Bau X You - Tumblr Posts
“Why Worry?”
This is a Fandom Insert as well as a reader one. I will be using Supernatural, Criminal Minds, and Marvel as examples, because they the ones I am currently obsessed with and I feel they fit the different fandoms well. (Sherlock? NCIS? Criminal Minds. Anything superheroes? Marvel. Buffy the Vampire, Teen Wolf, or anything of the sort? Supernatural.) This is a song-fic of the Set It Off’s Why Worry, and as in the music video, there are two of you.
Warnings: Don’t trust the narrative. Violence, battle gore, and such. Cursing.
Word Count - 1203
Dyed haired, freckled, dimpled, slight accent, and any skin-toned Reader. (Non-binary, interchanging pronouns with a realistic jiggly body)
Sorry, in advance, Blonde, blue-eyed, white chicks that are reading this.
As of late, you haven’t recognized yourself in the mirror. You’re slim, with a clean face, no marks anywhere. You’re exactly what you always dreamed to be. “Yeah, right.” Frick, that voice, it must exist to annoy you. Seriously. It was nothing like your previous demons, though. It seemed to almost be something else... Screw it. Let’s think of this another time. You finally get to go on a mission, a case, that they had never allowed you to go on before. The nerves “started” eating at you, harshly. You have been thinking about it all night, but you slept like a baby, probably looked like one too.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, the owner most likely predicting how you were feeling. People have been reading you like an open book. “They haven’t before.” “The sinking feeling sets.” You mumble, talking to shut up the sound from continuing. You almost started to proceed to, well, feel whole again as you kept talking, but not as sure as to why you are feeling this way. “It feels like a hole inside your chest.” The guy nods as you look up to them. It was exactly who you expect, the one person that you feel that you could confide in, (Your Favorite male Character).
Before he could try to ease your tenseness with his words, your team leader starts going over the plan.
Did you pay attention? The best you could, because your body started to feel, what is the termination... “Can’t find the correct words? Wow, you really are feeling out of it.” He is talking a lot more often- With that your ocean waves started to close, your body plagued with sudden fatigue, and
You arose without air, holding your big chest. You ran your hand through your natty hair, NATTY? How long were you out? “I know what you’re thinking.” Shut up. “No, no, no, no. I can’t have messy hair!” the voice mocked. Okay, ignore them, (Y/N), you got a job to do. Just join, I guess. “Easier said than done.” “Not helping,” You said out loud, annoyed. You grab your weapon, something that still felt foreign to you. Even before “everything changed.” You never felt like you needed it. “I know you hate me, but please, let me attest, on how you should go about this.” Never.
After a while, it didn’t take you that long but you were focused more on the argument in your head. You ran into so many things and even went in the wrong direction, however, your skin remained clear without any bruises. You managed your way into the compound, from a complete hidden entrance. At every camera, that you knew that wasn’t being looked at if your earpiece was anything to go off of, you winked. You were in your element, which you haven’t felt in a long time. You didn’t feel the stereotypical emotions, the reason why is beyond you, at the moment anyway. Found it, “It” being the Security Camera room, not the answer to any of your questions. You walk in and grabbed the woman, who was obviously the boss’s wife. “Relax.” (Skipping some lyrics, because of gees.) She didn’t but acted as calm as she could. She had her pistol aimed at you, but it was clear to anyone that she had never shot a gun before, let alone hold one. If that stance was anything to go off of. “Tell me,” You smirked, hitting the microphone button, “Why? Please, tell me, why do we worry? Huh, my dear?”
“I-I don’t-”
“Why? When worry is never helping, tell me!”
“I-I- What?”
“Let’s take you to your mob wifey.”
You quickly link your earpiece to the intercoms.
“Let’s take these issues, step by step by step-“
Perks with being friends with nerds!
“To work it out. Day by day, by day, we’re falling down.“
What? No, we knew how to do that! That is basic programming.
“But life goes on!“
“Basic programming”? Who the fuck do you think you are? I didn’t know that.
You? I? What-
You kick down the door, with your arm around the mistress. “Hello~! We were feeling kind of left out, forgotten. We wanted some action too~!” Your voice teased your tied up comrades and sworn enemies. It sounded like you, but you wouldn’t say that- “I’ve got some questions.”
“Questions, yes! Ask away!” the leader shouted, not liking the weapon near her wife. “Are you sick of feelin’ sorry?” you asked, accent and all. “People saying ‘Not to worry’?! Sick of hearin’ this hakuna matata motto crap from people who won the lottery?” “We’re not that lucky.” The mobster answered, honestly. You nodded, “Have you noticed that you’re breathing?” Your arm left the terrified woman, looking at both of the groups. “Look around! Count your blessings,” You started to yell at them, walking around every individual. “So, when you’re sick of all this stressin’ and guessin’, I’m suggesting!” You were going to leave it at that, but your mouth to seemed to start continuing on itself, “Chin up.” Your body moving on its own. You brought your best friend’s face up by his chin, “Quit actin’ like you’re half dead.” You winked, as you continue and walked over to your crush, that is a man- Yeah, no, that is a bad-ass woman with a beautiful smile. “Tears can only half fill how you’re feelin’. Baby, don’t worry, be happy.” You proceed to gesture to rest of your family to stand up, just to hear the leader join in, “Stand up, life is too damn short.” “That clock is ticking.” You added, as she finishes your verse, “Man up if ya feel me.” “Everyone sing it!”
As everyone starts to sing, you hear “Fine, you win.” You smirked and turned around to face the woman you used to see in the mirror. You wink as you started to ruffle your hair to make it fall in your own face, your dyed lock fell over your (e/c) eyes. Your smirk gets bigger as you saw your arms jiggly as you clapped along to your family and new friends’ music.
“You might’ve been considered perfect, but not to me. That guy in the mirror is me, this jiggly body could get insulted by people like you and I will still be the better person.“
“Now, you’re full of yourself, (Y/N)“
“That’s your Highness, because bitch, ‘m perfect.“
That you are.