Beauty And The Beast Musical - Tumblr Posts

Belle wearing glasses is actually something that is so important to me
Have you that there is plan for Disney a beauty and the beast broadway revival? I really want a 18th century looking production and belle’s finale dress needs to be a white robe de cour and the yellow one a sack back gown.
You want an 18th century looking production, you say? How about the Danish production at Det Ny Teater, designed by Terry Parsons?

Or my personal favourite, the Stage Entertainment one designed by Miguel Angel Huidor - this might be the one you had in mind?

Sigh. All the beauty.
Hi, Anea. I'm super excited about the upcoming BATB movie but very disappointed in Belle's iconic ball gown like many others. That said, I'm not a fashion person, other than realizing that yellow can be a hard color to pull off, so I don't know how the dress could have been made better. My question, then, would be what kind of alternative material/cut/etc. could have made the dress more like in the animation (better, iconic, gorgeous, flowing, all that stuff)? Thank you!
All I ask for is Belle’s golden dress as designed by Miguel Angel Huidor, for Stage Entertainment. Soft yellow sprinkled with gold, gorgeous drapes, a Rococo touch, always spectacular.

Had the upcoming BATB movie shown this dress, it would have been an utter legend and copied to death. It offers so much for the eye to look at, without really stealing the focus from the Belle actress. Just complimenting her.
I think that’s the problem with the BATB movie dress - it doesn’t have any details or any oomph, nothing for the eye to look at. Which is nice enough for the actress, as it’s full focus on her. But it’s quite underwhelming for being *the* golden dress everyone had expectations for.

If I could choose I would have given the dress a more subtle yellow shade, maybe by adding a sequin overlay on the silk, or more ornamentation as that seen on the hem. I would also have given the bodice a more historical touch, by adding a sequinned or pleated “bertha” neckline.
Like this 1860s Emile Pingat dress:

( )
So yeah, a paler shade, more overlay details, more details in general, or a way more spectacular neckline at least. That’s stuff I would have added.

Four different designs for “Beauty and the Beast” (Disney version): They all feature Belle in a blue, aproned dress for the opening, and Belle in a yellowish golden dress, and the Beast in a royal blue suit/tailcoat for the epic dance scene. But within that there are variations. The main difference in design ideas seems to be which century they set the story in. The animated version from 1991 (row 1), as well as the original Broadway production and those to follow (row 2), set the story in the mid 19th century, with wide crinoline skirts and corseted bodices for the ladies, and tailcoat for the beast. Later versions has explored the 18th century for the design as well, as was done in Germany and Italy (row 3) as well as Denmark (row 4). Of these the Italian/German one is my definite favourite. The costume designer Miguel Angel Huidor totally knew what’s essential to the 18th century, and managed to make it period plausible while still taking place in a fantasy world - AND making it look splendid. 1. and 2. From the animated 1991 movie. 3. and 4. Liz Schivener and Justin Glaser, US tour. 5. and 6. Arianna and Antonello Angiolillo, Milan and Rome. 7. Charlotte Guldberg, Copenhagen. 8. Mia Karlsson and Kristian Boland, Copenhagen.

Comparing “Beauty and the Beast”: Belle in pink library dress
1. The animated 1991 movie. 2. The original stage design (1994), by Ann Hould-Ward. 3. The Stage Entertainment design* (2005), by Miguel Angel Huidor. 4. The first non-replica design, Copenhagen (2005), by Terry Parson. 5. The German tour design (2012, originally Hungarian), by Erzébet Túri. 6. The Oslo design (2014), by Rebekka Sørensen. The bodice is basically always covered by a book, so this one was hard to do a photoset on. But it shows the basics anyway. (*first in use was the replica version, then they did their own design)
violently refreshing my schools theatre website for the cast list i cant wait
i love batb background characters like what was jean-claude like. did he have hopes? dreams? was he a cook/waiter too? did he have friends?