Because Despite All The Pain They Love Eachother And Want To Work It Out And Want To Heal And Want Ea H Other To Be Happy - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago

dions a big meanie. called raz “nostra-dumbass” which was admittedly rather funny but. uncalled for!!
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thinking about how dion immediately regretted saying those things to raz but doubled down anyway probs outta fear of admittin she was wrong
thinking about how that doesnt make it okay but damn dion loves raz so much he just needs to learn how to properly show it
thinking about how raz deserves better and hoping that post canon that cut apology line does get said
dion apologizes for pushing him away cause so much has hapoened and she was in the wrong she just eants her little.brither back
abd shes hurt him and is so so sorry and wants to do better
and they hug and reconcile cause the game is all about trauma and hurt and healing from it
and they heal together
because despite all the pain they love eachother and want to work it out and want to heal and want ea h other to be happy
thinking ab dion and raz
psychonauts 2
raz aquato
razputin aquato
dion aquato
love the op's art and tags omg