Berry Sweet Sims - Tumblr Posts

She looks so evil 😈 (the glowing eyes don’t help)

Camellia: I gotta blog about this
We’ve not maxed out social networking or charisma yet but we’re close!

She looks so done with uni but at least she doesn’t know she has to come back another 5 times!

When Camellia got home she had a little surprise for Mocha

Mochas always autonomously playing guitar, it’s pretty cute 🥰

Engaged! ft random lady photobombing in the background

Of course Camellia has to blog about her engagement and it reaches 3 stars ⭐️

Wedding # 1
I’m sure there’ll be plenty more!
100BB Update #4

anginetti is now a child! she's very chatty and close with all her siblings, especially zeppole. he was feeling a bit down, so angie's sunny disposition came in handy.

meet affogato! second boy of the generation, and he's got the same genetics as zep, halaya, and amaretti. so, unfortunately, he is not eligible to be the heir. but i bet he'll grow up to look just like his brother!

éclair put some time aside to just play with affogato, rather than focusing on milestones. she wants him to develop as much as possible while he's an infant, just like the rest of her kids, but she's realized that having fun is just as important.

halaya has aged up! she was super nervous about her first day of high school, especially because she was having a bad breakout that day. but pavlova was right there by her side until hal calmed down. pudding and éclair were so proud of them. they really have such a tightknit family, thanks to pudding and éclair's dedication to teaching their children the value of kindness.

amaretti has aged up as well! she begged for this new toy (the llama toy her siblings handed down to her had a lot of wear and tear at that point), but only played with it for five minutes before asking where the llama went...

one of éclair's favorite things to do is teaching her children how to dance! she's a music lover herself and loves to share her favorite songs with them... without the "forbidden words," of course.
(i know that i have very little pictures of pudding. he's not an absent father, i promise x_x i just haven't taken many pictures of him for some reason)

our oldest, pav, has aged up :') she's already gotten her own place in san myshuno and is thinking of inviting her best friend, alexander goth, to move in with her! she has no plans of having kids (which is perfectly fine with pudding and éclair, considering they still see pav as their little baby), but she loves the idea of finding "the one." she doesn't have the right connection with anyone yet, but she doesn't mind waiting. happy birthday, pavlova! <3
100BB Update #5

just pudding enjoying the last moments he has of being able to pick up and snuggle amaretti before she ages up. he's been getting into fitness more and more lately, and amaretti insists that her dad is strong enough, but he has his doubts.

...they caved. pudding and éclair finally bought a wabbit tablet for their kids. they wanted their kids to build their skills without screens, and they've been successful in that so far, but affogato kept hearing about other kids' tablets at daycare. with five other kids to parent and the incessant begging from affogato, they decided to get that godforsaken tablet... at least he's having fun, right?

anginetti is now a teen! now that she's older, it's much more obvious that she has features from both her mother and father. when she was first born, dani davila and siobhan fyres told her parents that she was going to look just like éclair, but it seems that she has her father's almond-shaped eyes.

it was only anginetti's third day of high school, and she already had exams... but halaya knew all of the material, so she helped her little sister out. surprisingly, angie did even better than hal! beginner's luck, maybe?

even though she's still new to the school, anginetti is making friends fast! even the faculty and staff have taken a liking to her.

both amaretti and affogato are now children. they've been progressing in their skills very nicely, and are actually loving school! they've already gotten stellar grades, too. pavlova came over to visit, and they all sat down for a fun chat.

meet macaron, our newest edition to the mousse family! (is that the first time i've ever mentioned their last name? omg) ever since she was born, pudding has basically been a super-parent. he's always the first to get up and take care of mac when she needs anything, letting éclair rest instead of them taking turns. he's been so occupied with the baby, in fact, that he's been neglecting to shave!

checking up on pav, she's doing great! she's loving the city life, is working towards becoming an astronaut, and keeps in touch with her family every day. being the extrovert that she is, though, she's often bored without having the chaos of a big family around her constantly. hopefully she'll ask alexander to move in soon.

