Beware Bad Hypnotists - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Well That Just Happened

Someone named Alphapuphypnous sent me a message just a short while ago with a hypno gif as the main attachment. I worried he may have been trying to hypnotize me or that it was a spam bot, so I rapidly typed a response to get the gif out of view on the message box as I typed. I basically warned the guy I don’t take kindly to people trying to hypnotize me without permission and then warned him or her I’d report them to tumblr if such a thing repeated itself. I explained it was out of courtesy and not hostility that I mentioned this, since I figured they may have just been overly exuberant in wanting to talk with me. The user responded rapidly with apologies and saying they were meaning to type to someone else. The curious thing is that shortly after the person wrote this apology, the account was deactivated. That seems highly suspicious to me, especially given the nature of the blog itself, when I checked it out to see what it was about. In case you were wondering, it was all about hypnotizing to enslave those who follow the hypnosis prompts. I checked my follower list and this person had also just begun following me. I’m not sure if the infamous Trey was trying to get me or if it was a sincere mistake, but as I’ve said before, be careful guys. You never know who you’re dealing with or what they may try to do to you. Given the closeness of the name to a previous account identified as him, I’m inclined to believe it may have been Trey thinking I might be an easy mark for him to put under. Please be careful, guys.

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6 years ago

Update and WARNING!

So, I conferred with a professional friend of mine, and he confirmed that YES, it was TREY who tried to put me under, assuming I’d been hypnotized before and could easily be triggered again. Obviously, he did not succeed. But be warned, guys. That’s a new name he tried making now. The tumblr account was deactivated, but it’s clear he’s still up to his old tricks. I repeat. Beware of Trey. BEWARE Alphapuphypnous or whatever other pseudonyms he’s taken on. He is a manipulator, an opportunist, and a selfish minor with no morals. Or it’s possible he may now be legally an adult. Either way, BEWARE OF HIM! DO NOT LET HIM HYPNOTIZE YOU. If someone sends you a hypno gif immediately in a message, don’t let it get to you. Type as fast as you can and get it out of your message box feed so you’re not staring at it. Then call him or whatever other person may be on the other end out. Be hypnotized on your own terms, not someone else’s. And don’t let a hypnotist change you any farther than you yourself wanted to be changed in the first place. Hypnosis is a great tool, but it can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Trance responsibly.

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