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There’s a thing about Eleanor and Chidi’s relationship that I want to talk about, because I feel like a lot of people don’t notice it. The show places a lot of emphasis on the ways Chidi has helped and influenced Eleanor, but Eleanor has also done the same for Chidi in more subtle ways.
spoilers up through season 2, episode 2
Chidi becomes paralyzed with fear every time he has to make a decision that has any ethical or moral ambiguity, even when someone might suffer for it. Eleanor herself is aware of Chidi’s difficulty with decisiveness, and many times she has actively worked to help make things easier for him. In episode 5, she realizes that not only is Chidi fed up with teaching her, he also lacks the conviction to tell her this himself out of fear of disappointing her. She takes it upon herself to make him a “Fork off, Eleanor” sign that he can use in place of confrontation. Episode 7 has her give up her own secret and reveal that she doesn’t belong in the Good Place, all so that Chidi won’t have to face the agonizing choice to tell Michael that he killed Janet. By ep 11, Chidi feels comfortable enough to ask her for advice about his personal life, which Eleanor takes seriously and advises that he return Real Eleanor’s love because she believes those two are soulmates. He doesn’t end up taking her advice, but he seems give it serious consideration, and is later able to have a mature conversation with Real Eleanor about his feelings.
In ep 10, her confession of love ends with “Don’t say anything, I just needed to get that off my chest,” and then she starts to leave. (She only comes back because Tahani walks in at that moment and also confesses her love for Chidi.) Similar to Jake Peralta at the end of season 1 of Brooklyn 99, Eleanor’s love does not come with any strings attached; she isn’t asking him to return her feelings because she doesn’t want him to have to make another difficult decision. She simply wants him to know because he deserves the truth. (It’s worth noting that Tahani’s speech is less considerate of Chidi’s feelings; she pretty much tries to make the decision for him by telling Chidi that he loves her.) And in season 2, episode 2, Eleanor again tells Chidi she loves him (in a different reset, so she doesn’t even have her old memories of the previous confession) and again she says “You don’t need to respond cause I know you have trouble saying how you feel.” Eleanor is able to recognize when Chidi does not need to be pushed into making a decision, and remains conscious of this when presenting him with a difficult choice.
Eleanor’s actions wrt Chidi have the direct effect of helping Chidi become more assertive and confident. He is initially hesitant to teach Eleanor how to be good, yet he ultimately agrees, in a small but important moment from very early in the series. In episode 8, he marches into Michael’s office and insists that Eleanor does not belong in the Bad Place, and demands that Michael stop the train. Michael even lampshades this in ep 10: “I need the Chidi who stormed in here and told me to stop Eleanor’s train without thinking of consequences.” And in s2, ep2, Chidi is able to return Eleanor’s love because he feels comfortable and knows that it comes without strings or life-altering consequences. No matter how Michael resets the universe, Chidi always manages to grow into a person capable of giving help and love freely without fear because of Eleanor.
Eleanor and Chidi’s relationship might seem unequal at first, since the show’s very nature requires it to focus more on Eleanor’s growth because she’s the one who seemingly needs it the most. However, Chidi actually has a fair amount of character development, due in large part to Eleanor. When Eleanor is physically present, she tries to ease his struggle, gives him tools to help him, and/or pushes him to make choices that will make him happy. As a result, Chidi has been able to overcome his hangups and act assertively in times of difficulty, even when Eleanor is not there, because her influence has been very healthy for him.
TL;DR: Eleanor and Chidi both help each other to become better people.
God please!!
if you’re reading this
a lump sum of money is on the way to you
Attack on Titan Backpack
Scouting Legion Necklace
Panda Kigurumi
Anime Poster of your choosing
Poster of yours truly Hibiki-Hikarin signed (Personalized)


“What about you, Coach, you got a favourite bath bomb?” “Crème Brûlée Honey.” “Honey? Is that an ingredient or something you just called me just now?” “Ingredient.” “Shoot. I was kinda hoping it was the other one.”

