monsterbeetlebug - I.feel.weird

22, fanfics etc (18+! minors dni)

28 posts

Monsterbeetlebug - I.feel.weird - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

Torbek Mood Board

Torbek Mood Board

How can you not love this bugbear? His whole character is so sympathetic. I'd do anything for Torbek, he deserves the best🩷

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6 months ago

Barnabos the Dreadwake mood board

Barnabos The Dreadwake Mood Board

Barnabos the Dreadwake is one of my favorite characters from LoA, I'm probably gonna make some for the other characters I love eventually💚

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6 months ago

I cannot for the LIFE of me explain how deeply I have fallen for LoA! I've been binging their content every day for the last month!!! I even bought the OUAW + Chuckles plusies!!! As well as they have further sparked my preexisting dormant interest for Dnd!

Their creativity, the humor and references, the characters, how they interact and immerse themselves, the campaigns. AAAH!!

They make my day! I'm so HAPPY! The plots are so intriguing and exciting, I'm getting emotionally invested in the safety and well-being of the characters, the humor is top tier and gives me such a good laugh each and every day!

My heart, my soul, I can't get enough, I need to SCREAM ABOUT IT!!!AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

I Cannot For The LIFE Of Me Explain How Deeply I Have Fallen For LoA! I've Been Binging Their Content

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7 months ago
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017)
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017)
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017)

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017)

7 months ago

A helping hand

Jack and Marguerite Baker x femreader, an au where the mold never got to them and a younger woman is their third part. A list of different things from sfw to nsfw.

"You are more than just a helping hand in the Baker residence. The couple very much adore each other, but you were the missing puzzle piece in their homely life in need for some help."

Tw: 18+, Mentions of hunting and taxidermy, alcohol, smoking, sexual and sensual activities, voyeurism.

(If you want you can listen to In dreams, Sierra Ferrell. You look like you love me, Ella Langley, or Just in love with you, The Deslondes while reading. I've listened to them while writing and it felt so cozy<3)

A Helping Hand


After you said yes to Marguerite's offer you spent your days helping out the Baker couple. They both felt everything got easier and less stressful with you there. And how they loved having you around. It made their days brighter and filled with more purpose.

The main thing you helped them with was the bed n' breakfast. It had been one of Jack's dreams and it was absolutely amazing. They had your endless support in making it run as smoothly as possible. It wasn't open all year around, but it made good money and some regular guests. You'd always greet the regulars with a big smile and some extra services on the house.

You and Marguerite would usually spend parts of the week baking and stocking up the pantry with homemade food. You'd have sweet music playing in the background, laughing together and having a good ol' time. Jack would come by every now and then. Trying to steal a bite of whatever you were making or just to engage in hearty conversation with the two of you.

When doing laundry you'd help Marguerite with the heavier lifting and bending down to pick stuff up for her. You didn't mind doing the laundry alone sometimes too. She always felt so grateful and would give you a treat or something good to drink afterwards.

Marguerite would often go foraging and you had joined her in doing so. Finding a variety of plants to use in your cooking. Anything from berries to fruits, herbs, roots and whatever delicious things you'd find in the garden and local area. The heavy things to carry was taken care of by you. Foraging made the food taste that special bit better, knowing you had put in the extra effort of gathering it yourself.

If you went out foraging alone you always end up picking a bouquet of flowers for Marguerite and Jack. Their favourite flowers mixed together and put in a beautiful vase. They adored your simple act of love. You loved doing small things to show your love and gratitude.

On cold nights you'd cuddle up on a couch next to Marguerite. Both of you with a cup of tea and a good book, just enjoying each other's company. Sometimes you'd look through photo albums together as she told you stories. You had even picked up a habit of crocheting when spending time with her. Alot of the crocheting you did ended up as gifts or decorations around the house. You and Marguerite truly bonded over these activities.

When Jack was out hunting he always came home with something. Big or small, you and Marguerite where proud either way. Jack did all the butchering so you and Marguerite only had to prepare it for storing or cooking. He took you out hunting sometimes if you wanted to come along. He'd show you all the tricks and the best places. It was a good opportunity to look for places to forage or pick flowers from. You enjoyed the time you spent together as he taught you everything he knew about hunting.

Since Jack hunted he also did some taxidermy. He liked using the whole animal so nothing was wasted. His favourite thing to do was make something for you. He knew you loved oddities, and he felt proud to present you with something he had put so much work and passion into. You always loved the trinkets and taxidermy he made for you. You had placed them around the house and in your room to show of the priced possessions you had been gifted.

If you ever got hurt the both of them would drop what they where doing and come running. Jack would either carry you or support you while asking if you're alright. He always got this worried expression while talking to you. Marguerite would check out your wounds and get whatever was needed to treat you. Telling you how everything is going to be fine and how brave you are. They made you feel so safe and cared for.

Every now and then they would often fall asleep in a chair each or on a couch together. Leaning on the doorframe or a wall you tilted your head to the side with a soft smile. Pulling blankets over them so they wouldn't get cold and letting them get the rest they deserved. You didn't have the heart to wake them up.

Jack loved playing records or cassettes for you. Since you loved having music on alot of them time he wanted to show you all his old classics. Most of it was country and old rock. His favourite moments where when you lit up with joy as you discovered new songs that you fell in love with. He got the most genuine smile and eyes filled with admiration as he watched you.

When it was dinnertime you'd all help each other. You and Marguerite did most of the cooking and setting the table, but Jack would always help out with the dishes and the cleanup so you really didn't mind.

There was so much love to go around in the household. Always a hug to spare, a kind smile, loving eyes and words of affection. A frequent kiss to either the cheek or forehead. Praise for the good work or a helping hand. Loving nicknames all day long. Honey or darling where the most commonly used.

You'd watch football matches together with Jack when they where on TV. Football wasn't really you thing, but you enjoyed spending time with him. He always answered your questions with enthusiasm. You loved listening to him speak so passionately, even though you didn't understand half of the terms used in football.

On sunny days you would often lay in the tall grass and look up at the clouds drifting by. Jack and Marguerite would often find you asleep out there. Waking up in your bed you knew what had happened. You felt so greatful for them and nothing could ever make you leave them.

Jack used to brew his own beer. Some of it was sold in the bed n' breakfast and some he kept for himself. He also made some moonshine, but that was mostly for tinctures and such that Marguerite made. You'd often help with keeping count and packaging while you kept them company.

You'd catch youself admiring them from a distance. Thinking of how cute they are, how well they fit together. It made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. A wholesome feeling as you watched them interact.

If you put on one of their favourite records you could see them dancing together as if they had just fallen in love. Your heart fluttering as you watched them glide across the floor. How you loved setting up these "accidental" scenarios.

If you ever went away for a few days they would miss you dearly. Waiting for their darling to come back home again. They kept themselves busy while you where gone of course, but you where always in the back of their mind.


Believe it or not, but Marguerite had been the one to contact you about the whole situation. Jack had been more hesistant about the whole ordeal, but he warmed up to the idea after a while. Marguerite had explained it all to you, the choice was all up to you. You spent some time thinking it over and asked about different things. And after some back and forth you couldn't possibly say no.

Marguerite wasn't able to provide the same actions that Jack longed for anymore. She of course tried, but it made her feel sad that she couldn't do it for him anymore. He never made her feel bad about it though. He loved his dear wife all the same.

That's where you came in. A helping hand in the areas she couldn't preform. She knew Jack would come to love you eventually. You all spent time in the beginning to get to know each other before anything explicit where to happen of course. Making sure everyone was on board amd secure.

For Marguerite you would provide different sorts of relaxing and pleasureable activities, since sexual activities was of the table for her. You would draw warm baths for her. Lightning the room with candles to create a soft and sensual atmosphere. Music and wonderful aromas filled the air as you helped her into the tub. You help her by washing her hair and scrub her back. Letting her feel deserving of some luxury and pampering. You'd tell her how beautiful see still was and it gave her nice a confidence boost.

Other times you would give her sensual massages. Helping her neck, shoulders and back to relax more. You made the experience solely focusing on her enjoyment. Using oils and lotions with her favorite sents.

On Marguerite and Jack's date nights you would help Marguerite with dressing up, making her feel gorgeous. You'd help her with some makeup as well so she could look in the mirror and feel sexy again. She was so greatful for your actions and would hug you tightly.

Marguerite would tell you about their younger days, reminiscing about the things they had tried in the bedroom. You'd share a bottle of wine and some goodies as tou talked. Setting the mood for the things you talked about. She told you all about hew he had made her feel when fooling around. She would tell you what to try with him and how he liked it. She had all sort of ideas for the two of you to try out. It was interesting and exciting listening to Marguerite speak so wholeheartedly about their past sexlife. It almost felt like an honor that they let you be a part of such an intimate part of their life.

Jack still loved caressing his wife very much. He never missed a chance to do so. Giving Marguerite the feeling of being sexy and sensual however he could. Giving her lustfilled kisses, making it very clear how much how she made him feel. The bulge in his crotch was the unmistakable evidence. He sincerly loved her, so he made her feel special in any way he could.

For a man of his age Jack was very much in shape for sex. He had no problem getting erections and his stamina was impressive. You suspected that it was a mix of him keeping himself in shape by working so much and all the homemade food.

Jack was a generous lover. He did not mind waiting his turn. You would always come first in line, unless you initiated something on him first of course. He was a sucker for your antics and couldn't help but fall victim if you did something suggestive towards him.

Having a think for smoking wasn't for the faint hearted around Jack and Marguerite. You yourself didn't like to smoke, but how you loved watching others do. When you had the chance you kepp them company just so you could watch them. Jack was the one who smoked the most out of the two, so you often ended up watching him in awe. The way he held the cigarettein his lips. How the glowing tip brightend as he took a drag. How the puff of smoke cane out and slithered it's way into the air from his mouth or nose. If you didn't find him attractive before, oh lord you sure did now.

Marguerite would be invited to watch you and Jack. Voyeurism turned out to be exciting for her, and she enjoyed every second of it. She would often watch from a distance, while other times she sat nearby saying loving fraces to her two lovebirds. Her words would often praise or encourage you both. She would give Jack passionate kisses in-between. She would also gently cup you chin and tell you what a good girl you were being.

When you where alone with Jack and felt frisky, nothing could stop you from feeling him up. Or rather down honestly. A finger trailing down his body until it met his crotch, cupping it, giving it a soft squeeze. Oh the look he gave you when you did that, dangerous hunger in his eyes. It made you bite your lip and squeeze your thighs together.

When Jack found you standing around he would come up behind you. Either giving your bottom a loving squeeze or a hungry kiss along you neck. Murmuring sweet nothings in your ear, making you blush and feel warm inside. It had occasionally ended in him taking you from behind wherever you where. And boy howdy you couldn't even have fantasized these moments.

One of your favorites things to do was disturbing Jack when he was watching football and drinking beer alone. You'd crawl up between his legs and give him a good ol' blowjob. Because you knew there was a rewarding punishment for disturbing him like this. It usually ended up being cock warming or being lazily fingered until his footballmatch was done and his beer was finished. If it was a match he didn't care much for he'd make you ride him agonisingly slow while he was focused on your tits. You were so impatient and turned into a whiny and whimpering mess, but it was definitely worth it in the end.

If Marguerite had gone to bed early and Jack didn't feel like going to sleep yet, he'd ask if you felt like fooling around. Your answer was yes most of the time. You didn't get enough of this man to be quite honest. He often ended up with his face buried between your legs, eating you out like he was starving. He almost forgot about his own erection. Some nights he would sleep over in your room and other nights he would wish you sweet dreams before he went back to his and Marguerite's bedroom.

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7 months ago

Hi, do you get that all consuming passionate hyperfication on fictional characters to the point where you can feel it in your every fiber of your being, to such a degree that you stare into nothing, thinking about their story and how you will never be able to meet them, so your brain makes up all these fantasies and then you forget about everything else for hours at a time, and when watching or playing the media they are in nothing else really matters or are you normal??

Hi, Do You Get That All Consuming Passionate Hyperfication On Fictional Characters To The Point Where

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7 months ago
Karl Heisenberg X Reader Nsfw!

Karl Heisenberg x reader nsfw!

Tw: kink, oral fixation, oral sex, cigar, mention of anger

(this musty metal man lives rent free in my head omfg<3)

Stress relief

You where his special little pet. He had you in his living quarters of the factory. It was the only area you were allowed on your own. A metal collar adorned your neck, sturdy but not to heavy. There used to be a chain attached to keep you from wandering of to far. If it was necessary he could easily pull on your collar with his powers anyway. But you got roaming privileges for your good behavior. You had a soft mattress in the corner of the room near his desk. You had pillows and blankets to make it more comfortable for you. You'd occasionally walk up to him while he was sitting at his desk. He'd either pat your head and ruffle your hair or let you sit in his lap.

You looked at him with such admiration in your eyes. His every feature gave you butterflies. You loved his rough look, the way he spoke. His every move was enchanting. You would never wish for anything else than to be his.

You noticed how busy he was with the factory. He worked long hours, night and day. He got easily irritated during stressful days. There was little time for rest. And the times he did sit still was unfortunately very much worklated as well. He would sit at his desk in the office for hours at a time. He would take drags from his cigar and let the smoke flow out as he sighed heavily. A metal object or two would go flying into the wall when he got frustrated and stressed by his work. But the times he truly got infuriated and pent up was after a meeting with the other lords. He would bust into his office, blinded by rage. Fuming and yelling about Mother Miranda and a certain supersized bitch. You usually stayed put on you mattress in these moments just incase.

But today was different. He was silent after storming in through the doors. You could feel the tension from his anger in the room. It was deathly silent besides his heavy breath. He lit a fresh cigar and started working. You could hear anger in his writing. You knew he was pent up and tense, so you got an idea of how to help him out.

From where your mattress was you could easily crawl in under his desk without him noticing you. He was to busy to notice you at the moment anyway. You sat yourself infront of his spread out legs. As you gently nugged your head against his inner thigh and let you left hand run up his leg you could feel his muscles tighten before he relaxed. You stroked your hands softly up his thighs. His writing slowed down. You saw his crotch quickly grow a bulge. You smiled and bit your lip at the sight. You brought a hand towards it, palming him. A low groan coming from him. You scooched closer in between his legs. Your hands unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants. With a swift motion you let his member spring free. You explored it gently with one hand. Feeling it's warmth, its lengt, the firmness. It pulsed in need of attention. His writing had stopped at this point. You could see him leaning back in his chair as you worked your hands on him. Holding it still you started licking at the tip. Catching drops of precum on your tounge. You could hear him taking a drag from his cigar and let out a relaxed sigh. Sliding the head of his cock into your mouth you used your tounge to massage and lick around it.

As you let his cock slide longer into your mouth you gently stroked the bottom of his shaft with you hand. You sucked on his cock, creating the classic pleasurable vacuum around his lenght. You heard him hum in pleasurable at your motions. He needed this and you knew it all to well. You started bobbing you head. Letting it slide against the top of your tounge. You stroked the rest of his length at the same pace as you sucked him. You slowly built up a little speed. You could feel his thighs tighten, the muscles tensing up. As your pace got quicker you felt his hand caress the back of your head. Helping you to keep up the pace. You heard his breath hitch. You stared taking him deeper and faster. To the best of your passionate abilities.

