Beetlejuice X Fem Reader - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

A quick turn of events, Part 6

Fem reader, some fluff, some angst, slight tension.

Tw: sexual tension, anger, slight violence, alcohol.

Part 5 <-

Hands off!

Two weeks has flown by like nothing. Y/n could've never imagined herself living such a lavish life, but here she is. In this huge mansion, living under the same roof as Lorenzo and his clones. Living in luxury. Being spoiled like a princess.

Sitting in the winter garden infront of a canvas she dreamed the time away as she painted. Inspired by the beautiful garden and the small creatures living there. She listened to soft music as she let the colours come to life with every brush stroke. Humming to the music in her own little bubble. She felt so at peace.

Lorenzo had been watching her from the top of the spiral staircase for a while. Leaning on the railing. He sighed quietly in content to himself. He hadn't changed out of his morning robe yet. It was still relatively early in the day. A soft flick of the wrist and he had a coffeecup in his hand. Warm and rich. He took a sip before he made his way down the stairs and towards Y/n. He could see how far away in her thoughts she was. As he gently put a hand on her shoulder he could feel her jump a little as her bubble burst. She didn't expect him to just appear next to her. His rough morning voice breaking their silence.

"So this is where you've been hiding all morning."

He took another sip from his coffee. With a smile she looked up at him and nodded. His dark beautiful eyes, the wild unruly hair and his morning stubble. He managed to look so effortlessly handsome. She got butterflies in her belly and felt so lucky that someone like him wanted her. Lorenzo couldn't help but give her a soft smile back. He ruffled her hair.

"Pretty girl."

A few minutes went buy before Antonio came walking in. He looked more serious than usual. He went straight up to Lorenzo. Y/n could see them talking, but why couldn't she hear them properly? They weren't even standing far away. She guessed it was some demon thing Lorenzo could do. She continued painting for a while as they conversed. Antonio informed Lorenzo about an important business partner who was coming to town. Lorenzo thought about it for a few seconds. He sent Antonio on his way to his club to get the VIP lounge ready for his business partners. He wanted to show them some good old-fashioned hospitality while they where in town to get a great deal out of it. Lorenzo turned back to his darling and leaned down to her ear.

"What do you say to a trip to the club with me tonight, hm? It's Saturday after all."

She lit up at the idea. That sounded fun. She shot up from her seat and hugged Lorenzo. He laid an arm around her and looked down at her.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Later in the evening Lorenzo come up to Y/n's room. He's holding a dark green giftbox with a black ribbon on it. Y/n is in her bathroom getting ready. She was humming and finishing up her skincare routine as Lorenzo came up to her. He held out the box to her. She looked shocked. An expression that said he didn't need to get her anything. She took the lid of the box and looked inside. Gasping as she pulled the most beautiful dark red dress out. She spun around hugging it to herself. She couldn't believe her own eyes. He smirked watching her. Watching how excited she became by such a gesture. He loved spoiling his baby.

"I'll let you get ready pretty thing, we'll meet by the entré later."

Lorenzo disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared. Y/n was in awe at how this dress looked. She couldn't wait to put it on. She was giddy while finishing her hair and makeup. Excitingly she slid the dress on. It fit her perfectly. Enhancing her every feature beautifully. She went over to her closet and picked out a pair of heels that matched. Putting on some pretty jewellery before she took a final look in the mirror. Damn, she looked hot. Like someone would burn their finger if they touched her. She felt confident and ready for the night.

As she descended the stairs her eyes meet the sight of Lorenzo waiting for her. He had a matching dark pinstripe suit, with a black silk shirt underneath. No tie, just unbuttoned at the top. A gold chain around his neck. He looked like a dream. His gold tooth glisend in the light as his grin grew when he saw her. She took gentle steps. Carefully not to slip. Her knees felt weak seeing him watching her like that. Hungey eyes observing her. She felt a tingle in her body. The mood in the room shifted. Anticipation filled the air.

*whistle* "You look burning hot sugar."

Y/n blushed bright red and looked away. Flustered at the comment. She would probably never get used to this kind of attention. Looking back at him she answered him with a shy voice.

"So do you."

He walked towards her with his hands gesturing out towards her.

"Ain't I a lucky fella? Having this piece of candy by my side."

As if she thought she couldn't blush more. He certainly made it possible. His words worked like magic on her.

"You ready babydoll?"

He offered his arm to her.


She answered, trying to sound as confident as she could. She put her arm around his as they walked out to the car. Antonio was driving. Valentino joined them as an extra bodyguard for the evening. Dominic stayed at home to watch over the mansion while they were away. Lorenzo kept his hands mostly to himself during the ride to the club. How he managed to have the discipline, when is little lady looked so delicious, nobody will ever know.

