Beef To Week - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Joey Lay Back Across The Cushioned Seats, Flexing His Big Arms And Flashing His Signature Duck-face Before

Joey lay back across the cushioned seats, flexing his big arms and flashing his signature duck-face before snapping a selfie. He posted the pic immediately, captioning it, “Bout to check out an acupuncturist thanks to @wannabebulky’s generous gift certificate! Gotta love holistic treatment! I’ll let you all know how it goes.”

He didn’t actually believe in acupuncture, only stopped into this place because one of his client gifted him a free session as a tip, but since it was just a couple needles, what was there to lose by stopping in?

He was shocked when the door opened and a skinny little white guy with a combover and a bad moustache stumbled in. Thanks to movies and TV, Joey’d imagined his needles would be getting inserted from an old Asian woman. He’d planned on flashing some charm and wowing her with his muscles to pass the time until this was all over. He didn’t know what he was going to do with this little nerdy guy--until the guy got a look at him, his eyes widening in a way Joey wasn’t unfamiliar with.

“Y-y-you’re…” The guy took a step back as he took in the big bodybuilder’s impressive mass.

“Huge, yeah, I know,” Joey said. Maybe “wowing with muscles” wasn’t off the table after all.

The little guy’s hands trembled as he wheeled a tray up to the side of the table and set up what looked like an ornate tacklebox on top of it. “I’m sorry, I just… I’ve never worked on someone so… big… before!”

“Just treat me like anybody else,” Joey said. “What’s the clothing situation here? Shirt off, shorts on?”

“To be able to get the most of this treatment, it’s best that you strip down completely,” the man said, focusing on the tacklebox as he opened it. The guy seemed anxious, like he was afraid to look directly at the pile of beef on his table.

If he’s intimidated now, that sure isn’t gonna get any better with this,” Joey snickered as he tossed his hat and sunglasses aside, peeled off his tank top, then yanked off his shoes and socks. Hopping to his feet, he unbuckled his belt, letting his shorts fall to the ground. The whole time the little guy never looked up from whatever he was doing in his little tacklebox. Joey let the moment marinate a bit before digging a thumb into the waistband of his tightly packed boxerbriefs and yanking them down over his gargantuan legs. Then he stood there, naked and spewing bodyheat into the room, until the acupuncturist finally looked up.

He got the effect he was going for. The little guy’s jaw stared, stunned, at the sight in front of him: Joey, fists on his hips, 270 pounds of perfectly sculpted veiny muscle stripped bare, his soft, generous manhood gently swaying in the breeze of the air conditioner. The smaller man before him shook for a moment before stumbling backwards and knocking the wheeled tray over. The tacklebox crashed to the floor. Needles scattered everywhere.

Joey felt a little guilty as the embarrassed man fumbled to clean up the mess, but he never got tired of people falling apart at the sight of him. If his suspicions about this little guy were true--and he was rarely wrong when he picked up the “vibe”--he figured the little guy would be revisiting the memory of his free “show” in private later on. Consider it a tip, Joey thought as he kicked back on the table.

“I’m sorry, Mr... “

“Swole,” Joey said. “They call me Joey Swole. But now that you’ve seen every inch of me you can call me Joey.”

“Sure, Mr… Swole? Er--Joey, sir…”

“Look, buddy, if you’re gonna be sticking needles in me, you’re gonna have to relax, got it? I need a steady hand outta you, k? What’s your name anyway?”

“Seth,” the little man said.

“Well, take a deep breath, Seth, and when you’ve got yourself settled, I’d like to find out just what you acupuncturists can pull off.”

Seth held the bridge of his nose, breathed deeply several times, and then collected himself. He set the dishevelled tacklebox back on the tray and wheeled it back over.

“So, where would you like me to focus?” Seth said, producing a single needle and holding it a few inches above Joey’s chest. “Do you have any aches or ailments you’d like me to remedy?”

Joey shrugged. “I dunno bud. As you can see I’m pretty well put together. I keep my machine in perfect running order and all. Only thing I’m really suffering from is some general swelling, pretty much anywhere… although I wouldn’t call it suffering, exactly.” He looked up from the table at Seth, who didn’t even crack a smile at the joke.

“Well, I’d bet it’s not that easy carrying around all that mass,” Seth said, examining the mound of astoundingly solid flesh before him. “All the stress on your joints… I bet your knees are just dying for relief…”

Seth gently inserted a needle into Joey’s forehead, above his left eyebrow, and twisted.

“Ho-ly… jeez…” Joey was breathless for a second. He’d been unaware how much his knees had been aching until whatever Seth had done relieved it. He lifted his left leg from the table, bent and flexed the knee, astounded at how suddenly flexible he felt. A light sweat broke out over his body.

“See, most people are so accustomed to their own physical maladies that they don’t even notice them anymore. Let’s see… I’d bet your shoulders take a beating. Let’s see what we can do about that.” Seth inserted two needles above Joey’s right nipple, then gently tapped in a third. As Seth’s hand came away, Joey felt mounds of tension suddenly unwind from his shoulders. He didn’t even notice how much the joints had stung until he felt a cool, calming sensation over them. His shoulders had never felt so fucking good. He felt like he could easily press a jeep over his head.

“God damn,” Joey said, nearly breathless with relief.

“I bet a guy like you gets crazy sore after his workouts,” Seth said. “What’s the last bodypart you worked?”

“Had a huge back day today. Basically I deadlifted the equivalent of a mama elephant and then rowed her babies, one in each hand.”

Seth smiled, located a spot just above Joey’s navel, deep in the crease of Joey’s inanely carved-out abdomal muscles. Joey barely felt the needle go in, but suddenly all the ache in his back was gone, his obliterated muscles suddenly feeling rejuvenated. Even better, a sudden burst of bloodflow across his massive back gave him a considerable pump. He seemed to rise off the table as his back gently inflated.