You kept the suction at a good pressure for him. As he got closer to his finishing you felt him push your head against himself. He cursed under his breath. You let him push your head closer. You could feel tears in your eyes and breathing got harder. It didn't last long until you felt one final shove of your head. You face was buried against his pubes. His cock pulsed in your mouth. A loud groan escaped him. You felt his seed slide down your throat as you swallowed. He let go of your head with a sigh of relief. You softly milked the rest out of the head, gently overstimulating him a bit at the same time. Satisfied with your work you pulled away and gave him some space. You wiped your tears away with a soft smile on your lips.

He tucked himself back in his pant before he pulled you out from under the desk so you could sit on his lap. With lustful eyes hidden behind his spectacles, he grinned at you from under his hat. He tugged at your collar with his power. You blushed as you knew that this was going to be a long pleasureable night for you.

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7 months ago

Who the hell is out here loving JACK BAKER??? Cuz I need a word with you!!

We need some more Jack appreciation! This murderous goof of a dilf needs more love. I love him to bits honestly💕

I have writen one thing about him. I'm definitely gonna write more, and I'll try and get pics of him when I play Re7 again❤️‍🔥

That's all, bye bye

Who The Hell Is Out Here Loving JACK BAKER??? Cuz I Need A Word With You!!

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11 months ago


Ladies, Gentlemen and Nonbinaries… HIM


11 months ago

Hii, first of all love your work, i wanna start writing too, any tips? + English isn't my first language ♡

(i wanna write about rdr2 too)

Late answer sorry for that, just recently got back to this place. English isn't my first language either and I do alot of spell correction and use autocorrect, or google stuff. Even though some stuff slips through every now and then :P

I would say go for it! Writing is pretty fun when you get into it. I always try to embody the character a bit in my head to be able to imagine how they would respond or act about certain stuff. And I like to use their mannerisms from their game, movie, series etc. to help me envision what I write.

Hope this helps♡

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11 months ago

A quick turn of events, Part 7

Fem reader, smut

Tw: Sex, some exhibition and voyeurism, mentions of unwanted touch in the beginning.

Part 6 <-

Reading exercise

After the event that happened in the club, Y/n had spent a few days getting over the feeling that guy at the club gave her. The fear and the pain from his grip. The gross feeling of him groping and grabbing at her like he owned her. She had decided that it was enough of that. And obviously no-one else than Lorenzo owned her if someone were to even own her. Him and the clones were the only ones she would let manhandle her if that was the case. And even then she knew thay wouldn't do anything to harm her. They did nothing else than protect and spoil her. Shaking her head she stod up from her bed. She freshened up a bit and put on some comfy clothes for her escapades in the house. What would she do today?

After thinking while walking through the halls she decided that the library would be a good place to explore. She hadn't really been in there and looked around yet. Maybe she could find s good book to settle down with. Making her way through the house she felt that it was way too quiet. Usually someone was yelling after Valentino at this time. She didn't see Dominic in the kitchen either. Maybe something work related had happened? But she also doubted that, Lorenzo would have given her some sort of message.

Once she arrived at the library she pushed the big dark door open. It was creaking as she stepped inside. It was a huge room filled with books from floor to ceiling. It had lots of comfy places and nooks to sit down and read in. She looked around a bit when she suddenly saw him. Lorenzo? How the hell? Since when could he fly. He was standing high up in the air holding a book. Busy studying something. She spoke out to get his attention.

"You didn't tell me you could fly."

He shut his book close and it vanished. His head snapped towards Y/n. A grin grew on his lips. Slowly he started to float down towards the ground and walked over to Y/n.

"Telling you everything would spoil the fun dear, wouldn't it now?"

He put a finger under her chin and softly made her look up at him. His dark eyes looking into hers.

"Want me to show you where all the good books are darling?"

Y/n nodded. She was mesmerized by his eyes. He started walking and pointed to a section to the right. It was a quaint little corner with soft lighting.

"This is where Dominic spends a lot of his time. Reading recipes and studying different foods. He is quite the intellectual when it comes to the culinary word."

He kept walking and gestured to the next place.

"We also have alot of different genres. Romance, horror, novels, poetry and fantasy amongst others."

He glanced at her as she looked around at the different books. His stone cold face didn't show alot but he was happy. He actually felt joy from her being so invested in his library. As they continued to the left side he gestured at another section.

"This is all of the books on Occultism, Witchcraft and so forth. It's quite interesting stuff if I may say so myself, being a demon and all of that."

Y/n giggled at his comment. For being such serious man he really liked to have his moments. She looked at the next section he pointed out to her. He smirked as he told her about this one.

"And this. This is the erotic section."

He could see her starting to blush a little. A pink shade tinting her cheeks.

"Valentino is a big fan of this section. He probably knows it by heart at this point."

Y/n gulped. She didn't know what to say. She was a bit flustered. Erotica wasn't something she really had read alot of, but it was exciting that they had it in the library. Lorenzo stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. He gently massaged them. Feeling how tense she was and how she started to relax by his touch. She sighed quietly. Still a bit flustered she felt her cheeks blush more. Then Lorenzo leaned closer to her and his course voice filled the air.

"You know, we could make those stories come to life."

Y/n felt her cheeks burn up. She put her hand to her face. Even though she liked the though of it she felt so on the spot. His confidence in suggesting such a thing made her insides melt. He started sliding his hand down her back. He stopped at her hips as he moved closer and held her thigher to himself.

"What do you say baby? I want to hear those pretty sounds you make."

She felt unable to speak. The tingling sensation had begun and she could feel herself become wet by his suggestion. How could she ever say no to this. She nodded while she breathed out her answer.


He chuckled lowly. One hand slid up to her breast as the other one down south. He massaged her breast as he started kissing along her neck. Y/n's breathing became heavier every second. Lorenzo slid his other hand into her pants making contact with her nether region. Warm and wet. He smirked against her neck.

"So wet for little old me already?"

The charm in his voice and the feeling of his thouch making her thoughts spiral. Her body felt like jelly. She felt him rubbing on her clit. A feeling of ecstasy rushed over her. She whined at the feeling of wanting more. Lorenzo nipped at her earlobe.

"Impatient are we? You needy little thing."

He sucked onto a sweetspot along her neck. Licking and nibbling. He slowly inserted two fingers into her while he kept his thumb on her clit. A moan escaped her mouth by his actions. At the same time she could feel him growing hard against her ass. She felt him rubbing against her. His finger curled inside her. Repeatedly making the come here motion against her spot. It amazed her how well he knew her body. Her eyes shut thigh and she was whimpering for release. She would have come undone was it not for him slowing down.

"Not yet sweet pet, not yet."

Pulling out his fingers he put them up to his face. Smelling her juices before he liked it of. A guttural groan coming from him after tasting it. He pulled her with him over to a table nearby. Pushed her forward to bend over and halfway lay on the table. He pulled down her pants and underwear. Sliding his thumb through her wet folds. With his other hand he undid his belt and pulled his cock out. Slowly sliding the tip up and down between her folds. Y/n was whimpering and desperate for him to push into her. He chuckled.

"I don't think I can hear you properly. I think you'll have to speak up."

Y/n gulped. She didn't have a choice but to speak. She softly moaned out her words.


He pushed determined into her with a groan. She moaned loudly by his move. He set a steady pace as he leaned over her with his hands on either side of her body on the table. Sounds of heavy breathing, moans and skin slapping filled the room. Lorenzo put a hand in her hair and got a good grip before he pulled on it. Y/n's mouth fell open and her moans got louder. The feeling of controlled pain made the pleasure stronger. She was so lost in the feeling she didn't even register the door to the library opening.

It was Dominic. He was a bit taken back by what greeted him when he walked in. Y/n drunk in pleasure and Lorenzo pumping into her from behind. He was frozen in place for a second. Only when Lorenzo locked eyes with him did he quickly move to the corner with all of the food related books. Dominic was blushing and he felt himself getting hard. He couldn't get the image of Y/n's face out of his mind. How cute and delicious she looked. His urges got the better of him as he started rubbing himself to the sounds of their fornication and her moans.

Lorenzo grinned, knowing exactly what Dominic felt. He picked up his pace. He let go of Y/n's hair to rub her clit instead. She was starting to clench tighter around him. Her moans sounded like music in his ears. Just as she was about to climax he bit down on her shoulder making her scream in ecstasy as the wave of her orgasm hit. The pulsating sensation of release. He groaned as he pushed in for the last time. Spilling his seed deep into her. His dick pulsing as it emptied inside. Y/n laid her head on the table. Taking the time to come back to her senses. Enjoying the feelings rushing through her body.

Dominic had quickly picked a book to sit down with to cover his crotch. But he couldn't help but rub against the back of the book. He felt embarrassed about his actions, but it felt so good.

Lorenzo pulled out of Y/n and helped her to get dressed again.

"Such a good girl."

She smiled and hugged Lorenzo. Happy with having experienced the most exhilarating trip to a library ever. Lorenzo stroked her back.

"Hey baby?"

Y/n looked up at him wondering what it could be.


He grinned down at her with a way to knowing look.

"I think we might have had a guestviewing of our little library trip."

He chuckled as she got panic in her eyes. She turned around to see who it could be. Her eyes landed on Dominic blushing in his corner with a big book in his lap. Oh shit, oh fuck. She felt so embarrassed. She turned back to Lorenzo.

" Why didn't you say anything?"

He chuckled. Amused.

"You seemed to enjoy yourself too much darling. Why stop in the middle of something so good?"

Y/n was a bit shocked. So Lorenzo didn't mind? He really didn't let it embarrass or bother him. Maybe he like people walking in on them during something like this? Once she really thought about it, it was kinda fun making someone else flustered just by seeing them in action. She giggled to herself. Lorenzo tilted his head slightly.

"What? What is it baby?"

She looked a him with a spark of joy in her eye.

"It is kinda exciting to think about actually."

He smirked at her answer and ruffled her hair.

"Atta girl."

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11 months ago

A quick turn of events, Part 6

Fem reader, some fluff, some angst, slight tension.

Tw: sexual tension, anger, slight violence, alcohol.

Part 5 <-

Hands off!

Two weeks has flown by like nothing. Y/n could've never imagined herself living such a lavish life, but here she is. In this huge mansion, living under the same roof as Lorenzo and his clones. Living in luxury. Being spoiled like a princess.

Sitting in the winter garden infront of a canvas she dreamed the time away as she painted. Inspired by the beautiful garden and the small creatures living there. She listened to soft music as she let the colours come to life with every brush stroke. Humming to the music in her own little bubble. She felt so at peace.

Lorenzo had been watching her from the top of the spiral staircase for a while. Leaning on the railing. He sighed quietly in content to himself. He hadn't changed out of his morning robe yet. It was still relatively early in the day. A soft flick of the wrist and he had a coffeecup in his hand. Warm and rich. He took a sip before he made his way down the stairs and towards Y/n. He could see how far away in her thoughts she was. As he gently put a hand on her shoulder he could feel her jump a little as her bubble burst. She didn't expect him to just appear next to her. His rough morning voice breaking their silence.

"So this is where you've been hiding all morning."

He took another sip from his coffee. With a smile she looked up at him and nodded. His dark beautiful eyes, the wild unruly hair and his morning stubble. He managed to look so effortlessly handsome. She got butterflies in her belly and felt so lucky that someone like him wanted her. Lorenzo couldn't help but give her a soft smile back. He ruffled her hair.

"Pretty girl."

A few minutes went buy before Antonio came walking in. He looked more serious than usual. He went straight up to Lorenzo. Y/n could see them talking, but why couldn't she hear them properly? They weren't even standing far away. She guessed it was some demon thing Lorenzo could do. She continued painting for a while as they conversed. Antonio informed Lorenzo about an important business partner who was coming to town. Lorenzo thought about it for a few seconds. He sent Antonio on his way to his club to get the VIP lounge ready for his business partners. He wanted to show them some good old-fashioned hospitality while they where in town to get a great deal out of it. Lorenzo turned back to his darling and leaned down to her ear.

"What do you say to a trip to the club with me tonight, hm? It's Saturday after all."

She lit up at the idea. That sounded fun. She shot up from her seat and hugged Lorenzo. He laid an arm around her and looked down at her.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Later in the evening Lorenzo come up to Y/n's room. He's holding a dark green giftbox with a black ribbon on it. Y/n is in her bathroom getting ready. She was humming and finishing up her skincare routine as Lorenzo came up to her. He held out the box to her. She looked shocked. An expression that said he didn't need to get her anything. She took the lid of the box and looked inside. Gasping as she pulled the most beautiful dark red dress out. She spun around hugging it to herself. She couldn't believe her own eyes. He smirked watching her. Watching how excited she became by such a gesture. He loved spoiling his baby.

"I'll let you get ready pretty thing, we'll meet by the entré later."

Lorenzo disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared. Y/n was in awe at how this dress looked. She couldn't wait to put it on. She was giddy while finishing her hair and makeup. Excitingly she slid the dress on. It fit her perfectly. Enhancing her every feature beautifully. She went over to her closet and picked out a pair of heels that matched. Putting on some pretty jewellery before she took a final look in the mirror. Damn, she looked hot. Like someone would burn their finger if they touched her. She felt confident and ready for the night.

As she descended the stairs her eyes meet the sight of Lorenzo waiting for her. He had a matching dark pinstripe suit, with a black silk shirt underneath. No tie, just unbuttoned at the top. A gold chain around his neck. He looked like a dream. His gold tooth glisend in the light as his grin grew when he saw her. She took gentle steps. Carefully not to slip. Her knees felt weak seeing him watching her like that. Hungey eyes observing her. She felt a tingle in her body. The mood in the room shifted. Anticipation filled the air.

*whistle* "You look burning hot sugar."

Y/n blushed bright red and looked away. Flustered at the comment. She would probably never get used to this kind of attention. Looking back at him she answered him with a shy voice.

"So do you."

He walked towards her with his hands gesturing out towards her.

"Ain't I a lucky fella? Having this piece of candy by my side."

As if she thought she couldn't blush more. He certainly made it possible. His words worked like magic on her.

"You ready babydoll?"

He offered his arm to her.


She answered, trying to sound as confident as she could. She put her arm around his as they walked out to the car. Antonio was driving. Valentino joined them as an extra bodyguard for the evening. Dominic stayed at home to watch over the mansion while they were away. Lorenzo kept his hands mostly to himself during the ride to the club. How he managed to have the discipline, when is little lady looked so delicious, nobody will ever know.

Once they arrived at the club everyone would move out of their way for them. Y/n felt like a celebrity. It was a weird feeling if she was honest. So many people staring. She held her head high and tried to look unbothered. Lorenzo couldn't have been prouder to show of his precious lady. They sat down in the centre booth on the main floor. Where they could view the whole club and the whole club could view them. Lorenzo guided Y/n to sit down.

