Black Africans - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago


I can go on for days on how the whole affirmative action issue was just a ruse to further divide people of colour and fuel the white supremacy agenda but for now I'll just start with this.

I've noticed a pattern, where anytime an underachieving Asian or white ivy league student is posted on the Internet to be judged or dissected people often have these two excuses/reasoning for how tf said student got into a top school

1. They are a legacy (extremely possible)

2. They r just rich ASF & donated a building (extremely possible)

and by underachieving I mean their grades/extracurriculars aren't up to par with the average ivy league student

But for an underachieving black student that somehow managed to weasel their way into a top university people just simply assume they got in cus they're black. And I just can't begin to understand such silly reasoning lol

Whoever makes the decisions at these top schools I can guarantee u is some old conservative white person who does not in any way have the interest of black students in mind and all their decisions are highly driven by how much money they'll make from it

Most underachieving black students at top schools r just rich and it's the case for all the other races too.

In fact the current existing population of black students at top unis in America are all children of African politicians or just in general rich kids, if they happen to be incompetent/mediocre it has absolutely nothing to do with their race but more to do with their economic standing

the notion that black students don't have to put as much effort into university applications is wrong. The only people who don't have to try as much are the top 1%

I rest my case

- Okay I'm back again!

Today I saw another post on an exceptional student accepted into good schools

she had pretty mid grades, like a 3.2 gpa & 1200 sat which r obviously very low but her stats were extremely good so she got a bunch of scholarships to good schools

And everyone in the comments was like that makes sense cus her ecs r good yk!

I remember seeing a post just like that on the same account (limmy) except it was a black student with mid grades and amazing ecs

the entire comment section was just barking about his grades and refused to acknowledge his amazing extracurriculars and how they probably played a significant part in his application

it's so devastating because it's all driven by racism considering the double standards, I wish people just took a second and tried to understand the perspectives of black students who r working their but off in HS just to have their achievements undermined and linked to their race

it's honestly frustrating because all reasoning drops when it comes to black people...

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