Bau X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I've started criminal minds 2 weeks ago and I'm already on season 4, dear god I have fallen in the rabbit hole

Btw, I'm about ready to write butt ton of fanfics so leave a request xx

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1 year ago

Garcia girl mathing at the beginning of Season 5 episode 21 “exit wound” is soo funny to me

Girl mathing before girl math became a thing

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10 months ago

I’m actually so crazy proud of this, usually I’d finish this sooner but my hands been hurting really badly and I’ve lose my pen 5x a day😔 ( update: I lost my pen again )

Im Actually So Crazy Proud Of This, Usually Id Finish This Sooner But My Hands Been Hurting Really Badly

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Bau x reader where the reader falls asleep on top of Morgan after a case

Warnings: nothing really

Summary: reader fell asleep on Morgans shoulder on the flight back home from an exhausting case

Asks are always open<3

Bau X Reader Where The Reader Falls Asleep On Top Of Morgan After A Case

It had been one of the most tiring cases you had had ever since you joined the team

Atrocious amounts of running around and checking crime scenes victims all around

You hadn't slept in three whole days ,not resting once , since this case hit a bit too close to home for some reason

The moment you entered the jet to return home you sat beside Derek, your earphones already in

You hadn't even understood it when it happened but somehow you ended up leaning on him , your eyes closed

You were sleeping

At first no one understood , since it wasn't abnormal for any of the team members to be extra touchy with each other

They finally realized you were asleep when Aaron posed you a question and you didn't answer

'Y/n? Oh. She's sleeping'

Spencer who was sitting by him awed and looked at you fondly

Spencer rose up from his seat and grabbed a blanket , carefully covering you up

Morgan could not be more still than he was now

He tried to keep his shoulder relaxed so it would be softer

JJ snapped some photos with the flash of as to not annoy you

Hotch then went to the light center and lowered the lights on the whole jet

Noone dared to talk loudly , it if they had Emily would give them such a death stare that they wouldn't dare speak again maybe ever

+ a little Penelope context bc I love her

When the jet stopped the team had to wake you up

They didn't want to

Thought about carrying you, but decided otherwise

Entering the federal building ,your eyes were half closed and you were walking weird

Penelope who was waiting for you everytime, seeing you so sleepy made the face she usually does when seeing kittens

Rushed over to you all

'are you ok?'

When everyone responded positively she turned to look at you

' you are so cute I wanna squeeze you to death'

She exclaimed and you pouted

That made her awe even more, and the team was quick to follow

Feel free to request anything:)

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Bau x reader , where the reader is in an abusive relationship

Warnings: abusive relationship , blood , slightly yandere bau , gn reader , could be perceived as a poly bau

Summary: you are in an abusive relationship and when you call Hotch crying , they all rush to your side

Bau X Reader , Where The Reader Is In An Abusive Relationship

The people in this team are smart and their job is literally to be observing

They obviously notice your change of behavior the moment you step out of the elevator the day you had met him/her

The energy you gave of , the way you talked and even your choice of clothes made them assume you had met someone. They totally DIDNT feel jealous at all

But you seemed happy and they had no control over you

Penelope was the one to ask and learn about the charming kind man you just met.

So the was the one who informed the others

She stalked all of his accounts and pulled out his criminal records (that were clean) his financial state and everything about him

Not even two weeks after you entered the building with a new air on you

You were shining in happiness

Everyone could feel It and everyone knew

Morgan definitely did not do an extra harsh box training that evening with Enily

And Spencer obviously did not complain to Hotch about it all day

And hotch certainly didn't almost tear apart a book in frustation

Also Penelope did not cry on JJ s shoulder and neither did the opposite happen

Then , one day exactly one month later you were gloomy

The team almost held an interrogation to find out why

Turns out your boyfriend and you had just had a super intense fight that ended up in yelling

They were quick to offer you to spent the night with one of them

Or they could book a hotel room for you

You declined saying you need to solve this out

This went on for a long of time

The weather became worst day by day and you were the first one on the team to wear a long sleeved shirt

They didn't think much of it

Your mood was drastically changing , your once bubbly and happy personality disappearing

They were all extremely worried but they didn't know what could have caused it

' Do you think it's that boyfriend of theirs?'

