah, just, Constantine being utterly terrifying to Danny and the Pham
I need meme and can someone please tell me how to read them i I feel like I’m looking at the world most difficult puzzles just look at it from a different angle but even then I don’t get the meme

more from this civilian bruce au where bruce decided to become skilled at healing and is a volunteer doctor at every hospital ever but has a particular inexplicable worry for his city's group of teenaged vigilante protectors <3
Lol he needed this
Inspired by this post.

We need more of this stuff

Talia in the Sons of Anarchy AU is still darkly morally gray, intense, and uses both those things to do what she wants. (this happens at least every 6 months)
Bruce forwarding Wayne Enterprises advertisement emails to Tim for him to deal with only to realise too late he's actually been sending them to Jason.
He only finds out as he's driving down town and sees a giant billboard reading 'Wayne Enterprises. Our CEO is getting plowed by Superman. Can you say the same for yours?'
Suprisingly, the share price goes up.

Dad for One from One for All's perspective as an incredibly distressed ghost

This I need more please

happy valentines' day to them
a short comic
The rest of Fem!Deku (here’s the color page), and some cultural notes, 5 pages total. Warnings for mentions of groping and implied murder below~

Keep reading
I neees more
Project R AU where Danny is a clone created from the DNA of all the Robins past and present by the drs Fenton when they were teenagers.
Upon realizing the child they had made was going to be used as a weapon for evil they quickly and quietly packed up thier family and belongings and jumped ship to a new dimention with the kid after putting him in stasis so he was essentially frozen in time.
Later on little Jazz finds the baby in the tank and assumes the stork had made a delivery and flips the switch to release him from stasis so he can finish growing. A week later the pod beeps and she brings him out of the storage room as a chubby healthy baby and her parents loose thier minds for a bit.
Danny grows up normally...well not really but you get what I mean. Maddie makes sure Danny knows how to fight and wouldn't take no for an answer. No matter how much Danny complained that he wanted to play video games, go to the park with his friends or that Jazz didn't have to fight, she would never relent. Maddie knows she's nowhere near the level of a fully trained assasin but she wanted to give Danny every leg up she could.
She knew he would need it. Call it a mothers intuition.
Well, crap happens. Vlad outs Danny as Phantom and it ends very poorly for the wannabe vampire. Danny escapes into the GZ but just barely and is forced to leave his old life behind but not before Jazz tells him about what she had recently learned about Project: R.
The portals are destroyed and Danny flees to his home dimension in search of his fathers. Unfortunately when he gets there he learns most of his fathers are dead, only Damian Al Ghul and Jason Todd remaining, both having very strained relationships with thier own father Bruce Wayne and everything has gone to crap.
Theres an evil dictator in red and blue ruling the world and they're the reason two of his dads are dead. So he decides to rip the symbol off his chest, put on a mask and make his big debut as Phantom.
How you may ask?
By killing the evil Superman and his cronies on live television and announcing that he's the child of Project: R and what that means.
Damian finds Phantom in Bludhaven looking for him and asking him to take him in only to get refused. Damian fears that Bruce might try to turn Danny against him so is hesitant to get close emotionally.
Jason has no such concerns and scoops him up before Bruce can dress him like a traffic light. They then have the superhero talk and Phantom says he wants to be a anti-hero not a superhero. He already tried that one and it sucked so much. Jason definitely didn't like the fact his kid had been a superhero at any point but finding out pretty much all the adults in Dannys life had failed him so hard made Jay fly into a rage.
Bruce tries to go for custody but fails. Dannys doesn't like how the Titans treat Damian so he steals all the ABBA cds from the tower and makes off like a thief in the night. When they discover this they flip out because those were Dicks and they became practically sacred after he died.
Danny decided to cause problems on purpose. Such acts include:
1. Turning all the furniture in the common rooms of the Titans Tower into hyper realistic cake so when they sat on it/tried to turn on the TV, ect they'd be in for a suprise.
2. Stealing all the tires off of every vehicle Bruce owned and giving them to Jason/whoever was down on thier luck and couldn't afford to change thier tires. Danny says he has "a legacy to uphold" while balancing on the top of on of the tires as he runs it across Gotham
3. Torments Black Mask and Slade. Somehow all thier homes and safe houses are filled with beans. Yes, beans. Whenever they are in Gotham they get beaned in the face with a pickle. (This is worse for BM cause ya'know)
They have no idea whos doing this or why.
Ras Al Ghul is not amused by the pickleing but does not get beanified cause Danny doesn't know where most of his places are so he gets A LOT of pickles thrown at him every chance Danny gets.
4. Danny decides Damian requires lots of snuggles and just turns intangible whenever Damian tries to pry him off. Multiple people keep comparing him to Dick and its starting to get on Dannys nerves. He has three other dads to compare him to and Dick isn't even the only dead one! What about Tim??? He wants to learn about Tim! He demands his fathers tell him about themselves and Tim

Oh no there’s two of them
Why is this so cute
Batman: Crime is abnormaly quiet today, one more round and we should go home, chum.
Robin (Jason): A-Okay. I may even have time to read a bit before going to bed.
Batman: I'll think about it.
Robin: We could go to Bat Burguer! Di-Nightwing said they have an amazing chocolate milkshake.
Batman: I don't know, Robin...
Robin: I'm sure they have banana milkshake as well or something fruity.
Batman: Hm
Robin: I knew it!
Batman: Hm??
Robin: You are a fruit bat.
Batman: what?
Robin: I was reading a book about animals and they say that of the 1200 known species of bats only three are vampire bats. You are too normal to be a vampire bat. Also vampire bats are smaller and you are very big and vampire bats move solo and while you like to prented to be moody and lonley you have me, Agent A, Batgirl and Nightwing and that just in Gotham. So you are a fruit bat. And you love fruity things.
Batman: *smilling* I suppose.
Robin: And that means we are going to drink the milkshakes because you can't refuse fruit things!
Batman: Because I'm a fruit bat.
Robin: Yeah!!
----- [somewhere in the future] ----
Robin (Damain): I'm the son of Batman, I'll drink your blood, Hood.
Red Hood: Nah, B's totally a fruit bat and as the "blood son" that just means you like banana milkshake, sorry demon brat.
Batman: *in the background, accidentaly listens* *happy hm*

@ghost-postables it’s for you
Heikazu but Tokyo Ghoul??? Dont mind if i do
Kazuha - Ghoul, lives on the run and generally doesnt stay in one place for too long. His friend (tomo) was also a ghoul killed by investigators, and since then kazuha has been much more secluded and tries to avoid suspicion. But he ends up meeting a certain someone oh boy
Heizou - Ghoul investigator, likes to work alone (he used to have a partner in Sango but they went seperate ways). Viewing himself as evils natural enemy and ghouls as inherently evil, he has no remorse in exterminating ghouls. Nothing like a night of killing man eating monsters then having lunch the next day with ur very normal human friend Kazuha! Who is not suspicious at all totally ♡
Theres more in my brain but its almost 12am so uhh thats it for now methinks
Hi I’m posting for the first time now I have a question
What ducking ducks happened here when I sleep every time I look in here new duck fights are happening