Adam Milligan - Tumblr Posts
I quite like the idea that grooming or touching an angels wings is like, weed for them? Like I know a lot of spn fics say that petting an angels wings will like either relax them or get them horny and ya know whats the combination of those? being high.
c'mon people imagine the possibilities with the three angels and their humans.
I love Adam and Michael talking in enochian to each other, but i propose:
Post-cage Michael teaching Adam enochian just cause Adam asks and finally there's a day where Adam says like a sentence correctly or something and Michael is just all gooey eyed listening to him repeatedly say "O Michael hath faith for I am your sword" over and over and over again all while smiling like an idiot.
Hey so if you even care, once Adam and Michael begin to get intimate with each other (in whatever way you want, physical or soul-sex or otherwise) they go through a period of being MAJORLY horny because Michael had never allowed himself to indulge in human customs the way some of his siblings had, and now that he’s with someone he has a strong standing relationship with built on trust, understanding and just all around love, once they start doing it his celestial sex drive will just flip a switch and kick into overdrive. And Adam was only 19 when he went to hell and joined with Michael (and since I believe he wasn’t the type to loose his virginity at a younger age, which means if he even lost his virginity at all then it would have probably been around 16-ish and since he also doesn’t seem like the player/a lot of flings type that means he only had very limited sexual experiences) So he probably never fully let that “teenage/Young adult sex drive period of time” happen right? But then the same thing happens where he does it with not only someone he trusts and loves a whole bunch but that someone is The archangel Michael then of course his hormones are gonna get set off like a fucking firecracker. They don’t leave their shared house for days, maybe even weeks, for that period of time. Just wrapped in each other’s embrace and warmth with the blankets settled around their forms and sunlight beaming against them. With their traded pleasure going through their intwined selves, Adam’s soul and Michael’s grace. Letting their carnal animalistic and primal instincts win and take over and just give into the need to show their desperation and their eternal love to each other in any means possible, in this essay I will-
I do believe, personally, that Adam and Michael are Lana del ray girlies and I hold that close to my heart.
i love midam sharing a body. i cannot get enough of it. its honestly one of my major dislikes when an author has them in seperate bodies.
no shame to anyone who does like them in seperate bodies, but it is so not for me.
like. that is THEIR body. its THEIR house.
youre telling me, after like 1200 years in the cage, where they were each others only solstice, they arent just a little codependent. they arent just a little bit nervous whenever they're seperate. that they dont find inherent safety and comfort in being able to feel each other's essence at all times.
and thats even before they were forcibly ripped apart by chuck. i cant even fathom how much worse it is after.
Putting this out into the world cause I’m bored and why not
Midam girlies, Discuss.
In my mind the only way Michael comes around to liking and being accepting of Jack is if one day he’s like “Nephilim are not to be trusted, they are unholy offspring” and Adam could go the more gentle and therapeutic route but instead he counters with, “ok but what if you got me pregnant and I gave birth to our Nephilim baby?”
And Michael just- freezes.
And that’s how he learns to get along with Jack being the new god, and also Adam’s been wondering why Michael’s been staring silently at their bed lately and why he keeps hugging Adam from behind and holding his stomach??????
I'm of the belief that Adam could get literally any being/monster in existence to like him.
Whether it be because of his general aura of Adamness or because of The Archangel Michael standing ominously behind him monitoring the entire interaction while simultaneously threating the wrath of holyfire against whoever Adam is talking to, so the creature more or less has to make the decision of:
Be nice to this random human, 🙄👎🤮
Or Die. 😀😦💀
I would just like to say that I do not simply just fall back into my Midam brain rot and infatuation.
Jake Abel himself slowly rises from his cave in the ground and carefully grips me by the cankles and drags me back into the pit with the rest of my mutuals as we all consume and share our endless insanity over them repeatedly together<3

No but seriously, this scene.
Its driving me insane that Adam was so ready, he was just so willing to become Michael's vessel that even Zacariah was like "Huh?"
And yeah, I know he was just excited to get his mother back but still he's smiling. All after being told that he literally won't be in control of his body during the fucking apocalypse and his physical body will be fighting the actual devil and he's still smiling for Michael!!!
Someone else please chip in and use better words to describe this because rn I'm currently incoherent and need to be sedated.
