Bhna Iida - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

I Made A Vow

Husband! Iida x Wife! Reader


I Made A Vow




Tenya's headshot up to his father's voice; he cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. This deviating behavior isn't like Tenya. Usually, he would be taking down notes in advance, but as if today, he just gazed into space.

"Are you alright, son, your acting rather peculiar today?" 

" My wife has fallen ill this morning, and I'm worried about her current state. She isn't the healthy eater, mind you. I'm frightened it may be severe."

"Your wife is one strong woman; I'm sure she's fine." His father chuckled, patting Tenya's back.

Meanwhile, in the humble abode of Tenya's.

"Everything hurts!" (F/N) whimpered into her pillows. "I don't wanna be a woman anymore!"

(F/N) sobbed and moaned about the lonely house. Since movement only intensified the already painful sensation, she laid dormant with a heating pad at her disposal and hellish cravings that she couldn't satisfy.

"I miss you, Tenya." (F/N)'s teardrops soaked into her pillows. 

Even though Tenya would fuss about her habits and often scold her harshly for misbehaving, she merely desired to be in his embrace on days like this, but Sadly, Tenya is a busy man who has to uphold the Iida name.

Back at the Iida estate 

Tenya's husband's senses caused his body to rumble. Something is a miss! Acting out of a measly hunch, Tenya abruptly excused him from the conference and used his quirk to sprint home.

(F/N) flinched at the loud slam of the door. Tired, sweaty, and lacking oxygen, Tenya stood in the bedroom door frame; he was in complete disarray.  

She watched Tenya sit at her bedside and examined her temperature. "Thank goodness; your fever has subsided."

"Tenya, What are you doing home? You usually don't come back until later tonight."

Tenya scoffed. "Oh, honestly, I leave for an hour and look at how much you been crying, darling," He lightly cupped her cheeks and dragged his thumbs against the puffy bags under her eyes. "That's it; I'm staying home until your in perfect health." 

(F/N) eyes almost bulged out her skull." Why?! Won't you get into trouble?!"

Tenya stripped his formal wear into his comfortable house attire. "Why? Because darling, people will do unseen things for the ones most precious to them." He stated in a firm voice.

Tenya snuggled in close to her side, gently tugging her into his bronze chest, laying his cheek on the top of her head.

"As your husband, I must protect and comfort you no matter the circumstances or consequences. I made this vow the day I said I do." He whispered as she peacefully fell asleep.

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