"Stay here for a moment my dear. I have some business to attend. Valentino will stay here with you until I'm back."

Y/n smiled and nodded.


Lorenzo and Antonio walked of to meet a group of well dressed men. He showed them up to the VIP lounge. Y/n presumed they where the real reason they went to the club tonight. Not that she minded it to much. Valentino slumped down in the sofa across from where Y/n sat.

"So dollface, you like to party?"

He had a grin on his face. His arms where resting along the back of the sofa. He lifted one of his brows to express his question more.

"Well, I haven't really been partying so much to be honest. My first time going to a club was when I met Lorenzo actually."

Y/n blushed a little. She rubbed her arm and looked at Valentino. He had a slightly surprised look on his face. Then he started laughing.

"You hit the jackpot on the first try the then. Hell, your virgin trip to a club can't be topped by anyone else I can say that much."

Y/n didn't really know what to say except giggling at Valentino's statements. He was kinda right. She would have never imagined this being the outcome of her first outing. A few minutes goes by while they talked about parties and clubbing amongst others things. Valentino straightens up has Lorenzo approaches. He sits down in the middle so he has the view of the club in his front, Y/n to his left and Valentino to his right.

"Val, get us some drinks to start of this night won't you?"

Without hesitation Valentino gets up and heads to the bar. It doesn't take long before he is back with a vide variety of drinks. Y/n was amazed. She wasn't shocked since she knew Lorenzo owned the place, but it was still amazing to her. Lorenzo pulled her close to himself holding his arm around her and laying his hand on her thigh.

"You can pick anything you want princess."

She looked up at him with big doe eyes. Like she was asking him, really? He gestured his other hand towards the low table. Looking at all the drinks her eyes landed on one in particular. It was a bright pink drink in this beautiful glas with a strawberry stuck to the edge. She reached out for it and picked it up. The first taste felt like a strawberry dream. Like nothing she had ever tasted before. It went down so smooth and easy. They spent some time just drinking, talking and enjoying each other. Valentino stood just outside the booth so unwanted people wouldn't interfere with them.

As the night went on Y/n got a bit buzzed. Not drunk but enough to feel less tense. She felt brave enough to put a hand on Lorenzo's thigh and ever so slightly move it up a bit. She smirked oh so innocently at him.

"You're playing a dangerous game baby."

He smirked back at her. He leaned in closer to her. Within reach to kiss her but stopping just to tease her. He wouldn't mind unfolding her on the spot, but he was entertained by her little game. She leaned closer to him. Her mouth slightly opening like right before a kiss. The tension between them building. The heat rising. The air felt hotter. But instead of a kiss she started talking.

"I really feel like dancing."

Y/n gracefully stod up and walked out to the dance floor. She started to move with the rhythm. Dancing sensually and giving Lorenzo looks. He sighed as he sat back. She kept surprising him. He kept watching her every move. Every sway of the hip. Every place her hands caressed. He enjoyed every second. Even the hungry looks others gave her. She was like a forbidden fruit on the floor. The night was going smooth. That was until some creep snuck up on Y/n and started touching her. He grabbed her wrist and squeezed her. A fire was lit in Lorenzo's eyes. He saw how uncomfortable Y/n got. How she struggled. Enough was enough. Lorenzo stood up and made his way across the floor. Not in a hurry but with intent. Anger was visible on his face. Terrifyingly calm and concentrated anger. Lorenzo didn't really mind guys looking or even flirting with is girl. He was secure enough for that. But when it came to uncomfortable and forced touching a fuse lit inside him. Pure rage formed. People moved put of their way and a big circle form around the three people. Lorenzo tapped the guys shoulder to get him to turn around. The guy responded in a rude tone. He didn't even see to have noticed the crowd moving away.

"Buzz of dude, she's mine!"

As he turned to look around at who tapped his shoulder you could see his face become paler. Lorenzo grinned and spoke in a controlled manner.

"Hands of loverboy. I don’t think she appreciates your attention."

The man immediately let go of Y/n and backed off. His eyes lost hope. He started walking backwards as Lorenzo got closer.

"I think you and me are gonna have a talk, man to man."

Lorenzo gestured to Valentino to take care of Y/n for a minute. Y/n ran into Valentino's arms for comfort and they went over to the booth again. Lorenzo grabbed the guy by the neck and dragged him off into the back. The crowd soon went back to normal after they had disappeared. It was rare but not unexpectedthat Lorenzodeslt with ungrateful creepsin his club. Y/n felt so uneasy but Valentino helped her in his own way. They talked it out a bit while Lorenzo was gone.

In the back of the club Lorenzo held the guy by his neck. He could barely contain his anger. He almost lost control, but remembered he didn't want the police creeping around his club more than necessary. He let the guy run in the end after a traumatic lesson in consent and a lifetime ban from the club. He brushed of and fixed his attire before he headed back.

When he got back he went straight over to his little flower. Checking to see if she was hurt or bruised. He wanted to hesr what she had to say about the whole situation. He knew most of it already because of Valentino, but he felt that she could need the moment to process and talk about it. After she had gotten her time to speak Lorenzo gave her a serious look.

"That maggot will never be in your or any other girls vicinity ever again."

Y/n hugged Lorenzo tightly. He put his arms around her and stroked her back. Any other regular guest knew better than to start shit in Lorenzo's club. Everyone knew he took it seriously. He had made this place for people to enjoy themselves, not to take advantage of others. Everyone knew not to mess around, and especially not with Lorenzo's girl.

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1 year ago

Never steal from Micah Bell

Fem reader

Tw: mentions of guns, violence, fire, blood, sexual tension.

Tilly came running into camp. She was full of panic. Eyes vide and out of breath. She started screaming that you had been kidnapped by a gang. They had been after all of you for some time. They managed to get their hands on you wanting to get info on where the Van der Linde gang was residing. Everyone dropped their stuff and came running to Tilly. Asking of everything she knew. Miss Grimshaw took her away to clean her up as the fellers started talking. Dutch, Hosea and Arthur was scrambling about to gather their stuff. They quickly turned around when they heard the sound of hoves racing away. They all stood frozen looking confused between each other as Micah raced away. He had never shown any interest or care to save anyone but himself. Micah rodes as fast as he could. Rage was fueling him. The reflection of the sunset was like flames in his eyes. There was no mercy to be shown. Nobody who steals from Micah Bell had a life ahead of them. His laugh erupted. He felt like he would go insane if anything happened to you. "Ain't no one stealin from me who gets to stay alive."

You were locked in a small shed. Left in the dark small room. They had roughed you up a bit trying to get you to speak. Your head hanging down as you focused on sounds outside. You had shot up as you heard an all too familiar laugh and yelling. Micah! The cold bastard actually cared enough about you to come and save you. "I'm going to burn this place to the ground! Time to meet with your maker boys!" His maniacal laughter came through as you heard glass breaking and shots fired. You could see the slight glow of fire from outside. There was screaming and gunshots all around.

Then suddenly, it fell silent. No talking. No footsteps. Only the crackling of fire growing. You feared the worst. Then, the door of the shed swung open. Your eyes widened, and relief filled you. There before you stood Micah. The glow and sparks from the fire wild behind him. The dark silhouette was disturbingly impressive. His eyes felt cold and dark. Blood was splattered across him. Luckily, it wasn't his own. You jolted up and ran towards him. You hugged yourself around his neck. He hugged back and patted you back. "You came for me, you cold bastard, you actually came." Micah let out a soft chuckle as you pulled apart. He looked at you with eyes that told more than his words. "Couldn't let them get away with stealing the only thing I care more for than my guns." You felt a tingling sensation go through you at his words. You hugged him tighter with your head under his chin. Smiling to yourself hearing those words. That evil asshole actually has some feelings beneath is vile exterior. Something he would never show to anyone else, especially not back at camp. He couldn't let them know he actually had a heart. He would never hear the end of it if they found out he was a human after all.

Micah grinned to himself feeling how close you held onto him. He held you just as thight back. Feeling relaxed knowing you where safe with him again. He slowly slid his hand down your back to place it on your butt. Softly squeezing. You felt a cribling inside. A warm feeling that was building. He placed a kiss on your head before he moved to kiss at your neck. He let out a hum of appreciation. Your breath got heavy as you closed your eyes. You could feel him grow harder against your stomach. He pulled away and placed a kiss on your forehead. A soft smirk visibleas he spoke. "C'mon, let's get you out of here, we'll finish this later doll."

He gave you a pat on your butt as he helped you up on his horse. Then suddenly you heard a stampede of hoves arriving. It was all the fellers from camp. Arriving just as you were about to leave this place. They saw you sat on top of Baylock like a trophy. All safe and content. Your cheeks stilled flushed red from Micah's actions. They looked at the burning camp behind you. Half the place was burned already, and things had begun falling down. Arthur looked angry at Micah. "What tha hell, Micah?! Was it really necessary to burn the place?" Micah led his horse towards them with a prideful saunter. His sleazy grin taking it's usual form. He leaned a bit back and put his hands out to his sides, exaggerating his words. "You're late to the show boys. Everything's dealt with, and I've saved our dear damsel in distress. But I didn't take you for a slow guy in a rescue Cowpoke, or should I say slowpoke instead?" Micah mocked Arthur as he passed by everyone. You couldn't help but find it funny. You tried your best to hide it so Arthur wouldn't get more upset than he already was.

Micah eventually hopped up behind you. Making sure you were sat close to him. You could feel his still hard member pressed up against your back. Making sure you could feel how much he craved you. As Baylock started trotting away and back home, he put a secure hand on your thigh. Stroking at your inner thigh. It made your warm tingle feel like a flame stared inside. Melting you closer to him. He needed to feel you to know you where there. That you where safe within his hand. He had a grin on his lips. With a rough but loving voice he spoke. "Let's get you home and taken care of princess."

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2 years ago

RDR2, Micha Bell

I know, I'm surprised it's not a Beetlejuice smut I wrote😳

Possible TWs: cursing, sexual tension, sex, piss kink.

"Miss Y/L/N. Would you come over here please?" Dutch asked as he saw you passing through camp. You stopped by thinking it would be something quick. Seeing Micah next to Dutch made you slightly frown. What was that scumbag doing there when Dutch had called you over. Micah watched you from under the brim of his hat. His gaze stuck on you. It was infuriating having him look at you like that. You focused your attention on Dutch to avoid Micah the best you could.

What you heard next made you internaly roll your eyes. Of course it had to be something to do with Micah. Why else was he hanging around Dutch. "Miss Y/L/N, I'm sending you and Mr. Bell here out to see if there is anything of worth at this big farm Hosea saw the other day." You were shocked. No, why would Dutch send you out with god damn Micah. The biggest asshole in camp. Micah stood there with his dumb smirk and his hands resting on his gunbelt. Hell no. You didn't want to go out working with this creep. You opened you mouth to protest, but were cut short as Dutch continued. "I'm sending you together to look like you're some sort of couple or whatever. To look less suspicious if you should get to close for their liking. Let me know if you see anything worth a job when you get back."

Dutch turned and walked away. Probably to read or think of more plans as he usually does. You turned your head back to Micah with a dissatisfied frown. Why? This man was a menace. Micah watched you and shot you that shit eating grin as he started talking. "Looks like me and you is doing some work for Old Dutch, missus Bell." Micah mocked you. Knowing damn well he's trying to get on your nerves. He patted your shoulder and chuckled as he passed you. Your cheeks felt hot. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. Taking a second to brace yourself before joining him. This was going to be a long day.

You sat behind Micah on Baylock. He actually showed some sort of kindness when helping you get up. Probably the most he'd ever show to anyone. As the horse trotted away from camp, you noticed something you forgot about. Something that you were interrupted from doing when Dutch had called you over. You had to go. You hadn't relieved yourself since you woke up this morning. And now it's later in the evening. You cursed to yourself in a low whisper. It didn't help sitting on a horse either. All the ups and downs are not helping your bladder at all. You had unintentionally held a closer grip on Micah after you noticed you had to go. Micah registered your low cursing and the difference in your grip. With his usual sly voice, he asked you. "Say, you ain't getting scared back there, are ya? We have barely left camp." He chuckled and looked ever so slightly over his shoulder. You were taken by surprise at how he looked at you. The tone in his voice kept up the teasing asshole shtick. His voice sounded more annoyed, but his face told a different story. You just gave him an annoyed look and turned your head away. "No, Micah, I'm not fukcing scared." He chuckled at your reply. Smirking as he answered. "A little feisty today, are we? Maybe this trip won't be all boring then, sugarpie." You rolled your eyes. "Ugh." Why is he calling you sugarpie of all things. You knew he was trying to irritate me, but something about it felt kinda sweet somehow. Even for a guy like Micah. You shook your head and watched the landscape to distract yourself.

After a good while, you noticed the sun started to set. How far away was this place? You hadn't stopped once since you left camp, so you had never gotten the opportunity to get a second to yourself. You really had to go soon. It made you grumble softly. You squeezed your eyes shut. You weren't quite sure how long you would be able to hold it. For a second, you forgot who you were riding with and rested your head forward on Micahs back. He froze up a little. A bit surprised that you had even wanted to lean on him. He didn't mind someone like you leaning on him if he was honest. But then again, he had to stay focused. "Woah there, missy, you getting sleepy back there or what? This ain't no snooze cruise if you hadn't noticed." His slightly annoyed statement shook you up again. You let out an annoyed sigh and shot him a question back. "Are we there yet or what?" He scoffed and laughed. He liked how you replied. Made it more fun to poke at you. He liked being able to have some heated back and forth. "Boy do you have an attitude today, miss? I kinda like it." You got a slight chill sent through you. He only wants to get under your skin to annoy you, so you gave him a short reply. "Gross." Micah looked down at your grip round his waist. He grinned, knowing it was easy to poke at you right now. "Well, for someone who thinks I'm gross, you sure have got a good grip on me girly." You froze at his words. A pink blush krept into your cheeks. You hadn't even noticed. You were so focused on not wetting yourself. What could you possibly say to that. "That's..I'm just holding on so I won't fall." You tried hiding your stuttering. "Yeah, yeah, keep tellin yourself that. I ain't believing you." Micah slowed the horse down. The farm was pretty close now. He saw a small gathering of trees and bushes that would make a good place to scout from. You both got off the horse and looked over at the farm. You got your binoculars to get a good look. It was big. There was a lot of animals and diverse crops. The main house was big. Looked like a farm worth robbing.

Micah sighed and put his binoculars away. "Well, we should probably head back now. Dutch will probably be glad to hear what we have to say about this place." Micah saunters back to his horse. Being extra slow, almost waiting. You really didn't want to tell this man that you had to go. He'd probably make fun of you or humiliate you in any way he could. You didn't know how to make him wait or give you a second. You bit your lip, looking up to the sky. You closed your eyes as you sighed. You didn'thave many choices in his predicament. "Wait, I.." Before you could finish your sentences, Micah had turned around, pointing straight at you. "Hah, I knew it was something. You've been all silent and moody all day long. So what's the deal?" He walked over to you. He looked you up and down. Smirking as he waited for an answer. You backed up into a tree. Unable to go anywhere else. You raised your hands in front of you. In a swift and surprisingly gentle move, Micah had your arms pinned above your head. You looked at him a bit in shock. Your cheeks grew red, and you already felt embarrassed. He smirked, and his voice was low as he spoke. "Come on now, tell me what's been on your mind, doll. Tell old Micah what's bothering you."

