Big Thanakorn - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

15 Day BL Challenge - Part 2

Day 25 - Which BL actor do you want to see more of?

This is hard, because there are so many good actors!

I'm not going to be able to stick to just one. I could probably list 20, but I'll try to limit it to three.

Definitely Poom. He was such a standout in Bake Me Please in a side role, and then nailed My Stand In. And it looks like he and Up will be working together again, which is delightful.

15 Day BL Challenge - Part 2

And our precious Big! He's finally gotten a lead with Monster Next Door, so please please please let us get more from this giant adorable man.

15 Day BL Challenge - Part 2

I also would love to see Max Nattapol in something again. I know he and Tul are not officially acting together anymore, but we had teases of him coming back in shows like Red Peafowl (rip), and I would love to see him in a BL again.

15 Day BL Challenge - Part 2

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5 months ago
 // Stand In Front Today
 // Stand In Front Today
 // Stand In Front Today
 // Stand In Front Today

วันนี้ให้มายืนข้างหน้าเลย // stand in front today

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6 months ago

Monster Next Door Episode 1-2 thoughts

That hairstyle they have Diew’s actor in does NOT do him justice. I looked on his Instagram and it really blobs out his features. The blonde could stay, but he could’ve been even more cute if they just changed the styling.

Every time that turtle is on screen he is trying desperately to get out of that tiny ass cage. I get it, Mr. Shy. Diew deserves prison for that enclosure.

God’s actor: I’d climb that man like a tree.

God’s balcony signs saying EXPLICIT CONTENT PARENTAL ADVISORY and POISON!!!! got me cracking up. Gotta make sure it’s very apparent he’s just a cool, rebel, don’t give a fuck guy.

I didn’t expect it to be so cute but Diew and God’s interactions have got me kicking my feet, twirling my hair. I love the juxtapositions of their balconies and backgrounds. I wonder if the color scheme will start blending the closer they get.

I really hope as the story progresses, both sides realize they need bits of each other’s personalities to thrive. God learns he doesn’t have to be On™️ all the time, to take time for himself, to slow down and Diew learns that being around people, creating friendships and going out and doing things aren’t scary, is fun, and beneficial to him as a person.

I am so SO happy they didn’t drag the ‘hating each other/Diew being annoyed with God’ thing for multiple episodes.

Beer and Wan better be second couple because oh my GOD are their interactions funny and sweet.

The library scene when the friend group said, “FIGHTING!” and the librarian said, “NO THIS IS A LIBRARY” actually made me lol. Lately, I’ve been laughing out loud more at bls and that makes me happy. Either I’m getting used to the humor in their cultures or they’re just becoming universally more funny. Either way, I love it.

I almost didn’t watch this show because I judged it solely off the still on Gaga and the description, but I’m glad I started because I have a feeling this will become a new favorite.

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