Be Sure To Take Your Time If You Have Memories Youre Trying To Access - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
DxP REWRITE - Boundaries
DxP REWRITE - Boundaries
DxP REWRITE - Boundaries
DxP REWRITE - Boundaries

DxP REWRITE - Boundaries

Hmmm, that journal looks familiar…

Speaking of books, Sasmu reads a lot of them, & on multiple subjects (much like her great-great-grandson, Ikrit, does). In our world, such things of psychology weren’t discovered yet, but as the Pokémon world has proven to be ahead of our time in many ways, I don’t think it that far a stretch to say there are books on memories, dissociation, & boundaries in old Sinnoh. 📖 

Again, memory recovery is often a process, one that can be very taxing. It’s important to take breaks when one can, & take time to process (like Ingo with his journal). 

PS: I noticed I recently reached 400 follows here! Thanks so much! I really didn’t expect this many of you to be following me & this comic along, but I’m very grateful ^_^

🔼 Diamond x Pearl REWRITE 🔽

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