You shut your eyes. His voice actually sounded nice like that. Not snarky or rude, but somehow more seductive? And the way he had grabbed your wrists. You had to squeeze your thighs together now. You felt a weirdly good pulsating sensation as you squeezed shut while holding in your piss. That's something you hadn't felt before. It actually felt a bit good. Micah took note of your body language, thinking you felt hot and bothered. What he didn't know was that you needed to relieve yourself. Badly. You started your sentence. "I..need to." Micah placed a hand on your cheek. His thumb rubbed softly against your lower lip. His gaze was hungry. You'd never seen him like this before. Being so gentle and seductive. It actually made him seem nice for a bit. As you looked at him and got another pulsating sensation. You whimpered. He grinned and slowly slid his hand from your cheek and down your body. Panic took over you. You couldn't hold it much more, and his hand was on its way down. "N-no, don't.. I gotta, I have to.." You struggled to speak with the preasur of needing to pee and the weird arousal from the tension that had risen. He paused and looked at you. He was slightly confused. That's when he connected the dots. You could see the change in his expression. His grin grew as he chuckled. He leaned close to your ear. A gruff whisper. "Mhmm, now I get it. You've gotta go, right? Been holding it aaall day, haven't you? And you didn't dare ask little old me to stop." You opened your eyes. As you softly nodded, you were flooded with embarrassment. How was this going to end.

You whimpered as he slid his hand down to your crotch. Cupping it as he watched you squirm. You were so close to letting go. Almost wetting yourself. You were sure it would start leaking if you didn't get to pee soon. "Let me. Just hold it a little longer, sugar." Micah gently opened your jeans. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back to hold it in a bit longer. He softly pulled your jeans and underwear down and got you to step out of them carefully. Tossing them to the side, he stepped in behind you and put your arms around the back of the tree. He held them with one arm. He leaned his head in close to your neck. You could feel his warm breath on you. You shivered and was hit by a new wave of the pulsating. Micah gently nipped and kissed your shoulder. You could feel drops of pee leaking out as you tried your best to hold it in. He used his foot and nugged your legs apart, spreading them out a bit. "You've known me for a while now, Y/N, I'm a nasty man, you know that. So be a good girl and piss for me." You didn't need a word more. You let go and felt the stream of piss escape you. The sweet feeling of release. You whimpered and almost moaned at the feeling. You rolled your head closer to Micahs. Your heavy breath and small sounds was like music in his ears. He watched as the golden fluid flooded out of you. How it loudly hit the ground.

As it stopped up and you felt the wave of relaxation hit you. Micah cooed in your ear. "Good girl, that wasn't so bad, was it?" You gently shook your head. Admiting that it had felt pretty good. He let go of your hand and pulled you around the tree to face him. He leaned you back against the other side of the tree away from your river of piss. He slid his hand down your belly and down to your crotch. He swiped a finger through your wet folds and found your sensitive nub. You held back a small moan as he started softly rubbing it with his thumb. He smirked and worked a finger inside you. Bending it in a way that would find your spot. As you whimpered, he chuckled. He leaned in and kissed his way from your shoulder to your ear. He nibbled at your earlobe before he spoke. "Look at you, such a needy little thing just for me. What do you think the other fellers back at camp whould day if the knew what a whore you are for ol' Micah, hm?" His words sent shivers up your spine and a flush of warmth to your belly. Your cheeks felt like they were burning up. As he pushed another finger in, you stuttered out his name. "M-icah.." It felt so good. Yet it felt so embarrassing that this pig of a man had made you feel so good. He'd never let you forget about this. At this point, you weren't sure you wanted to forget it either. He kept praising you between his nibbles at your neck. He sucked at your sweet spots and left marks. "That's it, come on now." You could feel yourself grow tighter around his fingers. Right before you could feel your release, he pulled away. You let out a sad moan at the sudden emptiness. Micah shamelessly rubbed at his crotch as he let out a low chuckle. He smirked as he looked at you. Oh, how he loved this moment. Making you a mess for him so easily. "You're my little ragdoll now and I ain't lettin you go sweet thing. You belong to me." He opened his pants just enough so his member sprung free. It was already leaking with precum and gently pulsating. He gave it a few slow strokes before he turned you around. He pused a hand on your back so you would lean forward and brace your arms against the tree. He teased your entrance with his tip, letting it soak in your juices. He lined himself up with your entrance. With both hands firmly on your hips he roughly pushed in with a groan. He stopped for a second as he bottomed out, saviouring the feeling of you around him. You cried out a moan weak moan. He had good girth and a fear length to him. Just as roughly as he had pushed in he set a good pace. Pushing in hard. He moved a hand to hold onto your hair. Your head leaned back making moans slip out easier. Micah like to hear all the noises you made. You felt his thrust getting sloppier as he let go of your hear to rub at your clit. As you queezed around him you could hear him grunt more. The pulsating sensation of release shot through you and your legs started shaking. Micha pushed deep and let out a growl. His grip strong enough to make bruises on your hips. You felt him pulsate inside you. He patted your ass as he pulled out and tucked himself away.

You had to lean on the tree so you could regain your balance again. Micah let you get dressed before he helped you up onto Baylock. As he urged Baylock into a trot he came with a comment and laughed. "I might have to ask Dutch to let me drag your sweet ass along more often."

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2 years ago

Beetlejuice fanfic

Tw: Sex, religious imagery, dirty talk, coarse language.

Like a prayer

On a chilly evening as the sun sets in the horizon, a priest walks through the graveyard. He takes his time admiring all the graves, flowers and candles people have lit up for their late loved ones.

As he makes his way into the graveyard he noticed a gravestone he hadn't seen before. Approaching the gravestone he studies it closer. It's a tall, worn and grey, almost blue looking. Three skeleton looking figures at the top points down to the name written. It says "here lies Betelgeuse" in big red letters with an arrow pointing further down. With a low voice the priest talks to himself.

"Hmm, I've never seen this grave before"

It certainly doesn't look new to him, and he would have remembered such a special gravestone.

"Who is Bet.. Beetlejuice?"

The priest scratches his head as he tries to pronounce the name. He hasn't seen or heard the name before.

"Beetlejuice.." He whispers.

He doesn't know anyone with that name. He would have remembered such a different name. As he turned to face the church and walk back he thought maybe the young nun might have an idea.

"Beetlejuice.. Maybe Y/n knows something about this grave"

Just a the priest started walking he heard a low rumbling sound from ground. The earth started to fall in on it's own in front of the stone, forming a big hole in the ground. Smoke started pouring out and a low menacing chuckle could be heard echoing. The priest watches in shock as a man swiftly flies up and lands infront of him. He stumbles backwards and trips. He's to stunned to even mutter a word. Staring at the man looming above him.

"Cat got yer tounge faaather?" A gruff voice draws out. The man from the grave grins down at the priest.

"Thanks for letting me out, started to get a bit boring in there ya'now."

The man chuckles and pulls the priest up from the ground by his hair. The priest gulps. Getting a proper look at the man he feels a chill down his spine. He's pale with big dark circles around his eyes. A 5 O'clock shadow. Moss and mold patches growing here and there. Static hair with a dusty green colour. An old worn suit with vertical black and white stripes. Taking a step back the priest manages to stutter a question.

"Wh..who are you, what.. are you..?"

The man snorts at him with a smirk.

"Never seen a dead guy? Hah! I'm a ghost. The ghost! The ghost with the most to be precise. And the name is the one you just called out"

He poked the priest in his forehead. The priest loses the colour in his face and takes hold of the rosary he has around his wrist. He's terrified and confused.

"Your name is B..beetlejuice..?"

Beetlejuice rolls his eyes and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Sky daddy won't help you here, but why don't you meet some friends of mine instead huh?"

Beetlejuice walks up to the priest and stands next to him. He grabs his neck and shoves him forward to the hole. The priest stumble forward gasping at the sudden shove. With a kick to the back the priest falls into the hole while Beetlejuice laughs in the background. Hearing a thump from the hole Beetlejuice grins and leans on one knee and yells into the hole.

"Greet the wroms from me wontcha father!?"

The priest can't even shout for help before he's covered in dirt, stones and grime. With his hands in his pockets and a big grin on his face Beetlejuice walks towards the church satisfied to finally be free again.

Inside the church you were preparing for the next days gathering. Tidying and setting everything up. Getting new candles for the altars and putting out sitting cushions for the people. Feeling satisfied with your work you walk up to the small staircase leading up to the main altar. You look up at the big golden cross with a carved sculpture of Jesus crucified on it. You softly kneel down on the lowest step.

"Oh, why do I feel like this. I'm a nun for christ sake."

You quickly put a hand to your mouth and look up at the cross in a small shock.

"Sorry Jesus" You whisper.

You weren't the most traditional nun, but liked to keep some of the religion and the respect because of the community in town. It was always so welcoming and warm for everyone, no matter who they were.

You even had some small tattoos and a couple piercings. Just small crosses on some fingers and thorned vines around your wrist and ankles.A couple piercings in your ears, one in your tounge and in both nipples. Even while wearing your nun attire you still wore fishnets and beautiful lingerie underneath. It made you feel so pretty.

But even for a nun who isn't so strick and doesn't believe in the traditional way, you couldn't help but feel dirty because of your thoughts. As you knelt there on the stairs you started to think again. Your thoughts running wild. You shook your head and wanted the dirty thoughts out. This wasn't the time and place for that. You couldn't keep thinking like that in church all the time.

When you heard a door open and shut you jumped a little. You didn't think that the priest would be back inside already. You stod up and turned around. You looked out towards all the benches. Looking for him. It was empty. Maybe he didn't come in? That was weird. You swore that you just heard him come in.

Just as Beetlejuice had walked in he saw a nun on the stairs in the middle of the church. He hid himself from her vision and observed her. Watching. Analysing. She's looking for the priest. He grins to himself. Watching her with a stern look. Perfect.

"Hm. Weird, maybe he forgot something?" You say to yourself. Then you get a weird feeling. Like you are being watched by someone. But.. you're alone.

You shrug and walk over to the confession both. You mark the side of the person that confesses as occupied. You sit down inside and wait for the priest to come back. You fiddle with the hem of your veil as you wait.

Hearing footsteps you breath out, gathering your thoughts a little. The door on the other side of the both opens and close. You hear the priest sit down. He clears his throat before he speaks.

"What bothers you on this fine evening sister?"

He sounded more coarse than usual. Maybe the cold breeze outside made his throat a bit sore? You sighed and looked down at your shoes.

"Oh, forgive me father for I have sinned. I keep having these awful dirty thoughts during gathering and while in church."

You wait for an answer. You really needed to get it of your chest and confine in someone you trust. You perk up when you hear him answer.

"What kind of dirty thoughts are bothering you?"

Beetlejuice smirks as he answers. Wanting to find out how he can take advantage of your confession. You sound like an angel. Look like an angel. He bets you feel and taste like heaven.

"I.. It's.. It's a bit embarrassing. I keep thinking about touching myself or to be touched by someone. I get this feeling. This need of wanting someone to want me. But it feels so wrong to have those thoughts and feelings in church. I don't know what to do anymore.."

You sink down a bit in your seat. Toes pointing towards each other. You squeeze your thighs together. Still having thoughts and can't stop them. Not sure what answer to expect. You feel so filthy sitting there. Having confessed how dirty your mind is inside. You jumped up when you heard him shuffle a bit and started to answer.

"Well, in that case.."

He paused.

Why did he stop?

It's silent.

You only hear your own breath.

Your heart rate quickens.

Then he speaks out with a slight chuckle to his voice. Sounding more coarse than before.

"Then why didn't you just say Sorry Daddy I've been a naughty girl?"

Your eyes are wide in shock. A slight blush to your cheeks. Did you hear that right? A priest couldn't possibly be saying something like that. Could he?

"Father, how can you say something like that?" You question.

You look at the wall separating the sides of the booth. Waiting you start to figet with the skirt of your attire. You feel anxious. Still, there is a weirdly good feeling about the sentence you questioned.


A quiet inhale.

The smell of smoke.

What? The priest doesn't smoke.

You are about to stand up, but stay put when the door opens.

You look up.

A strange looking man.

The cigarette between his lips makes a soft orange glow to his face. The smoke slithers up around his face. He eyes you up and down. Taking in every detail.You push yourself into the backwall trying to get further away. Wanting to hide away from his gaze.

He chuckles. He takes the cigarette with one hand and leans into the doorframe. Blowing a circle of smoke towards you. Beetlejuice has placed himself in a perfect position, traping you inside the booth. He's thinking. Considering what to do next. Putting the cigarette back between his lips he smirks. He breaths smoke out through his nostrils. Giving him a devilish and impressive look. You shake your head. You didn't want to think of him that way. As you steady your head again you feel a hand lift you chin up making you look at the man. He grins. You slap his hand away and move your head, but you can't even try to hide the way you blush. He has already noticed it.

"Want me as yer personal Jesus and give you the body of Christ?" He asks in a rough voice while grabbing his junk with his hand.

You try to look away. Feeling so embarrassed and not wanting your thoughts to take over. You clench the rosary hanging around your neck. Feeling a warmth growing. Your heart beating faster. Beetlejuice grabs your chin again and leans down. His face mere centimetres away from yours. You can smell and feel his smokey breath.

"Kneel. Like it's a prayer and I'll help you with those thoughts of yours."

He looks at you with a sly grin. As he leans up again he spits the cigarette out, but it disappeares in thin air as it lands. Gulping you kneel down infront of him. You don't have a choice. You look down at your thighs. Waiting.


He opened his flyer.

Your eyes widen. Did he really want you to..? But you have never done anything like that,  not even to yourself. You didn't know how.

".. I.. Don't know how.." You muttered without lifting your head.

"Heh, then you'll learn how. Lift your head and open up."

Slowly turning your head up you see his cock. You get anxious about even fitting it in your mouth at all. It's a bit longer than avarage and got some decent girth to it. You hesitate to open your mouth, but comply out of fear of something worse.

"Now you get to suck on it like it's your favourite lollipop." Beetlejuice grins at the sight beneath him.

Placing your lips around the head of his cock you lightly suck on it. Feeling his cock twitch you jump a little. You hear him chuckle. As you continue you slowly take in more of his length. You start to set a pace you're comfortable with. He pushes the vail of your head and puts a hand in your hair. He groans softly. Burying his fingers in your hair as he leans his head backwards.