zeppole is now a young adult! our zep is the one and only boy of the first generation (so far? 👀), but that never stopped him from bonding with his sisters, especially pavlova and halaya. as they grew older and became more open about their orientations, they realized they had even more in common than they thought! as a teen, he enjoyed gossiping with pav and hal about which boys at school were the cutest, so happy he could share this side of himself with his loved ones. unfortunately, all that gossiping made him grow up to be a little nosy! but considering he's in the journalist career now, that trait of his comes in handy quite a bit. he's moved to del sol valley now and everyone misses him dearly, but he always makes sure to stop by for a visit when he can. happy birthday, zeppole! <3

next up, we have halaya! she aged up soon after zeppole, graduating with honors. she picked up an interest in music at a young age, always playing the violin, before switching to guitar (totally picked the wrong aspiration for her by accident lmao). she's now in the entertainer career, hoping to becoming a musical artist. every now and then, her self-consciousness sets in and she thinks that maybe it will never work out, but she's really grown since she's reached adulthood and is always able to bounce back. however, she recognizes that she couldn't have gotten where she is today without the support of her family. so, she decided to move into the cutest little house right next door! that way she could always come over whenever she needs a little more support and a loving hug or two. happy birthday, halaya! <3

another birthday? oh my goodness... well, anginetti is all grown up now and has moved to windenburg. the first time she traveled there, she instantly fell in love with the architecture, the food, the landscape, and the food! he started cooking as soon as she became a teen and absolutely loved all the creations she could make. the family is missing their "resident cook" after he moved out, but they're getting by. angie eventually came out as genderfluid (here she is pictured in her fem-leaning clothing) and has been so much more comfortable now that she can be open about her gender identity. his first time wearing masculine clothing gave him so much euphoria! so happy birthday, anginetti! <3
100BB Update #6

amaretti and affogato are now teens! and amy is already close to aging up, too. oh, how the time flies... both of them graduated early, affogato graduating after their first day. how? even they don't know. by the way, they've come out! amaretti is non-binary, and affogato is agender. their parents are very proud of them. amy has joined the painter career, and affogato has joined the actor career. they are doing very well!

is that... TWO heirs i see?! yes, pudding and éclair had twins, and both of them are eligible to become heirs! only took eight tries... meet tiramisu (mimi for short) and biscotti (scotti for short)! with that, we have one more baby to go for this generation, and they're already on their way!

the twins reached the "toe in mouth" milestone very close to each other. biscotti managed to do it first, but tiramisu did it about an hour later. however, she learned to crawl before him! she somehow got out the front door and was just crawling around outside... that's what éclair gets for trusting anginetti to babysit, i guess!

mimi and scotti have already aged up into toddlers. mimi is very independent and doesn't enjoy getting help from her parents. she'd much rather learn on her own. scotti gets frustrated when looking at books or playing pretend. he'd rather learn with flashcards about the different shapes and letters. pudding says biscotti is too smart for his own good.

a little further down the block, halaya has been getting better and better at guitar! she's progressed quite a bit in the entertainer career, and is getting closer to becoming a professional musical artist. in del sol valley, zeppole is continuing to work on his articles. he's quite the renowned journalist these days.

well, pavlova finally asked (berrified) alexander to move in with her. they were great friends, but pav still hadn't told him about her orientation. feeling untrue to herself, she decided to tell him she is ace. much to her surprise, alex did not take it well and had some unkind things to say. pav, a woman who was always taught to stand up for herself, had some choice words of her own. she immediately sent him packing to return back home to his mom. she is happy she had the strength to be so outspoken about who she truly is, but she will definitely be mourning this loss for a while.

our fifth baby, amaretti, has finally aged up and moved out. once pavlova had a free room in her apartment, she told amaretti that they could move in at any time. amy is an introvert, the exact opposite of pav, but took her up on her offer anyway. besides, they did really miss each other! living near the art district of san myshuno is a plus, too. they've loved making art since they were big enough to use the activity table, and have made quite a bit of money from their paintings! the whole family is very proud of them. happy birthday, amaretti! <3
100BB Update #7

i only have one picture of macaron as a child, and only a few pictures of the twins as toddlers... oops ;-;

the twins are best friends and have been attached at the hip since they could walk!

meet hotteok! another "snuggly sleeper," but at least he had a good appetite.

mac as a teen and hotteok as a toddler! something about that haircut on him is just too cute

as she nears her day of becoming an elder, éclair has decided to pick up knitting. she finds it quite fun and has already made a bit of a profit on her finished projects!
100BB Update #8

tiramisu has started to be interested in wellness, and has gotten her mother into it, too. they both find it much more relaxing than other exercises, especially éclair, now that she's an elder.

éclair and pudding did almost everything together as pudding approached his final days.

on his final day, his family was with him, just like always. they knew it was coming, and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

ultimately, pudding passed away that night, surrounded by his family. even though they expected it, it was still so devastating. they comforted each other afterwards, sharing happy memories of their father from when they were growing up. but even still, there were regrets of not spending enough time with him that were lingering in the back of their minds. R.I.P. pudding, you will be very missed.
berry sims download

i originally made these for my boyfriend for the 100 berry baby challenge, but if anyone is interested in this couple, feel free to download them <3 all CC should be included, but if anyone has issues with that, please let me know! both sims are included in the tray file, and you can download them here. hope you like them ^_^