Belly Stuffing - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

After a shower and a biiiig meal🥴🥴🥴

Someone come rub this boy all over

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1 year ago

I have a bellyache, can you come and give it a rub so it calms down? 😩

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2 years ago

I really wish I had the stomach capacity to eat like this.

If I came into a room to see this though I think I would loose my mind, always find this pic set so damn hot.

Yknow When U Just????
Yknow When U Just????
Yknow When U Just????

y’know when u just????

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4 years ago

Jeff’s Bar fight

Jeffrey left early from work feeling how his body was all sore from all the lifting he had done, Jeffrey was a construction worker which meant he often had to carry heavy equipment and materials, because of all the intense work he had a strong physique, his upper body was well-built, thick neck, broad shoulders and bulging pecs, he had strong arms which to his blessing helped him with his job, but to his curse he was the one who had to do much of the heavy lifting in the site, his face was covered in a black beard with some white hairs peppered here and there, he has light hazel colored eyes with some wrinkles beginning to form in his face.

“That was rough.” said Jeff to his best bud, Michael, also a construction worker, he was smaller than Jeff but still packed a lot of muscle, he and Jeff have been friends since high school, they have supported each other in every step of their life, Michael had an X shaped body, wide shoulders but slim waist, he kept himself shaven except for the occasional scruffy beard when he forgets to shave.

“I know” Michael said with a grunt “I thought the day would never end” he said as he massaged his shoulders.

“Hey wanna go to the usual place to find luck?” Michael nudged his friend and winked.

“Sure, I need some alcohol and food in me ASAP” Jeff said slapping the sides of his belly which jiggled under his shirt.

The pair continued talking, when they arrived at a bar called “Lucky Strike” they both entered, immediately upon entering they were recognized by the bartenders and some of the usuals in the place, after some quick greeting Jeff and Mike sat in the stools next to the bar, two jars full of beer slid to their hands.

“How was work today boys?” teased the bartender

“Ugh, terrible, as always...” said Mike defeated “Today we had to carry all the metal beams to the site.”

“Well, you can forget about it now, have a round on the house” the bartender said with a smile

Mike blushed sheepishly and took a sip of the beer, meanwhile Jeff drank all of his beer in only 3 gulps and let out a rumbling belch.

“oooof sorry ‘bout that” said Jeff while punching his chest to let another smaller burp escape “hey Matt, would you bring me another beer and a burger please?”

“Sure, Big guy! Anything for my favorite usuals” said the bartender as he placed the order and went to refill the beer.

Jeff noticed how Mike stared lovingly at the bartender and with a gentle nudge he told him “Hey, when are you going to ask him out eh?”

“I don’t know Jeff, what if he doesn’t want anything serious, what if he just likes me because I’m a client?” said Michael playing with his beer.

“Well, you’ll never know if you don’t take the chance my friend, go on, ask him out!”  

Before Michael could answer a loud shattering, sound was heard all through the bar, which made everyone turn around and focus on the scene that was happening with the bartender.

“I told you not to touch me, you fucker!” said a burly man while spitting at the bartender, who was on the ground with cuts on his arms and hands.

“I’m s-sorry, I couldn’t see you...”  

“Well I’ll make sure you pay more attention next time!” said the burly man picking the bartender by the collar of his shirt and readying a punch, before the punch could connect, Michael jumped out of the stool he was sitting in and ran to the brute sucker punching him in the stomach, making him kneel with pain and releasing the bartender.

“Are you okay?” asked Mike to the Bartender, he was in bad shape, shards of crystal were sticking out of his skin “we need to take you to the hospital quickly!”

“The hell you are bitch!” said the burly man while grabbing a bottle and throwing it at Mike, fortunately he dodged and the bottle shattered behind the bar, Jeff quickly pounced on the burly man and shoved him to the floor.

“Take him to the hospital, I’ll deal with him!” he shouted at Mike, he gave a thumbs up, grabbed the bartender and carried him to the back exit, then Jeff picked up the brute by his shirt and threw him out to the street, he was trying to evade anymore damages to the bar and to take him to a more private place to deal with the problem.