Once they arrived at the club everyone would move out of their way for them. Y/n felt like a celebrity. It was a weird feeling if she was honest. So many people staring. She held her head high and tried to look unbothered. Lorenzo couldn't have been prouder to show of his precious lady. They sat down in the centre booth on the main floor. Where they could view the whole club and the whole club could view them. Lorenzo guided Y/n to sit down.

"Stay here for a moment my dear. I have some business to attend. Valentino will stay here with you until I'm back."

Y/n smiled and nodded.


Lorenzo and Antonio walked of to meet a group of well dressed men. He showed them up to the VIP lounge. Y/n presumed they where the real reason they went to the club tonight. Not that she minded it to much. Valentino slumped down in the sofa across from where Y/n sat.

"So dollface, you like to party?"

He had a grin on his face. His arms where resting along the back of the sofa. He lifted one of his brows to express his question more.

"Well, I haven't really been partying so much to be honest. My first time going to a club was when I met Lorenzo actually."

Y/n blushed a little. She rubbed her arm and looked at Valentino. He had a slightly surprised look on his face. Then he started laughing.

"You hit the jackpot on the first try the then. Hell, your virgin trip to a club can't be topped by anyone else I can say that much."

Y/n didn't really know what to say except giggling at Valentino's statements. He was kinda right. She would have never imagined this being the outcome of her first outing. A few minutes goes by while they talked about parties and clubbing amongst others things. Valentino straightens up has Lorenzo approaches. He sits down in the middle so he has the view of the club in his front, Y/n to his left and Valentino to his right.

"Val, get us some drinks to start of this night won't you?"

Without hesitation Valentino gets up and heads to the bar. It doesn't take long before he is back with a vide variety of drinks. Y/n was amazed. She wasn't shocked since she knew Lorenzo owned the place, but it was still amazing to her. Lorenzo pulled her close to himself holding his arm around her and laying his hand on her thigh.

"You can pick anything you want princess."

She looked up at him with big doe eyes. Like she was asking him, really? He gestured his other hand towards the low table. Looking at all the drinks her eyes landed on one in particular. It was a bright pink drink in this beautiful glas with a strawberry stuck to the edge. She reached out for it and picked it up. The first taste felt like a strawberry dream. Like nothing she had ever tasted before. It went down so smooth and easy. They spent some time just drinking, talking and enjoying each other. Valentino stood just outside the booth so unwanted people wouldn't interfere with them.

As the night went on Y/n got a bit buzzed. Not drunk but enough to feel less tense. She felt brave enough to put a hand on Lorenzo's thigh and ever so slightly move it up a bit. She smirked oh so innocently at him.

"You're playing a dangerous game baby."

He smirked back at her. He leaned in closer to her. Within reach to kiss her but stopping just to tease her. He wouldn't mind unfolding her on the spot, but he was entertained by her little game. She leaned closer to him. Her mouth slightly opening like right before a kiss. The tension between them building. The heat rising. The air felt hotter. But instead of a kiss she started talking.

"I really feel like dancing."

Y/n gracefully stod up and walked out to the dance floor. She started to move with the rhythm. Dancing sensually and giving Lorenzo looks. He sighed as he sat back. She kept surprising him. He kept watching her every move. Every sway of the hip. Every place her hands caressed. He enjoyed every second. Even the hungry looks others gave her. She was like a forbidden fruit on the floor. The night was going smooth. That was until some creep snuck up on Y/n and started touching her. He grabbed her wrist and squeezed her. A fire was lit in Lorenzo's eyes. He saw how uncomfortable Y/n got. How she struggled. Enough was enough. Lorenzo stood up and made his way across the floor. Not in a hurry but with intent. Anger was visible on his face. Terrifyingly calm and concentrated anger. Lorenzo didn't really mind guys looking or even flirting with is girl. He was secure enough for that. But when it came to uncomfortable and forced touching a fuse lit inside him. Pure rage formed. People moved put of their way and a big circle form around the three people. Lorenzo tapped the guys shoulder to get him to turn around. The guy responded in a rude tone. He didn't even see to have noticed the crowd moving away.

"Buzz of dude, she's mine!"

As he turned to look around at who tapped his shoulder you could see his face become paler. Lorenzo grinned and spoke in a controlled manner.

"Hands of loverboy. I don’t think she appreciates your attention."

The man immediately let go of Y/n and backed off. His eyes lost hope. He started walking backwards as Lorenzo got closer.

"I think you and me are gonna have a talk, man to man."

