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Malachite Character Analysis

(Warning: Mention and analysis of a very toxic relationship.)
¨These two are really bad for each other. Malachite was formed through extortion and deception and held together out of revenge. Malachite is the worst relationship imaginable.¨
Malachite was a character that was introduced in Season 1 finale “Jailbreak” after Jasper and Lapis Lazuli decided to fuse together to defeat the Crystal gems.
In this post i’m going to examine Malachite as a fusion and what she tells us about Jasper and Lapis and their relationship.
Lapis Lazuli´s and Jasper´s backstory:
First let’s talk a bit about Jasper’s and Lapis´ past:
Steven first found Lapis trapped in a Gem mirror, after spending some time with her, he decided to free her and later healed her gem so she could return to Homeworld by using her magic water wings.
In the episode ¨Same Old World¨ (Season 3) Lapis tells to Steven her backstory about how she got trapped in that mirror.

¨It was thousands of years ago. I was only meant to visit for a short time, but I got caught in the middle of the war. It was awful. I tried to run, but… I was picked up by a Homeworld soldier and confused for a Crystal Gem, and used as a tool.¨
Lapis talks about what happened to her as it was an accident, a terrible tragedy in which there´s not only one person she can blame for all her problems. In a way, she´s potrayed as victim of the Gem war, she was on Earth for a visit and then she was meant to leave.
She was treated as a prisoner from gems who were supposed to be on her side, used as a tool and left behind on Earth like her life was nothing.
¨It soon became clear that there was no hope in stopping the rebellion. All of the Homeworld Gems fled, and all the panic of escaping Earth, I was left behind. And there I stayed. Freedom in my sight, but out of reach for ages, until I was found.¨
Then she spend thousands of year trapped in that mirror, alone, with no one to talk to, with her gem cracked on top of that. Anyone stuck in that situation who quickly became insane and would definely not be the same person that used to be before the traumatic event.
It´s not suprising Lapis was so angry when Steven free her from that mirror. While she didn´t want to get revenge on the Crystal gems she still had a lot of anger and frustration buried deep inside her.
As for Jasper, her backstory differs greatly from Lapis´:

Jasper was born in the middle of the gem war in the Beta Kindergarten, in less than a few hours she took more than 80+ Crystal gems impressing many Homeworld gems due to her strengh.
She was considered a gem role model in Homeworld, she was an example of what a quartz soldier should be. The issue was that depiste being highly respected by her peers, she couldn´t get out of her mind that she still was a gem that came from the worst kindergarten on Earth.
According to Peridot on ¨Beta¨ most gems born in the Beta Kirdengarten came out flawed or defective in some way. This was because Homeworld rushed the place during the war to get more gems.
Jasper was one of the few gems that came out ¨right¨ to the point she could be considered a superquartz soldier by Homeworld´s standards.

However not matter how much praised she got, Jasper thought there was something with her because of her origins. This made her develop an obsession with proving her power and getting more and more self-destructive as time passed.
¨Jasper is a bully in the truest sense. Deep down, she’s afraid there’s something wrong with her, so she has to feed her ego. She has to put other Gems down to stay on top. Who she is and where she’s from gnaws at her all the time. She has a fantastic reputation, she’s considered the greatest Quartz soldier produced on Earth, and that might impress other Gems, but it will never be good enough for her.¨
¨Because she loves honor, fighting, making her mark, and winning the battle, she’ll actually go against her programming a little bit just to be the winner. So she can be self-destructive at times. She is tragically obsessed with proving her superiority.¨
Why is all this important? Well, it´s essential to know where these characters are coming from to understand why they decided to be Malachite in first place and why they were a recipe for disaster the moment that Jasper asked Lapis to fuse with her.
On one hand you have a gem that was spent thousands of years trapped against her will and carries a lot on anger and trauma inside her. On the other hand the other gem also has war trauma, it’s very self-destructive and thinks she’s horrible. Mix these two together and what you get is a unstable fusion made of hate and revenge.
Malachite as a metaphor for Jasper´s and Lapis´ relationship