I'm a sucker for the idea that after Chuck is defeated and once Michael and Adam are reunited Michael just leans heavily into the protective trope, bordering on possessive.
Of course they have their initial rush of emotions when they first reunite but slowly about a week after everything is resolved Adam starts noticing that Michael insists that they don't leave the house which, yeah that's strange, but Michael never been one for interacting with any other human aside from Adam, so he shrugs it off.
But he also notices that Michael's been getting touchier lately, Michael's never really been big on physical touch and yet Adam finds that whenever he's making something in the kitchen Michael's always right there hugging him from behind. Or when they're watching something late at night on the couch, they no longer sit just next to each other like they usually would, now their cuddling in every cuddling position that was ever made. When Adam goes to bed, Michael joins him instead of his usual 'doing other things until Adam wakes up' thing. Now he crawls into bed with Adam and holds him tightly, as if he was afraid that if he let go then Adam would fall out of his grasp forever.
Adam hasn't felt this kind of warmth since he was a kid and would crawl into bed with his mother when he had a nightmare, so he accepts it and rolls over to hold onto Michael as well. Michael shifts and pulls Adam's legs up by the thigh and around his waist, willing to be even closer to his Adam. He wraps his arms all around the humans torso and tucks his face into Adams neck breathing in his pulse, knowing that he's alive and protected by Michael. As Adam falls into unconsciousness Michael opens his eyes to watch the man breath deep and slow breaths into the silence of the night. Adam looks so peaceful, so innocent breakable. His mind wanders into thinking about loosing Adam again, having him be taken away somewhere Michael can't reach, having the skin of his flesh be tortured and filled with suffering pain when he shouldn't ever have to suffer, having him be killed
Without realizing, Michael tightens his grip around Adam.
Silently, Michael promises to never allow anyone, no matter how powerful, to take his Adam away ever again. He brushes the hairs that fall onto Adam's face back and places his lips on his forehead in a gentle kiss. How Michel wishes to keep him here like this, to bask in their shared love together until everything ends.
But alas, Adam does eventually have to wake up. That little job of his makes him so happy, and that's all Michael now wants, Adam's happiness.
Love the idea of a delusional Michael thinking that Adam is literally perfect. Like wdym? Of course Adam’s The best human, he’s My human, fym how could he not be????
I wrote a post like this before (here) but forgot to post the little mini-fic I wrote between the two based off this exact idea of Michael teaching Adam enochian, so here ya go:
They had been at this for hours.
Well, maybe not hours.
Truthfully Adam had lost track of time ever since Michael had started trying to teach him Enochian at breakfast this morning. Adam had been good at learning the letters and how to write them and all that, it was just the pronunciations he was struggling with.
“Gon Untal Ungaluntal” Michael states confidently.
“Gone Un-Tall Un-Gala-Tall?” Adam repeats less confidently.
Adam already knows that he got it wrong purely based on the look on Michael’s face, a look that’s very understanding even though Adam is flat-out butchering Michael’s native language.
The archangel can be surprisingly patient when the one he has to be patient for is his human. If it were anyone else, Adam has a sneaking suspicion that Michael would have thrown them out of a window already.
After repeating phrase after phrase and syllable after syllable all day, as well as learning the entire enochian alphabet multiple times, Adam finally feels at least the slightest confidence in his know of the angelic language.
As a final test, Michael slides a piece of paper with enochian written on it in what seems to be a sentence. Adam looks down and read over the page twice in his head before attempting to say it out loud.
“Med Talgonvehnaun’graphur Naungisgna Orungongisgna Ormeddon Gon Untal Gonmedvandon Famvanmeddongal” Adam said slowly and tentatively, making his way through each syllable trying to curl his tongue to the right words, all the while waiting for Michael to tell him that he’s messed up again.
“That’s right.” Michael looks into Adam’s eyes.
“What?” Adam’s eyes copy the action.
“Your pronunciation, it’s correct” a small smile appears on his face watching Adam’s eyes light up with joy.
“Seriously!? I spoke proper Enochian!”
“The closest a human can get to it, yes.” The archangel says.
Which - in Michael terms - means that he said it near perfectly.
Adam has no idea what he just said, but all he knows is that Michael is looking at him so lovingly and asks Adam to repeat the sentence over and over again until he shuts Adam up with a frankly lustful kiss, and that’s enough for him to know.
