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The Shy Elf & The Hot Nurse
Injured! Tamaki x Nurse! Reader

~Chapter One: I Wanna Go Home~
"Ow, My head *Sigh* Where am I?" Amajiki searched around the room for any clues of his whereabouts. " A hospital room?...Ahh!" A blood-curdling pain engulfed his body when trying to relieve himself from his dormant state.
He lifted his hospital gown receiving one hell of an eye opener, his torso, and abdomen tightly encase in bloody bandages. The elf's breath hitched at the sight.
'How did I-wait..wait' Amajiki gulped.' Who changed me out of my clothes?!' His anxiety rapidly flared up just thought of somebody seeing his weird body or even worse notion what if a girl that changed him.
'Oh god,' The elf covered his hot face on the brink of tears.
"Woah! Woah! I don't think it's a bright idea for you to be moving so soon."
"Wahh!" The elf almost leaped out of his skin after witnessing Mirio face phase through the wall.
"Quit screaming, Tamaki. We are in a hospital." Mirio snickered.
"You almost gave me a heart attack"
"Oh sorry" Mirio phased himself through the wall. "How are you feeling, Champ?" (I don't why but for some reason. I'm giving Mirio father/ best friend vibes...I like it.)
"What happened to me?"
"You rocked! You saved a busload of people!" Mirio voiced died down when it came to the bad news. "Unfortunately, Your were knocked out cold after the villain sent you flying through a building while you were distracted. "
'Ugh! How could I have been so careless?! I'm such an idiot! I-I bet Mirio would have seen that attack coming from a mile away-' "Ouch!" Amajiki holds his throbbing nose.
"Now, don't go belittling yourself or else. I will flick you again" Mirio eyes soften after the elf quickly nodded "yes". "Good because you should be proud of yourself-Oh, wait here!" Mirio disappeared into the wall leaving Amajiki wondering what's he's up too now.
"Eek!!!" The screams of several women made the curious elf flinched.
"Sorry about that ladies!" Mirio bust through the door struggling to pull up his pants. " How about I just use the door."
Amajiki hummed and nodded in agreement.
Mirio prop opens the door and left once more. The elf grew embarrassed with the door opened, the nurses and doctors could walk by and see him in his hospital gown. He kept his head down as toyed with his fingers hoping Mirio would hurry.
"I'm back!"
Amajiki head shot up and froze with widening eyes. " W-What all this for?!"
Mirio smiled with his huge arms full of "great well" cards, balloons, candy, and flowers. " These are all from the civilians. YOU saved."
Amajiki's heart fluttered but if only he were quicker on his feet- "Ouch!".
" I saw that look in your eye again" Mirio sat by Amajiki's bedside. "Listen, I know you're upset because you got distracted."
"Am I really that see-through?" The elf's ears burned with embarrassment.
"Nobody's perfect" Mirio pulled Amajiki into a giant bear hug. "Everyone makes mistakes and mistakes are good because you can get the opportunity to learn from them."
Mirio soothing words was a mental pat on the back to Amajiki. It actually made the shy elf join some of his confident back even though it's a very small amount. That counts as progress.
"Thanks, Mirio" Amajiki's ears twitched with happiness.
*Knock* *Knock*
Both of them pulled away from their hug giving all their attention to the door.
"Hi I'm (Y/N), I'm your nurse." The alluring woman's heels clicked against the hospital's marble floor. "You are Mr. Amajiki" Your voice softens while you verified medical information.
Amajiki 's purple orbs scanned (Y/N) from head to toe. Every inch of her was a sight for sore eyes from those soft legs to her breathtaking eyes. That's the problem! Your gorgeous and well...I don't think Tamaki is going to survive that long.
Ba-Dump! Ba-Dump! Ba-Dump!
'Oh dear god, ..I-I want to go home!' He cried in his head as his face and ears glowed into a bright red hue.
I Made A Vow
Husband! Iida x Wife! Reader