Once outside, the brute spat on the floor and cursed Jeff “Why the hell did you have to intervene eh? If you were searching for a fight ya got it mate!” he ran directly at Jeff ready to punch him, Jeff evaded and tripped him, the man tumbled to the street and hit his face, the man got up even more enraged and started chasing Jeff.

Jeff found himself in an alley without exit, they were somewhat far from the bar, when he turned around the man was standing menacingly blocking the only exit, he had a bloody nose and spat some blood to the street.

“Now I’ll teach you to not mess with me Motherfucker!” the man searched his pockets and took a small knife which he pointed at Jeff “next time learn your place fucker!”

The man thrusted the knife at Jeff, trying to stab him, Jeff evaded the knife carefully, looking for an opening to disarm his opponent, after a failed stab, Jeff quickly grabbed the man’s arm and pulled hard, making him off balance, he then kicked the man’s leg and submitted the man to the ground with his arm behind his back, the knife was sent flying.

“Get off me fucker!” struggled the man, unable to free himself from Jeff’s submission.

“You ruined our night, I hope you know that, but worst of all, you made me miss my food and now I'm all hungry, and me being hungry never ends well for people like you...” said Jeff while a growl escaped his stomach.

“What the fuck man, what are you going to do?!” said nervously the man, feeling the entire weight of Jeff on his back, he felt like a prey, knowing there wasn’t any escape.

Jeff quickly turned the man around while pinning his hands to the ground he could see the fear in his eyes, not knowing what would happen next, Jeff’s mouth began salivating, the thrill of the hunt took control of him, he needed to satisfy his hunger, and he had just trapped his prey, he began licking the man’s face, tasting his prey.

“What the fu-” before the man could finish Jeff opened his mouth and began engulfing the man’s head, Jeff quickly ripped the man’s shirt with one hand and discarded the shirt, he continued swallowing making sure his prey’s hands where secured always, when he got to the man’s shoulders he stood up and grabbed his prey pushing more and more into his mouth, enjoying every moment, he could feel the struggles from within his gullet, Jeff used his immense strength and lifted the man in the air, with a huge swallow the man slid into Jeff’s throat getting stuck because of his hairy beer belly.

Jeff licked the man’s belly, feeling the hair and tonguing his navel a little, Jeff loved playing a little with his food, feeling and savoring their body, then with a little force he pushed more and more of the man into his mouth, after the belly entered his throat, he unbuttoned the man’s pants and discarded them as well, and with another swallow the man’s legs slid further and further, until just his feet where outside his mouth, after taking his shoes off he stuffed the struggling feet into his mouth, Jeff prepared and with a final gulp, the bulge in his throat descended into his final resting place.

Jeff’s belly ballooned up bursting some buttons off his shirt, he groaned while rubbed his gigantic stuffed belly, feeling the heat and the struggles from within, suddenly his belly contracted and a rumbling belch erupted from deep within his belly.

“Ooooof, you’ll have to forgive me for that one” he said patting and jiggling his belly, stirring the man inside “Hope you like your new home, soon you’ll help me keep on growing my muscles and my belly man.” he felt another wave of struggles and punches from his belly, Jeff just chuckled.

Jeff picked up the knife that belonged to the man and examined it, he pocketed it and began walking back home, with a new tenant inside his stomach, “Aaaaah, today I'll sleep like a bear.” he said while patting his belly and burping again.

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4 years ago

Spending the day with Noobbear73

Hey this story was made for @noobbear73 go give him some love!

The day was sunny and very hot, I was alone in my apartment just scrolling through Instagram, I liking photos of hot big bellied men when I noticed that one of my favorite accounts was doing a live, I immediately tapped on the account and the live started, it was from noobbear73!

The video showed him entering a McDonald’s with some fan he found on the street, seems like the fan invited him to eat whatever he wanted from the menu, not knowing the damages that would cause to his bank account, Noobbear approached the lady at the counter and started ordering to his heart’s content, he started with: 2 quarter pounders, 3 Big Macs, 60 chicken nuggets, 3 large fries, 2 large sodas and a milkshake.

“Anything else?” asked the lady with a nice smile

Noobbear turned around and asked his fan “want anything?” to which the fan answered with a no “just so you know, I don’t share food, if you want to eat order now, because if you take some of mine you will pay.” the fan seemed confident he wouldn’t be able to eat all of it, so he thought he would eat all the leftovers.