“You’re a goddamned miracle man…” Joey said. “Can you do that all over? Give me a pump like that?”

Seth seemed to be getting a little giddy from satisfying the  mountain of muscle before him. “I sure can! Just watch.”

He stuck a few needles into the soles of Joey’s feet and watched as the big man’s traps swelled up, swallowing his neck. A few more needles below Joey’s Adam’s apple and his arms expanded into veiny cannons. More needles in his left shoulder and his chest and shoulders rose like baking dough. A few more in his elbow and Joey’s already insanely thick legs got even wider.

“This is… fuck, I feel like I’m twice the size I was when I walked in here…” Joey said, flexing his warm, pumped muscles.

“Please, don’t move while the needles are in,” Seth said, nervously swiping his thumb and forefinger along his moustache.

“Whatever you say, buddy! Just keep those magic needles coming!”

Suddenly Seth’s eyes lit up. “Oh man, if you like all that, you’ll love this!” Seth pressed two needles into Joey’s smooth, hard groin, and the big man growled.

“Oooohhhhhh fuuuuuuuuck--” he moaned, suddenly overcome by waves of pleasure emanating from the exact spot Seth had stuck, traveling the length of his body, into his fingertips and toes and scalp, then back down to his groin. His dick sprang up, hard as a lead pipe in second. Joey saw stars and breathed like he’d just run a marathon, his heart pounding, sweat pouring from him in buckets. So wrapped in his own ecstasy, he barely noticed as cum spewed from his cock, splattering over his face and chest with the first few volleys. Joey’s growl rose in pitch as his orgasm continued, longer than anything he’d ever felt jerking off or fucking women before. His dick emptied itself over his midsection, less cum each time until his twitching balls finally ran dry. The big organ just stood there throbbing while Joey squealed, the gentle movement of the air conditioner feeling like a sensual massage over every inch of his bare skin.

It subsided slowly and it was minutes before Joey could gather his thoughts enough to realize what had happened--he’d just blown his biggest load ever on an acupuncturist’s table after getting a few pins in his groin. He wasn’t even embarrassed as he looked down over his wide expanse of muscles, frosted with what looked like a gallon of his own load.

“I-I-I-I’ll get you a towel,” Seth stammered. Even he seemed surprised at what he had done for the gargantuan man.

“Dude… that… oh god… I…” Joey tried to pull himself together. He lay one hand on Seth’s shoulder as an expression of gratitude. “Th-th-th-thank you… That was… Man…”

Seth relaxed his posture and leaned into Joey’s big palm. “Let me just get these needles out,” Starting with the ones on Joey’s faced, he gently pulled the pins out.

Joey was thankful his bodily pains didn’t return when the needles were removed. His mind was also still a little hazy from the mindblowing orgasm he still barely felt the effects of--so hazy in fact that he didn’t notice the faint, high-pitched whistling sound, like rushing air, that has suddenly started. As more needles came out, however, it got louder.

“What’s that sound?” Joey asked as he started to come to his senses. The shrill squeak became more noticeable with every second. As Seth dropped his handful of semen-sticky needles back in the tacklebox, he raised an eyebrow. He seemed to hear it too.

“Uh-oh,” Seth said, placing an ear on Joey’s cum-spattered chest. “Oh, jeez, I can’t believe I did it again…”

Joey’s blood-pressure spiked. Something about this kid’s demeanor, the way he was all clenched up and shaking again, had Joey worried. The sound seemed to be coming from all around him--fuck, was it coming FROM him?--and a cold numbness had started to spread across his skin. He sat up and grabbed a handful of Seth’s shirt, yanking him in close.

“What the fuck is that fucking noise? Why’s my whole body feel like I just got anesthesia?” Joey barked.

“Th-th-th-the numbness will fade!” Seth whimpered. “You’ll get feeling back in twenty minutes or so. Just hold still and let me see if I can undo what I did…”

“Fuck that,” Joey said, shoving Seth back. “Get these fucking needles out of me.” He reached down and clumsily yanked the protruding little metal points from the soles of his feet and from his abs. The sound just got louder, and Joey started to feel seriously dizzy.

“Stop! Leave the needles in!” Seth begged, but Joey had already reached for the last pins--the two above his groin.

A burst of air rushed from the hole above his groin--the whistling, of course, was the sound of air escaping from every little hole in his body. He watched, horrified, as the pecs that normally obscured the view of his feet slowly sank. He looked down as his arms collapsed, felt himself sinking as the mass emptied out of his back and his big ass.

Then it was over. Joey lay there, in shock. It felt strange to move his head, but when he touched around his face with his fingers he realized why: there was no thick neck underneath it, massive traps on either side.

Joey hopped off the table and looked down at himself--all his muscles were gone, leaving behind just skin and bones. The skin hadn’t exactly shrunk, still sagging off his body in long, ugly strips, flapping around as he moved.

“Oh man… I thought I had that groin thing down, but if you don’t do it just perfectly it makes your whole body shed its mass…”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Joey shrieked. He shoved Seth, surprised at his resistance. “The fuck--how’d you get so heavy?”

“Jeez, it looks like you got shorter, too,” Seth said, holding a hand above his hand and extending it forward. It hung inches above Joey’s head.

“Fucking fix it!” Joey yelped.

“L-l-let me get you a towel, first, and I’ll have you fill out a customer complaint card… I’ll try to get you some comped return visits, too…” Seth ran to the open door. “Diane! I did it again!”

BrandedX2: “Big Guys Taken Down a Notch”

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