Tenya's headshot up to his father's voice; he cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. This deviating behavior isn't like Tenya. Usually, he would be taking down notes in advance, but as if today, he just gazed into space.
"Are you alright, son, your acting rather peculiar today?"
" My wife has fallen ill this morning, and I'm worried about her current state. She isn't the healthy eater, mind you. I'm frightened it may be severe."
"Your wife is one strong woman; I'm sure she's fine." His father chuckled, patting Tenya's back.
Meanwhile, in the humble abode of Tenya's.
"Everything hurts!" (F/N) whimpered into her pillows. "I don't wanna be a woman anymore!"
(F/N) sobbed and moaned about the lonely house. Since movement only intensified the already painful sensation, she laid dormant with a heating pad at her disposal and hellish cravings that she couldn't satisfy.
"I miss you, Tenya." (F/N)'s teardrops soaked into her pillows.
Even though Tenya would fuss about her habits and often scold her harshly for misbehaving, she merely desired to be in his embrace on days like this, but Sadly, Tenya is a busy man who has to uphold the Iida name.
Back at the Iida estate
Tenya's husband's senses caused his body to rumble. Something is a miss! Acting out of a measly hunch, Tenya abruptly excused him from the conference and used his quirk to sprint home.
(F/N) flinched at the loud slam of the door. Tired, sweaty, and lacking oxygen, Tenya stood in the bedroom door frame; he was in complete disarray.
She watched Tenya sit at her bedside and examined her temperature. "Thank goodness; your fever has subsided."
"Tenya, What are you doing home? You usually don't come back until later tonight."
Tenya scoffed. "Oh, honestly, I leave for an hour and look at how much you been crying, darling," He lightly cupped her cheeks and dragged his thumbs against the puffy bags under her eyes. "That's it; I'm staying home until your in perfect health."
(F/N) eyes almost bulged out her skull." Why?! Won't you get into trouble?!"
Tenya stripped his formal wear into his comfortable house attire. "Why? Because darling, people will do unseen things for the ones most precious to them." He stated in a firm voice.
Tenya snuggled in close to her side, gently tugging her into his bronze chest, laying his cheek on the top of her head.
"As your husband, I must protect and comfort you no matter the circumstances or consequences. I made this vow the day I said I do." He whispered as she peacefully fell asleep.
The Shy Elf And The Hot Nurse
Injured!Tamaki Amajiki x Nurse! Reader