You start to feel a tingle between your legs. It feels.. good? Sucking his dick you feel yourself get gradually wet. Did you enjoy this? You felt so conflicted. So good, but so bad at the same time. He started to push your head faster, forcing you to pick up the pace. Your jaw becoming tired. Your eyes starting to tear up. Feeling saliva build up and drip out of your mouth. It felt so weirdly good. Your close your eyes and melt into the motion of sucking him of. Suddenly he pulls himself out with a pop. You breathe heavily. Opening your eyes again you see him jerk his cock.

"Here's some holy water for ya.. " Beetlejuice groans out as he comes on your face.

You quickly close your eyes and feel the warm trickling of cum landing all over your face.

"What a pretty mess. " He says with admiration in his voice. His voice sounded softer.

He pulls you up by your arm. You can feel him use the skirt of your attire to dry off your face. As you open your eyes you got a short glimpse of him looking so gentle. He looked so..charming. You couldn't believe that such a man could actually look handsome.

"What? Never seen a dead guy facefuck and cum on a nuns face before?" He spits out with a grin.

Your expression change. Shocked at what he just said.


Is he a fucking ghost?

Did you just suck off a ghost?

Feeling cold you take a step back. Not sure how to process the information you just got. But before you get as much as a word out he rips your attire open.Feeling the air on your body you try desperately to cover up. Your attire is completely torn. It's hopeless. He snorts at your try.

Slowly he looks you up and down. He takes in all the new details that had revealed themselves. You wore beautiful black lingerie. Fishnet stockings. Your rosary dangling between your breasts. The subtle shape the nipplepiercings gives out in the brah. Your tattoos. He never thought a nun could do that.

But you were different.

He liked it.

You look away, not wanting the attention. Suddenly Beetlejuice pikcs you up and puts you over his shoulder.Surprised by the act you try to wiggle and get down. You want to run. He slaps your ass to warn you. You make a sharp inhale at the sudden pain. But it didn't hurt as bad as you thought it would. You give up and just hang there with your arms crossed.You didn't understand where he was going. When you start to look around you notice how different things looks.The light from outside is dark red.  There's a ton of candles everywhere that you haven't put out. Not to mention lit any of them. You feel like the church itself has become deranged and darker somehow. Only lit up by the flickering glow of candles. Weird.

As you're put down again you recognise where you ended up. The main altar in front of the big cross. He sat you down on the altar. Shit. He's looming over you with a hungry look. Licking his lips as he puts his hand on each of your thighs. He maintains eyes contact as he moves. You quickly squeeze your tights together. A bit scared.

"Aw come on now. Spread your legs and show me the gate to heaven baby." He gives you a softer and more seductive smirk than before.

He leans in closer to your face. Your eyes betrays you as they give a quick look at his lips. You blush again at the thought of his lips. Catching the glimpse you got of his lips he puts a hand softly behind your head. He connects your lips in a surprisingly passionate kiss. You can't help but melt into it and close your eyes. He pushes his tounge into your mouth. Exploring every part of it. He tastes like earth. It feels like nothing you've felt before. You breathe heavily as you part your lips, your eyes fluttering open. He gently tries to push your thighs apart. You allow him but feel embarrassed to spread your legs this way. He slides a hand up your thigh until he reaches your panties. He gently rubs his thumb against you. He can feel how wet you actually are through your panties. Starting to pull them off you stop him. Placing your hand on his.

"I'm.." You can't finish the sentence.

Beetlejuice looks at you. He knows.

"I know you're a virgin." A soft and understanding voice. You didn't expect him to actually be a bit comforting. Or to even care. You look into his eyes and give him a soft nod.

"I'll start gentle. I promise."

He grins slightly. You felt a tingling sensation and butterflies in your belly from his words. He cups you cheek and gives you a soft kiss.After gently pulling your panties of he slides his thumb through your slick folds. He smirks at the view and feeling. Watching your reactions. You hold back a moan. Your eyes closed so you wouldn't feel so embarrassed. You feel him lean in next you your ear. His low gravely whisper making your back arch slightly.

"I'm gonna show ya why I'm known as the ghost with the most"

Beetlejuice Fanfic

Tags :
2 years ago

Beetlejuice short

Christmas dirtytalk


The yearning to have someone with you during Christmas. Someone to be extra "cozy" with. To unwrap you like a present. You could even put a red bow on yourself to make you look even more like a present. Maybe they could dress up as Santa and ask if you had been a good girl this year. It made you laugh. But it had also made your cheeks a bit warm and red. You pranced over to your TV sitting down to put a movie in the dvd player. You joked with yourself.

"Oh Santa, I swear I've been a good girl this year. Don't I deserve a big candy cane?"

You giggled as as you popped open a dvd case. A piece of paper slipped out of it. Huh? What was that? Looked like an ad for a possible movie, or maybe some weird bug company? But one word was repeated specifically. Must be their catchfraze or something. You tried saying it out loud.

"Bet.. No. Beetle? Beetle goose? Huh weird word. Oh, maybe it's Beetlejuice?"

You felt chills down your spine. You put the paper back in the case before you went to the kitchen. Making a big cup of hot chocolate. As you stirred the cup you started humming. And kinda sang out the word again. Giggling to yourself as you thought of beetles being turned to juice. Yuck.


What a weird combination. Beetle and juice. Who came up with that? As you looked up you got scared. You swore you had seen a man in your kitchen window. It made your heart race. It was probably just your own reflection. You took a calming breath and focused on your hot chocolate again. Starting to hum a Christmas song you thought of the word Beetlejuice. Something made you want to say it again. Something intriguing about it.


All the lights went out and it instantly felt a bit colder. Did the power go out? But that didn't make any sense. You froze as you heard heavy footsteps coming closer. The smell of smoke creeping into you nose. You heard a rough voice slowly drawing out a sentence.

"Ho ho ho..Santa's back in town baby."

You could hear the smirk in his voice. Something about it was weirdly attractive. Thinking this wasn't real you tried to pinch yourself. Nothing. This was real. He snapped his fingers and a dim light turned on. You slowly turned around. Scared, yet curios. He just stood there. Hands in his pockets and cigarette in his mouth. Looming over you with his dark expression. A suggestive smirk. His eyes looking you up and down. You shakily asked him a question.

"Who a-are you?"

He raised a brow and huffed out a laugh. He pointed at you with the cigarette between his fingers.

"Ya just called daddy christmas and I'll be sure to give ya a big present."

He squeezed his groin and grinned. You felt your cheeks flushing red at his mannerisms. He sauntered closer and put a finger under your chin to look up at him. His voice melting your thoughts.

"A good girl like yerself wouldn't mind sitting on Santa's lap and tell what ya want for Christmas huh?"

You quivered at his question. A weird arousal formed. Did he know what you had half joked about earlier? You nervously gulped and soflty nodded. An honest answer. He snapped his fingers and his outfit had changed. He actually wore a santa suit now.

"I'll slip into yer chimney and deliver some presents dollface."

You whimperd as you understood what he meant. It was the first time you'd heard christmas dirtytalk in person. You didn't know how to respond. He chuckled and continued his smooth talking.

"I'll make yer christmas merry and bright sugar. Let me unwrap ya and I promise this won't be a silent night."

Beetlejuice Short

Tags :
2 years ago

A quick turn of events, Part 5

TW: Cursing, sex

Part 4 <-

Good morning

"Val! You god damn fucking pervert!"

Y/n woke up with a shock. It had only been a few days. Or had a week already gone by? Anyway she wasn't used to hearing them yell at Valentino yet. She heard a maniacal laugh trough the hallway. He has obviously been up to something salicious. He probably annoyed the shit out of one of them with his perverted humour. Y/n giggled imagining what Valentino possibly could have been up to. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She grabbed some fresh clothes from her wardrobe and went to the bathroom.

The main door of Y/ns room quickly opened and closed. It was Valentino. He's trying to hide from Antonio. He didn't realise what room he had jumped into until he actually looked around. He grinned when figuring out it was Y/ns. Listening he understood she was in the bathroom. Perfect opportunity. He went through her stuff hoping to find something dirty. Anything really. If she had any toys. Lingerie. A diary. Getting to know her private side. He obviously grabbed a pair of her panties. Perfect for later use when he's jerking it. Hey, he's a pervert and not ashamed of it. Disappointed in not finding anything else he just waited around in her bedroom. He sat down in a chair conveniently placed in the corner of the room. Just out of sight, so she wouldn't immediately notice him when walking out of the bathroom. When she came walking out in just a t-shirt and panties his eyes widened and he couldn't help himself. His eyes went back to a relaxed state as he gave a whistle and spoke out.

"Well good mornin sweet 'cheeks'."

He emphasised the word cheeks. A smirk on his face, checking her out from top to bottom. Y/n jumped and spun around. She was shocked by him just being there. When did he get there? And what was he doing in here? She was so surprised and didn't know what to say. Valentino chuckled. She was cute.

"I know I look good, but I if I'd known you'd be speechless I'd be here sooner. Damn sugar."

He smiled and leaned back in the chair. Y/ns cheeks developed a soft pink blush. She really wasn't prepared for this. What the fuck was she supposed to say? She took a breath and tried to brush it off. But Valentinos expression made it hard. He was looking so flirtatious. Like he didn't see anything weird about just being in her room without permission. Well on second thought it wasn't that weird. He was the most pervy guy in this house. And it was inevitable that he would show up one way or another. She built up a short lasting confidence.

"Uh w-what are you doing here?"

He looked her up and down. Then he smiled at her with a smug face.

"Lookin at you obviously."

He looked so satisfied with his statement. Y/n rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"No, why are you here? Why are you in my room?"

Valentino gave her a fake surprised expression. Like he didn't understand what her first question obviously had meant. He gave her an over dramatic answer. His smug smile only growing.

"Oh, oh that's what you meant. Course, how dumb of me. Hidin from Antonio. He's callin me a pervert for no reason again."

Y/n knew there was a good reason for Antonio to call him a pervert. She nodded at his answer. She sighed.

"Mhm mhm, okay."

She closed her eyes and rubbed her face to collect her thoughts for a second. When she opened her eyes again Valentino was standing. She was a bit shook, but didn't have a big reaction. She looked at him, not sure what he was doing. Then she noticed a certain familiar shape. The bulge in his pants. She quickly looked away. She cleared her throat and was about to turn towards her closet. Valentino had noticed everything and grinned. He even had permission from Lorenzo now. In a seductive low tone he spoke up. Breaking the awkward silence.

"Come to daddy, I'll show you a good mornin."

Y/n froze in her step. Her cheeks flushing red. She didn't know what to do at first. His words softened her up. She wasn't sure she heard correctly. Did he mean what she thought he meant? With a unsure face she stumbled out a question.

"Do uh, does Lorenzo know what I think you're saying right now?"

Valentino nodded confidently. He tapped his temple. Indicating his connection as Lorenzo's clone. He snickered. One hand in the pocket of his jacket, the other groping his junk. Y/n felt her heart beating.

"Let's get some 'exercise'. "

A weird and strong arousal took over her. His lewd mannerism got the best of her. He walked closer to her and put a finger under her chin. Tilting her head up to look at him. Y/n gulped. She felt so nervous. The intense sexual tension that had formed in just a few seconds. Heat building up. The tingling sensation of getting wet. She nodded and looked into his eyes. He smirked and pushed a kiss onto her lips. A needy, desperate kiss. Filled with eager lust. Y/n quickly melted into it and felt herself being turned on. Valentino picked her up. Her legs around his waist. The bulge of his member against her crotch. His arms under her ass supporting her weight. Using this to his advantage and softly lifting her up and down. Rubbing himself against her. Y/n soflty moaned at the friction. After a short minute Valentino used one hand to unbuckle and zip open his pants. His cock springing free. Then he pushed Y/ns panties to the side. He let his cock rest against her pussy before he lined up with her entrance. He broke of their deep kiss and pushed himself in. Y/n moaned loudly out. Her head falling back at the sensation. Valentino watched her with a triumphant expression as he groaned out.

"Mh so fuckin tight."

He had been so impatiently yearning for this. And now he finally got to fuck her. He roughly began pumping into her at an animalistic pace. Y/n gritted her teeth and shut her eyes. She whimpered and made incoherent noises. It felt so intense. The angle he was fucking her in somehow aligned with her g-spot. His cock pumped in and out, hitting her spot over and over. Valentino got slower but harder in his thrusts. It made Y/n groan a bit. It felt so good. She could feel herself tensing up. She could hear Valentino cursing as he got closer to climax.

"Oh fuck, so fuckin good.."

Y/n couldn't help herself. She couldn't hold it anymore. She gripped his shoulders as she came. Moaning louder than she had expected to. Valentino caved in after her with one last thrust. Burying himself in her. Grunting at the feeling of ejaculating. Their climaxes pulsated in unison. He grinned as he pulled out and heard Y/n gasp. He liked. No. Loved how much she actually seemed to enjoy it. He carefully put her down. Still having a grip on her to make sure she could stand before he let go. He gave her a pat on the ass and a kiss on the cheek. A sweet gesture by his own standard. He tucked away his cock and fixed his outfit. He gave her a small wave as he opened the door.

"I would've loved to stay longer sweet thing, but I think Antonio might've heard my whereabouts."

Y/n heard his low chuckle as the door closed and he was off. She sat on her bed and laid down on her back. What a way her day had started. A smile growing shyly. It had been quite fun if she was honest. Feeling his cum leaking out and soaking her panties she got up. She better get cleaned up. Y/n had put on a t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. She felt pretty for just staying in. She made her way to the main living room downstairs. Wondering what she would be doing today. Entering the room she saw Lorenzo sitting by himself reading the newspaper. He was dressed in his dark green pinstripe suit. And of course smoking a cigar. He looked up at Y/n.

"Good morning Y/n, heard your day started off good."

Y/ns cheeks flushed pink. His statement making her feel a bit embarrassed. But it really had been good. She looked away to embarrassed to meet his gaze. She rubbed her neck not sure what to say.

"Heh yeah I guess so."

She smiled sheepishly. Feeling a bit awkward. Lorenzo tossed the newspaper away and stod up. He walked over and looked down at her. His face was cold and monotone. With a sudden change he gave her a smile. A real genuine smile, even though he still looked cold in his appearance. Y/n softly cocked her head to the side. Unsure of what's about to happen. His hand on her chin resting his thumb on her lower lip. A hint of joy in his dark raspy voice.

"And it will keep getting better dollface."

Tags :
2 years ago

A quick turn of events, Part 4

Tw: Cursing, sex, kinks?

Part 3 <- -> Part 5


Y/n had spent the whole day with her new..uh. Roommates? Friends? Whatever. She didn't care about what they were and weren't. They're her boys now. She learned that they're basically her lifeguards and companions when Lorenzo wasn't around. They would do anything to keep her safe and comfortable. She discovered how truly happy they were that she wanted to stay. No one else had wanted to stay for decades. It had become empty and silent. Of course they had Lorenzo and each other, but it wasn't the same. But now that Y/n was there things would change. There would be something to fill their days with purpose. When the time came she said goodnight to them. They smiled and waved goodnight back to her. She thought back on some of the things she found out about them on her way upstairs. It was fun how different they could be.