Roughly (Very roughly) translated Enochian:
Gon Untal Ungaluntal - I Am Adam
Med Talgonvehnaun’graphur Naungisgna Orungongisgna Ormeddon Gon Untal Gonmedvandon Famvanmeddongal - O Michael Hath Faith For I Am Your Sword
My favorite midam HC is that they learn each other's human and angelic costums like Micheal teaches Adam enochian, how angels act, how they greet eachother, ect. And Adam teaches him how humans act, and interact, and show emotion
Little thoughts :3
Oof there would be a lot more if tags didn't haven't limits on them
reblog and put in the tags which fictional character you would marry
Had a thought about how if Micheal and Adam had a kid, would it technically be asexual reproduction?? Like, they share the same body and stuff, so like, if it happened wouldn't that be the case? Please tell me I'm not the only one who's thought of this 😭😭.

Halo, Im new in tumblr. But I found a funny post from tumblr, so I made sketch. Im obsessed with this couple! 😍 Pls tag on the person who made this quotes, I don't know how to use tumblr much. Very New. Btw, I don't know how archangel looks like, Imma just put lots of eyes on it. He probably bigger than the whole earth. Idkidk. Im just hairless ape.

michael and adam in the green room
never posted on here before but i was wondering if anyone knew of a fic about if Adam didn't get killed by the ghoul and the Winchester Brothers first meeting with him was actually Adam
im going to say what probably everyone on here has said but i need to say it somewhere anyways.
its insane that both brothers forgot about Adam
i kinda understand how Dean forgot about Adam kinda like he only really met the kid once. That meeting being the same one where they lost him to an archangel and the other not technically real meeting were he beat a monster that looked like him to death. But yk those are forgettable moments in spn world
but sam?? literally how? he was in hell with Adam for like 150 years and still pushed him to the back of his mind for 10 years? and sure most of that time he was being tortured by the devil but when he got out he never thought about the other boy in the cage?
And the worst part was they went back to the cage and didn't even mention him!! they released the devil before asking about their brother they pulled into hell. Lucifer is the only one to mention Michael that episode and they decide to believe him for some reason
Sam and Dean also only ever remember Michael is alive. it's like they forget Michael has been possessing their brother and they think they can have Michael without Adam. Maybe they thought that because it was easier to think Michael got rid of Adam at some point then actually try and help the kid.
They didn't try hard enough for Adam and some people say it's because he didn't earn it but if anybody earned it I believe it was Adam. He got killed because he was related to John Winchester, Just like how sam and dean were basically cursed for being his son. Then Adam got a second chance because of the angels and he almost chose his brothers but couldn't because they failed to save him and choose to save each other once again.
And If that didn't earn him a chance to be saved did that not earn him a chance to be remembered?
And after that he didn't get another chance to prove himself to them. guess why? because the Winchesters throw him into hell! And I don't even think he should have had too prove himself anyways because he was honestly an innocent boy just cursed and forgotten because of who he was related to
so Adam was forgotten by Dean who probably only forgot him because Adam took Deans burden for him and by Sam who he suffered through the worst parts of hell with and not one real attempt was made to save him
well anyways happy birthday Adam Milligan🎉🎊🎂 have fun celebrating with Michael on his special day as well
also sorry if this rant was pointless and confusing i just love to yap about my favorite 'Winchester' brother and the injustice done on him
(also why did the Angels try to save Sam but not their big brother Michael who practically ran heaven? seems unfair as well, poor midam always being forgotten by their brothers)
random rant about Ben but a point i see get brought up a lot (very few times im just looking for it) about how Dean can't be Bens father is that Michael would have used him as a vessel instead of Adam if they were related.
And just no? First of all Ben was like what? 10 or so when they tried to end the world and i just don't think Michael would pick a little kid to fight the devil in and secondly It was about brothers. Michael had to fight the devil his brother not a kid related to his brother's vessel. so it had to be Dean or Adam from what Cas said
I don't even really think Ben is Dean's kid but this was just a weak argument in my opinion
(Also somewhat related thought Alistair once said it was supposed to be John who was the righteous man who shed blood in hell. If he did instead of Dean would he have been the vessel instead of Dean or was Alistair just spewing crap at Dean to make him upset?)