Now that i have talked about their past. I going examine the scene in which they fuse into Malachite in “Jailbreak” and what the fusion tells us about their relationship.
After being defeated by Garnet (a fusion) Jasper decides to find someone she could also fuse with to win against the Crystal gems.
She spot Lapis Lazuli and grabs her before she can escape flying. She convinces Lapis to fuse with her to get revenge on Crystal gems. She reminds her how they used her and how they are traitors to Homeworld.
¨These Gems, they’re traitors to their Homeworld. They kept you prisoner. They used you.¨
It’s worth of pointing out that Jasper never tries to “force” Lapis into fusing with her in this scene. She tries using her, true, but she waits until Lapis accepts and gives her hand.
Now, Jasper could care less about Lapis in this scene. For her, she was only just a tool to get revenge on the Crystal gems and Rose Quartz. There wasn’t any “trust” between the two.
As for Lapis, she tried escaping from Jasper first but after realising that she was about to being used again by someone who had kept her prisoner in the ship she snapped and decided to stop being treated like an object for once.
Moments later after they fused into Malachite, Lapis took control of the fusion’s water powers and chained her down, dragging her into the bottow of the ocean.

¨I’m done being everyone’s prisoner. Now you’re my prisoner! And I’m never letting you go! Let’s stay on this miserable planet… together!¨
As Lapis stated, she was done of being everyone’s prisioner, she was tired of being treated like a tool by everyone. Control in her own life was something was constanly taken away from her. So by trapping Malachite (and herself) meant that was able to make choices again.
As for Jasper, i already mentioned that she only wanted Lapis to become more powerful. Jasper is a gem that shown to be obssesed with winning and fighting. She doesn’t accept defeat easily and the more she loses, more self-destructive she gets.
In “Chilled tid” Steven gets a glimpse of what Malachite’s mind looked like: Lapis and Jasper were fighting over the control of the fusion. They both were completely exhausted and beaten.
There’s a visual methaphor about how they are both chained to Malachite in this dream sequence. This is very much like how it’s really difficult to get out of a toxic/codependent relationship and how one feels trapped with no hope of getting out of it.

Another interesting detail is when Jasper takes control, all she’s able to say is “YOU! YOU! YOU!¨ to Steven. It shows how crazy she gets when can’t win a battle and how her mind deteriorates in the process.
The episode "Alone at the Sea” explores their relationship even further by showing which their main motivations were and how it affect them both.
First of all, the reason of why Lapis didn’t want to be near the ocean again it’s because it remind her of time she used to be fused with Jasper:
“Look, Lapis, I know you spent a really long time fused with Jasper at the bottom of the ocean, but you’re not Malachite anymore.And water is a part of who you are. You can’t let one bad experience take that away from you.”
During the boat trip Lapis keeps blaming herself for the events of Ocean gem and Malachite:
“It’s my fault. I’m the one to blame.”
“I'm terrible! I did horrible things! I-I broke your dad’s leg. I stole Earth's ocean! Go on! Tell me I’m wrong!”
She describes herself as “terrible”. She thinks she don’t deserve the kindness that Steven has giving her during all this time.
Lapis is a character who usually stuggles with change in the series. She thinks she won’t be able to revover from her trauma, that she can’t grow and become a better person.
She also mentions to him how she can’t help but think of when she used to be Malachite.
“I’m really trying to enjoy it out here, but… I can’t stop thinking about being fused as Malachite, how I used all my strength to hold her down in the ocean, and how I was always battling against Jasper to keep her bound to me.”
“But it’s not like that anymore. You don’t have to be with Jasper.”
“That’s not it. I… I miss her.”
“We were fused for so long.”
This implies that after spending so much together Jasper and Lapis became codependent of each other. Steven, who was still a teenager in this scene, couldn’t fully get grasp of why his friend who missed being in a terrible situation like that.
And Lapis was not the only one that felt like this.
When Jasper shows up, she shows she has been missing Lapis as well and she has been tracking her to find her.
In a very rare moment that would look out of character for her Jasper kneels down and begs for Lapis to be Malachite again.

