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5 years ago

I want this to be a cannon episode of the show where we just see an opposite land or something this is GREAT 👍🏼

I Want This To Be A Cannon Episode Of The Show Where We Just See An Opposite Land Or Something This Is

okay okay okay but 

complete role swap AU

Chiro is the Skeleton Prince, a young Chosen One who studied with the Varons but got too close to dark magic and fell prey to it. Now he works with the Dark Ones.

Jinmay is his most faithful follower, the spirit of a girl, trapped in a robotic body, sacrificed to him and brought back as a powerful sorceress. With her own android abilities as well.

Captain Shuggazoom leads the team. He’s been the sole superhero for a while, but at the emergence of the Skeleton Prince, he finds himself no longer able to work alone.

Master Xan is his second in command, spiritual advisor, and trainer in the ways of the Power Primate. He left his home planet after the Verans followed Chiro down the path to darkness. It was such a shame, as he was such a bright boy.

The Alchemist, CS’s long time best friend and the team’s doctor/scientist/magic expert.

Master Offay, their combat expert and third in command.

Gyrus Krinkle, their mechanical engineer.

Mandarin, the only member of his team not to go dark, and creation of the Alchemist. He’s technically the pilot, but spends a lot of time bickering with CS over who gets to give the orders.

Valeena, a young woman who’s family started a secret resistance movement against the Skeleton Prince years ago. She loses her memories during a clash, however, and is found wandering the area by the team.

The Alchemist orginally made the Hyper Force to fight SP, but they turned on him; instead succumbing to the darkness. They’re formidable creatures, and loyal to a fault.

The Sun Riders were the heroes before CS, trapped in stasis after pursuing a demon creature. A demon creature accidentally let loose by a young fan of theirs.

….that’s all I have now, but if you’d like to add stuff or just yell at me, you know where to find me! 

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4 years ago
ASOIAF ESSOS AU: In Which Rhaenys And Aegon Survive The Sack Of Kings Landing And Get Taken Away To Essos
ASOIAF ESSOS AU: In Which Rhaenys And Aegon Survive The Sack Of Kings Landing And Get Taken Away To Essos
ASOIAF ESSOS AU: In Which Rhaenys And Aegon Survive The Sack Of Kings Landing And Get Taken Away To Essos
ASOIAF ESSOS AU: In Which Rhaenys And Aegon Survive The Sack Of Kings Landing And Get Taken Away To Essos
ASOIAF ESSOS AU: In Which Rhaenys And Aegon Survive The Sack Of Kings Landing And Get Taken Away To Essos
ASOIAF ESSOS AU: In Which Rhaenys And Aegon Survive The Sack Of Kings Landing And Get Taken Away To Essos
ASOIAF ESSOS AU: In Which Rhaenys And Aegon Survive The Sack Of Kings Landing And Get Taken Away To Essos
ASOIAF ESSOS AU: In Which Rhaenys And Aegon Survive The Sack Of Kings Landing And Get Taken Away To Essos

ASOIAF ESSOS AU: in which Rhaenys and Aegon survive the sack of King’s Landing and get taken away to Essos with their brother Jon and aunt Daenerys. They grow up together plotting their revenge against those who murdered their family. The last Targaryens will take what is theirs with fire and blood.

(remake of my older gifset)

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6 years ago
I Have Been Sketching An Angel That Deserves Much Love! @angelblackhat (pls Forgive Me For I Have Sinned)
I Have Been Sketching An Angel That Deserves Much Love! @angelblackhat (pls Forgive Me For I Have Sinned)
I Have Been Sketching An Angel That Deserves Much Love! @angelblackhat (pls Forgive Me For I Have Sinned)

I have been sketching an angel that deserves much love! @angelblackhat (pls forgive me for i have sinned)

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