Valentino was obviously the prankster. He found ways to annoy Antonio and Dominic in everything. But he was also quite flirtatious. He may have been a bit to straight forward because Antonio had to tell him of a few times trough the day. Y/n mostly giggled by that. And Dominic. He seemed like a sweet guy. His problem with speech was present, but it didn't stop him from wanting to talk to Y/n. His interest in food was not a surprise to Y/n after she had seen him in the kitchen. Antonio on the other hand. He was such a quiet and responsible man. She understood that he was the one in charge when Lorenzo was gone. He was a great person to discuss plenty of topics with. She liked how they had their own personalities. She looked forward to hang more with them. They were fun and interesting.

When Y/n entered her bedroom she saw Lorenzo standing by a window. He was looking out into the dark night. She gently walked up and stood next to him. Looking out she tried to see if she could find what he was looking at. Lorenzo looked down at her. It was cute that she tried to find what he was looking at. She wouldn't have a chance with her human sight. He put his arm on her shoulder and pulled her closer as he gazed into the night again. Y/n blushed as the sudden touch. She looked up a Lorenzo. He showed no emotion except from the tone in his voice. A low rough voice asking.

"See something you like dollface?"

Meanwhile down in the living room the boys are arguing. It's not really a fight, but it's a heated conversation to say the least.

"You know better Val! Boss told us to be patient and wait. Don't you act like a fucking idiot."

Antonio hissed at Valentino.

"Oh I'm so sorry for trying to have some fun! It's been fucking decades since the last girl wanted to stay. And she was a boring bitch!"

Valentino snapped back at Antonio. He just wanted to test the waters and have fun. It was exciting with a new person in the house. Valentino had his arm out to his sides to exaggerate his words. Dominic had enough of their quarrelling.

"Both shut it!"

Dominic looked at them both. He rubbed his face. He was tired of listening to them fight over things that had already happened. They would have to wait or else they would have to deal with Lorenzo. Nothing happened until Lorenzo gave them a clear go. Dominic fought hard to put his last thought into a simple sentence.

"Be patient Valentino."

Antonio and Valentino looked at him. They had to admit he was right. Antonio chuckled and sighed. Valentino had to agree that he was acting kinda stupid and out of place. He patted Dominic on his shoulder.

"You're right Nic, as always."

Lorenzo put his hand on Y/ns chin. His thumb gently brushed over her lips. They are so soft and warm. He is yearning to feel her lips. Y/n looks up at him with a soft blush across her cheeks. Lorenzo smirks as he slides his hand behind her neck. His face mere inches from hers. Their lips meet in a soft kiss. Her warmth against his chill. The feeling of a storm building from their tension. An almost overwhelming sense of need. Y/n melts into the kiss. It had the same passion as she had experienced in the club. It started to feel so right. Like putting the last puzzle piece in place. Or finally draw what you imagined. Y/n laid her arms around his neck. Lorenzo picks her up and puts her legs around his waist. He starts walking towards the bed. His hands firmly on her ass. They break the kiss of as Y/n is layed down on the bed. He leans down over her with his hands on each side of her head. He watches as she catches her breath. Her eyes are hazy. Lorenzo grinned. Oh how he relished the feeling of making her feel good. He leaned down next to her ear. His breath on her neck. His sandpaper whisper creating a warm feeling in her lower abdomen.

"You're my little pet.."

A small whine escaped from Y/ns lips. The kind of whine that says yes. Lorenzo nips at her earlobe. He knows exactly how to get his answers.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

She could feel his grin on her neck. He started to kiss down her neck. Making her squirm and hold back a small moan. Her brain went a million miles. She didn't know how to answer. Lorenzo muttered with a teasing voice.

"Oh, use your words baby."

He licked on sensetive spots on her neck. Gently biting. Her back started to arch as he went on. Her breath hitched. She held onto the bedsheets beneath her. She found it hard to speak. Like it was stuck in her throat. She eventually managed to moan out soft words.

"Mh..yes..I want to.. be your pet..p-please."

She had never admitted anything of this her bedroom interest before. Not to anyone but herself. But then again no one had made her feel like this before either. She wanted this and it felt so good. She wanted to be his pet. To serve him and be taken care of. Lorenzo looked into her eyes. He could feel how much she wanted it. He soflty patted her cheek and gave her a sly look. His voice deep and rough.

"Good girl."

Y/ns cheeks blushed deep red. His words felt like he opened the flood gates. Heat has curled down inside her. She could feel herself getting wet. As a reflex she closed her thighs together. Lorenzo noticed her reactions and grinned. He slowly slid a hand down her body and into her sweatpants. His fingers gracing over her underwear. He felt how soaked they had become already and gave her a knowing look.

"Looks like desserts ready."

He sat himself down on the floor. Pulling her legs open and settling between them. Slowly he pulled her sweatpants and panties of and toshed them to the side. Y/n held her breath for a moment. She felt the gentle air against her wet pussy. It felt so much colder than it really was. Lorenzo took a deep breath, lavishing in the smell. How he had missed something like this. He pulled her legs over his shoulders. He started slow by licking up trough her slick folds. Getting the first taste of his pretty pet. He picked up a pace when he ate her out. It was like he had been starved. He licked and sucked all the right places. Y/n arched her back and whimpered at how good it felt. Her heart beat like a drum in her chest. Her cheek were hot. She gripped the mattress. He was licking her with suck expertise. The way he emediatly found her clit. How he licked and sucked on it. She felt the pressure of her climax building up inside. The knot tying up. He focused on her clit and carefully inserted two fingers inside her. He curled his fingers to find her spot. He continued the motion while he fixated his mouth on her clit. The combination bringing her right to the edge. He kept it up till he felt her body tense up. Her breath got heavy. He felt her pussy pulsating inside. Clamping his fingers. Her moan crying out as release got to her. He slowed down his motions trough it. Coming to a stop when he felt her body relax again.Lorenzo stod up and gave her a few seconds to come back from the haze. He grinned and looked down at her. He chuckled to himself.

"Let's see what your pretty mouth can do, hm?"

Y/n looked at him. Her eyes growing big as she understood what he meant. She felt eager to see his member now. She sat up and looked up at him. Waiting for his word. He soflty slid of his robe revealing that he was commando underneath. If it wasn't for her already red cheeks she would have blushed all over again. His cock was already hard and ready. She could see precum had already began leaking from the tip. It was soflty twitching. Lorenzo smirked at Y/n.

"Well, it ain't going to suck itself is it?"

Y/n was slightly shocked by his statement at first. But she quickly got to work as she understood how impatient he probably was. She started by placing her hand around his shaft. She licked the tip of his cock and got a taste of his precum. It was a surprisingly good taste. It was sweet yet salty, nothing like regular cum she had tasted before. Lorenzo let out a delighted sound has she licked up the length of his cock. She started sucking at the tip. Slowly taking more. She had a slow and steady pace at first. Getting used to his size and figuring out how to suck him in the best way she could. As she picked up her pace Lorenzo put his hands on her head. He hissed and muttered soft curses under his breath. Moaning at the feeling of her mouth. Her warm tounge. Her soft lips.


His hips soflty started bucking. Y/n could feel his small motions and worked with it. She put her hands around his hips to get a better hold. He started picking up some pace and dug his fingers into her scalp. Y/n could feel him going deeper into her throat. She felt tears starting to build in her eyes. The feeling of him pushing into her mouth. It felt so good to have him fuck her mouth. Her eyes rolled back as tears started rolling down her cheeks. She moaned around his cock. Heat building up again between her legs. She let him fuck her face. Let him use her. It felt so good to be needed in such a primal way. Lorenzo looked down at her. His breath heavy and eyes hazy. How beautiful she looked with his cock in her mouth. He pulled out of her mouth with a pop. Leaving her panting heavily with an open mouth. She looked at him with heavy eyes. He pulled her up and turned her around. He held her close with a hand on her neck. Whispering into her ear.

"Let's discuss some rules shall we?"

Y/n nodded. Still hazy and like she was floating on a cloud. Yet eager to know what kind of rules they would have. With a low, stern and passionately aggressive voice he started.

"Number one. Don't be rude or act like a spoiled fucking brat."

Lorenzo pushed her forward onto the bed so she was standing in doggy style. Her head sideways so she could look back at Lorenzo. He put a hand on her ass soflty rubbing over it. Rubbing lower he let his thumb slide through her folds. Feeling the slick and warmth. He took his cock and soflty rubbed the tip over her entrance.

"Number two. You will refer to me as either sir or daddy when told so."

He pushed his cock hard into her pussy. Y/n let out a whiny moan. He was balls deep in her. Giving her a moment to adjust he leaned closer over her back.

"Number three. I will respect your boundaries, you just let me know."

He started pulling back. Almost all the way out before he slowly pushed back in. He set a agonisingly slow pace. Y/n started whimpering. Wanting more. Needing him to speed up. Lorenzo grinned. A devilish look on his face. As he gave another hard thrust into her and stopped. He spoke up again.

"Number four. You'll have to use you words if you want something dollface."

Y/n shut her eyes and whined as he pushed slowly in again. Filling her to the brim. He stopped when fully seathed inside her he waited for her.

"mh faster..please..."

He slid his hand to her shoulder and held firmly onto it. His other hand on her hips. Having a good grip on her.

"Please what?"

Her mind rushed to find the answer. She felt a mix of embarrassment and arousal. Rule number two! She hurried to answer him.

"Y-yes sir."

He smirked satisfied and gave her a pat on the ass.

"Atta girl."

He held onto her hip again as he started thrusting. When he found her g-spot he kept a good pace. As he sped up chasing climax he moved his hand to her throat. Gently pulling her back into an almost standing doggy. He was careful to not choke her. He just held a firm grip to hold her up. His pace amping up. Getting rougher. Harder. His fingers digging into her hips. His nails leaving marks. Her moans got louder. She whined desperately for release. Her head leaned back. Eyes rolling. Focused on the feeling of him pumping in and out. His thrusting force and aggressive pace. She could feel her core tighten. The knot tying once again. She stiffened in her position. Going with his motions. Lorenzo held her closer. Putting his chin on her shoulder. His heavy breath in her ear. Grunting with every thrust as he got closer. She felt herself tighten around his cock as she tumbled over the edge. Her knot unfurled. The sweet pulsating sensation shooting through her. Lorenzo groaned against her neck.

"You feel so fucking good.."

He came to a finish with his last hard thrusts into her. Burying himself deep inside her as he came. His cock pulsing and twitching. Cum pumping into her. He held her close kissing her neck. He whispered into her ear.

"Number five. There's always time for some aftercare."

He pulled out of her. A soft moan escaped from her lips at the feeling of him sliding out. The sudden emptiness she felt. Y/n slumped down onto the bed. She felt so tired and content. Lorenzo sat down on the bed next to her. He stroked her back. A soft expression formed on his face as he watched Y/n. Lorenzo spent a good hour with her before she fell asleep. He had taken care of her after their first proper session together. Made sure she felt good. He looked over at her one last time before he left.

Tags :
2 years ago

A quick turn of events, Part 3

FemReader X Beetlejuice Mafia AU

Tw: Alcohol, Sexual acts and mentions

Part 2 <-

A new home

Lorenzo stands next to a king-sized bed. Watching Y/n as she sleeps peacefully. He doesn't want to wake her up. Not when she looks so comfortable. It's still early and she could use some rest. He admires how pretty she looks when she's asleep. He let's out a relaxed sigh before he leaves. Walking out of the room he softly closes the door. He puts his hands in the pockets of his dark green lounging robe made of silk. With a swift motion of his arm a cigar appeared in his hand. Already lit and ready. He made his way through the hallway and downstairs to the kitchen. There he spent the morning relaxing. He read the newspaper and drank his coffee. He didn't have to rush to get things done this day. It was pleasant to have a peaceful morning like this. He never admitted how much he actually enjoyed simple things.

Y/n feel so snug and cozy. She felt so comfortable sleeping in during weekends. And she had just had this magnificent dream. It was unlike anything she could imagine. And it was so sensual too. That's when she started to notice something felt different. This didn't feel like her duvet, or her bed at all. Her eyes shot open and looked around. This was not her bedroom. She sat up, examining the room. It was big and luxurious. Like an old victorian manor, draped in gorgeous dark details. She still had her outfit from last night on. None of it has been a dream. It was real. She couldn't believe that it was real. She pinched her arm just to make sure. When she slipped out of the bed to look around the room she saw her boots where neatly placed next to the door. There where also a couple boxes with her name written on them. Opening them and looking inside she saw all of her stuff. All the things she owned and had in her apartment. They had taken care of it all for her. She was shocked that it had happened so quick. She was speechless. Wandering further she discovered a bathroom. It was gorgeous. Big mirrors with intricate golden frames. Beautiful counters. A big vintage tub with beautiful legs. She felt like a princess in a Disney movie. Looking trough another door in the bedroom she found a walk-in closet. It had lots of different clothes, including the ones that she already owned. Had all this happened in one night? This guy worked fast. It was unbelievable. After having looked around a while she wanted to change clothes.

She was quick to change into a pair of her favourite sweatpants and a hoodie. It felt more comfortable than walking around in the dress. After she had changed clothes she ventured out of the room. The hallway was dimly lit and silent. The walls was coverd in all kinds of dark paintings and art. A gothic victoran look just like the bedroom had. She loved the way it looked. The beauty in darkness was so overlooked in today's society and this felt like a fresh breath. Walking along she admired it all. She walked down a dark wooden stair and found her way to the kitchen. She peaked her head carefully in to get a look. She silently walked in and noticed Lorenzo. He was sitting in a chair in the kitchen nook just as he had written in the note. He was reading a local newspaper it seemed like. He had one leg resting over the other. His robe revealed his chest a bit. His hair was chaotic, like he had been electrocuted. His skin looked paler and like he had darker rings around his eyes. She didn't remember seeing that in the club. Maybe it was the difference in lighting that did it. She didn't mind it, he still looked great. But it made her blush slightly seeing him like this instead of in a suit. He didn't even need look up to know she was there. He felt her presence in the room. Nobody could see it on him, but it made him happy. His voice broke the silence in the room.

"Morning doll, slept well I hope. Would you like some breakfast?"

He folded together the newspaper and tossed it onto the table next to him. Looking at Y/n he smirked slightly at her being awake and well rested. She looked so cute in the cozy clothes she had put on. His mind wanted him to get under those clothes and get a better look at what was hiding underneath. Getting to know how she really felt. How she tasted. To learn about her desires. But that would have to wait for now. He had to make sure she felt at home first. Let her know she was safe. Y/n looked around the kitchen a bit as she took a few more steps into the room. She hoped up and sat on the kitchen counter. Dangling her feet a little. She looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, that would be nice. I do feel a bit hungry."

She felt a bit shy still, but gave him a smile nonetheless. Her stomach rumbled exposing how hungry she really was. Lorenzo smirked and rested his head on his hand. The rumbling of her stomach made her blush so much. It was adorable to see how embarrassed she got by such a small thing. She looked away to not feel so exposed. Lorenzo yelled out a name and waited.