¨Let’s be Malachite again.¨
Keep in mind that until know Jasper has always been potrayed as someone who would do anything it takes to win. She’s tough gem soldier who isn’t afraid of her enemies. She’s strong,cocky and agressive. So why did she ask to be Malachite again?
“I was wrong about fusion. You made me understand! Malachite was bigger and stronger than both of us! We could fly!”
She emphazises Malachite’s power when they were fused. How strong and powerful she was.
This makes sense considering the factthat Jasper thinks of herself as “horrible” and “defective”. She has a huge inferiority complex that comes from how Earth gems are perceived on Homeworld.
So, being Malachite made her feel “complete” and cover up her insecurities and personal issues.
“It’ll be better this time. I’ve changed. You’ve changed me. I’m the only one who can handle your kind of power.”
She tries to convince Lapis by saying how she’s the only one that can “handle” her powers. This shows again how self-destructive Jasper can be as she was willing to go through that pain again just to feel powerful.
Another reason, i think, it’s because she partially blames herself for Pink Diamond’d shattering. She probably wanted to be punished for her “failure” or wanted someone who she could follow again much like she started calling Steven “My diamond” in “Homeworld Bound”.
As for Lapis, there are a few reasons she had her doubts of being Malachite again:
1) The fusion was a way for her to gain control back on her own life. She was tired of being tricked and used by everyone that she wanted to take her anger on someone.
“I was terrible to you. I liked taking everything out on you. I needed to, I-I hated you. It was bad!”
Lapis wanted someone to go through the same pain she had to endure for thousands of years. And that someone could have anyone. She choosed Jasper as she was the closest one to her in “Jailbreak”.
When she was separated, she felt she suddenly lost that great amount of power that the fusion gave to her. She lost that “control” she had.
2) During “Alone at the sea” she describes herself many times as terrible and how she doesn’t deserve the boat trip. She keeps blaming herself from her actions and how she can’t get better.
Jasper even calls Lapis a monster in a moment, stating they very much alike:
“You can’t lie to me. I’ve seen what you’re capable of. I thought I was a brute, but you… you’re a monster.”

Lapis wanted to go back to be Malachite since she thought it was what someone as terrible as her deserved. She thought she couldn’t grow into good person. Gems terrible as her and Jasper were meant to be together.
But Lapis knew better than getting trapped in that fusion again.
“NO! ”“What we had wasn’t healthy. I never want to feel like I felt with you. Never again! So just, go!”
In the end she refused to fuse with Jasper and realised how toxic their relationship was. It was a terrible experience and something she didn’t want to take part in ever again.
Malachite as a character

Being fusion who is supposed to represent an very toxic relationship, Malachite is potrayed as very agressive, unstable and sadistic. She´s quite unpredictable since her actitude depends of who it´s taking control of her.
When her eyes are ¨cat shaped¨ it usually means that Jasper is the one controlling her. If her eyes are wide and open, it indicates Lapis is the one in control.
It´s difficult to affirm Malachite ever had her own personality at all,as her components were always fighting over her power and she was a mere tool from the moment she was ¨born¨.
¨A fusion like theirs is unstable, bound together by anger and mistrust. If that bond snaps, their anger will take over, and destroy.¨
She ends up being a pretty tragic character as her whole existence was filled by hatred and suffering to the point she didn´t know anything else. Unlike other characters from Steven universe she wasn´t given the chance to redeem herself.
It´s interesting how Malachite in ¨Super Watermelon Island¨ kept exchaching between ¨we¨ and ¨I¨ to talk about herself. This indicates again that she wasn´t fully her own person.
If Lapis and Jasper were to fuse again after having worked through their issues, Malachite would be a more stable and less agressive fusion. But that´s very unlikely to happen since it was a terrifying experience for both of them.
In conclusion: Malachite is character with tons of metaphors that talks a lot about Lapis and Jasper and who they are as people. She serves to show how toxic some relationships can get when there is a lack of basic trust and understanding and is created by mutual hatred. It´s an example of how complicated relationships can be and how a person it´s really more complex they appear to be.
omd green lantern on tv yesssss
[WARNING; This video contains spoilers to the end of Season 2 of TheFamousFilms’ Minecraft Fnaf Roleplay. It also contains guns, implied death, evil glitch weasels, and a little bit of blood]
So anyone remember how some time ago, I mentioned in the 'You're Beautiful' drawing that I wanted to draw a traditional animatic for TheFamousFilms' Fnaf Roleplay? Yeah, me neither, cuz I could never find the freaking motivation to continiue drawing for it and all my outlining pens and my black marker is dryyyyy :DD My friend told me a method to fix it, but I can't remember what it was XDD So like, out of lack of motivation and self-loathing, I made lil WIP video today with Gacha Club, Kinemaster, Bandicam and cut, and Wondershare Filmora :')) It's kinda laggy because my computer's RAM is bad and the quality ain't too good since I had to screen record it... but it's not entirely terrible lmao
I didn’t wanna give up on the idea of the animatic, so I’ll probs just make a Gaccha Club video for all of it lmao

