Because If He Was Angry You Know That Defeating God Wouldnt Be The Biggest Thing The Winchesters Would Have To Face - Tumblr Posts
It’s on days like these where I randomly open tumblr and come across posts like these that I once again thank the entire Midam community for pulling me back into the depths of obsession.
things from mr. abel's cameo that made me completely lose it, a not comprehensive list with unnecessary comments:
"look at me while im talking to you" because listen. LISTEN. we been knew they were the healthiest pairing in this show but this is yet another confirmation that they sit down together and TALK. when there's an issue between them they don't just skim over it and let it fester, they address it even if it's not exactly pleasant AND THEY MAKE THINGS WORK. and like.. im pretty sure adam learned all of this from kate but i don't think this is something michael was ever used to do (for many reasons) which means that adam, once again, is [paramore voice] THE ONLY EXCEPTIOOOOOON. excuse me while i cry.
michael apologized to adam. TWICE. while looking like a kicked puppy who knows he did something wrong. the eldest being in the universe after god. the prince and supreme commander of the heavenly host. the fiercest and most powerful warrior of heaven. wrapped around some random dude from minnesota's little finger. [TAKES A DEEP BREATH] [SCREAMS] god this is why i need all the fix-it fics where all the angels come back from the empty, because i NEED raphael and gabriel to see their big stern brother completely besotted with this one human and tease him MERCILESSLY.
the way adam can so easily call michael 'buddy/bud' and scold him.. im FINE. look i know this all sounds very repetitive and im sorry but JESUS CHRIST. WHAT A RELATIONSHIP THEY HAVE.
i don't think i have enough words in my vocabulary to express just how much i ADORE adam. he is so caring and gentle and the time in the cage also made him so understanding and compassionate. like, he was before too, don't get me wrong, but he also had all this anger (completely justified, mind you!!) and of course even now there are some things he will never be able to completely forgive ([coughs] the winchesters) but he is so.. idk, wise, now?? and with michael he is so SO forgiving, like he would have all the reasons to be fucking pissed with michael but instead he is so kind in his scolding and in pointing out what michael did wrong IM LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND OVER THIS.
fast forwarding for a second because it ties to the previews point but michael not wanting to hear adam say he is disappointed.... [HEAD IN MY HANDS] of course. of course michael's nr. 1 fear would be to be a disappointment. he lived his whole existence trying not to disappoint his father, someone who probably punished and diminished him as soon as michael did something he disapproved of. someone who was always cold and distant and didn't care. but adam is there saying 'yes you made a mistake. yes i expected more from you. it doesn't make me love you any less.' and how incredible and new that must be for michael? MAKES ME WANNA CRY FRIENDS.
michael getting so excited about mcdonald's of all things.. like it's so funny but also THE MOST PRECIOUS THING. and i love that technically angels only taste molecules when they eat stuff, which means that either michael can taste things through adam or.. idk some molecules taste better than others?? and i can't stop thinking about adam offering michael different food to eat because there MUST be something he can taste and michael doesn't see the point because he doesn't NEED to eat and adam explains it's about enjoying things and michael eventually relents (because OF COURSE HE DOES, but he tries stuff ONLY if adam feeds him directly with his fork or his hand) and so the list of things michael enjoys about humanity expands to 1) adam 2) mcdonald's