Through the kitchen door another man walked in. He looked like Lorenzo too, just like Antonio did. But Dominic was about the same hight as Lorenzo and looked a bit chubbier and bulky. He also had his own colour, red. His left eyebrow had a big scar going through it. It didn't look like he was much of an accessory guy, but he had one goldring on his right hand. He had a soft and content expression on his face. He looked at Y/n and smiled before he turned to Lorenzo.


"Dominic, would you be so kind and make Y/n something good to eat. She's very hungry."

Lorenzo emphasised the word very. He grinned, then he looked over at Y/n. She was looking down and fidgeting with her fingers. She felt a bit embarrassed. Dominic nodded and turned around. He walked up to Y/n with a kind and curious expression. She looked at him feeling a bit nervous. He didn't have proper language skills, but managed to get his point across.

"What..uh food you want?"

He seemed confident with his question. Lorenzo picked his newspaper up again and continued reading. He didn't seem bothered at all. He actually looked quite happy to Y/n. Despite how emotionless others would have thought he was. Not that he looked like one to admit his own happiness to others either. She smiled to Dominic. His struggle with words didn't bother her. She smiled at him. He gave her a comfortable feeling of kindness. That's what matters. She thought for a second putting one hand on her chin. What did she want? It was a good question. She eventually made up her mind and told Dominic. He simply smiled and nodded. He was quick to start and worked so efficiently. His skill and passion really showed as he made the food. It looked so effortless. Y/n was amazed at his work. It was exciting to watch him. She waited patently and took a seat at the kitchen table. Lorenzo occasionally peeked at Y/n without her noticing. When Dominic was done he elegantly served Y/n her food. He sat down the plate and a glas of juice. It looked so delicious. She looked up at him with a big smile before she dug in.

"Thank you Dominic, it looks amazing."

He smiled and gave a shy nod. She could swear she saw him slightly blush as he turned to go clean up. It honestly made him feel so happy to have someone new be so kind. Dominic thought she was adorable. Y/n quickly started eating and it tasted like heaven. She hadn't tasted anything like it before. It was like it melted on her tounge. The flavour was perfect. Dominic had an incredible talent. When she finished she felt so perfectly full. Not to much and not to little. Just perfect. She wanted to thank him properly, but he had already left. Lorenzo noticed that she was looking for Dominic.

"Don't worry, he knows already."

Y/n looked at him with a slightly confused expression. That was nice to know at least. She didn't want to seem ungrateful. It was honestly the best breakfast she had ever had in her life. Lorenzo put down his newspaper and stod up. He offered his arm to her. Y/n took it and stod up with him. She followed his lead and held onto his arm as they walked out of the kitchen. She felt so safe holding onto him. She didn't expect to feel this way so quick. He lead her to the living room. A beautiful and quiet room. It had a big fireplace with a portrait of Lorenzo above it in the centre. A beautiful oil painting. He looked so handsome, just like he is. In the room there was a gorgeous couch and two chairs made of dark red leather. They where placed around a dark wooden table in front of the fireplace. Lorenzo let go of Y/n and walked up to a bartable in the corner. He poured himself a glas of whiskey. He turned around to watch her as she looked around the room. He had a kind yet serious look on him.

"I'll let you have time to explore the house and feel more at home today. I have some work to take care of. I'm not leaving the house incase you should need me. You have access to everything in this house of course, except for my office. Understood?"

Y/n nodded. She understood.

"Then I'll let you get to it dollface. Enjoy your evening."

He walked up to her and put a hand to her cheek. He placed a soft kiss to her forehead before he left her alone. It was such a sweet act of him. Made her feel safer being in this big house. She spent a couple minutes in the living room before she wanted to find more stuff to explore. Leaving she found a dining room, a big library, a bathroom, and a door that she obviously figured was to Lorenzo's office. As she walked towards the stairs she passed by the kitchen. The house was silent and empty. Walking up the stairs she felt curious. She hoped to find something interesting. Maybe she'd meet Dominic or Antonio during her exploration. She walked down the hallway and past the door where the bedroom was. She found four other bedrooms. Each with their own colour scheme. She figured two of them belongs to Antonio and Dominic at least. One was definitely Lorenzo's. But the fourth purple one was unknown to her. Who's room could it be? She wondered if there was someone else she hadn't met yet.

Moving on she found another smaller living room. The fireplace in there wasn't lit. The lighting was soft. That's when she noticed someone sitting in a chair. They where sat faced away from the entrance of the room. She could only see the slight movement to their body. As she got closer she could hear their breathing was heavy. It was a man dressed in elegant purple clothes. It was probably his room she saw earlier. She got closer and wanted to ask him. Then she recognised his movements. What he was doing. She gasped. Her faced turned red and she froze in her track. He was jerking off. She figured that he probably didn't expect anyone to come into this room. As she was about to turn around his head fell back and his heavy eyes locked with hers. He grinned at her. She felt so embarrassed to have walked in on him. He didn't look like it bothered him at all. In fact he seemed to enjoy that she caught him in the act. He didn't stop. His motion only keeping a steady pace. She couldn't tear her eyes away. He kept jerking as he softly spoke.

"Ya like the show sugar?"

He chuckled as she quickly walked backwards and out of the room. Y/n felt her heart race and had to lean back onto a wall in the hallway. What just happened? It was surprisingly exciting when she got time to process what she just saw. It was actually quite interesting. She couldn't stop replaying it in her mind. He also looked awfully at lot like Lorenzo. Which only made it feel more intense somehow. He was just leaner and had green eyes unlike any of the others. She shook her head and continued her exploring. The scenario was still in the back of her mind, but it was quickly exchanged when she discovered the winter garden. Since she was on the second floor she had to go down a twisted metal staircase. It was a beautiful garden full of different flowers, trees and bushes. She walked around and looked at everything. There was butterflies, bees and even a fishpond. It was so serene there. She was so busy looking that she didn't even notice herself bumping into Antonio.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to walk into you like that."

She got stressed and didn't want to upset Antonio. He just chuckled at her thinking she was cute. She looked awkwardly up at him. His smile was comforting. She started to calm down when he didn't show any sign of anger or irritation.

"Y/n. You're looking around the house I see. How is it?"

She looked at him and smiled. She got excited at his question.

"It's been amazing. Everything looks so incredible. And Dominic is so skilled in the kitchen. But I uh.. Do want to ask who the guy in purple is? I sorta.."caught" him in the living room upstairs."

Antonio cocked his head at how she fraced her sentence. He understood that she had met Valentino, but it was the way she apparently had seen him that made him look serious. He cleared his throat before he answered her. His voice more monotone than before.

"That's Valentino. And he shouldn't have been doing what you're referring to when he knew you'd be walking around today. Excuse me Y/n."

He kindly bowed and quickly made his way past Y/n and up the stairs to the living room. She saw how seriously he took this. It felt nice that he cared like that, but she secretly found it fun that she saw Valentino like that. Valentino, what a fitting name to such a guy. She replayed the scenario in her mind. How he touched himself and leaned back looking at her with those eyes. As if he knew she was there before she even got close to him. She giggled to herself as she made her way back to the main living room through a door next to the twisted staircase. Lorenzo's voice made her jump as she entered the room.

"Having fun dear?"

Lorenzo is sitting in one of the chairs with his legs stretched out and resting on the table. His question was so unexpected when Y/n entered the room. Her little jump made him chuckle to himself. She wasn't scared, she just didn't expect him to be there. She soflty laughed it of and smiled.

"Yes, this place it perfect. I really love it here."

She sat down in the chair opposite from Lorenzo. She sat with her legs tucked to the side underneath her. It was a surprisingly comfortable chair. That was unexpected from such an old chair. She could probably stay in it for hours. Lorenzo pulled a cigarette from thin air. It was lit already. Y/n looked at him with confusion and curiosity. How in the hell did he do that? There's absolutely no one else in the room with them. Is it just a simple party trick maybe? She tried to find a rational solution to it. He just let out a calm sigh and smiled. He soflty shook his head at how confused she looked. She was cute. It was funny to watch as he could almost see how her brain turned.

"Heh, I have an explanation for every little thing you've noticed. It's not some cheap party tricks if that's what you're thinking. You'll understand it in a minute baby."

He followed up his statement by snapping his fingers three times. Shortly after Antonio, Dominic and Valentino came walking in. They really heard those snaps? Wow, they must have incredible hearing. They sat down on the couch next to Y/n and Lorenzo. They all nodded their hellos to Y/n before they looked at Lorenzo. Y/n was still confused about what was going on.

"Well, let's cut to the case shall we?"

Lorenzo flicked the cigarette out into the room and it disappeared midair. He clapped his hands together and looked at Y/n and the boys with an enthusiastic attitude. Y/n didn't know what to expect but listened on as Lorenzo began to explain.

"As you may already know I'm the Don of the mafia in town. But it's only me and the boys if I'm disgustingly honest. I used to work close with humans a long time ago, but they have proven to not be trustworthy. So I only keep them as business partners."

Lorenzo looked at the fireplace. Y/n noticed how infuriated he seemed to be at the people who had betrayed him. She was on edge but not scared. There was no reason to be frightened. Not yet at least. He turned back with an expression as if it was water under the bridge and long gone.

"Anyhow, I am a demon. Which probably explains some basic things for you. As for Antonio, Dominic and Valentino, they are my clones. I'm not quite sure why or how, but they developed their own personalities."

Looking at Valentino he grinned. He pointed a stern finger at Valentino.

"And I believe you, Val, have something to apologise for. As much fun as it might have been to have her catch you in the act."

Valentino was sitting furthest away form Y/n. He had a smug smile plastered to his face. Unlike Valentino, Dominic began to blush when he understood what Lorenzo said. Valentino would have rolled his eyes if he could, but with Lorenzo there he didn't dare. Valentino looked over at Y/n.

"I'm truly sorry Y/n, it won't happen again, I promise. Unless you want it to happen of course. Anything for you sugar."

Valentino winked. Y/n was taken back and blushed. His last comment didn't seem to be a problem to any of the others. They surprisingly seemed to find it either fun or interesting. She honestly thought Lorenzo would be mad or something at Valentino. Lorenzo clears his throat before he starts talking again.

"You see dollface, as my clones they have a direct connection to me. It's weaker than it used to be. I can still sense alot through them, but only when they allow me to."

He took a small brake to let everything sink in. To let Y/n catch up with the information. Let her pretty little head think. He ended with one last question for her.

"Does it still sound nice here with us after what you've heard?"

Lorenzo smriked at Y/n. His gold tooth shimmering by the reflection of the flames in the fireplace. His eyes where dark and seductive. The boys all looked at her. Watching her reactions to everything. They really hoped she wouldn't freak out or panic. Lorenzo knew they wanted her to stay. He felt their desperation. Heard their thoughts rambling over each other. Y/n took a few seconds to think about what she just heard. What it meant. It was more comforting than scary honestly. Well, she would have to get used to the demon and clone thing. But other than that it didn't sound to bad. She looked at them. Antonio had a calm look to him. She couldn't see any type of worry, just calm anticipation. Dominic seemed to be the worried one. He still had a pink tint to his cheeks after hearing how Y/n had met Valentino earlier. Valentino looked pretty relaxed, but he had this sense of curiosity over him. Lorenzo looked pretty content and secure in how Y/n would react. He looked at her with a calm and patient expression. He had a subtle and soft smile that wasn't easily noticeable. Y/n then looked down at the table in the middle. She felt confident in her answer and looked up again.

"Of course I want to stay. I just have to get properly settled and learn more about you guys."

She sounded happy when she talked. Her smile calmed the boys down. She could actually see how they felt more relaxed by her answer. Lorenzo's smile grew. He actually felt relieved that she wanted to stay. There was a small part of him that honestly had felt scared for a second. As the boys gently started to ask Y/n about her day Lorenzo rose from his seat. He listened to their little chatter about her day as he helped himself to a new glas of whiskey. Coming back to the others he spoke up. It fell silent as he started talking.

"I have some work to get back to, but you four enjoy the rest of the day together. Get to know each other better. I'll see you later tonight dollface."

Lorenzo leaned down and kissed her forehead. He ruffled the hair on top of her head with his hand before he walked of. She giggled at his small actions. It really was sweet how he made her feel loved with such simple things. She watched as Lorenzo left the room before she picked up the conversation with the boys. They could hear Lorenzo yell from down the hall before he entered his office.

"You better treat her well boys!"

Tags :
2 years ago

This looks so dope🖤

That One Bastard, You Know. The One

That one bastard, you know…. the one

Tags :
2 years ago

A quick turn of events, Part 2.

FemReader X Beetlejuice Mafia AU

Possible TW: smoking, alcohol, sexual interactions

Part 1 <-

-> Part 3

A proposition

The Don picked up his glass from the table. Taking a sip. He is calm and relaxed. His movements are elegant. Y/n shifts in her seat. A bit taken back at his offer. A proposition? What kind of proportion would he ever want to give her? She looked down at her hands that awkwardly laid in her lap. Picking up the courage to ask.

"What kind of proposition?"

She looked over at him. Feeling a bit uneasy for asking. He didn't make her feel uncomfortable. Quite the contrary, she actually felt an odd sense of security. He smiled and put his glas down. He broke the eyecontact as he stod up and slowly made his way towards the railing to look down at the crowd. One hand in his pant pocket. The other hand holding the cigarette. He snubbed it out on the railing and flicked it out into the club. He didn't care if it hit someone on it's way down. He's done much worse that fling a cigarette at someone. He had much bigger things to worry about than that. Not that it even matters.

"I watched you tonight. You are.."

He paused for a second. His mind working like a fine tuned machinery.


He watched the crowd beneath. The way it moved and pulsed. How people acted. They where like ants to him. The reflection of the light dancing in his eyes. He turned around and leaned on the railing. He seemed serious but gave Y/n a smirk.

"So my proposition to you is to come with me. Stay with me. Let me care for you. Your needs. Your want. Your desires. You'll have time to adjust of course. All I ask is for you to be mine."

His tone was stern yet charming. He grinned. His gold tooth showing. The offer didn't seem threatening. It felt.. honest. Y/n felt the warmth in her cheeks at his words. A slight blush would have been visible in better lighting. But she was still left with confusion. Her mind started spinning. Not feeling like she was worth for anything like that. Why her of all people? She needed to process it. Think about what he offered. It was tempting. The apartment wasn't really much to brag about if she was honest. She like her colleagues, but not having to work sounded nice. And he was a really handsome man. Like devilishly handsome. Attractive in a whole new way she couldn't begin to explain. And he had been kind towards her so far. Not posing any kind of threat or violence. He observed her as she thought about his offer.

"So if I say yes I don't have to stay in my apartment, I don't need to work. I can still have some time to myself and go out. I just have to live with you and be yours?"