“That will be all for me” the nice lady looked a bit surprised at the amount of food just for one person, but she didn’t say anything and sent the command.

Noobbear and the fan went to a booth in the corner of the restaurant and waited for the food, meanwhile Noobbear typed in the live chat “I’m sending the location of this McDonald’s, if you want to come and offer me more food or belly rubs it’s your opportunity!”

Just out of curiosity I checked the location and almost jumped from the surprise, he was at a Mcdonald’s near my house, it was only a 15-minute walk! I began feeling nervous, was I really going to meet Noobbear like that? What would I do?  

After a moment of debating it I jumped out of bed, grabbed my wallet and keys and went running to the location in my phone, I wasn’t going to lose this opportunity.

Meanwhile at the McDonald's Noob’s order just finished and the fan brought it to the table.

“There we go big boy, now where are you going to start?” said the fan while taunting Noob with a chicken nugget.

Noob began salivating, he lunged forward and ate the nugget right from the fan’s hand, almost not letting his hand go, he began unwrapping the quarter pounders, the first one disappeared inside his mouth in just 3 bites, easily swallowing it down, the next 2 Noob stacked one on top of the other and began stuffing his face with it, the fan looked at Noob, impressed by the way he was devouring everything, thinking that maybe he would actually finish everything he had ordered.

After the quarter pounders where sliding into Noob’s gut he began grabbing handfuls of fries and stuffed them in his mouth along with some chicken nuggets, every single piece disappearing quickly inside his mouth as Noob’s ravenous hunger continued, after a while the fan began feeling hungry, so he reached out and grabbed a Big mac, before he could give it a bite he felt a greasy hand in his shoulder.

“What do you think you are doing?” asked Noob with a serious tone.

“Well you already have enough food, it’s impossible for you to eat all of this.” said the fan while taking a bite of the burger.

Noob grabbed the fan’s hand with the burger and pulled it towards his mouth, this time making sure that his hand wouldn’t escape, and began slurping his hand, reaching his elbow.

“What are you d--” before he could scream Noob covered his mouth and continued swallowing down his hand, he pulled the fan’s head into his mouth and opened wide to swallow him down, the fan tried fighting off Noob by pushing with his free hand, but with a swift movement Noob caught the other hand and stuffed it inside his mouth, swallowing harder to make sure he couldn’t move it anymore, after a couple more swallows, only the lower half of the fan was still outside his gullet, Noob reached to the fan’s jeans and pulled his wallet and keys, alongside his phone and some bubblegum, after making sure everything of value was out of his pockets he grabbed his legs, and with force he lifted him up, clearing a straight path directly to his stomach, with some hard swallows he reached his ankles and only the shoes where left, Noob ripped them off and with a final gulp he sent the fan into his bulbous stomach.

An enormous rumble began climbing from Noob stomach as his prey filled his gut, followed by a rumbling belch that lasted almost a minute, Noob began rubbing his belly, feeling the movements from within, until someone approaching him caught his attention.

After running from his house to the McDonald’s I finally reached the place where Noob was supposed to be in, I just hoped he was still in there and that they hadn´t left already, I reached for the door and entered still exhausted from the running, as I entered the establishment a loud and rumbling sound surprised everyone, I searched the origin of the sound and there he was, Noobbear with a satisfied smile on his face while rubbing his very voluptuous belly, I began walking towards him.

“Hey are you Noobbear?”

“oooof yeah” he contained another belch “and you are?”

“I’m a fan! I was watching your live on Instagram and came running here.”

“That’s great! You came just at the best time” Noob said as he patted his belly “wanna help make me bigger?”

“S-sure!” I said as I sat next to him, his belly was gigantic, it was bigger seeing it for real than seeing though the phone screen, instinctively I reached out and tapped his belly, it felt very tight and swollen, but he just kept eating and eating, suddenly I felt a bump coming from inside his belly, confused I began rubbing his belly, trying to feel it again, and there it was very faintly but coming from inside him, I moved closer and hit something on the ground, there were a pair shoes and some socks.

