Beach Fic - Tumblr Posts
sticky by kiss of life

you and san have been enjoying your summer fling but for his birthday the only gift he wants is for you two to last, sticking together past this casual phase
⇀ pairing san x reader
⇀ genre fluff
⇀ style one-shot
⇀ word count 1.75k
⇀ warnings kissing, allusions to hooking up, skinship, shirtless san
note happy san day, i thought i would continue the little birthday song fic theme i started with mingi last year and i also wish so badly i could be at the beach rn so here's this

the sun is still high in the sky when you open your eyes, using your hands in front of your face to shield the glare off the ocean waves as the umbrella above your head casts a shadow over your form. as you yawn and stretch, the warmth of the sand underneath the towel you're laying on trying to urge you back into your slumber, you take a brief look at your surroundings, trying to resituate yourself on the expanse of shoreline and managing to spot the recognizable silhouette of san, the man you'd come here with. you weren't sure what exactly he was doing, your eyes still adjusting to the midday light, but you didn't particularly mind, just enjoying the opportunity to admire his shirtless form from afar.
san seems to feel your gaze on him, turning away from his current focus to wave excitedly at you. you can see the silhouette of a sand structure, a bit lopsided and already crumbling, when san moves aside. a few shells shine against the sun on top of the smaller piles of sand and, once your eyes adjust, you can see a stick with some seaweed wrapped around the end sticking straight out of the largest formation. san seems extremely proud of what you imagine he'd refer to as a "sandcastle", gesturing confidently toward it.
you're not sure how to react, san awkwardly too far for you to verbally respond, but he doesn't seem to care as he immediately starts to make his way toward you, eagerly stomping through the soft sand.
"how was your nap?" he asks with a smile, collapsing unceremoniously onto the towel next to you. he leans over to give you a casual peck on your cheek and you try to ignore the flutter in the pit of your stomach. luckily the heat of the day already has your skin warm to the touch and so your blush goes unnoticed by san.
"restful," you sigh with content, "how long was i asleep?" you reach for your phone to get a look at the time.
"long enough for me to build you the perfect castle," san replies with a giggle. "move in ready," he adds with a wide smile at you, dimples on full display.
"not sure a castle is in my budget," you entertain him with a grin of your own, moving to place your phone back into your bag and rummaging around for the bottle of sunscreen, sure both of you could use a reapplication.
"well only 5 oyster shells a month for a 12 bedroom 14 bath seems like a steal to me," he reasons with a shrug, running his hand through his hair to move some of the loose strands that had been stuck to his forehead. his gaze doesn't brake away from you even as you focus your attention fulling on looking into your beach bag, a habit of his you've begun to notice even more recently as you both spend increasing time together.
"why wouldn't you live there too? sure is a lot of bedrooms for just one person," you comment without much thought at the nature of the remark.
san doesn't immediately respond and his silence causes you to bring your attention back to the man sat next to you. he seems to be trying to avoid your own gaze, looking back toward the main land where food trucks and sweet treat stands line the pavement. he seems suddenly more thoughtful, smile gone and eyes narrowed, and you notice the red glow of his cheeks, trying to distinguish if it's simply from his time in the sun but you don't get a chance to comment on it as he's suddenly standing.
"i'm in the mood for something sweet, want anything?" he asks abruptly, still not meeting your eyes as he grabs the white button up and sunglasses he'd discarded on the sand when you'd first arrived.
you furrow a brow at his sudden eagerness to distance himself while he slips the items on.
"uh surprise me."
and with that he's leaving you to wonder what just happened.
thinking back to your conversation you almost groan audibly when you realize what you'd said. you and san were just casual, having met last summer while you were both staying the summer here at namhae. you'd hooked up a couple times back the , after friends’ parties and such, but this summer you'd seen your connection escalate. you weren't technically in a relationship, never going on official dates or truly talking about what you were, but you certainly acted cozy. part of that was simply in san's nature, always a fan of pda, but it mostly seemed to be a natural element of whatever this little fling was. however, your comment about living together seemed certainly to snap him out of the hazy bubble of this summer fever you'd wrapped yourselves in.