Chapter Two ~The Little Bunny~
I-I...ultimately got a patient and It's him. Suneater! He's so dreamy and I'm-I'm so ew! I can't...I can't manage this. He probably thinks...I'm disgusting in this uniform...It's extremely short in the back... Oh my god, my hands are trembling.
I have to be getting out of here before I faint like last time with All Might...Damn it! What was the point of bringing that up?! That happened three years ago! Oh no My legs are turning into jelly!'
The nurse hushed up her flustered expression behind the wooden clipboard at hand. Thankfully for her, On the other side of the room, The boys were inattentively unaware of (F/N)'s meltdown. Mainly because of Amajiki experiencing the same calvary.
"Ms. (L/N) Please report to the front desk forthwith! Again, Ms. (L/N), please report to the front desk momentarily!"
The announcement blissful words put (F/N)'s unstable nerves to rest at ease that being said the nurse bolted out the room. However, with legs like jelly, She didn't far before collapsing to the floor.
"(F/N), You left your Paxil at home. You can't function without them, I've advised this before."Dr. Hanji scolded lifting (F/N) off the floor."In order for you to work in my hospital, you have consistently keep these in your possession cottontail."
Dr. Hanji harshly shoved a standard dose down her throat. " Let this be the last time this happens." She shot a death glare at (F/N) through her glasses making (F/N)'s hairs stand on end. "Now, Take a nap until the pill sets in" Dr. Hanji plunged her on a bed in a vacant room and left without another word.
As the nurse slipped into slumber, Our little elf was trying to hide from life.
"Tamaki, You can't stay under the covers forever." Mirio struggled mightily tried to pry the blankets off his anxious friend. The "Holy Sunshine, I knew you were strong!"
The blond dropped to his knees after an intense 'game of tug of war' with Amajiki that he lost miserably. The anxious elf quaked underneath the thick hospital blanket.
Mirio sighed hopelessly, "Tamaki, It's alright I'm confident that she's a very nice woman right Ms.(L/N)?"He stood nonplussed, spotting no cute little nurse in sight."Oh, She's gone."
Amajiki ear's twitched alertly as he snatched the blanket slightly to confirm the truth with a quick peek. He took a breath of relief sitting up carefully to not exasperate his dreadful wound. The elf sat in dismay believing he caused her to feel unwanted because of his sheepish behavior.
'I'm Tamaki Amajiki the man who can take down three villains at once but cowards before a cute- um innocent woman. How terrible.' He mocked at his own expense.
"Tamaki, There's is nothing to be afraid of. Just do what you always do and imagine her as something else." Mirio smiled brightly.
'M-Mirio right. Why would this time be any different? Okay, I um think I can do this. I hope.'
Amajiki lips quivered in fear and his ears flinched at the familiar clicking heading towards the door.
"Hello, I'm back" (F/N) greeted the boys with a heartwarming smile." I apologize for leaving without excusing myself properly."She bowed humbly.
"Please forgive me."
" Oh, it's no big deal. We barely noticed you were gone." Mirio scratched the back of his neck. "Right, Tamaki?"
Amajiki hummed along bashfully.
"Ok then" The nurse prop the heavy hospital door to pull through an even heavier cart.
"Let me, Miss, " Mirio sprung naturally into action after catching sight of the little lady's struggles." It's stuck on something" He snatched the cart into the room his sudden forceful pull caused some on the contents on the cart to fall off. " Oops, sorry about that."
"Ok, it's alright no harm done." (F/N) and Mirio gathers all the misplaced contents and sets them in their correct arrangements. " Thank you."
"You're welcome. Say what made you want to become a nurse."
"When I was little, I use to always love helping people when they got 'Boo-boos'. That love drove me through all my hardships, and I'm doing what I love. Kissing people's boo-boos like Mr. Amajiki"
Hot steam burst out of Amajiki's hot pink ears. Why does she have to do that? Why does she have to mention his name in that gorgeous silky voice? The poor man was already on edge anyway.
'Just I-imagine... Imagine her as so-something else.' Amajiki finally reiterated looking at (F/N) while she's distracted. 'Nothing... She's still a per-person.' Before he panics again, his breath as taken away by her radiant beauty. She is unusually adorable... Like a Bun-Bunny?!'
A white fluffy cottontail absorbed his attention. Speechless, Amajiki gripped his sheets and swayed his head.
'She's a bunny?! N-No, I'm just imagining things... Like always, but I never imagine a person as an animal before, so why now?'
Amajiki furrowed his brows, chewing on his bottom lip as if it were gummy. Have I reached a new all-time low? I'm helpless.'
The elf huffed gripping the hospital gown's collar that seems to be strangling him by the minute, A soothing, gentle touch on his forehead caused his muscles to tense up.
"Thankfully, your fever has gone down."
A glorious voice of milk and honey gently teased Amajiki's twitching ears as his poor weak heart skips a beat. 'S-She's so close! '
"All I have to do is change your bandages, then I will let you rest. Please take your arm out the sleeve please."
The elf's blood ran cold as she stared at his abdomen. ' I should start working out with Mirio. My pudgy body is not really of hero status.'
" What are your favorite things? Mr. Amajiki " (F/N) felt his severely shaking body and decided to make small talk to take his mind off his personal worries.
" M-my... Favorite things? "
" Yep, Like I love my job... Butterflies- "
"I Love B-Butterflies too," Amajiki shyly smiled, keeping his head turned towards the wall. " I love... Fluffy b-bunnies... They are the cutest."
Amajiki hissed in terrible pain as she cleaned his wounds.
" Thank you...I love you too Mr. Amajiki " She teased wrapping his wounds.
Like fragile glass, Amajiki's nerves broke into pieces. " What-what...I never um I didn't say...Well, I'm not saying you're not cute but your...I. "
The faithful nurse stared at the hectic elf in awed. " Well, You stated that you loved bunnies and coincidentally I'm a bunny. Sooo You love me and I love you too."
Amajiki's anxious eyes went pure white as her ruby rosy lips connected to his cheek. The poor anxious elf blacked out on contact.
"Oh my goodness, Mr. Amajiki?!"
" Don't worry, he's fine. He does this a lot." Mirio chuckled tucked Amajiki in.
"He always does this?! "
Amajiki.exe has stopped working
Look who I colored! A Loveable Psycho, that's who!❤

💕I would just like to say one thing! *Inhales* BABY SHIGARAKI SHALL BE NICKNAMED TINY TERROR FOR THE END OF TIME💕

Ain't HE CUTE!