Based off of Leaveitbrii’s ao3 fic: Owl’s Party Favor which is a very well written WIP crossover between Tokyo Ghoul and Until Dawn’s Climbing Class. I have never seen nor heard of Tokyo Ghoul so as you can imagine, I had no idea what was going on until I looked into it and IT’S SO GOOD.
This scene was SO GOOD, and the WRITING IS SO GOOD, and the CHARACTERS ARE ON POINT. Definitely my favorite writer! Go read more of their stuff! I promise you will not be disappointed!
I don’t think I even did this scene justice and I apologize to the writer for anything that wasn’t how they wrote it. The kagune, without seeing the show, is by far the biggest thing I’m worried about. I also tried to keep it light on the gore just because but... the kagune I did my best to cross “scales” with “clouds” idk how well I did I’m sorry.
Also, I believe Leavitbrii’s tumblr is @flowerkingofangmar? Maybe? If it is, awesome, and thank you for giving me permission to do this!!
PS. lol can you all tell where I stopped having the energy to paint the little splotches on the kagune. I cannnn~
This site has been going around Twitter trans accounts quite a bit lately, so just pointing out here too that it'll do fuck all, they're exploiting trans people at a time when hrt is particularly hard to access and please don't give them your money

quick warning if you see art similar to mine posted by a proshipper, THAT IS NOT ME!!! that person has been stalking me and i believe tracing my art, if you see them please report and block them
@bannananeedssleep @excymothoa @craftys-hour-of-joy @robotpepsi AND OTHERS

People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don’t how it is all around the world but I know it can’t just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
I just wanted to come on here to warn you guys to PLEASE be careful on YouTube! There is this awful new channel that’s SOMEHOW 🙄 getting away with jump-scare videos of Ronnie Mcnutt and of the Christchurch shooting in New Zealand! I swear it’s the Tik Tok situation all over again!

I'm fucking sorry but anything ai generated that's supposed to help people I will not trust. Ai is at a point where it is not yet smart enough to know facts for myth, and is also doing the Ai equivalent of pulling the ancient royalty move of incest by taking ai created work for more AI created work.
Fuck ai
PSA: *Beware* AI-generated fungi guidebooks!!
…Not a phrase I imagined myself typing today. But, via @heyMAKWA on Twitter:
“i'm not going to link any of them here, for a variety of reasons, but please be aware of what is probably the deadliest AI scam i've ever heard of:
“plant and fungi foraging guide books. the authors are invented, their credentials are invented, and their species IDs will kill you.”
…So PLEASE be careful if you run across anything of this kind.
(ETA: Corrected egregious typo in the title. Apologies, as I was [a] in bed [b] typing hurriedly and one-handed on the iPad, and [c] I think its native keyboard may need recalibration, but also [d] I was upset about what I was having to post, because seriously, WTF?!!)

Please note that this blog contains and interacts with dark content. I will be adding trigger warnings and content warnings in the start of my content. I will also be tagging them appropriately. But please do read these warnings for the safety of your mental health.
Also please remind me if I have not tagged any content appropriately and I will edit it as soon as possible. I want to make this blog a safe space for all people who enjoy fan fictions and dark content so please be mindful and help me in creating a safe environment.

drug use (tw: drugs)
blood (tw: blood)
alcohol use and intoxication (tw: intoxication)
non-consensual (tw: non con)
dubious consent (tw: dub con)
rape (tw: rape)
incest (tw: incest)
stepcest (tw: stepcest)
dumbification (tw: dumbification)
somnophilia (tw: somnophilia)
dacryphilia (tw: dacryphilia)
voyeurism (tw: voyeurism)
corruption kink (tw: corruption)
breeding kink (tw: breeding)
ddlg (tw: ddlg)
BDSM (tw: bdsm)
dom sub dynamics (tw: dom) (tw: sub)
pet play (tw: pet play)
rope play (tw: rope play)
gun play (tw: gun play)
knife play (tw: knife play)
impact play (tw: impact play)
fear play (tw: fear play)
stomach bulge/bulge kink (tw: bulge kink)
yandere (tw: yandere)
abuse - all or any forms (tw: abuse)
manipulation (tw: manipulation)