When you’re observing me, who do you think I’m observing? PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE (2019) dir. Céline Sciamma
I'm done
That's it, I'm done with K-pop. What did I sign up for? Good Music. What did I get? Assaulted, Handsome men, cute boys, a new sexuality, beautiful women, adorable girls, deadly crushes I just..... My body can't handle getting attacked by the duality everyday.
Oh I get it, (red)canary in the coal mine signifying you should definitely Not look into the magnus institute, something something anglerfish something something first episodes something implications
Tubbo: “Maybe he’ll coming willingly“
(Tubbo, honey, do you know who you’re talking about?)
Philza: “He could take on an army”
(Philza believes in his son)
After all the kidnapping and death, there is Dadza and Ghostbur having wholesome father and son moments. Also when Techno and Quackity were arguing he said “You hurt my friends” and said it again.
The family dynamic gets better and better and I love it!
(Please can we have a sleepybois arc?)

Another piece of my pride series, dedicated to a very wonderful and influential friend who I'll always see as a modern day shield maiden.
Protect all sisters. Protect all our siblings.

@toddy-kun I know today is your b-day >:3 and a little bird told me that you have an affectionate attachment to cabeakley so... ( I'm sorry for that, pls forgive me QwQ)
Fun fact: those flowers are lavender. They symbolize love, grace and, above all that, devotion. Also because Cabrera's clothes smell like lavender :3
Now, to anyone reading better go wish to that beautiful angel a wonderful b-day!!!! THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, A BLESSING TO THIS PLANET, AND THEY DESERVE THE WORLD AND EVERY SINGLE STAR OUT THERE✨✨✨!!!!!!
100BB Update #6

amaretti and affogato are now teens! and amy is already close to aging up, too. oh, how the time flies... both of them graduated early, affogato graduating after their first day. how? even they don't know. by the way, they've come out! amaretti is non-binary, and affogato is agender. their parents are very proud of them. amy has joined the painter career, and affogato has joined the actor career. they are doing very well!

is that... TWO heirs i see?! yes, pudding and éclair had twins, and both of them are eligible to become heirs! only took eight tries... meet tiramisu (mimi for short) and biscotti (scotti for short)! with that, we have one more baby to go for this generation, and they're already on their way!

the twins reached the "toe in mouth" milestone very close to each other. biscotti managed to do it first, but tiramisu did it about an hour later. however, she learned to crawl before him! she somehow got out the front door and was just crawling around outside... that's what éclair gets for trusting anginetti to babysit, i guess!

mimi and scotti have already aged up into toddlers. mimi is very independent and doesn't enjoy getting help from her parents. she'd much rather learn on her own. scotti gets frustrated when looking at books or playing pretend. he'd rather learn with flashcards about the different shapes and letters. pudding says biscotti is too smart for his own good.

a little further down the block, halaya has been getting better and better at guitar! she's progressed quite a bit in the entertainer career, and is getting closer to becoming a professional musical artist. in del sol valley, zeppole is continuing to work on his articles. he's quite the renowned journalist these days.

well, pavlova finally asked (berrified) alexander to move in with her. they were great friends, but pav still hadn't told him about her orientation. feeling untrue to herself, she decided to tell him she is ace. much to her surprise, alex did not take it well and had some unkind things to say. pav, a woman who was always taught to stand up for herself, had some choice words of her own. she immediately sent him packing to return back home to his mom. she is happy she had the strength to be so outspoken about who she truly is, but she will definitely be mourning this loss for a while.
My live reaction when I see “ spam = blocked ,, in somebody’s bio / pinned post after I went down a rabbit hole of their writings…
* cue sad background music *

I seen a post with the same text as above slightly different but tumblr is eating my likes..
Also I don’t mean to be annoying I’ll be going through my likes and be like “ OH I DIDNT FINISH READING THAT ,, or I’ll see a fic in the description will sound super interesting so I unlike then re like sorry if it’s annoying 😬

Consider this an apology for the past posts :3