“Hey, umm... the other guy that was with you...” I tried asking, but before I could finish Noob just turned his belly and lifted his shirt, he started shaking his belly with one hand.

“He tried taking my food, so he found his new place in my waist.” he said while slapping his belly and belching again, his belly began bouncing a little in protest and I just stared in awe, I continued rubbing his belly, feeling the heat it emanated and feeling the struggle from the man within, Noob was enjoying the food, the belly rubs and feeling a man trapped inside his stomach, feeling all the movements and the grunts.

“Hey take that wallet and go get me 2 double ice creams, I´m almost finished with the food” Noob said as he swallowed down a Big Mac with ease “also I hope you don’t make the same mistake as this guy here.” he teased as he jiggled his belly.

“Ok, I’ll be right back, also I prefer to stay on this side of your belly”  

I grabbed the wallet and went to the register to order the ice creams, while waiting for them I saw two men walking up to Noob one was very slim with blonde hair, and the other was fit and had some muscle, but he was still very small compared to Noob, I saw how they began talking, and after some belly rubs and laughs they pointed towards the bathroom, the men went in the bathroom and after finishing his food Noob stood up with difficulty and began walking to the bathroom, his belly jiggling with each step he took, I could see the underside of his belly, his shirt riding more and more on top of his belly almost reaching his belly button, I could feel my cheeks begin to blush and feeling more and more hot, Noob walked past me, patted my shoulder and said to my ear.

“Hey, going to go make quick work of those two, then we can go anywhere you want to rest and digest, hope you know how to drive!” he smiled and gave me the keys that where in the table and then he continued walking to the bathroom, I stood there feeling my heart pumping with excitement.

When Noob entered the bathroom the two men were waiting for him, one of them closed the door as the other pulled Noob into one of the stalls, the slim one grabbed Noob belly from behind, feeling the giant tight orb, meanwhile the fit one started kissing his belly, worshipping it and talking about how big and fat it was, whishing he could become a part of that incredible belly.

Noob moaned loudly at all the attention he was receiving, feeling both men exploring his body, after a while the fit man took his clothes off and threw them in the trash, he presented itself to Noob.

“I’m yours, do with me what you want.” he said while flexing and stretching to make his body more attractive to Noob.

After hearing this invitation Noob’s gut gurgled with excitement he grabbed the guy by his armpits and lifted him up opening his bearded maw extremely wide, the fit guy lifted his feet and placed them on Noob’s maw, feeling the humidity from his mouth and his tongue lathering his feet, Noob savored his prey for a while and then with a powerful gulp the guy slid to his waist, the slim guy was feeling how Noob’s gullet stretched and the bulge his friend's feet made in Noob, he began rubbing Noob’s pecs and upper belly feeling Noob’s moans as vibrations through his whole body, with another strong gulp Noob swallowed the guy to his pecs and then with a final gulp swallowed everything but his hands.

Noob turned around and placed the slim guy’s hands on the bulge his friend made, he swallowed hard and the bulge traveled slowly into his gut, which expanded even more with its new inhabitant Noob grabbed the slim guy’s face and burped in his face, after the belch ended the guy didn’t waste any time and began stripping, when only with underwear remained approached noob and began kissing his mountainous belly, feeling his friend within, then he took Noob’s opened maw and began stuffing himself in his mouth.

Noob let the guy stuff himself inside his mouth when the upper part of his body was entirely inside his mouth he grabbed the slim guy and with a quick gulp swallowed him whole, since he was so slim, he slid easily to his stomach, Noob felt how the guy travelled down through his gullet and finally entered his stomach alongside his friend, the fan and a ton of food.

He began rubbing his belly, feeling how big and tight it was, he felt full and now he wanted to lie down and rest to digest.

He approached the door and unlocked it, he waddled into the booth he was in and saw the other guy waiting for him with two melting ice creams.

“Hey, these are starting to melt, but I haven’t licked any of them.” he said as the ice cream dripped in his hands

Noob approached the guy and engulfed entirely one of the cones licking the guy’s hand but letting them go.

