Tummy Kink - Tumblr Posts
Original creature thingy(?)

Basically they live in the mountains, and have no eyes so they mostly rely on smell :D
They're also rather big

Yup, they mostly walk on all fours but will stand on two legs if needed (the bg is from google btw xD)

(Aaaand just to add a little fun to it:)
They REAAALLY enjoy belly rubs (especially when they're hungry), although getting too close them could be rather... well... fatal :'3
The recommended approach is when they're alone and most likely sleeping. Now you just gonna trust your luck that it won't freak out by your presence.
If you're succesful, congrats, you made a new friend :D
They have a hella good memory (ah, to be like them TvT) and will remember your scent for several years at best

some fuckin hungy doodles because at the point of the comic im working on max hasn't eaten in 3 years and my brain is loving that
if i had the balls i would dedicate Too Much of the comic to him complaining and grappling with his hunger, but alas, priorities :(
(i swear ill post more complete/better stuff soon its just Busy Time again and i get too embarrassed to post the stuff i make idk)
I have a request.
Could you draw a woman fasting for maybe a couple of days and doing a recording of her empty stomach growling on her phone please?
I like this idea! I hope you don’t mind if I expand on it >:3

A ‘specialized’ mukbang streamer follows the whims of her audience a little too much. They love to watch her starve and stuff her face right after. With her most recent event to promote her stream, she promised to start a fast- but for every donation she would add an hour. It was easy at first, until her chat unexpectedly started scheming over how many hours they could truly pile on at once. Five days ended up being a long time! But she was a woman of her word~
Part 2 coming soon ;)
Enki (Fear and Hunger) belly kink HCs
This post includes: Hunger, Starvation, Disordered eating, Bellyache, Belly rubs.
Skip if not interested.

If he chose to spare his sister:
• Being thrown in a well to wither away is the first real encounter he has with hunger. He eats bugs and little creatures to survive, sure, but that's it. Minimal nutrients that give him minimal relief, yet they keep his stomach awake and begging for actual sustenance.
• Starvation weakens his already fragile body even more, his days in the well are cold, lonely and horrible, his only company are the bugs and the pitiful growling of his stomach, which echo through the empty well.
• He develops an unhealthy sense of superiority when it comes to eating, once he's finally out. He thinks that if he survived being stuck in a well with bugs, then a couple of skipped meals can't harm him. Thus, he will take his need to eat for granted, making him fragile and underweight. He's almost constantly empty, yet he fails to acknowledge it.
• The dungeons painfully remind him of the starvation he felt down the well, making his hunger impossible to ignore now.
If he chose to kill his sister:
• He lives comfortably in the temple, taking food for granted and only eating because he has to. Meals are tedious and far less interesting than reading and studying, often preferring to skip meals than interrupting a particularly good reading.
• The dungeons are a harsh slap to reality, the supernatural darkness that drains his energy makes him feel actual hunger for the first time ever. A primal, deep and desperate hunger, one that grips at the walls of his stomach and makes them grind horribly for a morsel of food, a hunger that leaves him empty and aching, unable to concentrate or even walk. He never thought starvation could take a toll so powerful on his fragile body.
• Regardless of his past, he's absolutely defensive when it comes to his stomach making noises. He will not vocally acknowledge his need for food until it gets too uncomfortable, and he will not complain out of pure pride.
• If his stomach growls hard enough to be impossible to ignore, and someone points it out, he will either snap in embarrassment or roll his eyes in annoyance.
• If he's alone, he will probably sigh and clutch his stomach, before trying to ignore it yet again.
• He probably gets irritated very quickly if he hears someone's stomach growling more than twice. Will probably shame them for that bodily function.
"You just cannot be silent for more than five minutes, can you? That pathetic stomach of yours is getting on my nerves."
• He probably has a very delicate stomach, due to his fragile body and him not eating that much in general.
• If he eats more than he typically does, his stomach will surely hurt.
• Heavy or sugary food will cause him digestion issues, too. This man probably survives on soups and fruit.
• (CW: EMETO) Since his body is so fragile, it is expected of him to get sick easily. And he vomits even more easily. A little fever, or a cough a bit too harsh and he will puke. It's like his body wasn't made to have a healthy weight. But he's hardly shaken by throwing up, merely annoyed by it.
• In your dreams. Like a stray cat, this man will barely let anyone talk to him, let alone touch him. He will judge you.
• However, if he got comfortable for some miraculous reasons, it would probably make him feel incredibly shy. He isn't used to affection or positive and genuine attention to his body, so he's probably very sensitive.
• You would need to be gentle with such a delicate stomach and a fragile body. Soft, slow rubs would feel rather good.
• He's arrogant enough to demand to know why you stopped.

Random 10minute sketch goes brr
Sooo i got myself into a bit of a misunderstanding for using w*ndigos a while ago (no hate towards the person obviously)
I came up with a solution however :3
As a Hungarian "hazafi" i'd like to use a well known Hungarian cryptid/legend/myth(I dunno honestly) which actually has two versions :D
The first one is the "family friendly version" called "The copper tailed owl"
The other version is basically the same, expect something else is copper (you can figure it out). This one is more common as well.
Sure kink this and f*tish that but I ain't drawing a copper di-

(Hella quick sketch instead of an actual drawing again woooo)
Their story is basically that common child myths like: "will take you if you don't behave blah blah"
When I was young I kinda thought that IF it takes children then what else is it supposed to do with them besides eating them SO-

Still one of my fav games💖

Random low-quality bullsh#t go brrr (Rushed as hell ngl)
Btw, i saw this guy in my dream once so ye. I'll just keep him >:3
So there's my little PonyTown main oc

And what if I just...

Hehe >:3
Ladies, Gentlemen and Genderless peeps
Presenting to you:

Owl boy is baaaack~
Also little extra (cuz my fantasy is running wild xD):

hungry rumbling belly smushed against stuffed gurgling belly ..... you get it
My mind has been going crazy over the fact that just... Imagine a DnD party in the HungerFetish community...
Just imagine all the possibilities👀
Would it be alright if I just- 👀

Now... KISS!
(What are their names? No idea)
when you're in a mermaid phase and all you can think about is a cecaelia tying you up and teasing your starving belly with his tentacles, a wicked glimmer in his eyes as he watches your empty tummy roar in his face
Ooooh yesss love the idea of his tentacles wrapping tight around my belly, squeezing it as it growls
Character idea for y'all (Especially since it's been my hyperfoxation for a year now)
Hecking INSECTS, like a fursona or something (yep, just like my wasp-sona for example)
They hold a ton of possibilities with hunger
For the pred lovers:
Wasps can only take a few days without eating so hella quick metabolism there, on the other hand praying mantises can take up to 6 weeks without eating! I know I sound like an absolute nerd but, seriously just imagine 😭💖
And I didn't even mention fking MOTHS those can starve for their entire life😳
Yeah one of the reasons why I love insects. (I have some sketches I might finish someday with just starving anthro insects)

Have this kinda old traditional x digital art kinda thing cuz I have nothing better atm and I took a long enough hiatus by now, so sorry about that T^T
Btw his stomach sounds like thunder, BeCaUsE i SaiD sO👏👏👏
(Lineart done by pen, the rest is IbisPaintX)
Big Mac Challenge
3, 4, 5, 6?
3 : usually achiness but nausea if mix with poop
4 : I fw with both
5 : food bc its seems to fill someone up for a long time
6 : ✨Overstuffed rumbles✨

POV your local sleazy bard seduces a dragon and is cursed to bear their eggs... meet Forza! (he/him)
I'm cringe.
1. "Cause u should eat less"
2. "Poor pants"