Morgan asked once . They all appeared worried at the thought

JJ was sent to ask you about your relationship but you quite convincingly talked in excitement and contempt about it

They were obviously worried sick ,but could do nothing about it , since they had no idea what the problem was

When they were all out together , Hotch received a call by you

You were crying and stuttering your words

' Hotch' you breathed out

' y/n? Where are you?what has happened?'

He asked and all the others gazes fell on him , their faces twisting in confusion

' I -uhhh I am on my apartment. He has left but I'm hurting a lot. Please come help'

You had said. Calling Hotch was a conscious decision since he was definitely a safe person to you and the whole team.

While Morgan could beat someone up easier and Emily was a very violent person when needed , Aaron just had this energy that he gave off.

He could protect you and you knew it

They all hoped In two cars and were to your in no time.

You were lying on the floor sobbing , with blood around you

Spencer was the one to check up on you , covering your wounds

While JJ called the police

Morgan along with Penelope were frozen on the doorway

And Aaron was right by your side pushing your hair out of your face and whispering in your ear

You were badly hurt

The paramedics arrived and Spencer rode the ambulance with you.

Penelope and Aaron followed with their car while the other three remained on your apartment

They decided to clean it up, JJ bringing the chemicals to remove the blood , while Morgan angrily scrubbed the floor

' How could he? '

Whispered Emily enraged

Then they heard keys on the door

' Honey I am so sorry for what happened, but look I brought you flo-'

A man entered the apartment and appeared shocked to find your colleagues there

Morgan had risen up staring at the man with deep hatred in his eyes

Let's say that the man returned to his house with a lot of bruises , a bunch of threats and two days later his computer caught a virus

You were in the hospital, getting better

Penelope was in the chair besides your bed working something on her computer

Once you were woken up and not high, you received a lot of hugs and sweet words

When you could finally return home they all sat you down . You knew this conversation was coming

' We want you to feel comfortable telling us about things that are going wrong in your life '

Hotch had said his voice and characteristics unnaturally soft.

' Why didn't you tell us?'

JJ wondered and you had no acceptable answer

The day ended in a lot of tears and hugs.

You quickly returned to your workplace where you were greeted with a cake that had wobbly written on it ' welcome back'

Thay would always remind you to be careful in the field for at least a month.

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Bau x reader : how they first meet

Warnings: nothing really , kinda awkward (?)

Summary: you had just joined the bau , already familiar with some of the members of your new team

Note: this is meant to be written to a gn tone , but since I identify as a female and use those pronouns , I might have made some mistakes. If there is anything to this or any other of my stories please inform me

Bau X Reader : How They First Meet

Penelope Garcia

You had just been informed that you were accepted to became a part of one of the most elite teams in the fbi. The behavior and analysis unit.

You were told that you were to became a member in two weeks , since they needed to file some paperwork

That some night you received a message that read:

Hello, heard you gonna join the team! I'm Penelope Garcia the teams analyst

So you and Penelope had been chatting a long time before you met almost any other member of the team

Aaron Hotchner

Being in he office as long as he did , it was natural that he was familiar with most of the important agents. Same thing happened with you

He had met you maybe twice or three times already

Once when you had just joined the fbi and he was a low level agent back then that had been tasked to shaw you around and help you with any problem you may have had

He had assured you that you could call him if you needed any help ,but you never did

The next time he had met you was around two years before you were to join the team

It was in an official fbi meeting. He was one of the first agents to arrive and when you entered the room , your face shined

You went right on him , expressing your happiness to be seeing him and all the typical stuff, before lightly chit chatting

He had thought you were funny and quite amusing

Then on the meeting one of the agents spoke up saying something stupid

He turned to look at you with a ' really?' face and you almost burst out laughing

He felt comfortable around you

So when your name was on the ones on the new recruit list , he was quick to chose you

Emily Prentiss

Emily was known by a lot of names all around the world

So you an agent that had been to multiple countries , once happened to fall on her