Lorenzo gestured to Valentino to take care of Y/n for a minute. Y/n ran into Valentino's arms for comfort and they went over to the booth again. Lorenzo grabbed the guy by the neck and dragged him off into the back. The crowd soon went back to normal after they had disappeared. It was rare but not unexpectedthat Lorenzodeslt with ungrateful creepsin his club. Y/n felt so uneasy but Valentino helped her in his own way. They talked it out a bit while Lorenzo was gone.

In the back of the club Lorenzo held the guy by his neck. He could barely contain his anger. He almost lost control, but remembered he didn't want the police creeping around his club more than necessary. He let the guy run in the end after a traumatic lesson in consent and a lifetime ban from the club. He brushed of and fixed his attire before he headed back.

When he got back he went straight over to his little flower. Checking to see if she was hurt or bruised. He wanted to hesr what she had to say about the whole situation. He knew most of it already because of Valentino, but he felt that she could need the moment to process and talk about it. After she had gotten her time to speak Lorenzo gave her a serious look.

"That maggot will never be in your or any other girls vicinity ever again."

Y/n hugged Lorenzo tightly. He put his arms around her and stroked her back. Any other regular guest knew better than to start shit in Lorenzo's club. Everyone knew he took it seriously. He had made this place for people to enjoy themselves, not to take advantage of others. Everyone knew not to mess around, and especially not with Lorenzo's girl.

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11 months ago

A quick turn of events, Part 7

Fem reader, smut

Tw: Sex, some exhibition and voyeurism, mentions of unwanted touch in the beginning.

Part 6 <-

Reading exercise

After the event that happened in the club, Y/n had spent a few days getting over the feeling that guy at the club gave her. The fear and the pain from his grip. The gross feeling of him groping and grabbing at her like he owned her. She had decided that it was enough of that. And obviously no-one else than Lorenzo owned her if someone were to even own her. Him and the clones were the only ones she would let manhandle her if that was the case. And even then she knew thay wouldn't do anything to harm her. They did nothing else than protect and spoil her. Shaking her head she stod up from her bed. She freshened up a bit and put on some comfy clothes for her escapades in the house. What would she do today?

After thinking while walking through the halls she decided that the library would be a good place to explore. She hadn't really been in there and looked around yet. Maybe she could find s good book to settle down with. Making her way through the house she felt that it was way too quiet. Usually someone was yelling after Valentino at this time. She didn't see Dominic in the kitchen either. Maybe something work related had happened? But she also doubted that, Lorenzo would have given her some sort of message.

Once she arrived at the library she pushed the big dark door open. It was creaking as she stepped inside. It was a huge room filled with books from floor to ceiling. It had lots of comfy places and nooks to sit down and read in. She looked around a bit when she suddenly saw him. Lorenzo? How the hell? Since when could he fly. He was standing high up in the air holding a book. Busy studying something. She spoke out to get his attention.

"You didn't tell me you could fly."

He shut his book close and it vanished. His head snapped towards Y/n. A grin grew on his lips. Slowly he started to float down towards the ground and walked over to Y/n.

"Telling you everything would spoil the fun dear, wouldn't it now?"

He put a finger under her chin and softly made her look up at him. His dark eyes looking into hers.

"Want me to show you where all the good books are darling?"

Y/n nodded. She was mesmerized by his eyes. He started walking and pointed to a section to the right. It was a quaint little corner with soft lighting.

"This is where Dominic spends a lot of his time. Reading recipes and studying different foods. He is quite the intellectual when it comes to the culinary word."

He kept walking and gestured to the next place.

"We also have alot of different genres. Romance, horror, novels, poetry and fantasy amongst others."

He glanced at her as she looked around at the different books. His stone cold face didn't show alot but he was happy. He actually felt joy from her being so invested in his library. As they continued to the left side he gestured at another section.

"This is all of the books on Occultism, Witchcraft and so forth. It's quite interesting stuff if I may say so myself, being a demon and all of that."

Y/n giggled at his comment. For being such serious man he really liked to have his moments. She looked at the next section he pointed out to her. He smirked as he told her about this one.

"And this. This is the erotic section."

He could see her starting to blush a little. A pink shade tinting her cheeks.

"Valentino is a big fan of this section. He probably knows it by heart at this point."

Y/n gulped. She didn't know what to say. She was a bit flustered. Erotica wasn't something she really had read alot of, but it was exciting that they had it in the library. Lorenzo stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. He gently massaged them. Feeling how tense she was and how she started to relax by his touch. She sighed quietly. Still a bit flustered she felt her cheeks blush more. Then Lorenzo leaned closer to her and his course voice filled the air.

"You know, we could make those stories come to life."

Y/n felt her cheeks burn up. She put her hand to her face. Even though she liked the though of it she felt so on the spot. His confidence in suggesting such a thing made her insides melt. He started sliding his hand down her back. He stopped at her hips as he moved closer and held her thigher to himself.

