Big Ole Rant - Tumblr Posts
i feel like such a whiner but i do have one singular non canonicity debate beef with fanon cassidy. i love the concept (we love angry, vengeance-driven girls), but sometimes it just feels like such a disservice to charlotte specifically as a character cuz it seems that people usually take charlie’s canonical traits (based on her voicelines from UCN and Henry’s dialogue in FFPS) and just amp them wayyyyy up for another seemingly random little girl that’s basically a violent clone of her, combined with elements of CC,, idk. i guess if scott found a way to make this hypothetical character important, but i don’t see the point in making a character who’s role is already (or at least possibly in CC’s case) fulfilled by two existing characters. cuz while it’s been shown that it doesn’t seem to affect the fanon importance and treatment of CC, i’ve noticed that charlotte does not get the love she deserves