the sudden awareness of your slip up casts your own mind into a frenzy of thought. why had you said what you did? obviously, the two of you living together conjured thoughts of romance and long-term affection, and that was not at all what you had now. was it?
was this little thing you shared made to last?
thinking back on the summer you'd already shared, every other minute spent together, sharing passionate kisses in front of the orange sunset and exploring the coastal town hand in hand. who could fault you for imagining a world in which you could continue on like this forever? how much longer could you two do this before you fell in love?
"the gelato truck was here," san says suddenly, snapping you out of your thoughts as he holds a cone of the creamy dessert out to you. "sorry, it melted a bit on the way here," he apologizes sheepishly when you accept the dripping cone.
he no longer seems to be avoiding your gaze as he sits down with his own paper cup of italian ice, eyes sparkling as he watches you try your gelato.
"we need to reapply," you comment remembering you were still holding the bottle of sunscreen and shaking it gently.
"once we're done," san nods, "we're okay under the umbrella for right now."
a silence settles between you as you both eat, swapping bites every so often and just listening to the waves crash against the shore. you try not to slip into a thought spiral, worrying about whether you are starting to develop deeper, unrequited feelings for your summer fling. you try to analyze him subtly, but san seems as relaxed as ever, like nothing had happened. maybe its just the birthday effect.
"do you want to do something fancy for dinner? wooyoung said that place just down the road is good," you suggest. "you could invite the boys. i'm sure drinks would be on hongjoong."
he hums and for a moment you think it's in thought until you see hes adjusting his position, placing his empty paper cup into your little trash bag and laying on his side. "you don't like my cooking?" he asks teasingly, having told you earlier today that he wants to cook for you tonight.
"you shouldn't have to cook on your birthday," you reply with a roll of your eyes, crunching on the last of your cone.
san only shrugs, "i like cooking."
silence settles once more over you two and you tap gently against the sunscreen, thinking of how else you might get him to do something he might enjoy more than simply laying on the beach with you.
"why don't we go do something more exciting, ya know? something more celebratory," you suggest, placing the sunscreen back on the ground next to you.
san rolls onto his back, hands behind his head with his eyes closed, and releases a gentle sigh. "i like what we're doing now," he says before cracking one eye open to look at you. "can't the birthday boy pick what he wants to do on his own birthday?" he asks with a teasing smirk, one eye still closed.
you scoff lightly, turning away from him so that he won't see the blush dusting your cheeks. "i just don't want you wasting all your time with me," you explain and although you're talking about today specifically, it's strongly implied that you mean in general, throughout the summer. sure you've each spent time with other friends but even group hangouts would turn into you both in your own world in the corner.
"hey," san's voice is gentle but his touch is even gentler as he wraps his fingers around your wrist, causing you to look back toward him. "my time with you is never wasted," he says earnestly, eyes staring deeply into your own.
for a moment you hold your breath, ready for him to say something else, but if he had more words they never come, instead releasing your wrist and gesturing for you to lay down with him, an invitation you accept with little hesitance. you easily tuck into his side, allowing his arm to support your head like a pillow.
"can i at least get you a gift?" you ask under your breath, your urge to fight starting to fade.
you think that san doesn't hear you at first, continuing his slow even breaths beside you, but as you open your mouth to ask again he shifts to face you.
"stick with me," he says quickly.
you aren't sure if its a question or a request and so you furrow your brows at the man whose face is only inches from your own.
"go out with me," he says when he sees your confusion. "officially."
your lips part slightly in surprise and you quickly search his features to evaluate his honesty, but all you can see is the blush on his cheeks and the sparkle of hope in his eyes.
"when?" you ask, a little breathless as san leans even closer to your face, if that was even possible.
"i have tickets to the carnival tomorrow," he explains, "it can be our first date."
you can only nod, swallowing thickly, before san closes the distance and his lips are on yours.
you've kissed plenty of times before, but this one feels different, with the promise of more on his lips and the sticky gelato left over on yours mixing to form the sweetest feeling in your chest.

↼ ateez masterlist
note hopefully you enjoyed, wrote this kinda quick so excuse any mistakes
let me know what you thought