ꜰɪʀsᴛ ᴘᴏsᴛ?
ʟᴇᴛ's sᴀʏ ʏᴇs..
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚝.
ᴨᴇᴩʙый ᴨоᴄᴛ?
ᴄᴋᴀжᴇʍ, дᴀ..
В ϶ᴛᴏʍ бᴧᴏᴦᴇ будуᴛ ᴨубᴧиᴋᴏʙᴀᴛьᴄя ᴨᴩᴏᴄᴛыᴇ ʍыᴄᴧи иɜʙᴩᴀщᴇнцᴀ.
𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚎𝚡𝚑𝚒𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎. 𝙸'𝚖 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢.
Сᴩᴀɜу хᴏчу ᴄᴋᴀɜᴀᴛь, чᴛᴏ ϶ᴛᴏᴛ бᴧᴏᴦ нᴀʙᴇᴩняᴋᴀ будᴇᴛ ᴨᴩᴏᴋᴧяᴛ и нᴇнᴀʙидиʍ ᴛᴇʍи, ᴋᴛᴏ уʙидиᴛ ʙыᴄᴛᴀʙᴧᴇнныᴇ ɜдᴇᴄь ᴩᴀбᴏᴛы. Я ᴦᴏᴛᴏʙ.

People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don’t how it is all around the world but I know it can’t just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
i don't usually make posts like this, but this is a truly upsetting topic to me as a lifelong cat owner, so i feel i have a duty to share my knowledge with others.
there is a type of automatic litterbox for cats being sold that is EXTREMELY dangerous and has killed numerous cats through blunt force trauma, suffocation, etc. this litterbox is being sold under different brand names and logos, so i will include the picture of the model and two links to informational videos with more evidence and eloquence than i am able to provide.
please consider not having this type of litterbox in your home for your furry friends. me and my 16 year old tortie, puddy, want the best for all your kitty friends
image of litterbox below:

here are my two video links that provide proof and testimonials of this harmful product:
This Scam is Killing Cats by penguinz0
The DEADLY self-cleaning litter boxes that have flooded the market by One Man Five Cats

If you didn't know you can not eat these. I took a lick because they smell just like lime beer salts. That shit burnt the hell out of my throat
Then ninth chapter is OUT!!!!!
Please do enjoy it and i'll start on 10 one streight away. i have agreate plance for nxt on and mayby a bit of angst.

Okay guys I’m just gonna say this, if you get mentioned in any of these Ray Ban charity event posts. DO NOT CLICK ON IT. It is a phishing website. DO not click on it unless you have the correct add blockers and safety precautions. I’ve gotten mentioned in at least 20 of these at this point, and a lot of them are from people I follow. That is because they have been hacked. They clicked on this link and their account was hacked. Please don’t click on this. I’m just bringing some more awareness to this.
Ok so here is a thing in the wheeler family (my family), where if you try in any attempt to do any of the following: - cheat in a game - Steal our trucks or cars - Attempt to tick us off - break our loved possessions - Break any family hearts - Steal anything We will not hesitate to be vigilantes over your sorry little buns because this family here is brutal when it comes to trying to mess with us. A fair warning. ;)

these are some really old screenshots that I thankfully have saved. The server is still like this, even after all of this bullshit.
(The person named Duke has changed, and he is much nicer now. We are currently friends and he has made up for it.)
⚠️ Warning: Do not join this Discord server due to the following reasons:
Homophobic and transphobic,and all out anti-lgbtq behavior: The server fosters an environment where all LGBTQ individuals may face discrimination and hostility towards them.
Poor management: The staff exhibit unprofessional conduct, leading to a lack of support and resolution for issues within the server.
Unkind owner: The owner's behavior contributes to a negative culture, making the server unpleasant for its members.
Frequent arguments: Constant conflicts and disagreements among members detract from the overall experience and create a tense environment, and with the horrible staff, the arguments are not taken to dms and progressively get more violent.
Harassment: Instances of bullying and harassment are common, resulting in a hostile and unsafe space for participants.
For your well-being and safety, it's advised to avoid joining this Discord server, and please. For the love of god,Don't ask me about it, they tried to steal my whole irl identity by stealing photos of me that I posted, mocking me for talking abt possibly wanting to be trans in which which resulted in I getting kicked,and possibly banned I'm not sure.
Edit: I forgot abt the time when 3 server members told the staff that I was underage, and the staff believed it so I HAD TO SEND AGE VERIFICATION PHOTOS, and those 3 members stole those photos, and pretended to be me, which ended up in me getting timed out for "bullying a person for their looks and claiming they are not themselves". Fuck that shitty ass server dude.
Thank you.