"What do you say baby? I want to hear those pretty sounds you make."

She felt unable to speak. The tingling sensation had begun and she could feel herself become wet by his suggestion. How could she ever say no to this. She nodded while she breathed out her answer.


He chuckled lowly. One hand slid up to her breast as the other one down south. He massaged her breast as he started kissing along her neck. Y/n's breathing became heavier every second. Lorenzo slid his other hand into her pants making contact with her nether region. Warm and wet. He smirked against her neck.

"So wet for little old me already?"

The charm in his voice and the feeling of his thouch making her thoughts spiral. Her body felt like jelly. She felt him rubbing on her clit. A feeling of ecstasy rushed over her. She whined at the feeling of wanting more. Lorenzo nipped at her earlobe.

"Impatient are we? You needy little thing."

He sucked onto a sweetspot along her neck. Licking and nibbling. He slowly inserted two fingers into her while he kept his thumb on her clit. A moan escaped her mouth by his actions. At the same time she could feel him growing hard against her ass. She felt him rubbing against her. His finger curled inside her. Repeatedly making the come here motion against her spot. It amazed her how well he knew her body. Her eyes shut thigh and she was whimpering for release. She would have come undone was it not for him slowing down.

"Not yet sweet pet, not yet."

Pulling out his fingers he put them up to his face. Smelling her juices before he liked it of. A guttural groan coming from him after tasting it. He pulled her with him over to a table nearby. Pushed her forward to bend over and halfway lay on the table. He pulled down her pants and underwear. Sliding his thumb through her wet folds. With his other hand he undid his belt and pulled his cock out. Slowly sliding the tip up and down between her folds. Y/n was whimpering and desperate for him to push into her. He chuckled.

"I don't think I can hear you properly. I think you'll have to speak up."

Y/n gulped. She didn't have a choice but to speak. She softly moaned out her words.


He pushed determined into her with a groan. She moaned loudly by his move. He set a steady pace as he leaned over her with his hands on either side of her body on the table. Sounds of heavy breathing, moans and skin slapping filled the room. Lorenzo put a hand in her hair and got a good grip before he pulled on it. Y/n's mouth fell open and her moans got louder. The feeling of controlled pain made the pleasure stronger. She was so lost in the feeling she didn't even register the door to the library opening.

It was Dominic. He was a bit taken back by what greeted him when he walked in. Y/n drunk in pleasure and Lorenzo pumping into her from behind. He was frozen in place for a second. Only when Lorenzo locked eyes with him did he quickly move to the corner with all of the food related books. Dominic was blushing and he felt himself getting hard. He couldn't get the image of Y/n's face out of his mind. How cute and delicious she looked. His urges got the better of him as he started rubbing himself to the sounds of their fornication and her moans.

Lorenzo grinned, knowing exactly what Dominic felt. He picked up his pace. He let go of Y/n's hair to rub her clit instead. She was starting to clench tighter around him. Her moans sounded like music in his ears. Just as she was about to climax he bit down on her shoulder making her scream in ecstasy as the wave of her orgasm hit. The pulsating sensation of release. He groaned as he pushed in for the last time. Spilling his seed deep into her. His dick pulsing as it emptied inside. Y/n laid her head on the table. Taking the time to come back to her senses. Enjoying the feelings rushing through her body.

Dominic had quickly picked a book to sit down with to cover his crotch. But he couldn't help but rub against the back of the book. He felt embarrassed about his actions, but it felt so good.

Lorenzo pulled out of Y/n and helped her to get dressed again.

"Such a good girl."

She smiled and hugged Lorenzo. Happy with having experienced the most exhilarating trip to a library ever. Lorenzo stroked her back.

"Hey baby?"

Y/n looked up at him wondering what it could be.


He grinned down at her with a way to knowing look.

"I think we might have had a guestviewing of our little library trip."

He chuckled as she got panic in her eyes. She turned around to see who it could be. Her eyes landed on Dominic blushing in his corner with a big book in his lap. Oh shit, oh fuck. She felt so embarrassed. She turned back to Lorenzo.

" Why didn't you say anything?"

He chuckled. Amused.

"You seemed to enjoy yourself too much darling. Why stop in the middle of something so good?"

Y/n was a bit shocked. So Lorenzo didn't mind? He really didn't let it embarrass or bother him. Maybe he like people walking in on them during something like this? Once she really thought about it, it was kinda fun making someone else flustered just by seeing them in action. She giggled to herself. Lorenzo tilted his head slightly.

"What? What is it baby?"

She looked a him with a spark of joy in her eye.

"It is kinda exciting to think about actually."

He smirked at her answer and ruffled her hair.

"Atta girl."

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