Ben 10k - Tumblr Posts
Fun facts 😹
So, I realised one thing: the seria treat Cannonbolt as Hell. And why? Let me explain;
First, he is the 11th alien who was ever used
Secound, you hardly found any other transformation who appeared in every form in all the frendchiles. But literally:

The classic seria (he even replaced Ghostfreak in the intro)
Also as Ben 10.000's
Alien force
He was used in the crossover "Heroes United"
Got an Ultimate form
Appeared in Omniverse (even in flashbacks)
Rolleway (Ben 23) and Gwenonbolt (Gwen 10, just fun name, not offical)
He also an useable alien in the Reboot
He was Omni-enchanted
Got an Omi-kix
Also, there is Wreckingbolt
Interesting fact 1: The original designe of him was totaly different

Interesting fact 2: he was in the original ten, but the creatores replaced him with Diamondhead
Also, there was a pun about this; in the Reboot S1 E1/ Waterfilter, Ben was about to choose an alien for his Niagara waterfall - jump. While he was selecting, he saied the next; "Diamondhead; no, Cannonbolt; yes"
In the Reboot, Ben used Cannonbolt as the first transformation, such as Kevin, who used Wreckingbolt
Maybe it's just my personal oppinion, but he can thank his popularity to the panda-like appearance
But all together, I like this rolly-polly warrior and glad we can see him in various ways, weaponized and armored. So, let's rock and roll 😎
Spit it up
So, I know Spitter is one of the most unfamous alien in Ben's arsenal, but let me try to make him a little more lovable:

So, first, maybe he is unpopular because of his power. Yes, probably because his main power similar to Upchuck's, more about it later. But Ben could use him some unique ways;
Spitter is based on a pufferfish, and if I know about them anything; they are poisionous as hell. If the cook doesn't makes it right, the toxin will end you if you dear to eat one. His slime is possibly poisionous the same way (maybe not kill, but greatly weakening)
Also, it's acidic
He posess enchanted strengh, or at least stronger than a mutated future Dr. Animo
He can inflate himself around twice the size
Useing this strengh and inflating power, he can become a natural air cannon
When he uses his power, he closes only the side of his mouth. Imagine what if he spit only a small ray of slime... (Some hose can generate so hard water ray what can cut off your fingers, so.......)

So, let's talking a little about the similarities with Upchuck;
Fact; Ben 10K confessed he doesn't naming his aliens for a while
Also; his aliens got new apparance, one of the bigest is: Wildmutt got tail. So, aliens can change to surpriseingly but not so unspeculatable way
Personally I think he is actually a Ben 10K Upchuck. He is biger, stronger and has sharp teeth, but both lizard-pig-humanoid aliens with curly tail, big tummy and vomit power.
Plus, Spitter's designe was originally an alternative to Upchuck

(Yes, both appears in UA's intro. Possibly the creatores made them two characters because Upchuck was way popular than Spitter)
Fun facts;
He is the only alien who never spoke despite he possibly could
Despite he isn't popular, he got species and homeplanet, unlike other more loved alien (even if we don't know too much about them)
The species of him don't have nostril. They breathing trought their skin and thanks to this they can filter out toxic gases
I hope you like it at least as much as I like this slime bag 💚