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11 years ago

The Tau Incursion (Numbers)

We fought two battles, both 400 pts combat patrol.   Tanner brought a Tau list, three squads of fire warriors and two crisis suits. I brought my Blood Angels, one squad of assault marines and one squad of Sanguinary Guard. Nick brought Imp Guard, two veteran squads in Chimeras.

Tanner and I fought first, I tar pitted Tanner's crisis suits with assault marines, and then cleaned up with the Guard.

Tanner and Nick fought later, the Chimeras prevented the Tau from getting access the Guards squishy bits.

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11 years ago

Drugs and failure

The Thunderhawk set down and the Marines roared out the open doors.  “Alpha, Bravo to the right, Selaphiel you and your boys to the left, Echo with me in the middle.  Holler when you see them.  Good Hunting.” Engines growled and rockets screamed as the marines tore across the landscape.  “Captain, we are approaching a marsh,” the gravelly voice of Sergeant Carter came over the command channel, “Suggest we make our way around.” The flick of a switch brought a map to the dash of Michael’s bike, “No Sergeant, we head through.  The harvest crew was in the marsh and probably near the other side.  Fastest route.” The ground began squish and shift beneath the tires and cling to the boots of the flying marines as they left the ground.  “Entering a marsh Brother-Captain,”  Flaherty’s voice called out. “Thank you Sergeant,” The light began to dim, “How long till sunset?” “Hours at least Captain,” Flaherty responded. “Clear the channel and prepare for battle.”  Captain Michael’s power swords and storm shield cackled to life as the darkness descended around them.  To his left he could see a similar glow coming from the Glaives of the Sanguinary Guard.  All around him he could hear bolter and pistols being cleared and prepared for battle.   The swamp held ruins full of Dark Eldar, who were happy to meet the marines in battle.  Wytches surged through the ruins as jet bikes and venoms screamed toward the marines.  The Sanguinary Guard met the wytches with power weapons and bolter fire.  The bolt gun fire of Echo and the Captain fell on the jet bikes and venoms, while Alpha and Bravo found still more wytches facing them. The Guard charged into the wytches while they were still in the ruins of old processing plant.  One, more beautiful than the rest, screamed a challenge at the approaching marines, her high cold voices barely registering in the audio of their helmets.  The Guard pushed on but the Sanguinary Priest that followed answered her challenge with gusto.  His chainsword and bolt pistol flashed, but her long and dangerous blade was faster.  It found the joint in the priest’s armor, and poison screamed into his veins, the searing pain brought him to his knees, and his agony brought her joy.  In the center the reavers and the venom quickly fell to the bolters and multi-melta of Echo.  To the right Alpha took on a second venom, charging toward fire rained down on them.  Bravo found themselves under the fire of another squad of wytches, and in the center of that squad was the most terrifying sight the had ever seen.  Standing taller than any of the marines on tentacles instead of legs was the Archon of the Kabal of Capricious Scorn.  She wore sparkly purple blue armor with the heads of fallen enemies hanging from her belt and her helm a blank merciless face.  Her squad opened fire on Bravo, scattering them.  Bravo fell back and tried to regroup.  The Sanguinary Guard could not lay a sword on the wytches before them each time they came close the wytches would dodge out of the way, and their poison blades soon made their presence well known as the guardsmen slowly fell to their attacks.  Bravo soon regrouped and attacked the archon and her guard, only to be slaughtered.  Alpha made short work of the remaining venom and the kabalites inside. After killing Bravo, the Archon turned her attention to Echo and Captain Micheal.  Pistol fire rained down on the marines from one side and the crew of the downed venom unleashed on them from the other.  Soon it was down to Captain Michael and a Priest.  With no other options, Michael turn his bike to face the Archon, “Sparkle Glitter Tits, you sweet spring flower, you couldn’t hurt a fly.” he bellowed as he charged forward. She turned and made short work of the mighty Captain spearing him through the chest with her poisoned blade.  The Archon turned and quickly mopped up the remaining forces before making a hasty retreat back to her webway portal.  She took with her the entire harvest team and everything they had harvested.

Hours later the Thunderhawks from Ariana descended and found what remained of the Second barely breathing.  Quickly packing them onto the ships they saved who they could though none would be fighting anytime soon.

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11 years ago

Drugs and Failure Numbers

Drugs and Failure

My Sanguinary Guard got tar pitted by some wytches and she ate everything else up.  Elsewhere my assault marines met with some of her other troops, against the Kabalites my marines did well, other than getting shot a LOT.  However my marines were not match for the archon and her unit, and got torn apart.  My Captain and bikes did however rock her reavers and another venom.  When the guns of the Kabalites and the Archon’s wytches turned on the bikes they were toast.  In the end, Captain Michael charged the Archon out of spite and she attacked first, and he failed ALL of those armor saves.

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