Monster Next Door - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
The MND Admin Seems To Have Taken Some Notes From The Gagaoolala Admin

The MND admin seems to have taken some notes from the Gagaoolala admin

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5 months ago
This Was Just The Best And Most Accurate Moment And I Love That It's How Diew Sees Him.
This Was Just The Best And Most Accurate Moment And I Love That It's How Diew Sees Him.

This was just the best and most accurate moment and I love that it's how Diew sees him.

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5 months ago

Shout-out to Ton's unnamed boyfriend, for not being a jealous weirdo when Beer was being silly and affectionate with Ton (while Wan pouted and sighed trying to get Beer's attention). Unnamed boyfriend, you are the real MVP in these BL Boyfriend Leagues

Shout-out To Ton's Unnamed Boyfriend, For Not Being A Jealous Weirdo When Beer Was Being Silly And Affectionate

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5 months ago

Khun Shy is gonna have the best vacation ever in a space that isn’t 20 square cm big. He’s gonna cry having to go home in 3 days.

Bonus if he gets to bite shitty ex-boyfriend’s finger while he’s there.

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5 months ago

Did I love Monster Next Door this week (Ep. 7)?

Absolutely. Per usual.

Were they particularly cruel for making me think we were getting that trailer kissing scene when God showed up in that mask?


Did I Love Monster Next Door This Week (Ep. 7)?


(Sidenote: The ex can bite it. Diew has officially upgraded.)

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5 months ago
Beer Is So In Love And Wan Is Struggling But It's So Hard To See Because They Keep Teetering On This
Beer Is So In Love And Wan Is Struggling But It's So Hard To See Because They Keep Teetering On This
Beer Is So In Love And Wan Is Struggling But It's So Hard To See Because They Keep Teetering On This
Beer Is So In Love And Wan Is Struggling But It's So Hard To See Because They Keep Teetering On This
Beer Is So In Love And Wan Is Struggling But It's So Hard To See Because They Keep Teetering On This
Beer Is So In Love And Wan Is Struggling But It's So Hard To See Because They Keep Teetering On This
Beer Is So In Love And Wan Is Struggling But It's So Hard To See Because They Keep Teetering On This
Beer Is So In Love And Wan Is Struggling But It's So Hard To See Because They Keep Teetering On This

Beer is so in love and Wan is struggling but it's so hard to see because they keep teetering on this edge of something more, of seeing it for what it is, and Wan pulls away every time.

Beer Is So In Love And Wan Is Struggling But It's So Hard To See Because They Keep Teetering On This

And this moments just gets to me. Because they were so close and then Wan spends the rest of the time jealous but never does anything, even after finding out that the one he thinks is flirting already has a boyfriend. But Beer is also stuck in this holding pattern and this fear of hurting Wan or the people around them and it aches because they're both so obviously watching and waiting for some sign from outside their friendship that isn't going to come.

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5 months ago

This conversation by the waterfall in Monster Next Door and the build up to it was everything!!

This Conversation By The Waterfall In Monster Next Door And The Build Up To It Was Everything!!

Often in this genre over coming obstacles to get together is the end of the story, so I love any time we get to spend time watching a couple work out how to actually be together once they have become an established couple.

God and Diew experienced a pretty common relationship problem, particularly when you’re still feeling your way into the relationship. God was going overboard trying to take care of Diew, leaving Diew feeling a bit babied and smothered.

Building on the excellent communication these two already have, all it look was an honest conversation for them to work out the issue and get right back on track. Nothing dramatic, just a healthy dose of talking and listening!

This Conversation By The Waterfall In Monster Next Door And The Build Up To It Was Everything!!

I love that they aren’t immediately perfect as boyfriends, and that they need to navigate their way through this early relationship period together, so that they understand what each other needs. This episode had so many great moments, but the depiction of a real relationship issue being quickly addressed and resolved was my highlight!

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5 months ago



I love Biu's faces the most.

I love that they're teasing Diew and God, but in a way that isn't cruel or isolating, but invites him to be in on the joke. He's part of their friend group now, and that comes with loving teasing, and he knows that it's not unkind from this group.

I love that Biu especially has drawn Diew into her orbit and made it clear that she thinks he's delightful, and that she's eager to get to know him better. (And all the impressed and amused looks when Diew scolds God are perfect.)

This friend group is so, so good, and I adore them so.

ETA a missing gif lolsob

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5 months ago

All BFFs should be like Game 😂😂😂

Remember kids: SAFETY FIRST! 😅

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5 months ago

Hang on a minute so if Diew is a 1st year college student that makes him around 18 years old. And if his ex is a doctor of veterinary medicine….thats a minimum 6 year program. Making him 25 or older. And they dated in the past. Meaning Diew would have been 16 or 17 and in high school. Do you see where I’m going with this because eww

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5 months ago

screaming yelling oh my GOD i'm probably a million years late to this party, but can i just take a moment to appreciate how Monster Next Door subverts the usual 'under the influence' trope in episode 4/5!??!?

ngl when the scene started i was cringing so hard, because what i thought was going to happen didn't feel necessary for the development of the characters or their relationship. i understand that some stories require scenes which drive the character to wrestle with the truth of their inner demons (i'm thinking of you, kpts episode 4), but this show and the characters did not need it at all.

but bless the writers/director(s) of MND!! they didn't disappoint!! so instead we get:

god adorably gushing about how cute diew is while he's drunk and has no filter <3 (ahhh, send help! god's implying that when he normally thinks of diew, his imagination of diew doesn't ever live up to when he sees diew in reality so he instinctively knows its not just him dreaming/thinking of diew!! this is SO CUTE!!!!)

Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment

2. god clearly wanting to kiss diew but even blind drunk he doesn't yank diew into the kiss. the way it's shot, we actually see diew slowly relaxing onto god, so we get to see that he wants the kiss too.

Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment

3. but crucially, diew pulls back! which i'm just... relieved over tbh because it would have felt quite out of character for diew to have kissed him here anyway, but also these darling boys deserve a much better first kiss where neither of them are intoxicated (hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me later).

Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment

4. during the whole shower section, i got a bit worried again, but we see diew doing his level best to treat god right given the circumstances and he keeps turning away when he can/seems to be trying to touch god as little as possible. like this scene is clearly there for us, the audience, to appreciate Big Thanakorn's incredibly impressive physique, but diew, at least, is more discomforted by the situation then anything else. which feels right.

Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment
Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment

5. and bLESS we don't even need to suffer through unnecessary misunderstandings between them the next morning because when god wakes up he just communicates, just like he's consistently been doing this whole time, completely in line with what we know about his character up to this point! its so refreshing to NOT have them "fight" because they don't talk about what happened.

Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment
Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment
Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment
Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment

also i like that he acknowledges that he didn't have control when he's drunk and that it wasn't actually okay/good for their relationship. like, idk, sometimes shows just glorify alcoholism/the 'liberty' that comes with being drunk, but i'm grateful this show isn't doing that despite being in a university setting.

an aside: the show's commitment to drawing attention to the size difference cracks me up because diew wears these huge as baggy tshirts and they're still too small for god.

Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment
Screaming Yelling Oh My GOD I'm Probably A Million Years Late To This Party, But Can I Just Take A Moment

anyway, yes, this is a love letter to the writers/director(s) of monster next door who clearly know their show, know their characters, and gave us such a sweet subverted version of this troupe. <3

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5 months ago
 // Stand In Front Today
 // Stand In Front Today
 // Stand In Front Today
 // Stand In Front Today

วันนี้ให้มายืนข้างหน้าเลย // stand in front today

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5 months ago

Glad Diew not only refused to forgive Dr Douchebag for the way he treated him, not just with his friends but also in private - what the hell with just brushing off Diew talking about his depressive episodes due to the grief over the loss of his dad! - but also basically shattered the dude’s heart by ignoring him and running off in search of God once they were out of the elevator. Good for you Diew! Four for you!

Now get your man back next week! So far God and Diew have been massive green flags of open communication, so I would really like the eleventh episode curse to not happen and not have them break up over a miscommunication that could be easily resolved just so long as they sit down like grown ass people and talk. Don’t be idiots please!

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5 months ago
They Are Criminally Cute And I Choose To Live Here For The Foreseeable Future.
They Are Criminally Cute And I Choose To Live Here For The Foreseeable Future.
They Are Criminally Cute And I Choose To Live Here For The Foreseeable Future.
They Are Criminally Cute And I Choose To Live Here For The Foreseeable Future.
They Are Criminally Cute And I Choose To Live Here For The Foreseeable Future.
They Are Criminally Cute And I Choose To Live Here For The Foreseeable Future.
They Are Criminally Cute And I Choose To Live Here For The Foreseeable Future.
They Are Criminally Cute And I Choose To Live Here For The Foreseeable Future.

They are criminally cute and I choose to live here for the foreseeable future.

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4 months ago

You know what I really loved about the conversation Diew and God had, besides the fact that it happened?

That it happened.

There were a couple of different points where I was almost waiting for one of them to shut down or storm off, but neither of them did. They talked and they kept talking through every difficult part of that conversation even when it hurt. No one raised their voice. No one got angry. They just talked like two people who love each other and pushed through their discomfort because they were both aware that's what needed to happen in order to clear the air between them.

If this were any other drama, it's unlikely a conversation like this would've taken place the way this one did, if at all. It would've had false starts and been prolonged. We've all seen it happen but it didn't happen here and I just find that so incredibly refreshing.

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4 months ago
The Lift! The Legs In The Air! The Laugh! Absolutely Perfect. @absolutebl This Show Brings Nothing But
The Lift! The Legs In The Air! The Laugh! Absolutely Perfect. @absolutebl This Show Brings Nothing But
The Lift! The Legs In The Air! The Laugh! Absolutely Perfect. @absolutebl This Show Brings Nothing But

The lift! The legs in the air! the laugh! Absolutely perfect. @absolutebl This show brings nothing but joy and reward.

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