Bbu Arthur - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Uhhh BBU Sketchbook Dump Yall Know The Drill
Uhhh BBU Sketchbook Dump Yall Know The Drill
Uhhh BBU Sketchbook Dump Yall Know The Drill
Uhhh BBU Sketchbook Dump Yall Know The Drill
Uhhh BBU Sketchbook Dump Yall Know The Drill
Uhhh BBU Sketchbook Dump Yall Know The Drill
Uhhh BBU Sketchbook Dump Yall Know The Drill
Uhhh BBU Sketchbook Dump Yall Know The Drill
Uhhh BBU Sketchbook Dump Yall Know The Drill

Uhhh BBU sketchbook dump y’all know the drill

Anyways baby Fanto deserves everything ever I will not be taking criticism

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7 months ago
ART BY @robinfollies !!
ART BY @robinfollies !!
ART BY @robinfollies !!

ART BY @robinfollies !!



- After Arthur went missing, Aristotle had to stop sleeping in their old bedroom, because they felt empty every time they set foot in that room.

- When Arthur wasn't okay at all,he used to ask Aristotle to go for a walk at night to observe the stars and talk.Now,Aristotle goes every night in the woods where they usually went, just to observe the stars together with the old memories they have of Arthur.

- After two years after Arthur's disappearance, everyone had lost hope and started to accept the possibility that he was dead, everyone except Aristotle, who always continued to look for him and investigate his disappearance, to the point of worrying the people who care about them, prob for the too much work they were doing for something that,in that moment,was "useless".

- Arthur and Aristotle always used to read together on the sofa or even in the woods, but now that Arthur is no longer here, Aristotle continues to keep the books they were reading with him, with the hope of being able to reopen them together with Arthur, continuing year after year to not lose hope.

- Aristotle has very low expectations of themself and their abilities, but, years ago, Arthur was always there by their side, reassuring them and making Aristotle not just good enough, but much more.Now,Aristotle has not yet managed to have better expectations of themself, but they continues to tell their friends that everything is fine, only to avoid being filled with questions as happened in the first days after Arthur's disappearance.

- As much as Arthur tried to never admit when he was sick, Aristotle somehow always managed to immediately tell if something wasn't right,and Arthur has always hated Aristotle's immediate desire to show themself available towards him, because for him being understood also meant being helped and worrying the people he cared about his health.


I have decided to post my headcanons thanks to @battersweet posts,go to check zee acc if you want to!


FUN FACT : its canon that Arthur just went missing,but he is presumably dead.

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7 months ago
whosralf - 【♡ ralf ♡】
whosralf - 【♡ ralf ♡】
whosralf - 【♡ ralf ♡】


FENX :: my billie bust up oc!!

whosralf - 【♡ ralf ♡】


- they have the green gem(he wears it as a pin) that can create echos or illusions about thing and/or people.

- he is a fennec!

- they are demiboy and achillean

- he is omnivorous, but he refuses to eat lizards

- they are friends and partners with Loki! ( @battersweet oc)

- his pronouns are he/they

- they are hyperactive and dyslexic

- he listens to Queen and David Bowie

- they are a c4nn1b4l

- years ago,he once tried to ate Arthur and Aristotle

- cares A LOT about Loki

- they are really good with kids,and he always likes to talk/play with them!

- he has a older sister,but they dont see eachother since years

- they likes to prank people by evoking echoes of random things/people

- can't sleep.

- he is a villan,BUT THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE ONE??like,Loki is way more creepy than he.

- they always help people of his city and his loved ones

- he is a ex-soldier, but now works part time in a night bar

- they are 31 yrs old

- although they are nice with everyone, he doesn't have many friends, because people think he is scary and quite boring.

- always at Loki's performances,even if he gets heart attacks when their friend(and crush) does dangerous things–

- they can't stand Barnaby and Arthur,he finds these two boring and too much weird,even for himself

- he has inferiority complex,but they always try to hide it for not worry the people he cares about(he cares about everybody he knows, it's a shame that only Loki cares about them)

- they live in "the dead zone" inside a small village near the desert

- he has PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)

- they have inferiority complex


this is my frist bbu oc, so plese don't hate!!

i made this oc with @battersweet ,my lovely mate :)

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11 months ago


Another Kissy, Drawn By Ash! This Time It's For Dimitri!

Another kissy, drawn by Ash! This time it's for Dimitri!

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