Beelzebub Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Hell can wait

Paring - Beelzebub x Reader

Triggers - N/a

Warnings - fluff, good feels, yelling

Summary - The reader is the deadly sin Wrath in needing of some comfort as she hears the bad news of Armageddon

 Hell Can Wait

It had been a long, dreadful day for the living sin. She wasn’t a very...patient woman. Many knew her as Wrath, but her lover, Beelzebub, knew the sin by her name, Y/n. On the outside she was cold, evil dripping from her veins and words. On the inside, she wasn’t that bad. She had feelings, albeit very little, though she did have them. It just so happened she fell for the Lord of The Flies themself. As did Beelzebub. The demons would have never guessed. Beelzebub was a demon without feeling, yet they fell for the deadly sin. To which, the sin walked up to her lover, seething from the ears. All was silent as the demons around watched, knowing what was about to happen. “He what!!” Yelled the sin, the outline of her veins turning a dark red, almost black as she stood in front of her lover. The echo of her yell traveled through hell, it’s just what happened when Wrath felt...wrath. “The boy changed reality.” Beelzebub buzzed, almost unfazed by her temper. They were used to it by now, though in the past they were afraid of it. Y/n took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose as she tried to calm herself, though her veins lied for her, pumping thick and large with rage. “Satan himself couldn’t even stop him?! Well great!” She called out sarcastically, plopping down on the Lords throne, not caring that she did so. “What are we going to do now Beel?” She asked, the sin trying to calm down the best she could. She didn’t like losing her temper with them, even if it wrath is she is. “I don’t know Y/n. I do know the angels will pay for this.” They replied, picking up the woman with their arms, sitting on their throne with the sin in their lap. Beelzebub didn’t show affection much, this being one of the only times they ever had. Mostly to keep the sin calm, they didn’t need more paperwork on what damage would happen on Earth. “I swear I’m going to kill those feathered Jesus freaks.” She replied, wrapping her arms around their waist, sighing softly. Their veins had calmed, showing she had as well. If anyone were to pay attention, Beelzebub gave the faintest hint of a smile, but anyone could have missed it. Y/n didn’t, which made her smile as well, calming her down instantly. A row of her pearly whites shown in the damp place, the only thing that was bright in the entire place. “Come on Beel, lets go somewhere else.” She spoke, snapping them to their room. She didn’t like people watching them, liking to keep her ego high. She snuggled against the demon, making them huff slightly, but wrap an arm around their lover. “We will win Y/n. One way or another. We will bring hell to heaven and Earth.” They spoke, a slight buzz in their words, making the sin smile once more. Many people found the buzzing rather annoying, but to her it was music. “I know my love. For now, let us enjoy each other for now. Tomorrow, we’ll plan for the end.” She spoke, giving the demon a small peck on their lips, resting her head on their chest, hearing a faint heart beating. She didn’t see it, but Beelzebub smiled as they held the deadly sin in their arms, silently agreeing with her. Hell can wait for a day.

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