Y/n looked at him. Slightly nervous but more calm than earlier. She actually started to like the idea of his proposition. She waited for an answer. He nodded, smiling. Lighting a new cigarette and taking a drag. He let the smoke slowly out of his mouth. It slithered up. Smooth motions across his face before it disappeared up into the air. It looked so impressive, made him seen almost like a demon. In a very attractive way. He gently walked towards Y/n. Stopping a few steps in front of her. Looking down.

"All you have to do is say yes."

Y/n looked down at her lap. Looking for anything to hold her sight still on. She really wanted to say yes. But she couldn't get her words out. They where stuck in her throat. It felt so unreal. It all happened so fast. She had just been down with her colleagues. After her first week in a new job. In a new city. And now she's sitting here. In front of a mafia boss who wants her to himself. She tried wagering the positives and negatives. She was lost in thought. So lost that she didn't even notice him gently squatting down in front of her. A calm observing face. He gave her the time she needed. He took her hands and held them in his own. Careful. Comforting. Patient. She looked at him, soflty nodding. Her mind was made up. She managed to whisper out a single word.


It was as if his face lit up. A big grin spreading across his face. His eyes almost sparkling with joy. Both turned their heads as the door opened. It was Antonio coming back. One hand behind his back and the other holding the drink. The Don stod up with his arms out to his sides.

"Ah there you are Antonio! Great timing. Get over here with that glas this deserves a celebration."

He grinned as Antonio came closer. Blowing out a cloud of smoke. Antonio smiled softly.

"Congratulations boss."

He nodded towards the Don as he leaned down and handed Y/n her drink. He gave her a kind and knowing smile.

"Here you go miss. You won't regret your decision."

Antonio almost whispered the last part. He gave Y/n a quick wink that made her blush slightly. She hadn't noticed how similar they both looked. They had their differences of course. Antonio was a bit taller and looked a bit bulkier than his boss. Both had their own colour scheme. She put her glas up to her mouth as Antonio moved away. The Don placed a hand on Antonios shoulder and walked him over to the railings. Y/n could see them talking, but couldn't hear any of it. It was like watching a movie scene with only music in the background. She couldn't hear them at all. They where probably whispering. There couldn't be any other explanation. They where smiling. The Don smirked at Antonio and patted his shoulder. Then Antonio politely left. The Don then turned to Y/n with a broad grin. He walked forward and put a hand out for her to grab and stand up. She put her glas down before she put her hand in his and rose from her seat. He gently placed a kiss on her hand.

"Forgive my manners and let me introduce myself properly. My name is Lorenzo B. Geuse, but you can call me anything you like dear. May I ask what your name is doll?"

He had a seductive smile. His dark eyes looking at her. She could see how a desire grew in his eyes every second. Like he held something back. Waiting. Her cheeks where blushed. A shy smile grew on her face.

"My name is Y/n Y/L/n."

He grinned and softly put a hand on her cheek. His hand felt cold, but it quickly warmed up on her cheek. Odd but she didn't think any of it. He softly stroked his thumb up and down her cheek. Admiring her. She looked at him again. He was so close to her now. She could feel a warmth building inside. The tension in the air. Their eyes locked at each other. He didn't do anything to rush her. He waited for her invitation. When she leaned in for a kiss he got his permission. He kissed her back like he had longed for it. He put his arms on her back and held her closer. She melted into it and put her arms around his neck. It felt so good. Like she was free and whole. She hadn't noticed how she missed feeling wanted. Needed. Panting has they broke apart. They looked at each other with heavy eyelids. He started kissing down her neck. Feeling his way down with his lips. Finding every sweet spot that made her arch and moan softly. He turned her around, hands on her hips, pulling her close to him. She could feel him growing hard against her ass. He continued to explore her neck. His breath heavy on her. She leaned her head back on his shoulder. Panting lightly. She hadn't felt like this in a long time. It felt incredible. He sucked down on her neck leaving a few hickeys to mark her. She was his. Pulling away he pressed a kiss to her temple. His gravely voice pulling her back to consciousness.

"You're perfect doll face.."

He slowly moved his hand down from her hip, stopping at her thigh. Softly squeezing it. He could hear her uneven breathing. Smirking to himself. His fingers delicately curled to pull her dress up, revealing her black lace panties. He moved his hand to her crotch. Her breath hitched at his movements. His fingers gently stroked and pressed into the moist fabric. She never even noticed how wet she had become. How close she was to realise already from the tension alone. He gently rubbed circles in the area her clit was to give her the friction she needed. He observed her every response. Every reaction she had from his touch. As her breath became heavier and small moans formed he started kissing along her neck again. Using his tounge, lips and teeth. Her body started to tense up. He grinned into her neck and continued his work. She became louder as she was close. Her moans was like a sweet dessert to him. As she came her body froze up and she could feel the pulsating inside. He held her close and slowly stopped rubbing. A small whimper was the last sound she managed to make. As she relaxed he kissed her temple again. He picked her up bridal style, letting her rest against his chest. She felt so tired and happy. His voice was the last thing she heard before letting sleep take over.

"Let's get you home darling."

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2 years ago

A quick turn of events, part 1.

Beetlejuice x FemReader Mafia AU

Eventuall smut starts in part 2.

Possible TW: smoking, alcohol

-> part 2

The Don

A thin layer of smoke floats in a dimly lit room. The soft sounds of a fireplace crackling and dying out. A dark wooden desk is overflowing with papers and stacks of money. There's a glas of whiskey. Still cold. A ball of ice floating slowly around. Making a soft clink when it hits the glass. A full ashtray with a half smoked cigar resting on the edge. Smoke rising from the tip.

As the fireplace let's out it's last big crack from the burnt wood a chair creaks. In the darkness behind the desk it slowly turns around. Facing the door. A hand reaches out from the shadows. Elegantly picking up the cigar and lifting it up to the owners lips. Then it picks up the glas and swirls the whiskey around. The ball of ice clinking around in the glas. A low and raspy voice mutters into the silent room.

"I feel like the club could use a checkup today."

Sweeping the floor of a local store, Y/n couldn't wait to finish her shift. It was Friday. The end of the first week at her new job. She had been invited to go out together with some of her colleagues. And she was excited about it. She'd get to know them more than just at work. Y/n had moved across the country for a fresh start. So she felt happy that her colleagues wanted to invite her. It made her feel more included in her job and around them. Made her confident with her new start.

After closing up shop and saying goodbye to the others working the closing shift she walked home. It wasn't a long walk. Probably a five minute walk or so. Y/n spent the afternoon getting ready. Taking a shower to wash away work and feel fresh. She rested and ate some food while her hair was drying. Taking her time to doll up a little and listening to her favourite songs.

Before leaving she checked her outfit in the mirror. She had put one of her black dresses on. One that she liked and felt at least at bit pretty wearing. She put on her high heeled boots that somehow matched with the dress. Her hair was free and wild, it felt good. She had put on her favourite pair of silver hoop earrings and some mascara. A simple but pretty necklace to match the earrings. She actually felt pretty cool. Posing and being silly in front of the mirror before she left. Smiling while leaving her apartment.

She met her colleagues just down the street. Waving and saying hi as she approached them. She felt curious about the place they were going. A local nightclub. Y/n had never been in a place like that before. It was exciting. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she walked together with her colleagues. They assured her that this place was amazing and that she would love it. Telling her about all the different drinks. The music. The decor of the place. Mentioning that some local hotties usually went there too. Maybe she could have some fun with an attractive guy tonight. As they got closer Y/n could hear the low beat of the music. The entrance looked spectacular. Almost like an old timey cinema but way more class. The inside kept it vintage and classy but still feeling like a nightclub. She was in awe. Here eyes not knowing where to look first.

Her colleagues lead her to the bar. They started ordering drinks of all sizes and colours. Once Y/n got her drink she started looking around herself just taking in the scenery of the club. She sipped at a bright green drink that tasted like a sweet delicious apple as she looked around. It looked so elegant while keeping the club and nightlife wild. It was full of black, green and gold. Purple neon lights tastefully placed. Sitting booths had dim orange lighting. The whole place felt so eccentric and perfectly balanced. People where dancing, lounging and having fun. It even had a VIP lounge too. Not that it seemed to really be used right now. She thought it was empty at first glance. Looking back at it she could she teh outline of man leaning on the railing. She looked away. Was his eyes glowing? No. That's just silly. It was probably just the glow of his cigarette. Yes. That must have been it.

Feeling a hand on her shoulder she jumped slightly and turned around. Her heartbeat skyrocketed for a second. She turned to see one of her colleagues smiling and laughing. Y/n let put a relived breath and a laugh.

"Didn't mean to scare you, but I wanted to ask what you think so far?"

Y/n started smiling again as she answered.

"Oh, it's great. This place looks so cool. I couldn't even have imagined a more impressive place."

Giving an honest answer. She turned slightly to look up at the lounge again. The man was gone now. Only smoke seemed to flow gently from the lounge. Who was that guy. Was it even a guy in the first place? And why did she feel so curious. Something about it felt so mysterious. Her colleague looked up at the lounge too now. Cocking an eyebrow. They looked back at Y/n before they spoke out.

"It's probably just the Don. He owns the place. Rarely visits though. Heh, maybe someone will have a lucky night today."

She looked at her colleague. Giving her a slight look of confusion. Not understanding what was so lucky about the Don visiting his own club. He didn't even seem to wanna be around other people at all. How odd.

"Lucky night? How?"

Y/n asked and took a sip from her drink. Interested in what they meant. How could it be any different than any other night. It didn't seem like he did to much out of being there. Her colleague put her drink on a tall lounge table they stod close to.

"Okay, so here's the juicy story of how this could be a lucky night. That man up there is a single, powerful and handsome dude. And.. He usually picks out a gal maybe even a few later in the night to spoil while he's at the club. So if anyone has some luck maybe he'll pick one or more of us to join him later. Doesn't that sound exciting?"

Y/n looked back up at the lounge. A bit lost in thought. Not really sure if it was something to be excited about or just ignore it all together. She shifted her view and looked into her drink.


Her colleague slightly bumps her shoulder and giggles.

"Come on, let's join the others and have some fun. Really let loose tonight."

Smiling and nodding Y/n finishes her drink. Puts the glass down on the table and joins her colleagues on the dance floor. They dance and joke together. Having a blast and forgetting the rest of the world for a while. They even play some billiard and shuffle board. Her colleagues try flirting with some hot people. Some end up leaving with their catch of the night. Y/n didn't really find anyone interesting. She still had the curious thought of the Mafia boss in the back of her mind. It was intriguing. Getting back to the bar Y/n orders a drink that sounds interesting. She chats with one of her colleagues. Feeling happy and content with her night.

That's when she feels a tap on her shoulder. Huh? She turned to look at who tapped her shoulder. She froze up a little . Even other people around started slightly. A tall and pale man looked down at her with a serious face. He looked almost like a ghost. He wore a beautiful dark blue suit with silver accessories. His dark hair was slicked back. His right ear had a rift in it. Hands behind his back. A raspy yet soft and dark voice spoke out. Was this the Don your colleague spoke about. He looked so intimidating and handsome.

"Follow me."

Y/n blinks a few times. What? What's happening now. She looked to her colleagues in confusion. Then back at the man. They where just as shocked as her. This surely had to be a mistake.

"Me? Are you sure?"

The man just looked down at her with the same serious face. Not angry or annoyed. He just looked calm as he answered.

"Yes, boss asked for you spesifically."

Y/n turned to her colleagues. One of them whispered and shooed her to follow him. Smiling at her.

"The Don obviously picked you. Come on. Go. Enjoy it."

The man turned and started walking towards the stairway of the VIP lounge. Y/n quickly followed. She smiled and waved goodbye to her colleagues. Questions passed through her head on the way up to. Who was the Don if this wasn't him? What could he possibly want with her? Was she dreaming? How is she the one to be picked. She wasn't even the prettiest girl in the club. Was he really sure she was the right girl? She didn't even have time to ask before he stopped. He opened a black door leading into the lounge stepping aside to let her in first. She softly thanked him and nervously went in. The tall man closed the door behind him and stood guarding next to it. The beat of the music still going but sounding a lot lower. Not knowing what to expect she looked around. Curious of what was going on. Only thinking of being respectful. Better to be safe than sorry, right.

Y/n looked around in the dark room. It looked empty. Except for the glass of whisky on the table. A black couch stretching along the wall on her right. She felt so confused. How was it empty? Then she noticed the outline of a man sitting on the couch. Fear started creeping into her. Her breath quivered a bit.

"No need to be scared darling."

A voice chuckled from the shadows. A click and he lit a cigarette. The soft glow lit up the mans face for a few seconds. He had a smirk on his face. The shimmer of a gold tooth peaked out in his smirk. A devilish glint in his eyes. Y/n heard the burning from the cigarette. Smoke seeped out in the room from where he sat. He slowly raised from his seat. He snapped his fingers and the room lit up a bit. Still dim but she could at least see better. She could see him now. And he was an impressing looking man. Dangerously handsome. His eyes looked dark as if there was a shadow around them. Almost ghostly. He wore a dark green pinstripe suit complete with a black shirt. A black tie and matching pocket square. He had several gold rings matching his gold tooth. His hair was slicked back and green towards the tips. Just the view of him sent a good feeling up her spine. But how did he do that? Maybe the other guy turned up the lights. The man slowly made his way over to Y/n. He gently placed the cigarette between his lips. His dark eyes studying her. She felt awkward standing there. Not knowing where to place her hands. Not knowing where to look. He walked up to her. He stopped right next to her facing the door and the taller man.

"Antonio, be a gent and get her something to drink would you. Anything she wants."

He turned around. Blowing out another puff of smoke. He never touched the cigarette after having placed it between his lips. It was surprisingly attractive to watch. He never even had the need to take it out to speak. He was waiting for Antonio as he apparently was called. Antonio took a step closer to them.

"Want do you want miss?"

Y/n panicked. What drink did she remember. She didn't really remember any except one.

"Uh..a blue lagoon, thank you."

She felt so out of place. Not wanting to upset any of them. Most of all the Don. He put an arm out and gestured to the couch. Letting her go first and sit down. He sits down next to her, but still keeping a short distance to not make her to uncomfortable. Taking the cigarette and holding it between his index and middle finger. Soflty scratching his chin with the same hand. His dark raspy voice breaking through the low beat of the music down stairs.

"So, I have this proposition for you."

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2 years ago

Hi there, I'm working on a Beetlejuice fanfiction that I've been thinking about for a while and writing a bit here and there. It's something I'm writing mostly for myself. But if other people like it too that's great💕

It's a FemReader x Beetlejuice Mafia AU based on the Beetlejuice from the movie. It's a longer story that I'm trying to work out properly and not rush. So far I've written almost 2 chapters and worked out some details. It's gonna contain smut and sexual content too.

I'll probably start posting about it soon when I feel like the story is starting to take a better shape. I also have a previous shorter fiction with a nun & priest sort of thing that I also could post at some point.

Hope you'll be interested in reading any of it once it get around to posting it🤍

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2 years ago
How Can Anyone Hate This Goof?? Look At His Stupid Face

How can anyone hate this goof?? Look at his stupid face