“Thanks for not eating my food.” Noob said as he licked his mouth as he grabbed the other ice cream and swallowed it down completely “Well you said you lived near here no? I need a place to rest all of this food.” Noob said with a hearty smile while shaking his belly, his shirt barely containing his belly, now his belly button was exposed.

“Yeah sure, in your car?” I said while holding the keys he gave me.

“Yeah sure... my car.” he said as he pulled me closer to support his weight on me and gave me 2 new wallets “well let’s go!”

We exited the McDonald’s and began searching the car, when we found it Noob had some difficulty entering and had to adjust the seat as far back as it could go to enter comfortably, his belly protruding massively in the car, I entered the car and adjusted the seat, seeing the man next to me being so massive, watching his bulging belly bouncing and struggling with the people inside of it made me very horny, so I turned on the car and began driving back to my house, while Noobbear moaned and caressed his belly with pleasure.

Spending The Day With Noobbear73

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3 years ago

Satisfying room service

This is a commission from a friend on instagram, if anyone would like for me to write you a story like this, hit me up! hope you enjoy it.

After hours of flying and being unable to rest comfortably, Dan finally arrived to his hotel room, the first thing he did after arriving was belly flopping directly into his bed, he stretched and felt his shirt untuck itself out of his belt, so Dan began unbuttoning his shirt to let his big hairy belly rest free, he was feeling very hungry after almost 12 hours of nothing to eat, so he picked up the phone and ordered a ton of food for room service.

After impatiently waiting some time Dan finally heard a knock on the door, his food finally had arrived, he opened the door and a cart full of exquisite looking dishes greeted him from the other side, his mouth began immediately to water, his gaze traveled between the fries, burgers, ribs, steaks, other delicious meals that laid before him, after a while his eyes met up with the waiter who had brought him his food, he was tall and slender, he had a pretty face and he looked a little bit blushed, Dan wondered why he was flustered until he remembered his stomach was completely exposed for anyone to see, it seemed like the waiter liked watching Dan’s big belly, but was ashamed to admit it.

Dan rubbed his immense belly and beckoned the waiter to enter his room to leave the cart full of food, but before the waiter could leave Dan cut him off and with a playful smile asked “hey, do you want to be a good boy and win a big tip today?” the waiter looked surprised “don’t worry, all you have to do is help me pack all of that food into my tank here!” continued Dan while rubbing his belly.

The waiter’s eyes got completely wide, but he just nodded and followed Dan back to his bed where he left all the food, “Good kid, I already like you.” Dan said with a chuckle.

Dan laid upon the bed and opened his mouth, the waiter grabbed a burger and divided it in half, he reached inside Dan’s mouth as he felt the man’s mouth close with his hand inside, he flinched and took his hand out quickly while Dan swallowed completely the burger inside his mouth.

“Hey don’t be shy, I can handle bigger stuff that that” he said while playfully shaking his belly, the waiter was mesmerized with the man laid before him, he nodded and grabbed the other half of the burger and watched it as it travelled down Dan’s gullet into his belly, after that he became curious to see what else the man could swallow whole, he grabbed a steak and lowered it slowly into the gaping maw in front of him, with no effort at all the stake was sucked and deposited directly into the hairy belly which was expanding slowly.

The waiter continued feeding Dan more and more food, the ribs were swallowed completely with bone, handfuls of fries where no match for the beast, milkshakes, nuggets, more burgers, everything that entered that man’s mouth found it’s way down the hatch and into the tank, meanwhile Dan’s belly kept expanding and expanding, he had to open un his legs so that his tank could rest comfortably in between his thighs, the waiter had been getting more and more comfortable as he fed Dan, he even began rubbing and feeling Dan’s ever expanding belly, which was a turn on for him.

When finally, Dan had everything packed up tightly inside his tank, he pounded his chest and an enormous belch rumbled out of his mouth, “ooooh, that was great, I really liked it!” he said while rubbing his stuffed gut, the waiter just stood mesmerized at the humongous belly he helped stuff, another rumble came out of Dan’s stomach, “huh, guess I still have room for dessert” he said happily patting his belly, “could you go and get me some dessert?” the waiter quickly ran outside the room and Dan waited patiently as his stomach gurgled and digested all the food, he had inside of him.

