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Drugs and Failure Numbers
Drugs and Failure
My Sanguinary Guard got tar pitted by some wytches and she ate everything else up. Elsewhere my assault marines met with some of her other troops, against the Kabalites my marines did well, other than getting shot a LOT. However my marines were not match for the archon and her unit, and got torn apart. My Captain and bikes did however rock her reavers and another venom. When the guns of the Kabalites and the Archon’s wytches turned on the bikes they were toast. In the end, Captain Michael charged the Archon out of spite and she attacked first, and he failed ALL of those armor saves.
1000 points
Ladies, Gentlemen, and transgenders, I have finished (almost) painting 1000 points of my Winged Brotherhood. Captain Micheal still needs a storm shield, but other than that they are painted. Now that my models are painted, my camera has no batteries, so pictures will be coming later. Really proud of both Captain Gabriel and my as yet unnamed Sanguinary Priest on a bike. Shortly after finishing painting my Marines, I used them to square off against a Tau army, a friendly 1000 point game. Right around turn 3, a friend took a look at the Tau list and found he had brought 1500 points. Being half way into the game I decided to continue and see how my Marines did. At the end of turn 6, my Marines lost 4-1, but they were still on the table. I finished the day very proud of my Marines.

Winged Brotherhood squared off against Ashfire Cadre We fought I lost. The Winged Brotherhood faced the Ashfire Cadre, the game was the Scouring, 1000 pts. The game started off well, my vanguard veterans took down his riptide. The Tau then created a perimeter around my bikes and sanguinary guard and shot at them until the finally failed enough saves to die. My MVP was Captain Micheal and my first priest, they took an entire turn of shooting from nearly the entire Tau army before finally dying. In the end I held a three point and a four point objective, while he sat on a two and a three point objective, however he killed two fast attack, my warlord and got first blood. In the end the Winged Brotherhood had 7 and the Ashfire Cadre had 8. Tau win.
Winged Brotherhood vs Eldar
Faced off against an Eldar army and I lost. This seems to be a theme recently, but it was a good match. 1000 pts Relic. (Though no one held relic) Opening of the game went well. My bikes took on the Eldar armor that was on the field. Alpha screamed up the board, with a priest in tow. Bravo moved up the other side of the board with the Sanguinary Guard. Then things turned. Bravo got SLAUGHTERED in close combat. Things got a little better for me when the Guard charged and decimated that unit, and making his Warlord run. Then his Wraithlord charged, and the game really turned bad for me. My Sanguinary Guard was lost in a turn. The bikes then charged and most of them were lost. All the while Alpha charged the Striking Scorpions and ran them down. Then they turned their swords on the Avengers, and lost. In the end I gave up. Having one bike and one Sanguinary priest left on the board. My MVP was again my priest, who is in need of a name. Any ideas on a name for him?

Lilly wrecked herself running from Puff the mighty demon prince of Nurgle

With the new codex being out, the Winged Brotherhood has been rearranged. This is Tactical Squad Alpha, under the command of Senior Seargeant Kaala.

Melchior, furioso dreadnaught. Heavy weight usually drployed with the 2nd, one of the oldest marines in the Chapter, he also acts as the Chapter’s historian.

DEARH COMPANY. Done in bone and blood.