Beliza - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I don't know what to think... I mean its horrible...

I'm disappointed, upset, sad...

Im so sorry for Arryn..

Well I always has my doubs about their cheating... you know Bob was in February still with Arryn, they were at event and the 100 fans saw them and then boom in June he is married to Eliza? No way... at last this is proof that he just played with Arryn... I don't see why would Arryn lied... what would she get out of it?

And Jessica Harmon with her boyfriend liked her post...

As Clexa fan I'm so disappointed of Eliza, I thought that she is really good but now? I don't want watch even The 100 sure they are actors and characters... but still...

this is a binding charge. And we deserve an explanation! if that is true, we don't want to support the abuser and the cheaters, do we?

For now I unfollowed them and you should too! Show them that we want answers!

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4 years ago

So Bob shit give us photos from the wedding and one new picture (I know they were stolen, but what a coincidence that he just shared these photos) do he can feed clowns to believe he's the "good one". BRAVO He don't give a shit about his fans.

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4 years ago

So here we are... We have message from Eliza, not from Bob, of course...

But this is one big lying shit...

This message say only one thing and thats "I, Eliza, I'm not homewrecker" nothing more... ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น

She said cyber bullying "is not fucking okay" but she or bobo shit never said to their fans stop bullying Arryn...

So no, this is one big lie... for these word they didn't need that much time ... they rather wanted to set a timeline... They just play their "we are happy, nice and blah blah" cards..

And her " we weren't trying to hurt our ex" why these words? If they were both single hm? Liar!!!

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4 years ago

"we won't be doing our live tomorrow as we've taken some time off social media" - homewrecker Eliza T.

So clowns they don't give shit about you... They can't do their live but can post pics ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น

"Women supporting women. Always" homewrecker Eliza T.

She is kidding right? She never stand up for Arryn when Bellarke fans cyber bullied. And now play the nice, caring and role model card? I'm so disappointed what a terrible person she is... also now you can't comments ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘

Bob shit... well he is "here I am, with mental health, I'm poor boy" card... but when he abused Arryn, he was fine, it was fine... what a fucking dick.

Unfollow them!!!

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4 years ago

Bob is the biggest trash person and liar ๐Ÿ˜น

"Bellarke was written romantic"

No stup*d stop lie and go against Jason.

Such a lie like this is disrespectful to CLEXAS AND ALYCIA WHO CAME BACK FOR US!

Jason always said that Bellarke is just family/friends. At the end he gave us 100% Clexa canon you biphobic.

If they were written romantic then they would be together after 7 seasons...

Bob many times before got married said that Bellarke is good team/friends but nothing more.

Eliza called it "Bellarke shit" and she was always Clexa fan. "No Lexa, I love you" is Eliza's it was not in script.

Now he is jobless so he need money from fans and make them hate Jason more.

His behavior is childish, he is envious and trash.

and Bellamy had Echo, but once cheater always cheater...

Call him out!!

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