It would have been a little awkward on your side because she was kinda your idol

She had been the agent that had hopped around in most of the federal organisations and had the best of names with the most successful cases

So meeting her was unique for you

You though that she wouldn't remember you , but boy you were wrong

She had clear memory of who you were , since you had been the first one to show such an awe at her achievements

She didn't know who you were until she heard Penelope talking to JJ about you


JJ met you the morning that you were to join the team, since she had offered to help you navigate your way throu the place and also fill you in

But this was not the first time she heard of you

Penelope had been talking about you , how funny you were and how she thought that you would be an excellent addition in the team

She showed you around , unable to not notice the way your lips curved at the place around you

A slight smile you were trying to hide behind a serious persona

She completely understood why Penelope perceived you as a good addition to their little family

You were easy going , charming and bubbly a little pep on your step

She couldn't not notice how you sent Gotcha little smile and a cute wave

In hers and your surprise , he offered you a timid smile too

Derek Morgan

The man™.

The moment you entered the room and jj told them who you were , he was on his feet , a strong hand extended as to greet you

' Derek Morgan '

He'd say in his deep voice

Everyone had at least an idea about you , through Penelope, except for him somehow

He quickly noticed your slightly fidgety hands and the way your eyes skipped in between everyone

Once he had his moment , Penelope rushed in

' I'm so sorry my sweet chocolate thunder , but you can't keep my friend away from me'

She told him and he stared in shock as Penelope hugged you and you instinctively hugged back

Spencer Reid

Spencer was the last one of the bunch to meet you

The whole time you were interacting with the team he stared at you his gaze analytical , his glasses falling downwards his nose every few minutes

Once he understood that the energetic part was over , he figured it would be a good time for him to meet you

' I'm Spencer Reid ' he'd say , extending his arm

You had looked at it started out , throwing a quick glass at an equally confused looking Penelope

' i- uhh, you don't have to shake my hand I was already told that's not your thing'

He felt seen at this comment of your shooting at his blond haired girl a grateful smile

He decided right then and there that he liked you

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People I will write about

(don't be afraid to request whoever thou , since I will most likely forget most of the people I simp for)

I can write platonic , x child/sister/brother reader, gender neutral, romantic , with more than one person(poly) , yandere, smut , and most things.

I will not write incest pedophilia and rape

The turning

Miles Fairchild

The hp/ marrauders

James potter(young)

Remus lupin(young)

Sirius Black(young)

Lily (young)


Tom riddle

Mattheo riddle


Blaze zabini

The avengers

Literally all of them , I adore them

Criminal minds

Again I could do all of them

Stranger things

All of them , I will only write Robin with a female or gn reader though

Also if you want smut you the young ones it needs to be aged up


All of them , but to request smut it HAS to be aged up


Billy Loomis

Stu Mancher


Others too

The rookie



Heirs of the night


More can be added and again , don't hesitate to request for people that aren't on the list

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Bau x reader , where the reader is a little bimbo

Yeah so , I didn't really like this one and it is small , but here it is ig

Warnings: nothing really , some cat calling(?)

Summary: you are a bit naive and the bau kinda lives you about it(?)

They all had a lot of questions

How could a person like you end up in job like this

Don't get me wrong, you were good at your job and all helping them out

You were exactly stupid

You just were a bit- naive

You would be out with any of the team members, and someone would cat call you

You just couldn't understand that this was derogatory so you'd smile at them

If you were with Morgan ,Hotch or Emily except the person to be slightly threatened to never speak you way again

If it's Pen , Reid,Rossi , or JJ they would give the person a nasty glare

In the crime scenes they always wanted to remove you from there , but you somehow had no problem with that kind of thing

I don't know why but I think that especially Hotch would love a bimbo reader

Maybe it's the way you look up at him with those big eyes of yours , or the way your lips pout when you do t understand something

They all have cutesy nicknames for you them being ' darling , love , angel '

And a bunch of others

Expect to be SPOILED

And I don't mean just with gifts and all but also with hugs , forehead kisses and sweet gestures in general

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