After a while, the waiter came back with a tub of ice cream and some chocolate sauce, he sat on Dan’s lap and he began rubbing the bloated gut as he scooped balls of ice cream and fed them to Dan, Dan felt a wave of pleasure from all the stimulus he was receiving, the weight of the waiter on top of his lap, the taste of the creamy ice cream on his mouth, the bliss of his stuffed gut being rubbed and play with, the pleasure of his hardening cock against the waiter’s bottom, he was in heaven.

When all the ice cream was finally packed with all the other food Dan left out a satisfied sigh, his belly bouncing and jiggling with all the food inside it, Dan was very satisfied with the waiter’s service who has still rubbing and worshiping his belly, before Dan could talk the waiter pounced on top of him, his lips met with Dan’s lips as both of them began passionately making out on the bed, this was definitely Dan’s best and craziest trip ever.

After a while of making out the waiter began dripping chocolate sauce all over him, making Dan lick it from his body, Dan began licking and savoring the waiter, getting excited by the experience, he began licking every inch of the waiter’s chocolate covered body, he arrived at the waiter’s feet and as he was licking them he felt the waiter push his feet inside his open mouth, this made Dan lose control and he began swallowing down the waiter with an intense lust, he began sucking and pulling him inside his body rhythmically, the waiter began to moan as his legs entered the man’s mouth, he felt amazing.

When Dan had a nice grip on the waiter’s body he picked him up and hoisted him upwards, making it easier to gobble him up, he found the waiter’s hardening cock and as it passed through his throat, he could feel the waiter humping his throat, Dan was sent into a spiral of pleasure hearing the waiters moaning begin to increase as he kept swallowing him more and more, until just his head was outside his mouth, the waiter climaxed inside Dan’s body and began panting from exhaustion, Dan grabbed the waiter’s head one last time and with a powerful gulp, he sent him barreling towards his massive belly, which expanded drastically as his new guest landed inside it, Dan looked down and he saw his body distended and his belly squirming with a live human inside it, he felt the massages of the waiter he just swallowed inside him, he couldn’t resist any longer and he climaxed to the feeling of the waiter inside him, squirting his seed all over his under belly and his bed.

Another massive belch rumbled from Dan’s mountainous gut as he rested his hands on top of it, with a satisfied smile, he drifted off to sleep while listening to his stomach churn away all of its contents.

Satisfying Room Service

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3 years ago

Cabin Feeder: chapter 3

Dean makes a big decision for the both of them, regarding retirement. And there were pies. A couple days late a dollar short, here’s the final chapter for my @get-beached lake vacation! I did half-assedly try to “Cram It in”, so I touched on these prompts in this chapter: sitting by the campfire, s’mores or weenie roast, soaking up the sun, too much of a good thing (again, lol) and finally, an eating contest. 5744 words, posted on AO3

Bottoms up!

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2 years ago
A Big Ol Belly Stuffing For This Hogs Birthday! My Belly Is So Stuffed Its Hard For Me To Sit Up. I Need
A Big Ol Belly Stuffing For This Hogs Birthday! My Belly Is So Stuffed Its Hard For Me To Sit Up. I Need
A Big Ol Belly Stuffing For This Hogs Birthday! My Belly Is So Stuffed Its Hard For Me To Sit Up. I Need

A big ol’ belly stuffing for this hogs birthday! My belly is so stuffed it’s hard for me to sit up. I need people to help fatten me up to help be a bigger fatter hog.

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2 years ago

This hog belly is getting fatter by the day. I am getting stuffed constantly and I can feel my belly spilling out in front of me. My belly jiggles when I walk and I just keep growing.

This Hog Belly Is Getting Fatter By The Day. I Am Getting Stuffed Constantly And I Can Feel My Belly
This Hog Belly Is Getting Fatter By The Day. I Am Getting Stuffed Constantly And I Can Feel My Belly
This Hog Belly Is Getting Fatter By The Day. I Am Getting Stuffed Constantly And I Can Feel My Belly
This Hog Belly Is Getting Fatter By The Day. I Am Getting Stuffed Constantly And I Can Feel My Belly
This Hog Belly Is Getting Fatter By The Day. I Am Getting Stuffed Constantly And I Can Feel My Belly

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